Ohio History Journal

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"Electric Railroad to Serpent Mound," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 287-288.
... Editorialana Editorialana 287 students of the Ohio State University Mr C P McClelland and Mr C C Huntington working under the direction of Professor J E Hagerty of the Department of Political Science and Economics Ohio State University and by whom the preface is written In an introductory note by the Secretary of the Society it is said This monograph does not attempt of course to discuss in any way the question of the policy of the State as to the retention or abandonment of the canals The ...

"Levi Coppoc at Antioch College," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 498.
... 498 Ohio Arch 498 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications clay Coppoc His relationship to the Coppocs may have led Hinton into an error which has been repeated by many subsequent writers Barclay Coppoc however was in Kansas about this time and was closely associated with those who were aiding negroes to escape from Missouri Whether he actually had any part in this particular raid is a question Chaulkley T Lipsey was born at Mount Pleasant Ohio in 1838 Ball came from Springdale Iowa to Kansas ...

"On the History of Intellectual History," by Raymond D. Cahall. Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 173-183.
... ON THE HISTORY OF INTELLECTUAL HISTORY ON THE HISTORY OF INTELLECTUAL HISTORY BY RAYMOND D CAHALL For more than a score of years I have been giving a course at Kenyon College on the Intellectual History of Europe It has been a combination of James Harvey Robinson's course and of the reading of the greatest books dealt with in that course As I have brought it up to date added here or diminished there I have sought to avoid the panoramic and encyclopedic and have tried to lead my students to a ...

"Ohio History Conference, 1941: Program," Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 207-209.
... THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE 1941 THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE 1941 The Ohio History Conference April 4-5 1941 included the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Genealogical Society the Third Annual Meeting of the Committee on Archives and Medical History of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society with the cooperation of the Ohio State ...

"Memorial Resolution in Tribute to Mr. Meeker," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 632-633.
... 632 Ohio Arch 632 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications DIVISION OF SEIP MOUND PARK Wages 560 Office Supplies 100 Printing 1300 Building Materials 4290 Taxes 958 Cash Advanced to H C Shetrone Director 38682 45890 DIVISION OF JAMES E CAMPBELL PARK Wages 30612 Landscaping 22942 Improvements 158253 211807 Cash advanced Geo Rogers Clark Memorial Commission 15111 For sundry purposes and later refunded 250926 For sundry purposes to be refunded 29132 295469 Transferred to Permanent Fund 42500 Cash ...

"Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 634.
... 634 Ohio Arch 634 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS O SEPTEMBER 9 1922 12 o'clock noon Present Messers James E Campbell George F Bareis B F Prince E F Wood J Warren Keifer Edward Orton Jr Frank L Packard Webb C Hayes Director Mills and Secretary Galbreath were also present The meeting was called to order by President Campbell On motion of Mr E F Wood President James E Campbell was reelected President of the Society Mr ...

"The Historical Opportunities Offered Through the Writers' Project," by Harlan Hatcher. Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 246-247.
... 246 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 246 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY future historian how to search for his materials and how to record them It is also important for him to learn to weigh and judge his findings without prejudice or bias But instruction should not stop at this point The historical writer must know what to discard and what to retain he must learn to arrange his selections for their most effective form of presentation Throughout this tedious process ...

Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 345-347.
... EDITORIAL NOTES EDITORIAL NOTES DR I W ANDREWS-At the annual meeting of the Ohio Teachers' Association held at Sandusky June 28 1888 memorial exercises occurred in honor of the late Israel W Andrews Professor M R Andrews read a memorial sketch In it he paid tribute in the highest terms to the many virtues of the deceased scholar and educator His conservative but persistent and hopeful nature his accuracy and painstaking care as a student and instructor his unswerving fidelity to every trust ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 263-264.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Rutherford B Hayes Library announced that it will publish a comprehensive microfilm edition of The Papers of Rutherford B Hayes A printed guide will accompany the microfilm edition The edition will include Hayes' genealogical records diaries commonplace books correspondence presidential records Civil War records business papers speeches notes vetoes executive orders and miscellaneous items For further information write to Thomas A Smith Manuscripts ...

Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 351-352.
... ROBERT BUTLER ROBERT BUTLER Book Notes The Life and Adventures of Daniel Boone By Michael A Lofaro Lexington University Press of Kentucky 1978 x 141p map illustrations bibliography This brief biography part of the Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf provides an easily-read introduction to Boone and his times Besides the standard account of his life Lofaro adds numerous anecdotes such as the fact that James Fenimore Cooper used Boone as a model for many of his fictional frontiersmen The author's ...

"Address of Gen. R. Brinkerhoff" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 26-27.
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications three hundred thousand soldiers in the great Civil War that was to cement and weld into one indissoluble federation the nation the forefathers made independent With filial reverence we erect monuments of marble and tablets of brass upon the sites most memorable in the storm and stress of the early pioneer days But greater than all the memorials of art to noble founders are the products of industry progress prosperity and humanity which ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 12, 1946, Meeting in Executive Session at 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 259-262.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY April 12 1 946 Meeting in Executive Session at 11 00 AM and 400 PM The following members of the Board were present Johnson Eagleson Miller Amos Belden Coppock Florence Holzer MacLean Rightmire Wittke and ex-officio Governor Lausche and Hissong A tentative program covering the Society's activities for the coming year being presented by the President it was ...

"Chapters in Ohio Progressivism: The Cincinnati and Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research and Accounting Reform," by Richard K. Fleischman and R. Penny Marquette. Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 133-144.
... RICHARD K RICHARD K FLEISCHMAN AND R PENNY MARQUETTE Chapters in Ohio Progressivism The Cincinnati and Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research and Accounting Reform Introduction During the Progressive era in American history reformers attacked corruption bossism unbridled plutocracy and what they perceived to be the decay of traditional American morality Following the depression of 1893 one of the most severe in the nation's history many reformers focused on a new common cause-the appalling ...

Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 186-191.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Broken Circle By Carl G Doney New York Fleming H Revell Company 1943 187p Written as a memorial volume to a beloved son who when living had exerted a wide and beneficent influence on many people The Broken Circle tells the story of Paul H Doney minister and teacher who died at the early age of forty-one Its writing was a labor of love done by a sorrowing father who wished to present the faith which animated his son's life and the philosophy which underlay his ...

"Ohio Agricultural Commission, 1913-1915, The," by James H. Lee. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 219-230.
... JAMES H JAMES H LEE The Ohio Agricultural Commission 1913-1915 When James M Cox assumed the governorship for the first time in 1913 Ohio agriculture was passing through a period of rapid transition The demographic expansion of the late nineteenth century had inflated land values and crop prices a trend which converted agriculture into a potentially highly profitable enterprise Ohio farmers responded by gradually transforming themselves into rural businessmen they specialized developed more ...

"Sources for Ohio World War History in the Papers of the Food Administration in the National Archives," Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 355-362.
... SOURCES FOR OHIO WORLD WAR HISTORY IN THE SOURCES FOR OHIO WORLD WAR HISTORY IN THE PAPERS OF THE FOOD ADMINISTRATION IN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES By ALMON R WRIGHT Twenty-one years ago on August 1O 1917 an executive order drafted by a native Ohioan Robert A Taft and signed by President Woodrow Wilson launched the United States upon a gigantic program of food conservation1 Many volumes have been written concerning the military campaigns and the diplomatic entanglements of the period of the great ...

"Our Patriotic Sires," by W. L. Curry. Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 187-188.
... Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition 187 An honored picture his who built so fair The soldier-statesman who in days of stress Toiled 'midst the brave high-hearted pioneers To make a garden of the wilderness From old Virginia he blessed with her dower Of courage high Could nobler gift be given 'Twas on her shore that our fair freedom's flower Raised its first bravely shining bud toward heaven Ah those who went to brave the Western wilds To fell the forest ...

"A Wilsonian Paradox," by Phillip R. Shriver. Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 147-150.
... A WILSONIAN PARADOX A WILSONIAN PARADOX by PHILLIP R SHRIVER Historians are often prone to conjecture What might have happened if-- Perhaps no other event in the history of the United States has been the subject of as much hindsight speculation as this nation's refusal to join the League of Nations after the conclusion of the first World War Not a few historians have suggested that World War II was in large degree made inevitable when the United States declined to assume the role of world ...

"Background of Calvin E. Stowe's 'Report on Elementary Public Instruction in Europe' (1837), The," by Charles G. Miller. Volume 49, Number 2, April April, 1940, pp. 185-190.
... THE BACKGROUND OF CALVIN E THE BACKGROUND OF CALVIN E STOWE'S REPORT ON ELEMENTARY PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IN EUROPE 1837 By CHARLES G MILLER In 1836 Calvin E Stowe was a professor in a theological seminary Lane in the young state of Ohio Though no formal connection existed between the seminary and the State there already existed the idea of the higher schools' responsibility to the State to such a degree that the General Assembly requested Stowe with no mention of compensation but see below quite ...

"Great Man in History, The," by Paul F. Bloomhardt. Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 233-243.
... THE GREAT MAN IN HISTORY THE GREAT MAN IN HISTORY By PAUL F B L OOMHARDT You will agree with me that credit is due Mr Overman and those who have arranged today's program for their alertness in recognizing the centennial of Carlyle's famous dictum The idea for his Hero lectures seems to have taken shape in his mind between February 27 and March 2 1840 The first of this series of addresses is dated Tuesday 5th May 1840 Expanded to about double the size of the lectures the essays appeared in an ...