Ohio History Journal

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"Meeting of Cresap Society," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 354.
... 354 Ohio Arch 354 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren His interest in local history as attested by numerous articles and the voluminous History of Sandusky County his kindly and cheerful disposition and his optimistic spirit will long be remembered by his fellow members of the Society MEETING OF CRESAP SOCIETY The Cresap Society will hold its meeting in Columbus September 15-16 The first session will be held Friday evening September 15 at the ...

Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 84-88.
... Historical News Historical News THE SIXTH ANNUAL SUMMER Institute on Historical and Archival Management will be offered by Radcliffe College with the co-sponsorship of the department of history of Harvard University during the six weeks June 29 through August 7 1959 Lawrence W Towner editor of the William and Mary Quarterly and director of graduate studies at the College of William and Mary will direct the course The staff will consist of eighteen or more experts in the fields covered by the ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 12, 1946, Meeting in Executive Session at 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 259-262.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY April 12 1 946 Meeting in Executive Session at 11 00 AM and 400 PM The following members of the Board were present Johnson Eagleson Miller Amos Belden Coppock Florence Holzer MacLean Rightmire Wittke and ex-officio Governor Lausche and Hissong A tentative program covering the Society's activities for the coming year being presented by the President it was ...

"Accessions to Historical Collections," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 624-628.
... 624 Ohio Arch 624 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications are the World War trophies from the government flags and documents of the 332nd infantry World War relics loaned by Captain John L Hamilton a dress made of glass for Maxine Elliott in 1901 World War relics loaned by Mr G R Weaver Columbus Ohio World War relics presented by Reverend Arthur H Limouze Columbus Ohio an Egyptian mummy presented by Dr J Morton Howell United States Minister and Envoy Extraordinary to Cairo Egypt The ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees," Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 578-582.
... 578 Ohio Arch 578 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications proceedings and looked forward with pleasure to his closer connection with its work There being no further business before the Society upon motion it adjourned The president announcing that the annual meeting of the trustees would immediately follow ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES SOCIETY BUILDING SEPTEMBER 24 1915 There were present Messrs G F Wright E O Randall E F Wood D J Ryan B F Prince H E Buck L P Schaus G F Bareis J E Campbell W ...

"Urban Political Change in the Progressive Era," by James R. Richardson. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 310-321.
... JAMES F JAMES F RICHARDSON Urban Political Change in the Progressive Era The nature and sources of political change in the early twentieth century are among the favorite topics for assessment and reassessment among American historians The degree of concern is understandable for the Progressive period witnessed considerable expansion in governmental functions and major changes in governmental structure This transformation in form and function was perhaps more pronounced in the nation's cities ...

"Song of Ohio, The," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 173.
... OHIO DAY AT THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION OHIO DAY AT THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION For much of the material in the following account of Ohio Day at the celebration of which the Editor was present indebtedness is due to the official report of the Ohio Commissioners made by Mr Stuart R Bolin Circleville Ohio to the Governor of the state Mr Bolin was Executive Commissioner to the Ohio Jamestown Commission and resided in the Ohio Building during the continuation of the Exposition The General Assembly of ...

"Constitution of the Ohio Valley Historical Association," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 463-464.
... Annual Meeting Ohio alley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio alley Historical Association 463 until along in the eighties This was made possible just as the completion of the turnpike roads had been rendered possible by means of county subscriptions and for a long time the railroad was operated in the interest of the counties through which it passed and which had contributed to its construction A new chapter in the development of transportation and intercourse between the two towns ...

Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 200-207.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The December issue of the Reporter contains an article on the early grain business in Allen County It also includes a letter from the president of the society announcing that the building fund of the society stood as of December 13 at 118000 and that 2000 was needed to meet the board's annual goal of 10000 for the fund This amount has been secured for the past three years ...

"NOTES" Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 99-100.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue MILO M QUAIFE is Secretary and Editor of the Burton Historical Collection Detroit Public Library Detroit Michigan PHILIP C NASH is President of the University of Toledo CARL WITTKE is Professor of History and Dean of Oberlin College LEWIS BLAKE DUFF is a resident of Welland Ontario Canada and a business man who makes a hobby of Canadian and local history He is a past President and member of the Council of the Ontario Historical Society R CLYDE FORD is a ...

Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 210-213.
... Historical News Historical News The Hayes Memorial Library has recently acquired some small but important additions to its manuscript collections They include papers of H H Morton and Dr George R Morton Sandusky 7 items 1855-77 papers on the election of 1876 5 items letters of Rutherford B Hayes to the Rev L W Bacon 5 letters 1881-82 photostatic copies from Yale University Library additions to the William and Mary B Claflin papers 22 items 1866-89 a letterbook of General H W Benham 1877-82 ...

"Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 699-700.
... ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUS ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUS TEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING COLUM B US OHIO Sept 19 1923 350 P M The meeting was called to order by President Campbell The following members of the Board were present Messrs James E Campbell Edward Orton Jr George F Bareis E F Wood General J Warren Keifer General George Florence and Dr F C Furniss Mr Wood nominated ex-Governor James E Campbell for President of ...

Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 117-118.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Territorial Papers of the United States Compiled and edited by Clarence E Carter Vol XIII The Territory of Louisiana-Missouri 1803-1806 Washington Government Printing Office 1948 xi 641p 350 This is the first of three volumes devoted to what the editor calls for lack of a simpler name the Territory of LouisianaMissouri-the part of the Louisiana Purchase to the north of the present state of Louisiana called officially the District of Louisiana 1804-5 the Territory ...

"Index to Minutes of Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 35, , Binding Supplement, , pp. 689-692.
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Alexander T B 228 278-280 Cockerell Mrs Clinton 228 Alexander Mrs T B 228 278-2 Cole W H 228 260-261 Allen William 234 269 Constitution of Society Amendments to Architect State 230 254-258 262 suggested 232 read and adopted 277Armaments Limitation of 282 278 Armstrong Carl 237 Co-operation with Ohio State University Artifacts from Seip Mound ...

Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 355-359.
... Historical News Historical News THE WISCONSIN HISTORY FOUNDATION has been awarded a 45000 research and publication grant from Lilly Endowment Inc of Indianapolis Indiana in support of a three-year program on the history of the American Midwest About one-third of the grant will be used for grants-in-aid to post-doctoral scholars doing research on midwest history between the Civil War and World War I and the balance will be used for publication of the results of these studies as well as of ...

"DOCUMENTARY DATA," Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 184-185.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA By Bertha E Josephson During the first two months of the current year the Department of Documents has been devoting as much time as possible to an inventory and organization of numerous heterogenous and individual items Because these materials do not belong to any definite collections they have hitherto been neglected yet many of them are of considerable importance and value They are now being sorted and a card catalogue with name and subject crossreferences ...

"Robert Bulkley: Progressive Profile," by William D. Jenkins. Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 57-72.
... WILLIAM D WILLIAM D JENKINS Robert Bulkley Progressive Profile Twenty years ago American historians characterized progressivism as a political movement whose reform impulse was rooted in the status anxieties of its predominately middle-class membership Since then a generation of historians has effectively challenged the simplicity of that hypothesis and replaced it with the notion that progressivism was more diffuse in nature No longer viewed then as a movement cohesive in philosophy and ...

"Two Generous Patrons," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 297-298.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 2 97 HAVE WE FORGOTTEN Have we forgotton those who went away When hope burned low behind the window-pane And the wide sea was very cold and gray Have we forgotten those who went away And will not come again Have we forgotten those who went away On great gray ships into the fog and rain Who left the dear warm arms that bade them stay Have we forgotten those who went away And will not come again Have we forgotten those who went away To follow ...

Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 257-261.
... Historical News Historical News THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATIO N for State and Local History has established an annual prize and a grant-in-aid program to encourage the publication of sound interpretive localized history A prize of one thousand dollars will be awarded each year for the book-length manuscript in localized history which in the opinion of the research and publications committee makes the most distinguished contribution to American or Canadian historiography The grants-in-aid which are ...

Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 418-421.
... Historical News Historical News Virginius C Hall director of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio since 1945 died in Cincinnati on June 8 1957 after a brief illness Mr Hall a native of North Carolina and a graduate of Trinity College Duke University came to Cincinnati in 1923 where he engaged in the advertising business and later in stockbroking until 1934 In that year he joined the faculty of the Cincinnati Country Day School and then in 1942 became a master in the French ...