Ohio History Journal

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"John Dana," Volume 36, Number 1, Janaury, 1927, pp. 151-152.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 151 JOHN DANA On the morning of September 20 1926 John Dana a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society died at his home in Belpre Ohio The news of his death brought sorrow to friends in his home town and in Parkersburg where for many years he had business and social affiliations About a year previous to his death he gave up his business connections with the Dana Company Wholesale Grocers due to failing health Of ...

"Arthur Charles Johnson: President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 248-250.
... ARTHUR CHARLES JOHNSON ARTHUR CHARLES JOHNSON PRESIDENT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It is our pleasure in this issue to present the newly elected President of the Society Mr Arthur Charles Johnson whose portrait appears on the page opposite The death of James E Campbell former governor of Ohio and in recent years president of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society left a vacancy that was difficult to fill After canvassing the availability and ...

"Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Society Building, Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, May 4, 1929," Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 570-571.
... ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO SATURDAY May 4 1929 Present Messrs W O Thompson Arthur C Johnson George Florence George F Bareis E F Wood Claude Meeker F C Furniss Mrs Orson D Dryer and Trustee Emeritus B F Prince Secretary Galbreath and Director Shetrone were also present President Johnson What is the pleasure of the Board in the matter of the election of officers ...

Volume 2, Number2, September, 1888, pp. 348.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES THE OLD NORTHWEST with a View of the Thirteen Colonies as Constituted by Royal Charters By B A Hinsdale Ph D New York Townsend Mac Coun 1888 The importance of the Northwest Territory has been fully emphasized during the present year by centennial celebrations of various kinds beginning with that at Marietta in April last of which the full proceedings were published in the last issue of the QUARTERLY While many parts of the history of this region have been fully ...

Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 296-302.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Greek Revival Architecture in America By Talbot Hamlin New York Oxford University Press 1944 Cloth 439p 750 The author who is librarian of the Avery Memorial library and the Fine Arts library at Columbia University is an architect and the author of a number of books on architecture In this book he has traced the important trend in American architecture and life during the period previous to the Civil War emphasizing the development of Greek revival architecture in the ...

"Study of History-A Hindrance or a Help in the Perfecting of International Organization, The," by K. C. Leebrick. Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 269-276.
... THE STUDY OF HISTORY--A HINDRANCE OR A HELP THE STUDY OF HISTORY--A HINDRANCE OR A HELP IN THE PERFECTING OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION By K C LEEBRICK This statement was made by Nicholas Murray Butler at the 184th Commencement of Columbia University June 1 1938 Ideas and principles as well as kings can abdicate There are many disturbing signs--and not in Europe or in Asia alone--that Democracy is moving in no small measure unconsciously toward abdication The long and steady progress of ...

"OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 309-310.
... Other Books of Interest Other Books of Interest Teachers for the Prairie The University of Illinois and the Schools 1868-1945 By HENRY C JOHNSON JR and ERWIN V JOHANNINGMEIER Urbana University of Illinois Press 1972 xx 508p bibliography and index 1500 Conception A History of the First Century of the Conception Colony 1858-1958 A History of the First Century of Conception Abbey 1873-1973 A History of New Engelberg College Conception College and the Immaculate Conception Seminary 1886-1971 By ...

"Early Ohio Books," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 631.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 631 Forty-First Annual Meeting 631 my deep appreciation of their cooperation in the welfare of the Museum Respectfully submitted Signed WILLIAM C MILLS Mr John R Horst Chairman of the Committee on EARLY OHIO SCHOOL BOOKS stated that the Ray collection is almost complete and progress is being made in securing other books used in the early schools of the state As to the McGuffey books while the Committee is still seeking the First Readers of the 1843 and 1885 editions ...

"Black Elected Officials in Ohio, 1978: Characteristics and Perceptions," Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 291-310.
... CAROLYN M CAROLYN M MORRIS Black Elected Officials in Ohio 1978 Characteristics and Perceptions Over the past few years Black political involvement has become a major focus of organized activities in Black communities Much of this involvement has been manifested in local elections involving Black candidates for public office The results of these elections have established beyond a shadow of a doubt that Black voters have the resources and the emotional commitment required to elect Black ...

"Late Nineteenth Century Courthouse Architecture in Northwestern Ohio," Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 311-326.
... DORAMAE O'KELLEY DORAMAE O'KELLEY Late Nineteenth Century Courthouse Architecture in Northwestern Ohio As one drives through northwestern Ohio the most impressive object to be seen on the skyline of many communities might be the massive towered form of the county courthouse Often the city's largest and most distinguished example of architecture these courthouses were all built in the last thirty years of the nineteenth century The importance these structures held for the people of the county ...

"A Documentary History of Ohio" by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 423-429.
... A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF OHIO A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF OHIO Few American States possess a more national history or one embodying a greater variety of interests than Ohio The centennial celebrations that have lately been held within her borders commemorative of the beginning Of the Northwest Territory were more than local in character They embodied ideas that have a marked bearing on our National history The settlement at Marietta on the Muskingum on that April morning one hundred years ago was ...

"Pre-Historic Bill of Fare," Volume 9, Number 4, April, 1901, pp. 531.
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments Notes and Reviews 531 dead A chart was shown delineating the bundled bones of Indians at the surface of the ground at Mille Lacs with mounds of earth built over them James W Lynd historian of the Sioux nation was quoted showing that the Dakota people were at Mille Laces at a very ancient period in fact so long ago that no tradition remained to show where they came from or how long they had been there No trace of two distinct classes of stone implements and ...

"Editorialana," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 185-186.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA OHIO DAY IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS At the regular monthly meeting of the Executive Committee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical society held Friday July 18 1902 Professor C L Martzolff trustee presented a scheme to have the public schools throughout the state celebrate the admission of Ohio into the Union on March 1 1903 He proposed that the Society through a committee prepare a program of exercises for that occasion such program to consist of historical ...

"Tribute of the Clark County Historical Society," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 159.
... Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 1 59 TRIBUTE OF THE CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The press prominent citizens and organizations in editorials in personal letters and formal resolutions gave expression to their appreciation of the character and service of Mr Randall The Historical Society of Clark County Ohio on March 3 1 920 recorded its tribute and adopted resolutions as follows Occasionally in life we find a rare character who ...

by Henry H. Simms. Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 3.
... EDITOR'S NOTE EDITOR'S NOTE With the exception of Professor Terrill's article on An Economic Aspect of the Spanish-American War which emphasizes a heretofore unused document in regard to President McKinley's motivation for war all the articles in this edition of Ohio History center around the theme of sectionalism and the Civil War Although Frederick Grimke as Professor Bloomfield points out philosophized optimistically on American institutions in his early writings he was compelled in his ...

"Fowke's Book Reviewed," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 143-148.
... Fowke's Book Reviewed Fowke's Book Reviewed 143 which seem to be very real and very correct This should also be the case with the person who studies the earthworks of Ohio He should be so familiar with ancient Society as to make the monuments speak and interpret the works and relics so that they will be suggestive of the people who used them A negative criticism does not serve any good purpose Every writer should rise to a plane higher than the ordinary observer and should put into the works ...

Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 95-96.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES Women In Kentucky By Helen Deiss Irvin Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1979 134p photographs source listing Another contribution to the Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf series this work outlines the history of the Kentucky women from 1775 through the 1930s The six chapters focus on the lives of settlers workers and reformers without doting on the contributions of exceptional Kentucky women Based upon published diaries autobiographies biographies and newspapers ...

Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 291-292.
... LAURA RUSSELL LAURA RUSSELL Book Notes Growth Amidst Struggle A Sesquicentennial History of the Longenecker Mennonite Church By James O Lehman Winesburg Ohio Longenecker Mennonite Church 1980 160p illustrations maps notes index Once again James O Lehman puts together the history of a congregation and in so doing makes an important contribution to Ohio's local history In Growth Amidst Struggle Lehman traces the two meetinghouses-Kolb's and Longenecker's-which today comprise the Longenecker ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 220-222.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR SOLDIERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BURIED IN OHIO This is the title of a book which has long been in demand by citizens of Ohio and many beyond the borders of that state who have learned through tradition or otherwise that their Revolutionary ancestors came to this state and are probably buried here The arduous work of collecting material for this volume was undertaken by the Daughters of the American Revolution under the ...

Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 450-451.
... Book Notes Book Notes History of Upper Arlington A Suburb of Columbus Ohio By the History Committee of the Upper Arlington Bicentennial Committee Columbus Upper Arlington Historical Society 1977 337p illustrations notes maps appendices index The book was written by community residents and focuses on the history of the fire and police departments library municipal government schools religion and sports Personal interviews official records newspapers local publications maps and plates were ...