Ohio History Journal

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"Westward Expansion of the Manufacturing Belt: The Ohio Machine Tool Industry in the Late Nineteenth Century, The," by Jon Glasgow. Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 19-34.
... JON GLASGOW JON GLASGOW The Westward Expansion of the Manufacturing Belt The Ohio Machine Tool Industry in the Late Nineteenth Century For more than sixty years the Manufacturing Belt has been recognized as an important feature of the human geography of the United States Early studies mostly by geographers1 delimited the current areal extent of the region-roughly a quadrilateral with corners at St Louis Minneapolis Portland Maine and Richmond Later attention shifted from description to ...

"Congressional Campaigns of James M. Cox, 1908 and 1910," Volume 81, Number 1, Winter, 1972, pp. 4-14.
... PHILIP A PHILIP A GRANT JR Congressional Campaigns of James M Cox 1908 and 1910 On September 16 1908 the Democrats of the Third Congressional District of Ohio held their biennial convention at Middletown and by acclamation nominated James M Cox of Dayton as their candidate for the House of Representatives Thus began the public career of the only Ohioan ever nominated for the presidency by the Democratic party The aggressive campaign waged by Cox for a seat in Congress inaugurated a twelve year ...

"Illustrated Field Key for the Identification of Mammal Bones, An," by George W. Brainerd. Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 324-328.
... AN ILLUSTRATED FIELD KEY FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AN ILLUSTRATED FIELD KEY FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF MAMMAL BONES By GEORGE W BRAINERD The key given here is designed for the identification of mammal bones in the field by persons who have not had specialized training in the subject Identifications made under such conditions are of course not always accurate and of necessity often cannot be specific When accurate identifications to species or subspecies are required the material should be checked ...

"Sinclaire's Defeat," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 376-377.
... SINCLAIRE'S DEFEAT SINCLAIRE'S DEFEAT This specimen of early times poetry appeared shortly after St Clair's defeat 1791 and was printed in circular form it is related and was posted up in many a pioneer cabin It reveals the sentiment of the times as well as the Form of expression 'Twas November the fourth in the year ninety-one We had a sore engagement near to Fort Jefferson Sainclaire was our commander which may remembered be For there we left nine hundred men in the West'n Ter'tory At ...

"Science and the American Tradition," by James B. Conant. Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 231-238.
... SCIENCE AND THE AMERICAN TRADITION SCIENCE AND THE AMERICAN TRADITION by JAMES B CONANT President of Harvard University We are gathered here tonight I take it because we believe that to be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to be always a child I count it a privilege to give the address at this annual dinner of a society dedicated to a furtherance of the study of the history of this state I am particularly glad to be here when you are dedicating a new addition to your building ...

"Sources for Ohio World War History in the Papers of the Food Administration in the National Archives," Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 355-362.
... SOURCES FOR OHIO WORLD WAR HISTORY IN THE SOURCES FOR OHIO WORLD WAR HISTORY IN THE PAPERS OF THE FOOD ADMINISTRATION IN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES By ALMON R WRIGHT Twenty-one years ago on August 1O 1917 an executive order drafted by a native Ohioan Robert A Taft and signed by President Woodrow Wilson launched the United States upon a gigantic program of food conservation1 Many volumes have been written concerning the military campaigns and the diplomatic entanglements of the period of the great ...

"Timothy Flint and James Flint," by William H. Hildreth. Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 390.
... TIMOTHY FLINT AND JAMES FLINT TIMOTHY FLINT AND JAMES FLINT By WILLIAM H HILDRETH There exists in Volume II of the admirable History of the State of Ohio a confusion between the American Timothy Flint and the Scotchman James Flint The following list gives seven places where the work of James Flint has been attributed to Timothy Flint p 123 line 27 p 124 footnote 6 p 171 footnote 46 p 176 footnote 5 p 207 line 23 p 398 line 4 p 402 line 23 Timothy Flint author editor missionary and traveller ...

"The Great Seal of Ohio," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 489-491.
... The Great Seal of Ohio The Great Seal of Ohio 489 THE GREAT SEAL OF OHIO BY S S KNABENSHUE Artists and engravers take great liberties with the coat-ofarms of the United States when they use it in illustration Every one knows that the great seal of the nation contains the eagle the shield and the motto E pluribus unum but there are comparatively few who are familiar with the design properly displayed according to the letter of the statute The same is true of the state seals and notably of that ...

"Hayes-Tilden Controversy," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 392-393.
... 392 Ohio Arch 392 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HAYES-TILDEN CONTROVERSY There is a saying Happy is the nation that has no history We doubt the truth of that trite-ism and would certainly take issue with its philosophy To say a nation has no history is to brand it as having been one lacking necessity and activity These latter elements wanting a nation would speedily lapse into lassitude and retrogression Certain it is that the nations that have contributed the most to the progress of ...

"Erie Lackawanna: An Ohio Railroad," by H. Roger Grant. Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 5-20.
... H H ROGER GRANT Erie Lackawanna An Ohio Railroad The Erie Railroad possessed a strange past In the nineteenth century it could claim to be an unusual road For one thing it was America's first long-distance trunk line Under the corporate banner of the New York amp Erie Railway the company in April 1851 completed a 483-mile route Between the Ocean and Lakes linking the New York communities of Piermont on the Hudson River with Dunkirk on Lake Erie The railroad also extolled its distinctive broad ...

"Rarey Mansion, The" (A Poem) by Sara Lowe Brown. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 565-566.
... THE RAREY MANSION BY SARA LOWE BROWN Dear old mansion crowning the hill Sweetest of memories cling to you still Memories of the Rareys brave and good Who cleared the acres dense with wood They gathered brush from the wilderness wide And wearying home at eveningtide The mansion built at the edge of the wood Where a lowly cabin once had stood They tilled the soil and sowed the grain They chopped the logs to burn under the crane Spinning and weaving by candle-light They labored late in the winter ...

"Ohio Cave Dwellers," by J. H. Galbraith. Volume 24, Number 3, July, 1915, pp. 540.
... 540 Ohio Arch 540 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publicat io ns OHIO CAVE DWELLERS BY J H GALBRA IT H Mr Galbraith has for some time been publishing a series of Short Stories of the Buckeye State Many of them are worthy of preservation in permanent form Archaeologists will be interested in the one herewith reprinted Did the Cave Dwellers antedate the Mound Builders - EDITOR When Charles Whittlesey explored the shelter houses or caves under the sandstone outcropping along the Black river in the ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 85, Number 2, Spring, 1976, pp. 158-159.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Western Reserve Historical Society is sponsoring a Bicentennial Conference of American Genealogy and Family History August 8-12 1976 The conference will center on the people and records of the American Revolution migrations to and within the United States following the Revolution the preparation and printing or publishing of genealogical material and the nature and use of some major genealogical collections and family history studies in American ...

"Claude Meeker: Journalist-Diplomat-Gentleman," by Lowry F. Sater. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 591-600.
... CLAUDE MEEKER CLAUDE MEEKER JOURNALIST-DIPLOMAT-GENTLEMAN BY LOWRY F SATER A stranger entering the office of Claude Meeker in his absence would have recognized almost at a glance the unusual qualities that characterized the man The arrangement and completeness of the room evidenced a well-ordered and discriminating mind a love of the beautiful a familiarity with good literature an enthusiasm for outdoor life a wide acquaintanceship with the leading men of the State and nation the elements of a ...

"Essay and Comment, Preservation of the Newsreel Films of President Harding," Volume 78, Number 2, Spring, 1969, pp. 138-140.
... ESSAY AND COMMENT ESSAY AND COMMENT Preservation of the Newsreel Films of President Harding by Robert W Wagner Efforts of the professional archivist in his attempt to preserve historical materials are often complicated by the very nature of the substance he is trying to preserve For example all 35mm motion picture film from 1888 to 1951 was made with a cellulose nitrate base which makes the reels highly flammable and under some circumstances highly explosive A partially decomposed nitrate film ...

"Urban Political Change in the Progressive Era," by James R. Richardson. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 310-321.
... JAMES F JAMES F RICHARDSON Urban Political Change in the Progressive Era The nature and sources of political change in the early twentieth century are among the favorite topics for assessment and reassessment among American historians The degree of concern is understandable for the Progressive period witnessed considerable expansion in governmental functions and major changes in governmental structure This transformation in form and function was perhaps more pronounced in the nation's cities ...

"Tablet on Serpent Mound," Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 492-494.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA TABLET ON SERPENT MOUND It will be recalled that during the visit of Prof F W Putnam of Harvard University to the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held in Columbus August 1899 that gentleman stated to the officers of our Society that if we would accept repair and suitably preserve and guard the property known as Serpent Mound then in the possession of the Peabody Museum that the trustees of that institution would transfer to us said ...

"Ohio: A Legend," by D. Tod Gilliam. Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 371.
... OHIO A LEGEND OHIO A LEGEND D TOD GILLIAM An Aviator sailing through the skies 'Tis said in quest of Paradise Checked suddenly his rapid flight And gazed in rapture at the sight That burst upon his startled eyes And held him speechless in surprise Quoth he at length his sense regained My long sought purpose is attained If Paradise exist below This surely must be it I know 'Tis Paradise or Ohio I've sailed the skies of every clime I've seen the beautiful sublime But never in my wanderings wide ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 76-77.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Ohio University Press is launching a new series of books to commemorate Ohio's two-hundredth anniversary in 2003 The Ohio Bicentennial Series will provide the public scholars and students with a comprehensive picture of the development of Ohio life Ten books are planned for the series tentative titled include Transportation in Ohio Documentary Heritage of Ohio Women in Ohio History Indigenous Peoples of Ohio Vernacular Architecture of Ohio Governors of Ohio ...

"Ethical Function of the Historian," by David Jayne Hill. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 352-356.
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ALBERT DOUGLAS The county of Ross is one of the richest in Ohio in historic lore It figured potently in the pioneer and early state annals Chillicothe was the first capital of the state There on April 25 1852 was born Albert Douglas who at the last annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society of which he has long been a life and interested member was elected a Trustee Mr Douglas was educated in the Chillicothe ...