Ohio History Journal

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"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 110, , Winter-Spring, 2001, pp. 83-84.
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 83-84 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page NOTES AND QUERIES The Ohio Academy of History Fall Meeting will be held October 5 2001 at Kenyon College in Gambier For more information please contact Roy Wortman Department of History Kenyon College Gambier Ohio 43022 phone 740 ...

"Exploration of the Mound City Group," by William C. Mills. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 422-584.
... a 422 EXPLORATION OF THE MOUND CITY GROUP EXPLORATION OF THE MOUND CITY GROUP BY WILLIAM C MILLS INTRODUCTORY NOTE Probably no other American prehistoric earthwork has excited so great a degree of historic interest as the so-called Mound City group of Ross County Ohio Certainly from the prehistoric viewpoint it stands unsurpassed Through the partial examination of the group in 1846 by Squier and Davis and the publication of the report in Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley ...

"Painted Skeletons," by William C. Mills. Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 246-248.
... PAINTED SKELETONS PAINTED SKELETONS BY WM C MILLS Curator Ohio State Archaeological Historical Society Very peculiar burials have been reported from the western part of Concord Township Ross County Ohio The burials were first brought to my notice by Mr A B Coover of Roxabell Ohio who removed several skeletons from a gravel pit in the western part of Concord Township and these were covered with red ocre One year later Mr Almer Hegler of Washington C H notified me that a number of skeletons ...

"School and Other Days, 1859: Selections from the Diaries of Robert and Sylvester Bishop," Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 58-63.
... School and Other Days 1859 School and Other Days 1859 Selections from the Diaries of Robert and Sylvester Bishop Edited by JOHN WEATHERFORD ROBERT WAS ELEVEN and Sylvester nine when they began their diaries in the Christmas season of 1858 They kept them with fair regularity during 1859 except for summer vacation Their father Robert Hamilton Bishop II encouraged journals among those of his twelve children who were the right age Professor of Latin at Miami University and son of its first ...

"Kansas' Dead in France," by Whittier C. Mitchell. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 145-146.
... KANSAS' DEAD IN FRANCE KANSAS' DEAD IN FRANCE BY WHITTIER C MITCHELL Leans from his warrior's heaven down John Brown Immortal Madman Brown Who shamed a nation by a deed Bolder than that of Winkelreid Swept to his dauntless breast the spears Of Freedom's foes and ere her tears Streamed on his bier with God's own fire Enkindled Slavery's funeral pyre That by its glare might all men see That all are bond till all are free He leans and smiles A measured tread Echoes up from the trenches red New ...

Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 186-191.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Broken Circle By Carl G Doney New York Fleming H Revell Company 1943 187p Written as a memorial volume to a beloved son who when living had exerted a wide and beneficent influence on many people The Broken Circle tells the story of Paul H Doney minister and teacher who died at the early age of forty-one Its writing was a labor of love done by a sorrowing father who wished to present the faith which animated his son's life and the philosophy which underlay his ...

"Vanished Empire, The," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 295-296.
... Editorialana Editorialana 295 THE MEMOIRS OF RUFUS PUTNAM Compiled and annotated by Miss Rowena Buell Marietta Ohio Houghton Mifflin amp Co Boston and New York This is a work of rare historical value and one which every student of history and particularly of Ohio history will covet and consult with great satisfaction It consists mainly of the official papers and correspondence connected with the life and deeds of General Rufus Putnam who was the leader in the little band of pilgrims who came ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 113, pp. 52-53, Winter-Spring, 2004, pp. 52.
... Notes and Queries Winter-Spring 2004 p 52 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2004 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The 2004 Building Connections Conference will be held November 4-6 2004 at the Columbus Athenaeum Columbus Ohio The meeting is a collaboration of the Ohio Historical Society including the National Afro-American Museum amp Cultural Center National History Day in Ohio and Ohio Historic Preservation Office with Downtown Ohio Inc Heritage Ohio ...

"Slavery and Antislavery: Subjects in Search of Authors," by Louis Filler. Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 179-182.
... Slavery and Antislavery Slavery and Antislavery Subjects in Search of Authors By Louis FILLER I T IS P OSSIBLE that a revaluation of slavery and antislavery--and more especially of the relationship between antislavery and abolition--has been in order perhaps overdue The literature about these last two related fields is of course enormous but whether the residue of them which the historical profession carries about with it and can bring to bear upon them suffices to maintain our understanding ...

"Claude Meeker as a Young Reporter," by Harold G. Simpson. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 612-614.
... 612 Ohio Arch 612 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications This is the order of nature it must be for the best I remembered this when we were called to his obsequies Worthy fellow-man public-spirited upright citizen generous faithful friend beloved fellow-member we honor ourselves by placing this modest wreath at the shrine of his memory CLAUDE MEEKER AS A YOUNG REPORTER BY HAROLD G SIMPSON I think it probable that my intimate acquaintance with Claude Meeker began earlier and therefore extended ...

"In Memoriam: James Steward Hine," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 559-560.
... In Memoriam 559 In Memoriam 559 State In financial circles he had attained success and a creditable record He was a trusted counselor and a man whose judgment was highly regarded by his fellow members on the Board of Trustees and the staff of the Society Mr Wood was born in Bradford County Pennsylvania October 3 1863 In 1879 he came to Columbus where he was subsequently identified with different financial institutions In 1922 he was made General Manager of the Ohio State Savings Association ...

Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 105-107.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Country Printer New York State 1785-1830 By Milton W Hamilton New York Columbia University Press 1936 361p 375 One of the most colorful figures in the period immediately following the Revolutionary War was the country printer the printer-editor-publisher who was indeed a distinctive character in his community Too often the press as an institution and influence is identified with the great dailies published in the chief cities of our country Too little attention is ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 112, p. 64, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 64.
... Notes and Queries Winter-Spring 2003 p 64 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The Legislative History Editorial Board of the Capitol Square Foundation seeks an academically trained historian to write a single volume comprehensive history of the Ohio General Assembly from 1803-present The expectation is that this work will be suitable for publication by a university press with the final manuscript completed by March 1 ...

"Methods of Locating Historical Manuscripts," by I. J. Cox. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 403-404.
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 403 faded manuscripts for you and put the same into type-written form so that editors will readily accept them or you may not have historic mat ter so much at heart as the writer of these lines has nor have been taught by an honored historian a dear husband how to handle historic facts The leaders of the morning's conference then reported briefly upon their correspondence preparatory to the ...

"Accessions to Historical Collections," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 624-628.
... 624 Ohio Arch 624 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications are the World War trophies from the government flags and documents of the 332nd infantry World War relics loaned by Captain John L Hamilton a dress made of glass for Maxine Elliott in 1901 World War relics loaned by Mr G R Weaver Columbus Ohio World War relics presented by Reverend Arthur H Limouze Columbus Ohio an Egyptian mummy presented by Dr J Morton Howell United States Minister and Envoy Extraordinary to Cairo Egypt The ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 54-55.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The ABC-CLIO America History and Life Award is a biennial award of 750 given to recognize and encourage scholarship in American history in journal literature advancing new perspectives on accepted interpretations or previously unconsidered topics The award is not confined to any particular subject area or chronological period but instead seeks to recognize journal articles that display a seminal character articles that do not simply elaborate previous ...

"Dr. Austin Scott," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 329-330.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 329 Reviews Notes and Comments 329 shown as the Josh Billings house on August 8 1845 from John Tift jr for 1100 and resold it to John Tift on January 3 1848 for 1050 That Josh Billings had always dreamed of buying back the old place in Norwalk is attested by a correspondence covering a long number of years between the humorist and W J Alley of Norwalk a lifelong friend of Billings The daughter of Mr Alley who is still living in Norwalk remembers as a little girl when ...

"Preglacial Man in Ohio," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 257-259.
... PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO AT the meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History2 for November 4 1885 Mr Putnam showed an implement chipped from a pebble of black flint found by Dr C L Metz in gravel eight feet below the surface in Madisonville Ohio This rude implement is about the same size and shape of one made of the same material found by Dr Abbott in the Trenton N J gravel and is of special interest as the first one known from the gravels of Ohio This announcement ...

"Psychiatric Progress in Ohio in the Twentieth Century," by Joseph L. Fetterman and Jack Horrocks. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 378-389.
... PETER WITT 377 PETER WITT 377 irascible exterior and his biting invective there were qualities of honesty fidelity and generosity that made him the loyal sentimental friend of many people He had genuine oratorical gifts though he sometimes attacked unreasonably and without full information about the facts and he had a tongue that he always found it hard to curb He never attacked with a rapier A meat cleaver was his favorite tool as he himself readily admitted to his friends But he never lacked ...

"Study of the Oklahoma Eccentric Flints, A," by H. Holmes Ellis. Volume 49, Number 2, April April, 1940, pp. 121-127.
... A STUDY OF THE OKLAHOMA ECCENTRIC FLINTS A STUDY OF THE OKLAHOMA ECCENTRIC FLINTS By H HOLMES ELLIS Since March 1936 when they were first called to the attention of the general public7 the Oklahoma eccentric flints have presented a puzzling archaeological phenomenon Dr Forrest E Clements1 collaborating with Mr Alfred Reed Jr wrote the only satisfactory account of the find and the circumstances surrounding it but due to lack of time and facilities he was unable to carry out a detailed analysis ...