Ohio History Journal

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"School and Other Days, 1859: Selections from the Diaries of Robert and Sylvester Bishop," Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 58-63.
... School and Other Days 1859 School and Other Days 1859 Selections from the Diaries of Robert and Sylvester Bishop Edited by JOHN WEATHERFORD ROBERT WAS ELEVEN and Sylvester nine when they began their diaries in the Christmas season of 1858 They kept them with fair regularity during 1859 except for summer vacation Their father Robert Hamilton Bishop II encouraged journals among those of his twelve children who were the right age Professor of Latin at Miami University and son of its first ...

"Protection of Prehistoric Mounds and Village Sites," Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 340.
... PROTECTION OF PREHISTORIC MOUNDS AND PROTECTION OF PREHISTORIC MOUNDS AND VILLAGE SITES In late years institutions for archaeological research located outside of the State of Ohio have come into the state and largely encroached upon the field of study and investigation which should be reserved for the purposes of home state exploration To give such societies as The Ohio State Archaeological amp Historical Society as is justly due them the right of way in this matter the 80th General Assembly ...

Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 404.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES L IFE JOURNALS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF REV MANASSEH CUTLER LLD By his Grandchildren William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler Two volumes Cincinnati Robert Clarke amp Co 1888 The diary correspondence and papers of Dr Cutler ought to throw a flood of light upon many events in the early history of the Northwest and upon the policy of the old Congress in organizing and providing for the settlement of the region beyond the Ohio river Portions of his journals were published ...

"Burials, Admissions to the Holy Communion and Marriages at Schoenbrunn," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 590-596.
... BURIALS ADMISSIONS TO THE HOLY COMMUNBURIALS ADMISSIONS TO THE HOLY COMMUNION AND MARRIAGES AT SCHOENBRUNN We are indebted to Rev J E einland of Dover Ohio for the following list of burials admission to the Holy Communion and marriages at Schoenbrunn 17721777 BURIALS AT SCHOENBRUNN 1772 CA THARINA -- Samuel's little daughter Baptized December 17th by David Zeisberger Went home December 28th 1772 aged 3 yrs 11 mo Buried in Schoenbrunn 1773 SA LOME - - Isaac Glikhican's daughter's child born ...

"Ohio Battle Flags: House Bill No. 422," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 238-240.
... 238 Ohio Arch 238 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR INFANTRY 1st Regt O V I 1 2nd Regt O V I 2 3rd Regt 0 V I 2 4th Regt O V I 1 5th Regt O V 1 6th Regt O V I 2 7th Regt O V I 3 8th Regt 0 V I Missing 9th Battalion O V I 1 10th Regt O V I 2 ARTILLERY Bat A 1st L Arty 1 Bat C 1st L Arty 1 Bat G 1st L Arty 1 Bat H 1st L Arty 2 Troop H 1st O V C 1 Respectfully submitted W L CURRY Chairman Captain First Ohio Cavalry Civil War CHARLES HUGHES First Regiment U S C T Civil ...

"Preservation of Harrison's Tomb," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 268.
... 268 Ohio Arch 268 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications PRESERVATION OF HARRISON'S TOMB A sentimental motive prompted Colonel Russell B Harrison son of the late ex-President of the United States to come to Cincinnati yesterday He had a case in the United States Court but his important reason for the visit was to have a conference with his distant relative Colonel Lewis W Irwin in regard to inducing the United States Government to take over the burying ground at North Bend where the tombs of ...

"Report of the Committee on Speical Legislation for D. A. R.," by Mrs. Lewis C. Laylin. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 253-254.
... Editorialana Editorialana 2 53 'Your house is going up on Tuesday If Wadsworth can't raise it Norton will We will meet at Norton Center for a game of base-ball prepared with wagons and horses if warned by one o'clock that we will be wanted Then when we come every Wadsworth man must stand back and see Norton men put up the frame' The same messenger then slyly told the leading men of the whisky party the plan being to bring all Wadsworth to see Norton's triumph The day came Being myself the ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Annual Business Session, 10:00 A.M., April 7, Ohio State Museum, Arthur C. Johnson, Sr., Presiding," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 97-98.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 97 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 97 ing of the necessity for propaganda Dr Grimm stressed the importance of missionary work among American youth Their minds must be educated and their wills motivated he said They face a new frontier even as did their progenitors they too are pioneers in new fields and if they know the task ahead of them they can--as did their forebears--arm themselves with faith and hope and the cooperative spirit and by so doing make ...

"Historical Societies," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 637-638.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 637 Forty-First Annual Meeting 637 have brought more than one hundred persons to the park on a single day Three thousand three hundred and thirty-six names have been secured on a register which has been offered to the public at such times as the custodians could carry it to them When the shelter house is completed the register will be available permanently Our custodians report no complaints or criticisms that the public is delighted and practically every reunion ...

"This Monument is Older Than the Great Pyramids," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 260.
... THIS MONUMENT IS OLDER THAN THE GREAT THIS MONUMENT IS OLDER THAN THE GREAT PYRAMIDS BY FELIX J KOCH If you want to set your wits to work over something to which there may be an infinity of answers -each based on facts as logical as the next and yet each trying to solve a problem of utmost importance to the historian and the scientist and of interest to intelligent persons the world over just try to figure out how old the little mound in the accompanying picture may be This mound or tumulus is ...

"The Black Hand," by Alfred Kelley. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 457-459.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 457 thyself be beaten by the cunning right hand of a boy Disgraced thou art and no longer shalt thou be numbered among the members of my frame And the hand clung to the rock and turned black and spread and grew until it was as the hand of a giant and while the chief Ahyomah and the tribe stood silently watching the wonder the defeated warrior wrapped his robe about him spoke no word of farewell and striding swiftly into the dark depths of the forest was seen no ...

"Sinclaire's Defeat," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 376-377.
... SINCLAIRE'S DEFEAT SINCLAIRE'S DEFEAT This specimen of early times poetry appeared shortly after St Clair's defeat 1791 and was printed in circular form it is related and was posted up in many a pioneer cabin It reveals the sentiment of the times as well as the Form of expression 'Twas November the fourth in the year ninety-one We had a sore engagement near to Fort Jefferson Sainclaire was our commander which may remembered be For there we left nine hundred men in the West'n Ter'tory At ...

"Grant Cabin," by Henry Clyde Shetrone. Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 103-104.
... GRANT CABIN GRANT CABIN By HENRY CLYDE SHETRONE Removal of the cabin in which General Ulysses S Grant was born to its original site at Point Pleasant Ohio celebrated with fitting ceremonies on October 4 1936 is of two-fold significance Not only does it constitute a timely tribute to another of Ohio's eminent citizens but since the cabin as such has been completely restored and interiorly refurnished mostly with actual Grant items it perpetuates a typical historic pioneer home Every effort is ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Friday, April 5, 1946," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 254-256.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Friday April 5 1946 The Ohio Academy of History held its annual meeting in connection with the Ohio College Association at the DeshlerWallick Hotel April 5 1946 Fifty-three persons attended the luncheon meeting and heard Professor Foster Rhea Dulles speak on Russian-American Relations His talk was followed by a report on the work of the Ohio War History Commission by its director Dr James H ...

by Thomas H. Hartig. Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 184-185.
... Editor's Note Editor's Note In this issue of Ohio History we are pleased to publish the winning manuscripts from the Ohio Bicentennial Article Contest Sponsored by the Ohio American Revolution Advisory Commission the Ohio Academy of History and the Ohio Historical Society the contest received several dozen articles submitted on the theme of The Consequences of the Revolution in the Ohio Country Ajudging committee was selected representing each of the three sponsors Mr David Twining College ...

"Invocation," by Irving Maurer. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 84-85.
... 84 Ohio Arch 84 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications INVOCATION BY REV IRVING MAURER 0 God bless us in this hour with worthy memories We thank Thee for the life of this friend of ours for his genial presence and his noble heart We thank Thee for his faith in the simple virtues for his confidence in the ways of the people for his trust in Thee Grant to us as we think of him in this fellowship of kindred spirits a more steadfast loyalty to the institutions which were dear to him that for each ...

"By-Laws," Volume 42, Number 3, July, 1933, pp. 345-346.
... Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting 345 Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting 345 The bicentennial of the birth of George Washington was extensively celebrated within the past year An extended account of the pageant representing Washington's journey on the Ohio River in 1770 was published in the QUARTERLY for January 1933 The Ohio History Conference at a meeting here went on record in favor of the preparation of a check-list of newspapers Within the past year through the ...

"Five Year Review of the Work of the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives," Volume 52, Number 4, October-December, 1943, pp. 307-309.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 STILL FURTHER ASPECTS FIVE YEAR REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE OHIO COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL HISTORY AND ARCHIVES BY ROBERT G PATERSON PH D Material presented in this issue of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly by the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives represents another chapter of five continuous years of effort on the part of a small group of men throughout the State in an attempt to mirror the significant ...

"Remarks of President Taft," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 35-36.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 35 nized the cheering by standing upon his automobile and waving his hat Grant street Fifth avenue and Wood street were lined with thousands The moment the automobile bearing the President appeared in Water street it was the signal for the beginning of one of the greatest ovations ever extended a nation's chief executive in this day Every boat tooted whistles as did locomotives and factories The spectators cheered People on the ...

"Early Internships in St. Francis Hospital-A Reminisence," by H. M. Platter. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 399-403.
... EARLY INTERNSHIPS IN ST EARLY INTERNSHIPS IN ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL-- A REMINISCENCE by H M PLATTER MD In September 1889 I enrolled in Starling Medical College with Dr Thomas C Hoover as my preceptor I had already completed three years of preliminary education at Ohio Wesleyan University Dr Hoover was professor of surgery at the college and the visiting surgeon to St Francis Hospital At the conclusion of my freshman year the first house physician or intern was appointed for St Francis and the ...