Ohio History Journal

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"Antoine Francois Saugrain (De Vigni): "The First Scientist of the Mississippi Valley," by N. P. Dandridge. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 192-206.
... ANTOINE FRANCOIS SAUGRAIN DE VIGNI ANTOINE FRANCOIS SAUGRAIN DE VIGNI THE FIRST SCIENTIST OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY N P DANDRIDGE M D In presenting my address which custom has made one of the duties of the presiding officer I shall depart somewhat from the practice of my predecessors and instead of bringing before you some medical question based on my own work or attempting a discussion of some topic now of active interest I shall take you to the backwoods and try and interest you in the life ...

"Spiegel Grove: The Home of Rutherford B. Hayes," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 345-370.
... SPIEGEL GROVE SPIEGEL GROVE THE HOME OF RUTHERFORD B HAYES LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Memorials take many forms and the gift to the State of Ohio for the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society of that portion of Spiegel Grove the beautiful homestead of President Hayes through which runs for a half mile the old Harrison Trail of the War of 1812 is one of the most interesting commendable and generous gifts of recent years The deed from Colonel Webb C Hayes to the State of Ohio for the Harrison Trail ...

"The Battle of Lake Erie in Ballad and History," by Charles B. Galbreath. Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 415-456.
... THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE IN BALLAD AND HISTORY THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE IN BALLAD AND HISTORY BY CHARLES B GALBREATH Perry's victory on Lake Erie stands out pre-eminent among the naval exploits of the War of 181 2 And this is true not only by virtue of the comparative importance of the battle and its results but because it combined in an unusual degree the elements of intrepidity patriotic fervor and personal valor that captivate the imagination live in legend and story and song and make up what ...

"Rutland-'The Cradle of Ohio': A Little Journey to the Home of Rufus Putnam," by E. O. Randall. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 54-78.
... RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO A LITTLE JOURNEY TO THE HOME OF RUFUS PUTNAM E O RANDALL It was in the bright and cheery days of September 1 90 8 that the Editor left the palatial Pullman car at Worcester and boarded a trolley that bore him along a rambling route amid tiny lakes and quiet hills to the little burg of Jefferson Here the trolley was exchanged for a motor bus the electric wings of which fluttered with intermittent and uncertain rapidity till the passengers ...

"Cornelius Sedam and His Friends in Washington's Time," by Emma S. Backus. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 28-50.
... CORNELIUS SEDAM AND HIS FRIENDS IN CORNELIUS SEDAM AND HIS FRIENDS IN WASHINGTON'S TIME1 BY MRS EMMA S BACKUS Cincinnati Ohio The old days were great because the men who moved in them had mighty qualities --THEODORE ROOSEVELT Grand old times with a grand old father This tribute to the times and the man was penned by a son of the subject of this sketch in 1885 when Matthew Sedam then residing at Terre Haute Indiana wrote reminiscently to his younger brother David at Cincinnati recalling early ...

"George Armstrong Custer," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 41, Number 4, October, 1932, pp. 623-631.
... GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER BY C B GALBREATH Grant Sherman and Sheridan This is the group of Civil War generals which is usually put forward as Ohio's unrivalled contribution to leadership in the great struggle between the North and the South These three have been honored with statues on the famous monument Ohio's Jewels at the northwest corner of the Capitol building of that State in Columbus Grant and Sherman were each born in Ohio and received their appointment to ...

"Historic Beginnings of the Ohio Valley," by W. J. Holland. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 406-415.
... 406 Ohio Arch 406 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HISTORIC BEGINNINGS OF THE OHIO VALLEY W J HOLLAND D D LL D Carnegie Institute Pittsburg Pa The Ohio River and the Ohio Valley are from the standpoint of the geologist of very recent origin There was a time when the greater part of the water which is discharged through this great stream found its way to the valley of the St Lawrence and thence to the Atlantic Ocean At the glacial epoch the great continental glacier creeping down toward ...

"Ohio's Squatter Governor: William Hogland of Hoglandstown," by Randolph C. Downes. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 273-282.
... OHIO'S SQUATTER GOVERNOR WILLIAM OHIO'S SQUATTER GOVERNOR WILLIAM HOGLAND OF HOGLANDSTOWN BY RANDOLPH C DOWNES What student of Ohio history would have dreamed that it would eventually be proved that Arthur St Clair was not the first resident governor to exercise the duties of that high office over the white inhabitants of the territory that now forms the domain of the Buckeye State Who would have thought that for almost one hundred and fifty years there has existed in the columns of the ...

"Editorialana," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 160-166.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA ARCHAELOGICAL AGITATION Elsewhere in this Quarterly we publish quite a snappy symposium concerning Fowke's Book The Archaeological History of Ohio published by our Society in April last Mr Fowke's volume is well calculated to stir the bones of the Mound Builders and their modern investigators It is of course distinctly understood that the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society does not stand sponsor for Mr Fowke's archaeological views much less for his ...

"Early Religious Movements in Pittsburgh," Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 174-183.
... 174 Ohio Arch 174 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications of Ohio had ever received He pointed out that the convention allowed two weeks discussion on the proposition of a bond issue for good roads and permitted without limitation a discussion for nearly three weeks of the liquor question 18 In spite of this appeal for fairness the convention gave less than two days to the question which most delegates considered the most important one before them19 Lastly most of the delegates were of the ...

"The Opening Scenes of the Rebellion," by S. K. Donavin. Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 125-136.
... THE OPENING SCENES OF THE REBELLION THE OPENING SCENES OF THE REBELLION BY COLONEL S K DONAVIN In the spring of 1861 I was a reporter and traveling correspondent on the Daily Exchange newspaper of the City of Baltimore When the telegraph announced that Mr Lincoln had reached Pittsburg en route for Washington City to be inaugurated President of the United States I left Baltimore by the Northern Central Railway for the purpose of meeting him and noting the incidents of his journey When I reached ...

"From England to Ohio, 1830-1832: The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton," edited by James H. Rodabaugh. Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 1-27.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1956 From England to Ohio 1830-1832 The Journal of Thomas K Wharton Edited by JAMES H RODABAUGH This is the journal of an immigrant boy who came from his native England to the United States in 1830 and lived for nearly two years in Ohio It was transcribed by the author in 1854 and here and there recollections were added It is an interesting journal for several reasons It relates in detail the story of the ...

"The Dunmore War," by E. O. Randall. Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 167-197.
... THE DUNMORE WAR THE DUNMORE WAR BY E O RANDALL Secretary Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The American colonists had fought the French and Indian war1 with the expectation that they were to be in the event of success the beneficiaries of the result and be permitted to occupy the Ohio Valley as a fertile and valuable addition to their Atlantic coast lodgments But the war over and France vanquished the royal greed of Britain asserted itself and the London government most ...

"The Miami Country, 1750-1815, as Described in Journals and Letters," by Elizabeth Faries. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 48-65.
... THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1750-1815 THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1750-1815 AS DESCRIBED IN JOURNALS AND LETTERS by ELIZABETH FARIES Senior Assistant Reference and Catalog Department Dayton Public Library During the late 1700's and the early 1800's the Miami Country was a definite geographic area in the Northwest Territory This area has been defined as a region of approximately 5000 square miles in southwestern Ohio with a small adjoining wedge of southeastern Indiana It was particularly the land that forms the ...

"The First Permanent White Settlers in Ohio, James Whitaker and Elizabeth Foulke" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 87-105.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 87 PETERSBURG VA 4th March 1880 Colonel According to promise I will now attempt to tell you what little I know about Croghan and Sandusky The opening of the spring campaign in 1813 found the garrison of Fort Meigs exceedingly weak General Harrison having gone in the states to hasten forward reinforcements leaving General Clay in command The British and Indians in considerable numbers knowing perhaps of the absence of the General-in-Chief and our ...

"Survey of the Seven Ranges, The," by William D. Pattison. Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 115-140.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 68 NUMBER 2 A P R I L 1 9 5 9 The Survey of the Seven Ranges By WILLIAM D PATTISON THE AMERICAN RECTANGULAR LAND SURVEY SYSTEM established in the land ordinance of 1785 was first put into effect in the Seven Ranges of eastern Ohio Despite the publication of important contributions to the history of Ohio which have dealt with various aspects of the Seven Ranges interesting and significant parts of the survey story have remained ...

"Mac-o-chee Valley," by Keren Jane Gaumer. Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 455-469.
... MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY BY MISS KEREN JANE GAUMER URBANA As the American people rush along in their hurried life often observing only the big things of the world they sometimes forget the pleasure and value which may be derived from the smaller ones Let us consider the importance and significance of the lesser May we go into a very little valley which has been prominent in our country's history When one scans the broad Ohio which affords so many commercial advantages he thinks of ...

"The Croghan Celebration," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 1-105.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE C ROGHAN CELEBRATION LUCY ELLIOT KEELER It was not bad usage of the old Romans to bring down from its niche the waxen image of an eminent ancestor on the anniversary of his natal day to recall his features and achievements to their own minds and impress them upon the younger generation A like tribute the patriotic citizens of Fremont Ohio pay from time to time to their local hero Major George Croghan on the anniversary of that notable ...

"John Brown at Harper's Ferry and Charlestown: A Lecture," by S. K. Donovan. Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 300-336.
... JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND CHARLESTOWN A LECTURE BY S K DONOVAN This lecture by Colonel S K Donovan was delivered a number of times in Ohio but was never before printed The original manuscript is in the possession of his sister Miss Sallie Donovan of Delaware Ohio by whose permission it is now published Colonel Donovan once stated to the writer that he was the first newspaper correspondent to reach Harper's Ferry after the raid began When he arrived there ...

"Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, April 4, 1959," Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 299-302.
... Minutes of the Meeting of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 4 1959 TH E O H IO ACADEMY OF HISTORY held its twenty-sixth annual meeting at the Ohio State Museum on Saturday April 4 1959 Three concurrent morning sessions were devoted to a variety of topics Alfred D Low of Youngstown University as chairman of the section on modern European history introduced David C Riede of the University of Akron and Grover C Platt of Bowling Green State University who ...