Ohio History Journal

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Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 226-241.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABRIDGMENT of the Laws by Nathan Dane 72 Academic Seal of The Ohio State University 68 Achenbaum W Andrew Shades of Gray Old Age American Values and Federal Policies since 1920 rev 112-13 Acreage Owned by 43 French Persons in the District of Gallipolis in Washington County July 1 1800 65-67 Table 66 Adams John Quincy 6 Adams Robert 130 Adult education 34-45 Aeneid by Vergil 73 Agricultural Experiment Station 39 Agricultural extension service 34-45 ...

"The Indian Village of 'Cush-og-wenk,'" by Thomas H. Johnson. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 432-435.
... THE INDIAN VILLAGE OF CUSH-OG-WENK THE INDIAN VILLAGE OF CUSH-OG-WENK BY THOMAS H JOHNSON COSHOCTON The generations who were active participants in the events which constitute the early history of Ohio having passed away it seems to me the imperative duty of those now living whose early life overlapped the survivors of the active participants in the stirring events of that earlier period to place on record any recollections they may have of the stories told by those old survivors tending to ...

"Colonel Benjamin Wilson," by Mrs. Orson Dryer. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 374-379.
... 374 Ohio Arch 374 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Upon whose bosom snow has lain Who intimately lives with rain Poems are made by fools like me But only God can make a tree' After the formal reading of Logan's Speech by John R Horst from McGuffey's Fourth Reader edition of 1853 informal addresses were made by J W Johnson of Circleville editor of the Democrat and Watchman Professor C C Miller of Lancaster and Mrs Orson D Dryer of Shepard Ohio Mrs Dryer's contribution to the day's ...

"The Evolution of the Ohio-Erie Boundary," by Reginald C. M'Grance. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 326-339.
... THE EVOLUTION OF THE OHIO-ERIE BOUNDARY THE EVOLUTION OF THE OHIO-ERIE BOUNDARY BY REGINALD C M'GRANE D A R Fellow University of Cincinnati The question of boundaries has always been a source of trouble Nations have been arrayed against each other wars have been fought diplomats have argued and demagogues have harrangued over such disputed points Sometimes Providence in its unaccountable way has helped to solve the question by placing natural limits between race and race or between nation and ...

Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 201-218.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABBOTT Grace 107 10 8 112 117 134 Abolitionism Newspapers in Battle The Dayton Empire and the Dayton Journal During the Civil War by Carl M Becker 29-50 Towards a National Antislavery Party The Giddings-Sumner Alliance by Beverly Wilson Palmer 51-71 Accidents of pregnancy 119-120 Action 40 Adams Charles Francis 56 66 Adams John Quincy 54-55 58 60 61 Administration Division Ohio State Department of Health 114 Agricultural Extension Service OSU 127 Alexander ...

"Tours into Kentucky and the Northwest Territory: Three Journals by the Rev. James Smith of Powhatan County, Va., 1783-1794-1797," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 348-401.
... TOURS INTO KENTUCKY AND THE NORTHWEST TOURS INTO KENTUCKY AND THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY Three Journals by the Rev James Smith of Powhatan County Va 1783-1795-1797 SKETCH OF REV JAMES SMITH BY JOSIAH MORROW LEBANON OHIO The writer of the following journals was born in Powhatan county Virginia September 17 1757 and died near Columbia in the Northwest Territory July 28 1800 He resided in his native county nearly all his life his removal to the north side of the Ohio having been made less than two ...

"Historical and Genealogical Sketch of the Swiss Mennonites of Allen and Putnam Counties, Ohio," by Delbert L. Gratz. Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 282-288.
... 282 OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 282 OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SKETCH OF THE SWISS MENNONITES OF ALLEN AND PUTNAM COUNTIES OHIO By DELBERT L GRATZ To write a precise history of any certain group of people one must know the individual history of each family which goes to make up the group This was especially true in the case of the Swiss Mennonites since their faith was chiefly a family religion and in no way a matter of cults and ...

"Senator Robert L. Owen at the Logan Elm," Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 431-432.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 431 Reviews Notes and Comments 431 SENATOR ROBERT L OWEN AT THE LOGAN ELM Mr E L Spetnagel a life member of our Society writes an interesting letter to Mr Tiffin J Gilmore thanking him for a circular containing a cut of the Logan Elm and the text of the speech of Chief Logan that made the tree famous He speaks of a family reunion last June and the enjoyment of two brothers and other members of his family in making a visit to this grand old tree Continuing Mr ...

"Spiegel Grove: The Home of Rutherford B. Hayes," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 345-370.
... SPIEGEL GROVE SPIEGEL GROVE THE HOME OF RUTHERFORD B HAYES LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Memorials take many forms and the gift to the State of Ohio for the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society of that portion of Spiegel Grove the beautiful homestead of President Hayes through which runs for a half mile the old Harrison Trail of the War of 1812 is one of the most interesting commendable and generous gifts of recent years The deed from Colonel Webb C Hayes to the State of Ohio for the Harrison Trail ...

"Old Fort Sandusky and the De Lery Portage," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 345-378.
... OLD FORT SANDUSKY AND THE DE LERY PORTAGE OLD FORT SANDUSKY AND THE DE LERY PORTAGE BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Local history has its renascence in tradition which passes along from generation to generation hints of names and adventures which appeal at last to some student of the past and send him forth in quest of sources Such traditions have long lingered about the little peninsula at Port Clinton in Ottawa County Ohio traditions of venturesome French monks and traders of an ancient fort destroyed ...

"Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795-II, A," edited by Richard C. Knopf. Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 159-186.
... A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews For the Year 1795--II Edited by RICHARD C KNOPF In this second installment of the Andrews journal which covers the months of May June July and August 1795 the author again records the flow of events through this crossroads outpost of the American army He notes the movement of Indian delegations towards Greene Ville the arrival and departure of chiefs the coming and going of traders the ...

"The Millerite Movement in Ohio," Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 95-107.
... N N GORDON THOMAS The Millerite Movement in Ohio A most spectacular and dramatic nineteenth century religious movement in America developed from the preaching of William Miller This was the culmination of the pronouncement that Christ's Second Coming would occur in October 1844 Preaching in a forceful manner and with convincing sincerity Prophet Miller delivered hundreds of lectures in years 1831 to 1844 His message was one of emotion and terror It was often sensationalized as well as ...

"The Miami Country, 1750-1815, as Described in Journals and Letters," by Elizabeth Faries. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 48-65.
... THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1750-1815 THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1750-1815 AS DESCRIBED IN JOURNALS AND LETTERS by ELIZABETH FARIES Senior Assistant Reference and Catalog Department Dayton Public Library During the late 1700's and the early 1800's the Miami Country was a definite geographic area in the Northwest Territory This area has been defined as a region of approximately 5000 square miles in southwestern Ohio with a small adjoining wedge of southeastern Indiana It was particularly the land that forms the ...

"Celeron's Journal (Concluded from page 377)," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 481-483.
... CELERON'S JOURNAL CELERON'S JOURNAL Concluded from page 377 The 9th of October I set out from the lower part of the Narrows and came to pass the night at Point Pelee During our voyage across Lake Erie nothing happened worth mentioning On the 19th I arrived at Niagara where I was delayed three days from stress of weather The 22d I set out from Niagara for the southern part of Lake Ontario so as to pass that way to Fort Frontenac It took me fourteen days to sail over this lake and many of my ...

"Peter Cartwright's Circuit Riding Days in Ohio," Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 90-98, notes 145.
... Peter Cartwright's CIRCUIT RIDING Days in Ohio by CHARLES TOWNSEND A famous historian referring to the people on the American frontier once wrote Whether Scotch-Irish Presbyterian Baptist or Methodist these people saturated their religion and their politics with feeling Both the stump and the pulpit were centers of energy electric cells capable of starting widespreading fires They felt their religion and their democracy and were ready to fight for it1 Peter Cartwright one of the most ...

Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 223-241.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITION Emigrant Aid Society of Montgomery County 16 Abolition issues 5-30 passim Administrative issues Ohio House of Representatives Partisanship in the Ohio House of Representatives 19001911 An Analysis of Roll-Call Voting by John M Wegner 146-170 Agriculture The Carmichael Case Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station 1905-1921 by Chris Cumo 31-41 Ahlers John F 131n 19 Air Commerce Act 125 Airmail Act Kelly Law 126 127 Airmail False ...

"Monuments to Historical Indian Chiefs," Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 1-31.
... MONUMENTS TO HISTORICAL INDIAN CHIEFS MONUMENTS TO HISTORICAL INDIAN CHIEFS BY EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR It will always seem strange that the Indian tribes erected no monuments of an enduring character to mark the last resting place of their dead especially so as they had constantly before them the example of the burial mounds of the race that preceded them in the occupancy of the country as well as the later example of the white race whose custom of marking the graves of their dead was ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1959-July 1960," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 379-393.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1959--July 1960 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE DODDS Gilbert F Early Horticulture in Franklin County Franklin County Historical Society Special Bulletin No 4 December 1959 1-15 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT FILLER Louis Slavery and Antislavery Subjects in Search of Authors Ohio Historical Quarterly LXIX 1960 179-182 GARA Larry The Underground Railroad A Re-evaluation Ohio Historical Quarterly LXIX 1960 ...

"Fort Industry-An Historical Mystery," Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 231-259.
... FORT INDUSTRY--AN HISTORICAL MYSTERY FORT INDUSTRY--AN HISTORICAL MYSTERY BY WALTER J SHERMAN Upon the south wall of an old brick mercantile building at the northeast corner of Monroe and Summit Streets Toledo hangs a faded inscription reading as follows viz This building stands on the site of Fort Industry a stockade erected by General Anthony Wayne in the year 1794 as a safeguard against the British who then held Fort Miami It was garrisoned by a company of United States troops under the ...

"A Civil War Diary of William McKinley," Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 272-290.
... A Civil War Diary of William McKinley A Civil War Diary of William McKinley Edited by H WAYNE MORGAN IN APRIL 1861 news came to Ohio that secessionists had fired on Fort Sumter the long-dreaded civil war was at hand and the last hopes of compromise vanished in the smoke of battle Ohio home of so many conflicting forces had her share of southern sympathizers but she was prepared to stand by the Union cause even if it meant war Recruiting agents mingled with politicians and orators through the ...