Ohio History Journal

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"Publisher's Information and Table of Contents" Volume 112, pp. 1-3, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 1.
... About WS 2003 Winter-Spring 2003 Contents Staff and Advisory Board OHS Board of Trustees Instructions for Authors PDF of these pages Click page numbers to view articles PDF links are also provided for printing articles Can't read PDFs Get Adobe Acrobat Reader ARTICLES 4 Richest and Best Is the Wine of the West The Ohio River Valley and the Jewish Frontier by Amy Hill Shevitz PDF of this article 19 A High School to Remember The Greenfield Legacy of McClain Harris and Ittner by Virginia E ...

Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 372-375.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Educating for Democracy A Symposium Yellow Springs The Antioch Press 1937 148p Antioch College is responsible for the publication of this interesting symposium on one of the most pertinent and many faceted problems facing educational leaders of today what is the function of education in a democratic state Believing that a discussion of some of the issues involved in such a question would be of value and wishing to honor its first president Horace Mann Antioch College ...

"The Ideology of Social Harmony and Efficiencey: Workmen's Compensation in Ohio, 1904-1919," by Patrick D. Reagan. Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 317-331.
... PATRICK D PATRICK D REAGAN The Ideology of Social Harmony and Efficiency Workmen's Compensation in Ohio 1904-1919 From 1912 through the early 1920s progressive reformers tried to enact social insurance legislation through a state-by-state and stepby-step strategy to ameliorate the industrial conditions of work accidents sickness unemployment and premature old age An integral part of the campaign concerned the workmen's compensation movement in Ohio from 1904 through 1919 The successful ...

"Rutherford B. Hayes and The Ohio State University," letters contributed by Curtis W. Garrison. Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 295-296.
... RUTHERFORD B RUTHERFORD B HAYES AND THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Letters contributed by CURTIS W GARRISON RAINBOW OHIO Dec 2nd 1891 GEN R B HAYES Dear General As you are one of the Trustees of the Ohio State University and as I wish to act intelligently in the coming Legislature in all matters concerning it I take the liberty of asking your counsel in the case While I have not the least doubt that the Trustees and managers of that institution have done all in their power to build it up yet they ...

"Centennial Tribute to Ohio," by John Hopley. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 181.
... Centennial Tribute to Ohio Centennial Tribute to Ohio 181 Oh the tasseled corn for the whole broad land For the Union no power can sever But the buckeye brown for the Buckeye State Shall be our badge forever CENTENNIAL TRIBUTE TO OHIO BY JOHN HOPLEY Hail fair O HIO from the great Northwest The first established free state and the best Where bounteous Nature spread with lavish hand A fertile soil throughout this favored land And filled the tree-crowned hills with varied stores Of inexhaustible ...

"New Laws of Interest to the Society," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 550-551.
... 550 Ohio Arch 550 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications LITTLE LOGAN ELMS Sometime early in the current year it was suggested that possibly under the spreading branches of the Logan Elm might be found some seedling baby Logan Elms that with proper care would grow up through the years into sturdy trees like the parent The little park surrounding the Elm is mown every year and the young seedlings fall before the scythe Upon investigation however a number of stubs were found with good live ...

"Death of Senator Frank Bartlette Willis," Volume 37, Number 2, April, 1928, pp. 433-434.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 433 Reviews Notes and Comments 433 DEATH OF SENATOR FRANK BARTLETTE WILLIS On the evening of March 28 1928 when he was about to deliver an address in his campaign for the nomination of President of the United States at a home-coming celebration in his honor at Gray Chapel Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware Ohio United States Senator Frank B Willis was stricken and died while 2500 of his friends and neighbors were waiting to hear him Senator Willis was born in Delaware ...

"The Genealogist as Historian," by Harold J. Grimm. Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 276-281.
... 276 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 27 6 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Mr Frank A Livingston President of the first-named organization presided Dr Harold J Grimm of the Ohio State University presented a paper on The Genealogist as Historian and Dr Harlow Lindley of the Ohio State Museum read a paper prepared by Mr Delbert L Gratz of Bluffton Ohio on The Swiss Mennonites of Alien and Putnam Counties THE GENEALOGIST AS HISTORIAN By HAROLD J GRIMM The genealogist ...

"Under the Aged Logan Elm" (A Poem) by Rachel E. Hughes. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 548-549.
... 548 Ohio Arch 548 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The little band in homespun suits To whom our ancestry we trace With pride were Freedom's first recruits -- The heroes of a noble race They heard the call of Paul Revere -- His rousing cry To arms to arms And eager flocked from far and near The stalwart yeomen of the farms Hail to the men that made us free Hail to the stainless swords they drew A thousand years will never see Forgetfulness of men so true Their deeds will live while ...

"A New Deal in History: An Abstract of Address Given," by John W. Oliver. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 324-326.
... 324 Ohio Arch 324 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ing them without political compromise our cooperation in return for greater consideration on their part Encourage Columbus-Franklin County membership approximately one-third of our total to serve as a nucleus of interest and activity these being close at hand can and do avail themselves of the Museum and Library and should be amenable to further interest provided something worth-while is provided for them Utilize these nearby members ...

Volume 36, Number 2, April, 1927, pp. 317-318 .
... Reviews and Comments 317 Reviews and Comments 317 education He overcame this and other handicaps and reached the limit of his days crowned with success To his friends he was loyal and he had the faculty of binding others to himself with a friendship as loyal as his own Employes were thoroughly devoted to his interests To those in need he was generous He was charitable without ostentation He was public-spirited and gave freely for the upbuilding of Columbus Beneath a rugged reticent and ...

"Necrology," Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 568.
... 568 Ohio Arch 568 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The report was received and the committee given authority to receive the donation WARREN COUNTY SERPENT MOUND Mr Cole read the following report furnished by Dr Charles H Hough The mound property is in statu quo except that the wood lot has been somewhat marred by a gravel pit opened along the creek The field is now in grain-stubble All land in that locality is held at very high prices I think it unwise to negotiate with anyone until we ...

"Death of Caleb H. Gallup," Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 603-604.
... Editorialana Editorialana 603 DEATH OF CALEB H GALLUP Hon Caleb Hathaway Gallup for many years a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and Trustee by election of the members for a period of six years from 1909 to 1915 died at Norwalk his home on Saturday October 16 1915 He was a man of unusual ability endowed with a strong determined character His life was a busy and fruitful one He was born in Norwalk Ohio May 10 1834 and had therefore passed his eighty-first ...

"Index to Minutes of Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society," Volume 31, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 654-655.
... INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY Baker C B 620 Society 595-596 recommends purBaker R C 593 chase of photostat equipment 598Bareis George F 593 620 report as 599 620 621 motion by 627 629 chairman of museum committee 627offers resolution to amend constitu628 634 elected first vice-president tion 630-632 634 elected secretary of Society 634 motion by 634 librarian and editor of Society 634 Battelle Gordon 620 Gard D H 593 ...

"Joseph A. Howells," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 549-550.
... JOSEPH A JOSEPH A HOWELLS Joseph A Howells was born at St Clairsville Belmont County Ohio September 1 1832 He was the son of William C and Mary Dean Howells and a brother of William Dean Howells For fifty-seven years he was foreman editor and proprietor of the Ashtabula Sentinel He was appointed American Con549 550 Ohio Arch 550 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sul to Turk Islands British West Indies October 30 1905 He died August 10 1912 On July 19 1913 there was placed at the head ...

Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 105-107.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Country Printer New York State 1785-1830 By Milton W Hamilton New York Columbia University Press 1936 361p 375 One of the most colorful figures in the period immediately following the Revolutionary War was the country printer the printer-editor-publisher who was indeed a distinctive character in his community Too often the press as an institution and influence is identified with the great dailies published in the chief cities of our country Too little attention is ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 49-50.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent retirements within the professional community include Ruth Helmuth Case Western Reserve University Archivist William D Aeschbacher teacher and administrator at the University of Cincinnati and Lenore R O'Boyle and Leon C Soule of Cleveland State University The 1986 Northern Great Plains History Conference will be held September 25-27 For details contact Jack M Lauber University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Department of History Eau Claire Wisconsin 54701 ...

"Nye Family Reunion at Marietta," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 288-289.
... 288 Ohio Arch 288 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications erected their temple on the hilltop to the day of the traction car But that car like the one of Juggernaut is the irresistible chariot of the present that ruthlessly rolls over the veneration for the past The pamphlet prospectus in question devotes several pages to the history and description of the mound and properly presents it as one of the leading features which will make the proposed traction line a valuable and paying institution ...

"Celebration of Centenary of Lafayette's Visit to America," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 323-324.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 323 Reviews Notes and Comments 323 The question Are any of the Griffiths there yet Mr Gessner answered in the affirmative The General then humorously observes The town of Batavia must now be very much dried up with all the facilities the people have to get away I used to take much delight in visiting there and through Clermont And then he added with a touch of pathos But I have made my last visit In this connection the author makes some statements that will be news ...

"Prospective Endowment of the Hayes Historical Society in the Spiegel Grove State Park," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 571-574.
... History of Archaeological Society 571 History of Archaeological Society 571 long I shall honor his grave with a better tombstone and write an inscription upon it that will inform the passerby who occupies that lonely spot Give my respects to old Uncle Dan Allman tell him I should be glad to hear from him Accept of these lines and remember a Son a Brother and his little family Goodbye Mother and Friends WILLIAM WARNER SARAH WARNER ALI C E WARNER the babe PROSPECTIVE ENDOWMENT OF THE HAYES ...