Ohio History Journal

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"Under the Administrative Code," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 349-351.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 349 Reviews Notes and Comments 349 his voluntary service and the assistance of the regular employees of theSociety a mass of valuable material was collected This consists chiefly of local newspapers from which clippings have been made indexed and bound When the General Assembly finally acted it made only meager appropriations for the work At its last session no provision was made for the Commission but the work has been continued by the Society It should collect ...

"New Active Members Added Since Annual Meeting of 1926," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 645-646.
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 645 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 645 Mr Edward S Lewis 22 1 7 McGregor Place Cincinnati Ohio Mrs Rhea Mansfield Knittle 177 E Main St Ashland Ohio Mr C Allen Boughton 1 25 W Fifth St Mansfield Ohio Mrs Henry V Weil 1 26 E 57th St New York City N Y Mr Ralph H Beaton 1578 E Long St Columbus Ohio Rev L L Roush 5725 Gallia Ave Portsmouth Ohio Mr C E Spindler Ashville Ohio Miss Gertrude H Terrell New Vienna Ohio R F D No 3 Mr Edward S Thomas 1116 ...

"NOTES" Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 110.
... 110 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 110 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY NOTES Contributors to This Issue WAYNE JORDAN journalist a graduate of Marietta College is on the staff of Business Week ALFRED B SEARS is in the Department of History University of Oklahoma Norman Oklahoma ROBERT SAMUEL FLETCHER is associate professor of history at Oberlin College Oberlin Ohio OPHIA D SMITH is author of The Life and Times of Giles Richards being volume VI of the Society's Ohio ...

Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 454-455.
... Historical News Historical News David C Riede has been appointed an instructor in the department of history at the University of Akron Mr Riede received the BA and MA degrees in history from the University of Iowa and is now completing his dissertation for the doctor's degree Maxwell Whiteman has been appointed assistant director of the American Jewish Archives Jacob R Marcus the director of the archives is the recipient of the 1954-55 National Service Award of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity This ...

"Additional Compensation for Soldiers of the World War," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 351-353.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 351 Reviews Notes and Comments 351 action makes very little change in the status of the Society while it offers large opportunities for co-operation with the various branches of the Department of Education The Superintendent of Public Instruction now becomes ex-officio a member of our Board of Trustees ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR SOLDIERS OF THE WORLD WAR A constitutional amendment providing for issuing bonds for adjusted compensation for service in the World War was ...

Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 109-110.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES Any book mentioned in this d ep artment can be obtained through the Publisher of the QUARTERLY PRIMITIVE INDUSTRY or Illustrations of the Handiwork in Stone Bone and Clay of the Native Races of the Northern Atlantic Seaboard of America By Charles C Abbott MD Pp 560 Salem Mass Geo A Bates Cincinnati Robert Clarke amp Co 1881 Taken all together Dr Abbott's work on Primitive Industry is the most important single contribution yet made to the subject of American archaeology ...

"Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, March 26, 1960," Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 291-293.
... Minutes of the Meeting of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus March 26 1960 THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY held its twenty-seventh annual meeting at the Ohio State Museum on Saturday March 26 1960 Two concurrent sessions were held in the morning and two in the afternoon John Hall Stewart of Western Reserve University acted as chairman of the modern European history section at which James M Laux of the University of Cincinnati delivered a paper on De Gaulle in Power ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 100, , Summer-Autumn, 1991, pp. 154-156.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Oral History Association will hold its 1992 Annual Meeting October 15-18 1992 at the Stouffer Tower City Hotel in Cleveland Ohio Proposals for papers panels media presentations or entire sessions should be sent by December 1 1991 to Donna M DeBlasio Program Chair Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor PO Box 533 Youngstown Ohio 44501 The Black Film CenterArchive at Indiana University-Bloomington is planning a conference entitled In Touch With ...

"Report of Civil War Historian," Volume 28, Number 4, October, 1919, pp. 408-409.
... 408 Ohio Arch 408 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications That was my first impression and Dr Schlesinger's that the Archaeological Museum will become in time the mecca for county historians or as he phrased it a laboratory for scientific historical research experiment synthesis and exploitation - forever We are still receiving papers from 67 of the 88 Ohio counties in many cases two or three papers from a county making about 150 papers in all scrap-books are being formed steadily by daily ...

"Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference Memorial," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 560-561.
... 560 Ohio Arch 5 60 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications mysterious Mound Builder was at all events a good liver The weather proved delightful and the State officials as well as trustees pronounced themselves as highly pleased first with the fact that the State had secured the property and second that it was being so admirably protected under the custodianship of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE MEMORIAL On Tuesday June 28 1904 at Columbus ...

"The Buckeye," by Alice Williams Brotherton. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 180-181.
... THE BUCKEYE THE BUCKEYE BY ALICE WILLIAMS BROTHERTON The rose and the thistle and the shamrock green And the leek are the flowers of Britain The fleur-de-lys on the flag of France In a band of blood is written But what shall we claim for our own fair land What flower for our own fair token The golden rod or the tasseled maize For each has its own bard spoken Oh the tasseled corn for the whole broad land For the Union no power can sever But the buckeye brown for the Buckeye State Shall be our ...

"Winesburg Revisited and Wine Baron's Castle," by Martin Scholten. Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1966, pp. 35-37.
... 36 OHIO HISTORY 36 OHIO HISTORY WINE BARON'S CASTLE Marblehead Peninsula Lake Erie Low thunderheads like distant nebulous hills Hovering on the horizon and the lake In silvered calm reflective eye of summer Casting on earth and sky a spell of vast And brooding quiet -- almost as if time Were an unchanging landscape and its motions With those of wind and weather all suspended That was the afternoon we found the house Known to us only by vague history And local legend then an echoing shell Of ...

"EDITORIAL NOTE," Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 113.
... EDITORIAL NOTE EDITORIAL NOTE It seems appropriate to make the April issue of the QUARTERLY a Memorial to the late Charles Burleigh Galbreath who for fourteen years was its editor The April issue of Museu m Echoes was devoted largely to him It contained a brief sketch of his life written by the editor copies of the editorials appearing in the Columbus daily newspapers following his death and three poems written by local friends which were originally published in the A Verse for Today column of ...

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, Ohio, April 5, 1952," Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 299-300.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 5 1952 The Ohio Academy of History met at the Ohio State Museum Columbus April 5 at 1000 AM with Dr John Hall Stewart of Western Reserve University in the chair The morning session was devoted to a symposium on American Studies programs in American colleges and universities led by Dr Lyon N Richardson director of libraries at Western Reserve University At the luncheon meeting in Pomerene Hall Ohio State University Dr ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 111, pp. 200-201, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 200.
... Notes and Queries Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 200-201 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The 2003 Ohio Academy of History Spring Meeting will be held April 2515026 at Kent State Stark Campus Additional information and directions are posted at www2uakroneduOAH on the Spring Meeting link If you have questions please contact the Coordinator of Local Arrangements Dr Thomas Sosnowski Department of History 6000 Frank Ave NW ...

"Address of Prof. G. Frederick Wright (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 422-424.
... 422 Ohio Arch 422 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications the entrance of the Campus and facing the High street thoroughfare The legislature passed those two bills and the hopes of these officers who have labored for twenty years now see the consummation of our labors And now I have the pleasure of introducing our honored and devoted President Professor G Frederick Wright ADDRESS OF PROF G FREDERICK WRIGHT Ohio has been behind many of her sister states in appreciating her archaeological and ...

"Archaeological Work in Ohio," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 499-500.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 499 Reviews Notes and Comments 499 respondence between Rutherford Birchard Hayes and his college classmate and intimate friend Guy Morrison Bryan The two were members of the same college club at Kenyon After graduation Mr Bryan returned to Texas Of opposite political views and identified in sympathy with their respective sections their warm personal friendship extended over many years and their correspondence was unbroken except through the period of the Civil War ...

"Ohio Battle Flags: House Bill No. 247," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 225-226.
... OHIO BATTLE FLAGS OHIO BATTLE FLAGS REPORT OF COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO PROVIDE FOR PLACING THE FLAGS IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE STATE CAPITOL House Bill No 247 AN ACT To provide for the display of the battle flags now in the possession of the state in the rotunda of the state house WHEREAS There are now in the relic room of the state the battle flags carried by the sons of Ohio from 1861 to 1865 which flags are the most precious possessions of the state and WH EREA S Their present location is ...

"Spetnagle Cache of Flint Spear-Points, The," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 638-640.
... -- Drawings by HR Goodwin 638 TYPICAL SPECIMENS FROM THE SPETNAGEL CACHE NATURAL SIZE THE SPETNAGLE CACHE OF FLINT THE SPETNAGLE CACHE OF FLINT SPEAR-POINTS Few better examples of ceremonial offerings of chipped flint artifacts than the Spetnagel cache of flint spear-points recently placed on exhibition in the Museum of the Society by Mr Albert C Spetnagel of Chillicothe have been found in Ohio or elsewhere This remarkable cache-lot of upwards of 200 ceremonial spears was unearthed in the ...

"Dr. Austin Scott," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 329-330.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 329 Reviews Notes and Comments 329 shown as the Josh Billings house on August 8 1845 from John Tift jr for 1100 and resold it to John Tift on January 3 1848 for 1050 That Josh Billings had always dreamed of buying back the old place in Norwalk is attested by a correspondence covering a long number of years between the humorist and W J Alley of Norwalk a lifelong friend of Billings The daughter of Mr Alley who is still living in Norwalk remembers as a little girl when ...