... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 559 He was a Kentuckian by birth and his daughter became the wife of George D Prentice the gifted editor and writer of Louisville Kentucky HONORS AWARDED TO OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MEN The following announcement in a local paper is of general interest We are pleased to note that our state archaeologist is included in the honor roll Membership in the Ohio State University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa honorary scholastic fraternity has been ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 22 3 longer contemplate buying that property as it had been purchased by Mr A M Woolson who they were glad to learn proposed to preserve the landmark and it was understood would set off a portion to the Daughters of the American Revolution There was also some discussion concerning the proposition that the association acquire possession of the old court house at Maumee which building is located on the spot of the famous Dudley massacre The court house would be a most ...
... Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition 187 An honored picture his who built so fair The soldier-statesman who in days of stress Toiled 'midst the brave high-hearted pioneers To make a garden of the wilderness From old Virginia he blessed with her dower Of courage high Could nobler gift be given 'Twas on her shore that our fair freedom's flower Raised its first bravely shining bud toward heaven Ah those who went to brave the Western wilds To fell the forest ...
... Notes and Queries Winter-Spring 2002 pp 94-95 Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page NOTES AND QUERIES The Ohio History 100-Year Index is now available in print The index covers material published in the journal from 1887 through 2000 It is a two volume set with Book I featuring the subject author and title ...
... 272 Ohio Arch 272 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General George Florence and Mr Clarence D Laylin who were declared duly elected Trustees for the term of three years It was stated that the Committee on Cooperation with Ohio State University had no report to make On motion the meeting recessed to 130 P M AFTERNOON MEETING The meeting was called to order by President Arthur C Johnson who stated It is with mingled feelings that I stand before you this afternoon a humble successor to the ...
... PAINTED SKELETONS PAINTED SKELETONS BY WM C MILLS Curator Ohio State Archaeological Historical Society Very peculiar burials have been reported from the western part of Concord Township Ross County Ohio The burials were first brought to my notice by Mr A B Coover of Roxabell Ohio who removed several skeletons from a gravel pit in the western part of Concord Township and these were covered with red ocre One year later Mr Almer Hegler of Washington C H notified me that a number of skeletons ...
... Dedication of the Haycs Memorial Dedication of the Haycs Memorial 4 69 on his generous endowment which assures that the whole shall be properly cared for forever It needs no prophetic vision to foresee that year after year the people of Ohio and of the Nation will come in increasing numbers as to a shrine to pay their tribute of reverence and affection for the simple great one gone and his beloved wife who sleep side by side under yonder monument From this shrine will constantly go forth an ...
... PRESENTATION OF RARE COLLECTION BY PRESENTATION OF RARE COLLECTION BY PROFESSOR EMERSON VENABLE After adjourning to the Library as above noted the following proceedings were had SECRETARY GALBREATH Mr Emerson Venable teacher author and writer will present the Dolores Cameron Venable Memorial Collection in honor of his late wife MR EMERSON VENABLE Mr Galbreath and Members of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society I regret that my daughter Evelyn Venable is unable to be present on ...
... JOHN GRAY WASHINGTON'S LAST SOLDIER JOHN GRAY WASHINGTON'S LAST SOLDIER BORN NEAR MT VERNON VA JANUARY 6TH 1764 DIED NEAR HIRAMSBURG O MARCH 29TH 1868 BY PRIVATE DALZELL Read at the Marietta Centennial Celebration One by one the severed links have started Bonds that bound us to the sacred past One by one our patriot sires departed Time hath brought us to behold the last Last of all who won our early glory Lonely traveler of the weary way Poor unknown unnamed in song or story In his western ...
... 36 Ohio Arch 36 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications NOTES HONORABLE JAMES W GOOD Honorable James W Good Secretary of War in the cabinet of President Hoover was the most distinguished official who attended the unveiling of the monument in honor of General Anthony Wayne and he delivered the principal address at the banquet in the evening in the Commodore Perry Hotel No one who heard him would have predicted that this would be the last distinguished service of this character he would perform ...
... PROCEEDINGS 217 PROCEEDINGS 217 lands as sites for the establishment of state parks along the shores of Lake Erie for conservation and recreation purposes Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted by the secretary of this organization to Conservation Commissioner L Wooddell and to each member of the conservation council and to the chairman of the Senate Conservation and Finance Committees and to the Governor of the State of Ohio Mr Miller read a report of receipts ...
... A Prophecy A Prophecy 351 Wait on the Queen of Arts in her own bowers Perfumed with all the fragrance of the earth From blooming shrubbery and radiant flowers And hope with rapture wed life's calm and peaceful hours Oft as the spring wakes on the verdant year And nature glows in fervid beauty dress'd The loves and graces shall commingle here To charm the queenly City of the West Her stately youth with noble warmth impress'd Her graceful daughters smiling as in MayApollos these and Hebes those ...
... Communications Communications To the Editor Marc Raphael has used his experience as an interviewer for the Columbus Jewish History Project to write a short analysis of the opportunities and difficulties surrounding oral history in an ethnic community Autumn 1977 Much of what Professor Raphael writes is solid and well-reasoned In certain technical areas however he stated as fact what is at best opinion or presented information which is less than accurate Raphael's most significant contribution ...
... Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting Of the Ohio Academy of History Tiffin October 12 1956 The fall meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held at Heidelberg College The president of the Academy Dr Grover C Platt called the business meeting to order and requested Dr Robert W Twyman of Bowling Green to act as temporary secretary for the purpose of taking minutes Thirty persons were present The president called the attention of those assembled to the fact ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 353 Reviews Notes and Comments 353 The amount of money provided in the different states for additional compensation to World War veterans varies from 2500000 in Rhode Island to 45000000 in New York TABLET FOR CAMPUS MARTIUS The Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution will have placed upon the old Campus Martius house at Marietta a tablet marking this as an important historic point in our state It will be unveiled Wednesday September 28 1921 Dr Edwin Earl Sparks of ...
... GEORGE BANCROFT SMITH GEORGE BANCROFT SMITH Secretary-Treasurer of C F Kettering Inc Dayton Ohio George Bancroft Smith Secretary-Treasurer of C F Kettering Inc Dayton Ohio was born November 16 1867 at Phillipsburg Ohio a son of Lewis R Smith who was actively identified in the legal profession at one time in the contracting business and of Mary John Smith Ancestry on father's side Scotch and Holland Dutch on mother's side of Welsh descent George Bancroft Smith received a public school education ...
... METHODS OF TREATMENT OF SOME OF THE MORE METHODS OF TREATMENT OF SOME OF THE MORE COMMON DISEASES BY THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO By DAVID A TUCKER MD As a preface to the description of the treatment of some common diseases in the Ohio Valley a century or more ago I should like to sketch briefly the knowledge with which the physician of that period was equipped First he was familiar with the gross appearance of body in health and disease as anatomical studies were greatly stressed but knew ...
... 136 Ohio Arch 136 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE BUNCH OF GRAPES TAVERN In Old Boston Taverns -a rare little pamphlet published in Boston in 1886 and written by Samuel Adams Drake--is an entertaining little chapter on the Bunch of Grapes Tavern the inn that figured so historically in the early stages of the organization of the Ohio Company of Associates The tavern stood in King Street now State Street at the upper corner of Kilby Street It was not far from the site of the Boston ...
... Preface Preface With the publication of Volume 96 Ohio History marks its 100th year of publication The oldest ongoing program of the Ohio Historical Society the journal was during the early decades of the Society's existence synonymous with the institution Early issues contained the scholarly articles documents and book notes which constitute our present fare as well as papers and proceedings of Society meetings and lists of notable collection acquisitions Issued quarterly 1887-1981 Volumes ...
... 314 Ohio Arch 314 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications historic building but no one has come forward with the money to purchase and preserve it It is likely to share the fate of the house in Niles in which William McKinley was born JUDSON HARMON Judson Harmon jurist attorney general in the cabinet of President Cleveland and twice elected governor of Ohio died in Cincinnati February 22 1927 He was a graduate of Denison University a lawyer of eminent ability and a life member of the Ohio ...