Ohio History Journal

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"Report of Lewis F. Schaus, Chairman Building Committee (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:)," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 357.
... Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 357 REPORT OF LEWIS F SCHAUS Chairman Building Committee Mr President and Members of the Society In June 191 2 the contract for the erection of this beautiful building was let at which time the plans and specifications prepared for its erection were placed in the hands of your building committee with instructions to carry out the designs to a successful completion How well this duty has been performed the building speaks for ...

"Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, April 2, 1955," Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 328-332.
... Minutes of the Meeting Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 2 1955 The annual spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held at the Ohio State Museum April 2 1955 Two sessions were scheduled for 10 A M The chairman of one Wilfred E Binkley of Ohio Northern University introduced Charles B Forcey of Miami University who presented a paper entitled Progressivism Forerunner of Fascism Remarks were offered by Louis Filler of Antioch College and Thomas LeDuc of ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 89, Number 2, Spring, 1980, pp. 241-242.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Dr William T Doherty Jr Professor of History and University Historian at West Virginia University has been named Editor of West Virginia History Dr Doherty will immediately assume the editorial duties of the quarterly publication of the Department of Culture and History Doherty earned undergraduate degrees from Southeast Missouri State University his Master of Arts degree from American University's School of Social Sciences and Public Affairs and his Doctor ...

"Minutes of Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society (October 10, 1925)," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 284.
... 284 Ohio Arch 284 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO October 10 1925 -- 1245 P M Present Messrs Johnson Prince Furniss Orton Wood Goodman Bareis Florence and Mrs Dryer Mr Bareis moved that Arthur C Johnson be elected President of the Society On motion of General Florence the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees: Society Building, June 29, 1914," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 406-408.
... 406 Ohio Arch 406 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications TERMS EXPIRE IN 1917 Col Webb C Hayes Fremont Dr W O Thompson Columbus Dr G Frederick Wright Oberlin APPOINTED BY THE GOVERNOR Hon J W Harper Cincinnati 1915 Hon J W Yeagley New Philadelphia 1915 Hon James E Campbell Columbus 1916 Hon Myron T Herrick Cleveland 1916 Prof B F Prince Springfield 1917 Mr E O Randall Columbus 1917 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES SOCIETY BUILDING JUNE 29 1914 The annual meeting of the trustees of the Society ...

"Under the Administrative Code," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 349-351.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 349 Reviews Notes and Comments 349 his voluntary service and the assistance of the regular employees of theSociety a mass of valuable material was collected This consists chiefly of local newspapers from which clippings have been made indexed and bound When the General Assembly finally acted it made only meager appropriations for the work At its last session no provision was made for the Commission but the work has been continued by the Society It should collect ...

"Grant Cabin," by Henry Clyde Shetrone. Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 103-104.
... GRANT CABIN GRANT CABIN By HENRY CLYDE SHETRONE Removal of the cabin in which General Ulysses S Grant was born to its original site at Point Pleasant Ohio celebrated with fitting ceremonies on October 4 1936 is of two-fold significance Not only does it constitute a timely tribute to another of Ohio's eminent citizens but since the cabin as such has been completely restored and interiorly refurnished mostly with actual Grant items it perpetuates a typical historic pioneer home Every effort is ...

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, Ohio, April 7, 1951," Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 308-311.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 7 1951 The Ohio Academy of History met in Columbus April 7 at 1000 A M with Dr Raymond W Bixler of Ashland College in the chair Grover C Platt of Bowling Green State University opened the morning session with a discussion of The Civilization Course in the Ohio College History Curriculum and Frederick B Joyner of Miami University spoke on The Basic American History Course in Ohio Colleges Donald R Tuttle of Fenn College ...

"Serpent Mound Tower," Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 105.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XVIII No l JANUARY 1909 SERPENT MOUND TOWER It will be recalled that the Seventy-Seventh General Assembly 1908 in the appropriations for the Society made provision by a special appropriation of 500 for the erection of a tower at Serpent Mound At the meeting of the Executive Committee held July 16 1908 the matter of making a contract and supervising the erection of this tower was placed in charge of a special committee consisting of Treasurer Wood and Secretary ...

"Fort Ancient," by A. A. Graham. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 312.
... 312 Ohio Arch 3 12 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 FORT ANCIENT The General Assembly at the last session passed an act to purchase this remarkable earth-work on the bluffs on the left bank of the Little Miami river in Warren county By some oversight the number of acres authorized to be purchased did not include the entire fortification and there still remains a portion of the south or old fort and little of the north end unpurchased A bill was afterward introduced by Senator Jesse ...

"Local Boards of Health in Ohio during the Period, 1835-1858," Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 380-383.
... LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH IN OHIO DURING LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH IN OHIO DURING THE PERIOD 1835-1858 By ROBERT G PATERSON Ph D Early pioneers in the settlement of Ohio brought with them the ideas methods and practices which prevailed among the colonists on the Atlantic Seaboard This was true especially in their struggles with epidemic diseases Today it is difficult for us to recreate the stark fear with which our forefathers awaited an approaching epidemic Scarcely a winter went by without a ...

"Index to 'A History of Banking and Currency in Ohio Before the Civil War,'" Volume 24, Number 3, July, 1915, pp. 534-539.
... INDEX INDEX Agricultural progress in Ohio before 1825 255 334 1831-37 355 1838-42 397-8 414 1852 440 1857 469 Assessed valuation of property in Ohio 439 520 Banks chartered in Ohio before 1815 257 260 261-3 under Bonus Law of 1815 273 275 277 1829 344 1831 359 1832 362 1833 with capital of a million 364 1834 367 Bank Commissioners of Ohio enactment of law providing for 392 first report of 392 report of 1842 favors restrictions on banks 401 Bank Committee report of in Ohio legislature in 1819 ...

"Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, April 4, 1959," Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 299-302.
... Minutes of the Meeting of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 4 1959 TH E O H IO ACADEMY OF HISTORY held its twenty-sixth annual meeting at the Ohio State Museum on Saturday April 4 1959 Three concurrent morning sessions were devoted to a variety of topics Alfred D Low of Youngstown University as chairman of the section on modern European history introduced David C Riede of the University of Akron and Grover C Platt of Bowling Green State University who ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 110, , Winter-Spring, 2001, pp. 83-84.
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 83-84 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page NOTES AND QUERIES The Ohio Academy of History Fall Meeting will be held October 5 2001 at Kenyon College in Gambier For more information please contact Roy Wortman Department of History Kenyon College Gambier Ohio 43022 phone 740 ...

"Centennial Tribute to Ohio," by John Hopley. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 181.
... Centennial Tribute to Ohio Centennial Tribute to Ohio 181 Oh the tasseled corn for the whole broad land For the Union no power can sever But the buckeye brown for the Buckeye State Shall be our badge forever CENTENNIAL TRIBUTE TO OHIO BY JOHN HOPLEY Hail fair O HIO from the great Northwest The first established free state and the best Where bounteous Nature spread with lavish hand A fertile soil throughout this favored land And filled the tree-crowned hills with varied stores Of inexhaustible ...

Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 419-421.
... Historical News Historical News THE LOYOLA UNIVERSITY HISTORY DEPARTMENT has established an annual national master's essay competition open in the academic year 1959-60 The first William P Lyons Master's Essay Award will be made for the best essay submitted by July 15 1960 in manuscript form from those which have merited MA degrees from American universities during 1959-60 The award will recognize work that is exemplary in style and method based solidly on original sources and interpretatively ...

"Tablet for Campus Martius," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 353-354.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 353 Reviews Notes and Comments 353 The amount of money provided in the different states for additional compensation to World War veterans varies from 2500000 in Rhode Island to 45000000 in New York TABLET FOR CAMPUS MARTIUS The Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution will have placed upon the old Campus Martius house at Marietta a tablet marking this as an important historic point in our state It will be unveiled Wednesday September 28 1921 Dr Edwin Earl Sparks of ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 49-50.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent retirements within the professional community include Ruth Helmuth Case Western Reserve University Archivist William D Aeschbacher teacher and administrator at the University of Cincinnati and Lenore R O'Boyle and Leon C Soule of Cleveland State University The 1986 Northern Great Plains History Conference will be held September 25-27 For details contact Jack M Lauber University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Department of History Eau Claire Wisconsin 54701 ...

"National Meeting S. A. R.," Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 399-400.
... Editorialana Editorialana 399 Society The article is most complete and satisfactory written with the customary scholarly accuracy characteristic of Professor Knight Judge James H Anderson the President of The Old Northwest Genealogical Society has an interesting and of course sympathetic article upon his son James Thomas Anderson Lieutenant U S A who died in Colorado Springs March 13 1904 and was buried on the 17th of March at Marion Ohio There is also an article by the late William Trimble ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 166-167.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in Omaha Nebraska March 14-16 1991 For information concerning the meeting contact William C Pratt Program Coordinator MVHC University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha Nebraska 68182 The Oral History Association will hold its 1991 Annual Meeting on October 10-13 1991 at Snowbird near Salt Lake City Utah Proposals for papers panels and speakers particularly on such themes as women ethnic topics and the region of ...