... 426 Ohio Arch 426 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ADDRESS OF DR W O THOMPSON Mr Chairman my election to a position in this Archaeological and Historical Society was accepted as a distinct honor I therefore rejoice in the hour that is now here with all the other members of the Archaeological and Historical Society For indeed this is an hour of genuine rejoicing It gives the Society as we hope a permanent place in the history of the State I happen in the fortune of life to be here as the ...
... 628 Ohio Arch 628 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 39 Addition Historical specimens belonging to the Seip Family presented by Mr John Seip Chillicothe O 9-27-26 738 Historical specimens presented by Mr C V Sigler Columbus O 9-27-26 37 Addition Collection of seeds from Honolulu T H presented by Miss Zarel Jones 9-30-26 739 Indian Beadwork Moccasins and Regalia of J High Redthunder Sioux Medicine Man Pine Ridge South Dakota Presented by Mr Peter M Ambos Columbus O 10-1 -26 Accessions to ...
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Meeting at the Deshler-Wallick Hotel Columbus Ohio April 24 1947 The Ohio Academy of History met in Columbus April 24 1947 in joint meeting with the Mississippi Valley Historical Association at the luncheon conference with 160 in attendance President F P Weisenburger introduced Governor Thomas J Herbert who made some appropriate remarks as to the historian's place in the world today He then introduced Harlan Hatcher Dean of the College of Arts ...
... RUTHERFORD B RUTHERFORD B HAYES AND THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Letters contributed by CURTIS W GARRISON RAINBOW OHIO Dec 2nd 1891 GEN R B HAYES Dear General As you are one of the Trustees of the Ohio State University and as I wish to act intelligently in the coming Legislature in all matters concerning it I take the liberty of asking your counsel in the case While I have not the least doubt that the Trustees and managers of that institution have done all in their power to build it up yet they ...
... Notes and Queries Winter-Spring 2003 p 64 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The Legislative History Editorial Board of the Capitol Square Foundation seeks an academically trained historian to write a single volume comprehensive history of the Ohio General Assembly from 1803-present The expectation is that this work will be suitable for publication by a university press with the final manuscript completed by March 1 ...
... Historical News Historical News THE LOYOLA UNIVERSITY HISTORY DEPARTMENT has established an annual national master's essay competition open in the academic year 1959-60 The first William P Lyons Master's Essay Award will be made for the best essay submitted by July 15 1960 in manuscript form from those which have merited MA degrees from American universities during 1959-60 The award will recognize work that is exemplary in style and method based solidly on original sources and interpretatively ...
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 271 Fortieth Annual Meeting 271 have charge of arrangements for the proposed trip and suggested that members desiring to make the tour communicate with him ASH CAVE Mr Bright stated that Ash Cave has been turned over to the State Forestry Department the state purchased about 1200 acres of land and has made a state park of it Mr Wood for the Committee on Nominations stated that the committee desires to make its report in two sections We have with us today a man who has ...
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Friday April 12 1946 100 P M The meeting was called to order by President Arthur C Johnson Sr at 100 PM with a larger and more representative attendance than usual In opening the meeting President Johnson made the following introductory remarks We are now at an important crossroads in the life of the Society We will not read the reports of the activities for the past year ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The ABC-CLIO America History and Life Award is a biennial award of 750 given to recognize and encourage scholarship in American history in journal literature advancing new perspectives on accepted interpretations or previously unconsidered topics The award is not confined to any particular subject area or chronological period but instead seeks to recognize journal articles that display a seminal character articles that do not simply elaborate previous ...
... EMERSON AND OHIO EMERSON AND OHIO A New Emerson Letter1 by N C DAVIS Graduate Assistant in English Ohio State University The following excerpt is from the editorial columns of the Cleveland Herald for March 2 1852 RALPH W EMERSON Writes from Concord Feb 26th to one of our citizens who had written to him when recently in Buffalo to come here and lecture Your letter I found on my road but it offered me fruit which I could not eat however fair All my days were promised for the Lyceums along the ...
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments Notes and Reviews 531 dead A chart was shown delineating the bundled bones of Indians at the surface of the ground at Mille Lacs with mounds of earth built over them James W Lynd historian of the Sioux nation was quoted showing that the Dakota people were at Mille Laces at a very ancient period in fact so long ago that no tradition remained to show where they came from or how long they had been there No trace of two distinct classes of stone implements and ...
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES Any book mentioned in this department can be obtained through the Pub lisher of the QUARTERLY AMERICAN STATE CONSTITUTIONS A Study of their Growth By Henry Hitchcock LL D New York and London G P Putnam's Sons 1887 This little volume is No XXXVII of Questions of the Day It is an interesting study of certain currents of political thought in the United States as seen in State Constitutions and was originally delivered as an address before the New York State Bar Association ...
... BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE Buffalo Child Long Lance a scholarly Indian chieftain from Alberta Canada spoke at the annual meeting of the Society October 2 An account of his address and his visit to Ohio is found on a succeeding page In introducing him at the annual meeting Governor James E Campbell President of the Society spoke in part as follows I am going to introduce a real live Indian of the Blood tribe His name in our language is Buffalo Child Long Lance His name in ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 313 Reviews Notes and Comments 313 conditions at the time he said I am not surprised at the action of the United States government Slavery is now recognized as morally and economically wrong but at the time of the Harper's Ferry raid it was legalized by the United States and the State of Virginia It is generally admitted now that the blow at Harper's Ferry hastened the outbreak of the Civil War which brought slavery to an end in the United States John Brown's ...
... IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Read and adopted at the afternoon session of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society April 30 1931 EDWIN FOREST WOOD WHE REAS It has pleased Divine Providence to remove from our midst our co-worker associate and friend Edwin Forest Wood and W HEREAS He had been prominently identified with the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society since 1890 serving first as Assistant Treasurer and after the death of S S Rickly November 23 1905 as Treasurer of the ...
... JOSEPH A JOSEPH A HOWELLS Joseph A Howells was born at St Clairsville Belmont County Ohio September 1 1832 He was the son of William C and Mary Dean Howells and a brother of William Dean Howells For fifty-seven years he was foreman editor and proprietor of the Ashtabula Sentinel He was appointed American Con549 550 Ohio Arch 550 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sul to Turk Islands British West Indies October 30 1905 He died August 10 1912 On July 19 1913 there was placed at the head ...
... 630 Ohio Arch 630 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 1 A circular letter to members of the Society asking them to submit names of prospective members 2 A blank form for the names and addresses of prospective members 3 A stamped envelope for the return of the list of prospective members 4 A circular entitled Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society--Notes on Present Activities Past Achievements and Future Prospects This material will be mailed from the office of the Secretary of ...
... Tecumseh Tecumseh 497 says her husband was killed fighting by the side of Tecumseh in the battle of the Thames but Shane speaks of him as quoted by Drake as Tecumseh's friend and brother-in-law Wasegoboah It would appear from this that Masonville had united with the Indians assumed an Indian name and becamereconciled to Tecumseh Shane further states that after the War of 1812 Tecumsapease went to Quebec probably with her nephew Pugeshashenwa whence after a time she returned to Detroit where ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 559 He was a Kentuckian by birth and his daughter became the wife of George D Prentice the gifted editor and writer of Louisville Kentucky HONORS AWARDED TO OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MEN The following announcement in a local paper is of general interest We are pleased to note that our state archaeologist is included in the honor roll Membership in the Ohio State University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa honorary scholastic fraternity has been ...
... TO CINCINNATI TO CINCINNATI BY EDWARD A M'LAUGHLIN 1798This poem appeared as one of a collection printed in Cincinnati in 1841 The general title of the book was Lovers of the Deep To any one who is acquainted with the culture of Cincinnati the prophetic vision of the poet can be keenly appreciated City of gardens verdant parks sweet bowers Blooming upon thy bosom bright and fair Wet with the dews of spring and summer's showers And fanned by every breath of wandering air Rustling the foliage of ...