... 130 Ohio Arch 130 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 24 1934 and that a copy of the same be sent to his surviving wife and son IN MEMORY T o C B GALBREAT H My grief must not disturb the sleep Of one who found his needed rest Though loss of him has made me weep He loved my happiness the best My songs of gladness and of youth And he would have this tribute be Some unaffected gentle truth For his beloved humanity He gave so much and gave so well And while men whisper He is gone I feel the ...
... 100 Ohio Arch 100 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications NOAH'S ARK The construction and voyage of Noah's Ark is not exactly material pertinent to Ohio history or archaeology but as a matter of universal curiosity we herewith republish from very recent popular press items the following M V Millard archaeologist and distinguished excavator along the Nile who was recently at Indianapolis declared that he had discovered the place where Noah built the ark Millard for a year past was engaged in ...
... OHIO COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY OHIO COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS OF HISTORY University of Akron Akron Reuben V Smith Summerfield Baldwin Chairman Homer R Cotterham Clara G Roe King Bradow Clarence D Leckey Case Institute of Technology Antioch College Yellow Springs Cleveland Irwin Abrams Chairman Stanton Ling Davis Chairman Louis Filler George A Carroll James Horton Kenyon C Kramer William F Zornow Ashland College Ashland Cedarville College Cedarville E G Mason Chairman R W Bixler Donald R ...
... The Sorrow of the Nations The Sorrow of the Nations 385 THE SORROW OF THE NATIONS IN MEMORIAM WM MCKINLEY BY JOHN P SMITH SHARPSBURG MARYLAND Corresponding Member of the Maryland Historical Society and of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society There's darkness over every land - Man takes his fellow by the hand The hearts of men now almost fail For all the earth is one sad wail There's sorrow in the hut and hall Our land's enshrouded with a pall The bells of death do sadly toll ...
... 288 Ohio Arch 288 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications U S GRANT ONE OF OUR BOYS BY BERTYE Y WILLIAMS One of our boys In the long ago He trudged along through the winters' snow To the old school-house that you see there still Oft' he went with grist to the White Oak mill When the days of summer were long and fair Met the other boys and went swimming there 0 he knew these woods and hills and streams And 'twas here he dreamed his boyhood dreams One of our boys Just one of our boys One of our ...
... THE CHARCOAL IRON INDUSTRY OF THE THE CHARCOAL IRON INDUSTRY OF THE HANGING ROCK IRON DISTRICT--ITS INFLUENCE ON THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE OHIO VALLEY BY WILBUR STOUT INTRODUCTION The Hanging Rock Iron District as defined by the iron masters embraced the furnaces and furnace lands and also the adjacent properties over which iron ores limestones and charcoal were gathered It included parts of Carter Boyd and Greenup Counties Kentucky and parts of Lawrence Scioto Gallia Jackson Vinton and ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA REUBEN GOLD THWAITES Reuben Gold Thwaites whose work in the field of Western history has made his name familiar to every American historical student died in Madison Wis on October 22 He was born in Dorchester Mass in 1853 and in 1866 removed to Wisconsin From 1876 to 1886 he was managing editor of the Wisconsin State Journal published in Madison In 1886 he was elected Secretary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and editor of the society's collections which ...
... Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 511 Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 511 younger son William Heberling Holmes having a wife and three daughters is in business in Detroit BEAR HUNT IN YELLOWSTONE PARK -- 1872 BY W H HOLMES I had a curious little bear hunt experience in the Gallatin Range when I was with the first Hayden expedition We started out to climb one of the mountains one party going in one direction and the other with the outfit in another direction As we went along we ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 353 Reviews Notes and Comments 353 a year we will have a highway of a splendid character and when the highway has been built the argument that was made in the State Senate last year against the removal of the house in which Grant was born from the State Fair Grounds to its original foundation will be entirely dissipated The foregoing is a succinct and informing statement of fact so far as the road is concerned supplemented by a prophecy in regard to the dissipation ...
... THE RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Richland County Historical Society was organized in 1898 and has accomplished much during the five years of its exisitence A public meeting is held in June of each year The first annual meeting was held in June 1899 and was addressed by local speakers The meeting of June 1900 was addressed by the Hon Rush R Sloane president of the Firelands Historical Society and others At this meeting the late Hon John Sherman ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The 38th Annual Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in Omaha Nebraska March 9-11 1995 For information about the conference contact Dale Gaeddert Chair MVHC University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha Nebraska 68182 The 1995 Western Historical Association Meeting will be held October 11-14 1995 in Denver Colorado For details write to the Western History Association University of New Mexico 1080 Mesa Vista Hall Albuquerque New Mexico 87131-1181 or phone ...
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 83-84 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page NOTES AND QUERIES The Ohio Academy of History Fall Meeting will be held October 5 2001 at Kenyon College in Gambier For more information please contact Roy Wortman Department of History Kenyon College Gambier Ohio 43022 phone 740 ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Among recent publications concerning Ohio history are the following the Marion County Historical Society is publishing a new history of Marion County the first comprehensive history of the county since 1907 those interested should write to the Marion County 1979 History PO Box 976 Marion Ohio 43302 The Putnam County Historical Society has available Putnam County Pioneer Association Centennial History 1873-1973 1880 History and 1895 Atlas of Putnam County one ...
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 253 Fortieth Annual Meeting 253 186--addition Mrs Gardiner adds 13 dolls to collection 103-'25 NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTION 9--addition Mastodon and elk teeth presented by Mr C M Ault Piketon O 2-20-'25 29--Collection of mussel shells presented by Mrs F L Cornell Black Lick O 3-24-'25 30--Specimen of coral presented by Mr E P Wilson Columbus O 5-16-'25 31--Fossil shark tooth presented by Mr H C Baird Pataskala O 8-24-'25 32--Stalactite presented by Mr E W Eley New Orleans ...
... Centennial Tribute to Ohio Centennial Tribute to Ohio 181 Oh the tasseled corn for the whole broad land For the Union no power can sever But the buckeye brown for the Buckeye State Shall be our badge forever CENTENNIAL TRIBUTE TO OHIO BY JOHN HOPLEY Hail fair O HIO from the great Northwest The first established free state and the best Where bounteous Nature spread with lavish hand A fertile soil throughout this favored land And filled the tree-crowned hills with varied stores Of inexhaustible ...
... 290 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 290 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly the members The aims and ideas of the Association are fairly set forth in the following statement The constitutional object of the organization is the promotion of historical studies The primary motive for membership is therefore scientific The Association has accomplished results that can not be estimated by any pecuniary standard of value It has encouraged original research by its meetings and ...
... shaker of hands the friend of the weak the American Indian in Harding's case the fisherman the public ceremonial figure dedicating monuments and saluting at parades and the lover of children and dogs But the unrelenting camera eye reveals Harding to greater depths than surface gestures if one is alert enough to distinguish between the trivia and the profound One may ask whether the restoration of archival film is worth the cost and effort The ...
... AN ILLUSTRATED FIELD KEY FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AN ILLUSTRATED FIELD KEY FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF MAMMAL BONES By GEORGE W BRAINERD The key given here is designed for the identification of mammal bones in the field by persons who have not had specialized training in the subject Identifications made under such conditions are of course not always accurate and of necessity often cannot be specific When accurate identifications to species or subspecies are required the material should be checked ...
... DOCUMENTS DOCUMENTS A STATE MOTTO By Harlow Lindley The recent appearance of a book published by the Ohio Development and Publicity Commission entitled Ohio an Empire within an Empire offers an opportunity to make some comments concerning a state motto This title is purported to be taken from the State's motto the State of Ohio however has no official motto In 1866 a law was passed providing for the inscription of a motto on the State seal The motto adopted was Imperium in Imperio--an empire ...
... Preface Preface With the publication of Volume 96 Ohio History marks its 100th year of publication The oldest ongoing program of the Ohio Historical Society the journal was during the early decades of the Society's existence synonymous with the institution Early issues contained the scholarly articles documents and book notes which constitute our present fare as well as papers and proceedings of Society meetings and lists of notable collection acquisitions Issued quarterly 1887-1981 Volumes ...