... 130 Ohio Arch 130 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 24 1934 and that a copy of the same be sent to his surviving wife and son IN MEMORY T o C B GALBREAT H My grief must not disturb the sleep Of one who found his needed rest Though loss of him has made me weep He loved my happiness the best My songs of gladness and of youth And he would have this tribute be Some unaffected gentle truth For his beloved humanity He gave so much and gave so well And while men whisper He is gone I feel the ...
... 296 Ohio Arch 296 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications This is a little volume just issued from the press in which the author recounts A tale of the Mound Builders The location of the events of the story is mainly at Serpent Mound and Marietta at which latter place the author locates the capital or abiding place of the king of the Mound Builders whom he calls Oko The story is not intricate and is simply and speedily told It is an imaginative portrayal of the life and character of the Mound ...
... THE INDIAN MOUND MIAMISBURG OHIO THE INDIAN MOUND MIAMISBURG OHIO This mound is located on the upland about a mile southeast of town and is the largest of its kind in the world It was originally about eighty-five feet in height but was reduced to sixty-five feet by digging of exploring parties It measures about three hundred feet in diameter at the base In 1869 a number of citizens sunk a shaft from the top to two feet below its base So far as startling revelations are concerned the ...
... THE RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Richland County Historical Society was organized in 1898 and has accomplished much during the five years of its exisitence A public meeting is held in June of each year The first annual meeting was held in June 1899 and was addressed by local speakers The meeting of June 1900 was addressed by the Hon Rush R Sloane president of the Firelands Historical Society and others At this meeting the late Hon John Sherman ...
... Notes and Queries Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 113 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Robert L Daugherty PhD the tenth editor of Ohio History retired August 8 2003 Bob a native of West Virginia earned his undergraduate and masters degrees from West Virginia University and his doctorate in military history from The Ohio State University in 1974 He served in the United States Army and was a member of the history faculties of ...
... 284 Ohio Arch 284 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO October 10 1925 -- 1245 P M Present Messrs Johnson Prince Furniss Orton Wood Goodman Bareis Florence and Mrs Dryer Mr Bareis moved that Arthur C Johnson be elected President of the Society On motion of General Florence the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ...
... Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 357 REPORT OF LEWIS F SCHAUS Chairman Building Committee Mr President and Members of the Society In June 191 2 the contract for the erection of this beautiful building was let at which time the plans and specifications prepared for its erection were placed in the hands of your building committee with instructions to carry out the designs to a successful completion How well this duty has been performed the building speaks for ...
... 634 Ohio Arch 634 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS O SEPTEMBER 9 1922 12 o'clock noon Present Messers James E Campbell George F Bareis B F Prince E F Wood J Warren Keifer Edward Orton Jr Frank L Packard Webb C Hayes Director Mills and Secretary Galbreath were also present The meeting was called to order by President Campbell On motion of Mr E F Wood President James E Campbell was reelected President of the Society Mr ...
... 118 Ohio Arch 118 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications EDITORIALANA VOL XXVIII No 1 JANUARY 1919 BIOGRAPHY OF GROVER CLEVELAND The following letter which we gladly publish speaks for itself NEW YORK CITY October 31 1918 Editor Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society DEAR SIR I should be grateful if friends of Mr Cleveland who possess published addresses or other critical comment of historical value concerning his policies or character or letters to or from him or personal recollections ...
... 100 Ohio Arch 100 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications NOAH'S ARK The construction and voyage of Noah's Ark is not exactly material pertinent to Ohio history or archaeology but as a matter of universal curiosity we herewith republish from very recent popular press items the following M V Millard archaeologist and distinguished excavator along the Nile who was recently at Indianapolis declared that he had discovered the place where Noah built the ark Millard for a year past was engaged in ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue RUSSEL B NYE is in the Department of English of Michigan State College East Lansing GEORGE W RIGHTMIRE is President Emeritus of the Ohio State University Columbus WILLIAM MARION MILLER is Associate Professor of Romanic Languages Miami University Oxford Ohio WILLIAM D OVERMAN is Curator of History and Archivist of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society of Columbus JAMES H RODABAUGH is Associate Director of Research Hayes Memorial Fremont Ohio ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue WELLINGTON G FORDYCE is instructor in history at Euclid Central High School Cleveland ALICE McGUFFEY MORRILL RUGGLES granddaughter of Alexander Hamilton McGuffey graduate of University of Cincinnati and Radcliffe College is interested in the social history of the Middle West a writer of prose and verse JOHN I KOLEHMAINEN Ph D in history Western Reserve University is at present educational director of the Cooperative Trading Company a producer-consumer ...
... Preface Preface With the publication of Volume 96 Ohio History marks its 100th year of publication The oldest ongoing program of the Ohio Historical Society the journal was during the early decades of the Society's existence synonymous with the institution Early issues contained the scholarly articles documents and book notes which constitute our present fare as well as papers and proceedings of Society meetings and lists of notable collection acquisitions Issued quarterly 1887-1981 Volumes ...
... EDITOR'S NOTE EDITOR'S NOTE With the exception of Professor Terrill's article on An Economic Aspect of the Spanish-American War which emphasizes a heretofore unused document in regard to President McKinley's motivation for war all the articles in this edition of Ohio History center around the theme of sectionalism and the Civil War Although Frederick Grimke as Professor Bloomfield points out philosophized optimistically on American institutions in his early writings he was compelled in his ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue FREDERICK COYNE HAMIL is instructor in history at Wayne University Detroit FLORENCE E WHEELER is librarian of Leominster Public Library Leominster Massachusetts ROBERT PRICE is instructor in the Department of English Ohio State University HARRY WILLIAMS is instructor of history in the University of Omaha JOHN GILLIN is assistant professor of sociology Ohio State University ALFRED J WRIGHT is professor of geography Ohio State University FREDERICK C WAITE ...
... 630 Ohio Arch 630 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 1 A circular letter to members of the Society asking them to submit names of prospective members 2 A blank form for the names and addresses of prospective members 3 A stamped envelope for the return of the list of prospective members 4 A circular entitled Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society--Notes on Present Activities Past Achievements and Future Prospects This material will be mailed from the office of the Secretary of ...
... EMILIUS OVIATT RANDALL EMILIUS OVIATT RANDALL 1 850 -1819 This issue of the QUARTERLY is a memorial to Emilius Oviatt Randall Secretary of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society from February 1894 to the date of his death December 18 1919 a period of twenty-five years Through all that time he was editor of the OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTO R ICAL QUARTERLY Its pages bear the impress of his character - his industry his literary merit as historian and his devotion to his native ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 201 Reviews Notes and Comments 201 Western Reserve Historical Society and the Cleveland Foundation Mr Palmer was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and was at one time a member of its Board of Trustees DEATH OF DR WILLIAM C MILLS While the current issue of the QUARTERLY was passing through the press Dr William C Mills since 1898 archaeologist and director of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society passed to his final ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue DONALD D SHIRA MD Columbus Ohio is Assistant Director of the Ohio Public Health Association FREDERICK C WAITE PhD Dover N H was before his recent retirement Professor of Histologic Anatomy at the Western Reserve University School of Medicine LUCY STONE HERTZOG MD Chardon Ohio is Vice-president of the American Institute of Homeopathy HOWARD D ITTRICK MD Cleveland Ohio is Curator of the Museum of Historical and Cultural Medicine and Editor of Current ...
... Charles Burleigh Galbreath 135 Charles Burleigh Galbreath 135 The final phase But why delay the bitter truth-- The story of my pride and fall-- The transit from my vernal youth To wreckage sad and skeletal Spurned by the feet of passers-by An outcast in the mire and rain Unworthy of a passing sigh And dead alike to joy or pain Fair maiden speed--I ask no more-- My flight aloft on fiery wings To Nature's mighty reservoir-- The goal of all material things Your hope serene I may not claim Of joys ...