... Notes and Queries Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 200-201 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The 2003 Ohio Academy of History Spring Meeting will be held April 2515026 at Kent State Stark Campus Additional information and directions are posted at www2uakroneduOAH on the Spring Meeting link If you have questions please contact the Coordinator of Local Arrangements Dr Thomas Sosnowski Department of History 6000 Frank Ave NW ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Historical Society's Local History Office recently established a lending library of over 300 books booklets tapes and slidetape programs dealing with the preservation and interpretation of local history Available to all incorporated historical organizations in Ohio the materials may be checked out for three weeks with no charge beyond return postage To obtain a complete listing of the available items and a copy of the operating rules please contact ...
... EDITOR'S NOTE EDITOR'S NOTE Historical anniversaries have a way of reviving interest in events and personalities-long forgotten or neglected Now that centennial observances of the Civil War have run their course our national memory is turning toward the last third of nineteenth century American history Already a major reconsideration of these years is underway A basic source for the study of the period 1865 to 1900 is one of Ohio's finest historical properties The Rutherford B Hayes Library ...
... Notes and Queries Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 113 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Robert L Daugherty PhD the tenth editor of Ohio History retired August 8 2003 Bob a native of West Virginia earned his undergraduate and masters degrees from West Virginia University and his doctorate in military history from The Ohio State University in 1974 He served in the United States Army and was a member of the history faculties of ...
... OPENING REMARKS OPENING REMARKS by JOHN W BENNE TT On behalf of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Ohio State University I want to welcome you all to this first meeting of the organization tentatively entitled Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference Our discussions today will be general rather than specific a matter of viewpoints and perspectives of the three disciplines represented in the meeting--archaeology ethnohistory and history We hope this will be the ...
... ARTHUR CHARLES JOHNSON ARTHUR CHARLES JOHNSON PRESIDENT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It is our pleasure in this issue to present the newly elected President of the Society Mr Arthur Charles Johnson whose portrait appears on the page opposite The death of James E Campbell former governor of Ohio and in recent years president of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society left a vacancy that was difficult to fill After canvassing the availability and ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue EMERSON F GREENMAN is curator of archaeology in the Ohio State Museum MAURICE F NEUFELD is an assistant in the Department of History in the University of Wisconsin He received the degree of Master of Arts in 1932 and Three Aspects of the Economic Life of Cincinnati from 1815 to 1840 forms a part of his master's thesis EDGAR ER S KINE HUME an officer of the Medical Corps of the regular United States Army is librarian of the Army Medical Library in ...
... 118 Ohio Arch 118 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications EDITORIALANA VOL XXVIII No 1 JANUARY 1919 BIOGRAPHY OF GROVER CLEVELAND The following letter which we gladly publish speaks for itself NEW YORK CITY October 31 1918 Editor Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society DEAR SIR I should be grateful if friends of Mr Cleveland who possess published addresses or other critical comment of historical value concerning his policies or character or letters to or from him or personal recollections ...
... 158 Ohio Arch 158 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications WILSON L GILL Wilson Lindsley Gill younger by one year than Emilius O Randall with whom he was associated in 1866 in the editorship of Whip-poor-will was born in Columbus Ohio September 1 2 1851 His biographer states that he was a member of the first kindergarten class in America taught by Caroline Louise Frankenberg who had been for a number of years an associate of Froebel Mr Gill was educated in the schools of Columbus at Dartmouth ...
... In Memoriam In Memoriam Ohio History suffered the loss of one of its most esteemed editorial advisors last December with the death of Elliott M Rudwick of Kent State University Professor Rudwick was born in Philadelphia in 1927 and took his AB at Temple University and his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania A sociologist by training he was throughout his career interested in social history and his most important contributions were in the history of the black experience although much of his ...
... 110 Ohio Arch 110 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications TRIBUTE TO DR W O THOMPSON RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY TO HIS SURVIVING RELATIVES At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Secretary Galbreath concluded a tribute to Dr W O Thompson as follows After retirement from the presidency of the Ohio State University November 5 1925 Dr Thompson became president emeritus of that institution In that position there was no diminution of the widening ...
... INVOCATION INVOCATION BY REV W H SHEPFER GRACIOUS GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER acknowledging our weakness and our sinfulness we invoke thy divine blessing upon us as we have come together to recall the heroic lives and sacrifices of our forefathers in this section of our great country Through the Spirit of Truth give us O God wisdom and understanding We acknowledge Thee Dear Father as the Giver of every good and perfect gift Thou art the Source from whom all our blessings flow We acknowledge Thee ...
... 584 Ohio Arch 584 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Shetrone made some splendid finds while exploring mounds the specimens being on exhibition in the rotunda NECROLOGY Mr C W Justice Chairman of the Committee on Necrology reported that the following members have passed away within the past year Professor R G Kinkead Columbus Judge Lewis M Hosea Cincinnati Clinton Cowen Cincinnati Dr T C Mendenhall Ravenna Colonel John L Vance Gallipolis and Mozart Gallup Sandusky PUBLICATIONS Dr F C ...
... Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Ulysses S Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Ulysses S Grant 287 published in the character sketch by Judge Hugh L Nichols in the April QUART E RLY POETIC TRIBUTES ON THE OCCASION OF THE GRANT CENTENARY Though General Grant as his son has stated cared little for music and as other writers have told us was not fond of poetry the centennial celebration of his birth called forth poetic tributes The following appeared in the papers of Georgetown the first ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue DONALD D SHIRA MD Columbus Ohio is Assistant Director of the Ohio Public Health Association FREDERICK C WAITE PhD Dover N H was before his recent retirement Professor of Histologic Anatomy at the Western Reserve University School of Medicine LUCY STONE HERTZOG MD Chardon Ohio is Vice-president of the American Institute of Homeopathy HOWARD D ITTRICK MD Cleveland Ohio is Curator of the Museum of Historical and Cultural Medicine and Editor of Current ...
... HOWARD CARTER HOWARD CARTER Howard Carter famous Egyptologist was born at Swaffham Norfolk England in 1873 Because of his delicate health he received his education under private instructors He went to Egypt in 1890 In 1892 he assisted Professor Flinders Petrie in explorations He was a draftsman on the Egyptian Exploration Fund archaeological survey staff 1893-1899 He was engaged in explorations in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes Egypt from 1907-1923 Early in December 1922 under the patronage ...
... OHIO POPULATION TRENDS 1920-1940 OHIO POP U LATION TRENDS 1920-1940 BY RANDOLPH C DOWN ES From the point of view of population figures Ohio has almost stopped growing The following table1 taken from the 1940 census report shows that the increase of 260915 in the 1930's is the smallest 10-year growth since the first decade of the eighteenth century and the smallest percentage of growth in Ohio's entire history Census 10-yr Increase 10-yr Increase Year Population In Numbers In Percentages 1940 ...
... BOOK REVIEWS 237 BOOK REVIEWS 237 note numbering in the texts of the documents especially in the later pages A useful chronology of communications gives the dates of origin of documents and their variants and enclosures An extensive bibliography of other materials consulted also has a calendar of communications The seal of the company here delineated for the first time is used as the frontispiece and is stamped on the binding Many of the documents are valuable apart from their connection with ...
... 110 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 110 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY NOTES Contributors to This Issue WAYNE JORDAN journalist a graduate of Marietta College is on the staff of Business Week ALFRED B SEARS is in the Department of History University of Oklahoma Norman Oklahoma ROBERT SAMUEL FLETCHER is associate professor of history at Oberlin College Oberlin Ohio OPHIA D SMITH is author of The Life and Times of Giles Richards being volume VI of the Society's Ohio ...
... EDITOR'S NOTE EDITOR'S NOTE The saga of Ohio is replete with factors of strong sentimental appeal and compelling human interest The pioneer triumphant over innumerable obstacles the soldier clothed with the mantle of patriotism and heroism the political leader emotional in his oratorical pleas and the reformer with panaceas for the ills or supposed ills of society-- these have all been fruitful and fascinating themes in the hands of the historian And well they might be since Ohio has such a ...