Ohio History Journal

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"Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 699-700.
... ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUS ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUS TEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING COLUM B US OHIO Sept 19 1923 350 P M The meeting was called to order by President Campbell The following members of the Board were present Messrs James E Campbell Edward Orton Jr George F Bareis E F Wood General J Warren Keifer General George Florence and Dr F C Furniss Mr Wood nominated ex-Governor James E Campbell for President of ...

"Januarius Aloysius MacGahan: Eulogy (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 226-228.
... 226 Ohio Arch 226 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications JANUARIUS ALOYSIUS MACGAHAN Eulogy by William A Taylor Many years ago when a boy attending Dist No 6 school in Harrison township I was deeply but not then favorably impressed by this sentence in Kirkham's Grammar The evil that men do lives after them the good is often interred with their bones which I was called on to parse analyse and expatiate on generally by my teacher Philander H Binckley student philosopher literary writer and ...

"Ohio Canals: Work on Them Inaugurated in 1825," Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 63-65.
... OHIO CANALS OHIO CANALS WORK ON THEM INAUGURATED IN 1825 The year 1825 was a memorable one in the history of Ohio On May 19 General Lafayette crossed the river in his tour through what were then called the western states and stepped on the Ohio shore at Cincinnati in the midst of patriotic demonstrations unparalleled in the history of the state For a time he was the guest of this city then the metropolis of the West after which he proceeded up the river to Wheeling making short stops at ...

"Preservation of Ohio Mounds," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 288-289.
... NOTES NOTES PRESERVATION OF OHIO MOUNDS--Three years ago Professor F W Putnam in a letter to one of the editors of the QUARTERLY said The State of Ohio has an important trust in her keeping and one which has been neglected too long Even now many of the important works of the peoples who formerly lived in her beautiful valleys have been leveled by the plough or thoughtlessly destroyed in building towns and cities At the annual meeting for 1886 of the State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

Volume 54, Number 3, July-September, 1945, pp. 330.
... 330 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 330 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Charles W Byrd Edward F Noyes Thomas Kirker Thomas L Young Samuel Huntington Charles Foster Return J Meigs James E Campbell Othniel Looker George Hoadly Ethan Allen Brown Asa S Bushnell Jeremiah Morrow George S Nash8 Joseph Vance John M Pattison Thomas Bartley Andrew L Harris8 William Bebb Judson Harmon Seabury Ford James M Cox Reuben Wood Frank B Willis William Medill Harry L Davis William ...

"Protection of Prehistoric Mounds and Village Sites," Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 340.
... PROTECTION OF PREHISTORIC MOUNDS AND PROTECTION OF PREHISTORIC MOUNDS AND VILLAGE SITES In late years institutions for archaeological research located outside of the State of Ohio have come into the state and largely encroached upon the field of study and investigation which should be reserved for the purposes of home state exploration To give such societies as The Ohio State Archaeological amp Historical Society as is justly due them the right of way in this matter the 80th General Assembly ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 76-77.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Ohio University Press is launching a new series of books to commemorate Ohio's two-hundredth anniversary in 2003 The Ohio Bicentennial Series will provide the public scholars and students with a comprehensive picture of the development of Ohio life Ten books are planned for the series tentative titled include Transportation in Ohio Documentary Heritage of Ohio Women in Ohio History Indigenous Peoples of Ohio Vernacular Architecture of Ohio Governors of Ohio ...

"Count Byron Khun De Prorok," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 334-335.
... COUNT BYRON KHUN DE PROROK COUNT BYRON KHUN DE PROROK Count Byron Khun de Prorok on the evening of January 28 1924 delivered his lecture in the audience room of the Elks' Club to an appreciative audience on the subject My Excavation of Ancient Carthage When the Count reached Columbus those interested in the lecture were surprised to find in him a very young man He might easily have passed without notice among the thousands of students at the Ohio State University He is still in his twenties ...

"Statue of the Prehistoric Basket Weaver," Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 567-569.
... Minutes of the Annual Meeting 567 Minutes of the Annual Meeting 567 of the earth my people urged me to make four requests-First that the flame of their fireplace may not sway to and fro sickness Second that their weapon may be sharpened on both sides Success in war Legends say that there was once a race that had a sharp bony structure growing out on both sides of their forearms for use in war Third that the number of days I left behind me may be proportionately divided among my relatives ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 108, , Winter-Spring, 1999, pp. 61.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries ABC-CLIO recently released Historical Abstracts and America History and Life on the World Wide Web During the development of the Web version of these large databases ABC-CLIO sought recommendations for interface improvements from an extensive network of librarians and historians Their suggestions helped create an easy-to-navigate database on the Web that meets the needs of history and library users For more than 40 years ABC-CLIO has been an industry leader ...

"Life Memberships To Donors of Rare Gifts," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 555-557.
... LIFE MEMBERSHIPS LIFE MEMBERSHIPS To Donors of Rare Gifts In presenting life memberships to Mr John H James of Urbana Ohio who was present and to Mr Albert G Giddings of Ashtabula Ohio who was unavoidably absent Secretary Galbreath said 55 5 556 Ohio Arch 556 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications DEAR MR JAMES It is my very pleasant privilege as Secretary to present you this life membership in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society For three generations in the James family ...

"Harwood R. Pool," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 561.
... Editorialana Editorialana 5 61 their enthusiasm in and loyalty to the order to which they belong We do not give the proceedings in full as they will be published in book form by the Columbus Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution HARWOOD R POOL Mr Harwood R Pool a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society died in New York December 30 1903 He was the son of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Pool and was born in Elyria Ohio October 22 1860 He went to New York in 1868 ...

Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 237.
... BOOK REVIEWS 237 BOOK REVIEWS 237 note numbering in the texts of the documents especially in the later pages A useful chronology of communications gives the dates of origin of documents and their variants and enclosures An extensive bibliography of other materials consulted also has a calendar of communications The seal of the company here delineated for the first time is used as the frontispiece and is stamped on the binding Many of the documents are valuable apart from their connection with ...

"Ohio Battle Flags: House Bill No. 247," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 225-226.
... OHIO BATTLE FLAGS OHIO BATTLE FLAGS REPORT OF COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO PROVIDE FOR PLACING THE FLAGS IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE STATE CAPITOL House Bill No 247 AN ACT To provide for the display of the battle flags now in the possession of the state in the rotunda of the state house WHEREAS There are now in the relic room of the state the battle flags carried by the sons of Ohio from 1861 to 1865 which flags are the most precious possessions of the state and WH EREA S Their present location is ...

"NOTES" Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 404.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue ROBERT D W CONNOR is archivist for the United States Government at Washington D C FRANCIS PHELPS WEISENBURGER is assistant professor of American history in Ohio State University JOHN F CARLISLE is an attorney in Columbus WILLIAM D OVERMAN is curator of history in the Ohio State Museum CLARENCE E CARTER is a member of the History Department of Miami University on leave of absence as editor of Territorial Papers Department of State Washington D C WILLIAM E ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 70-71.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History's 1989 Spring Meeting will be held at The Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio on April 21-22 1989 Those interested in further information regarding the meeting should contact Dr Richard Francis Spall Jr Program ChairpersonOAH Department of History Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware Ohio 43015 The Mormon History Association will hold its annual meeting at the Quincy Holiday Inn Quincy Illinois May 11-14 1989 For further ...

"Portrait of Simon Kenton," (R,N and C) Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 141.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 141 Reviews Notes and Comments 141 state of preservation The title page which is reproduced in facsimile carries the imprint of one of the very early publishers of Columbus PORTRAIT OF SIMON KENTON In Filson Club Publications No 17 the artist who painted the portrait of Simon Kenton is spoken of as Louis Morgan The contribution is by General Samuel W Price himself an artist and an authority on the subject treated in his carefully prepared monograph entitled The Old ...

"Tribute to Dr. W. O. Thompson: Resolutions of Sympathy to his Surviving Relatives (At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society)," Volume 43, Number 1, January, 1934, pp. 110-111.
... 110 Ohio Arch 110 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications TRIBUTE TO DR W O THOMPSON RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY TO HIS SURVIVING RELATIVES At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Secretary Galbreath concluded a tribute to Dr W O Thompson as follows After retirement from the presidency of the Ohio State University November 5 1925 Dr Thompson became president emeritus of that institution In that position there was no diminution of the widening ...

"The Richland County Historical Society," Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 90.
... THE RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Richland County Historical Society was organized in 1898 and has accomplished much during the five years of its exisitence A public meeting is held in June of each year The first annual meeting was held in June 1899 and was addressed by local speakers The meeting of June 1900 was addressed by the Hon Rush R Sloane president of the Firelands Historical Society and others At this meeting the late Hon John Sherman ...

"James Edwin Campbell: In Memoriam," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 272-273.
... 272 Ohio Arch 272 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General George Florence and Mr Clarence D Laylin who were declared duly elected Trustees for the term of three years It was stated that the Committee on Cooperation with Ohio State University had no report to make On motion the meeting recessed to 130 P M AFTERNOON MEETING The meeting was called to order by President Arthur C Johnson who stated It is with mingled feelings that I stand before you this afternoon a humble successor to the ...