Ohio History Journal

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"This Monument is Older Than the Great Pyramids," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 260.
... THIS MONUMENT IS OLDER THAN THE GREAT THIS MONUMENT IS OLDER THAN THE GREAT PYRAMIDS BY FELIX J KOCH If you want to set your wits to work over something to which there may be an infinity of answers -each based on facts as logical as the next and yet each trying to solve a problem of utmost importance to the historian and the scientist and of interest to intelligent persons the world over just try to figure out how old the little mound in the accompanying picture may be This mound or tumulus is ...

"The Ohio Academy of History: Addendum to the Minutes of its Meeting on April 18, 1953," Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 67.
... THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Addendum to the Minutes of Its Meeting on April 18 1953 The Ohio Academy of History at its Spring meeting on April 18 1953 adopted the following resolutions as amended which were proposed by its Committee on the Teaching of History Whereas the standards of instruction especially in history in the public schools of Ohio are a matter of concern for the members of the Ohio Academy of History individually and as a group and Whereas the ...

"NOTES" Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 94.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue FREDERICK COYNE HAMIL is instructor in history at Wayne University Detroit FLORENCE E WHEELER is librarian of Leominster Public Library Leominster Massachusetts ROBERT PRICE is instructor in the Department of English Ohio State University HARRY WILLIAMS is instructor of history in the University of Omaha JOHN GILLIN is assistant professor of sociology Ohio State University ALFRED J WRIGHT is professor of geography Ohio State University FREDERICK C WAITE ...

"American Historical Association, The," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 289-290.
... Notes Notes 289 are many others as important as the 'Serpent' which need attention at once to preserve them A member of the Society writes We must do something before the centennial celebration for their purchase and protection or be disgraced Every member of the Society should use his influence to interest the members of the Legislature in the matter in order that the State may fitly add to the glory of its centennial by the purchase of the more important of the works of its prehistoric ...

"Emilius Oviatt Randall: 1850-1819," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 81.
... EMILIUS OVIATT RANDALL EMILIUS OVIATT RANDALL 1 850 -1819 This issue of the QUARTERLY is a memorial to Emilius Oviatt Randall Secretary of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society from February 1894 to the date of his death December 18 1919 a period of twenty-five years Through all that time he was editor of the OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTO R ICAL QUARTERLY Its pages bear the impress of his character - his industry his literary merit as historian and his devotion to his native ...

"Ohio: A Legend," by D. Tod Gilliam. Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 371.
... OHIO A LEGEND OHIO A LEGEND D TOD GILLIAM An Aviator sailing through the skies 'Tis said in quest of Paradise Checked suddenly his rapid flight And gazed in rapture at the sight That burst upon his startled eyes And held him speechless in surprise Quoth he at length his sense regained My long sought purpose is attained If Paradise exist below This surely must be it I know 'Tis Paradise or Ohio I've sailed the skies of every clime I've seen the beautiful sublime But never in my wanderings wide ...

Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 206.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES Any book mentioned in this department can be obtained through the Pub lisher of the QUARTERLY AMERICAN STATE CONSTITUTIONS A Study of their Growth By Henry Hitchcock LL D New York and London G P Putnam's Sons 1887 This little volume is No XXXVII of Questions of the Day It is an interesting study of certain currents of political thought in the United States as seen in State Constitutions and was originally delivered as an address before the New York State Bar Association ...

Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 297.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Transylvania Colony By William Lester Stewart Spencer Indiana Samuel R Guard amp Co 1935 288p 300 Professor W L Stewart has made an exhaustive study of the sources by using the Draper Manuscripts the Haldimand Papers the American State Papers the Swain Manuscripts the Colonial Records of North Carolina newspapers etc He points out in an informative preface that the Transylvania company among the several that were formulated for the exploitation of the land lying ...

"NOTES" Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 376.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue CHARLES C WILLOUGHBY anthropologist is director emeritus of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University HAROLD E DAVIS is professor of history at Hiram College WAYNE JORDAN journalist is a graduate of Marietta College residing in New York City ALMON R WRIGHT is a member of the staff of the Division of Classification National Archives Washington D C FRED B JOYNER is a member of the history faculty of Miami University Lois HIESTAN D ...

"NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS," Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 188.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Henry C Shetrone is director of this Society Lee Shepard is a member of the board of curators trustees of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio Elbert J Benton is director and secretary of the Western Reserve Historical Society Albert Post is an analyst with the Foreign Economic Administration in Washington D C Miss Florence Murdoch who lives in Cincinnati Ohio is the grand-niece of Milo G Williams Robert Leslie Jones is a professor of history ...

"The Buckeye Pioneers," by Osman C. Hooper. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 504.
... 504 Ohio Arch 5 04 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE BUCKEYE PIONEERS OSMAN C HOOPER This poem was written for the Franklin Centennial held at Columbus Ohio September 15 1897 Fair Buckeyeland we sing your praise And bare our head to them Who lived and wrought in other days And framed your diadem Their handiwork none can forget The jewels of the years Would in your crown be still unset But for the pioneers CHORUS Then a song for the pioneers The praise of a hundred years For the women ...

by Steven P. Gietschier. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 118-119.
... Communications Communications To the Editor Marc Raphael has used his experience as an interviewer for the Columbus Jewish History Project to write a short analysis of the opportunities and difficulties surrounding oral history in an ethnic community Autumn 1977 Much of what Professor Raphael writes is solid and well-reasoned In certain technical areas however he stated as fact what is at best opinion or presented information which is less than accurate Raphael's most significant contribution ...

"Sarcophagus or Mummy Case," Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 491.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 491 Reviews Notes and Comments 491 a strong advocate of health inspection in the public schools which was introduced in his administration In his twenty-seven years' service in Columbus he became widely acquainted and his memory is cherished for his kindly manner and brief but helpful addresses on his visits to the various school rooms Every pupil in Columbus regarded Dr Shawan as his friend and felt free to speak to him when meeting him on the street On retiring ...

"NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS," Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 302.
... 302 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 302 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY The book includes addresses of welcome by governors and other public officials descriptions of banquets parades balls and other ceremonies which took place while Lafayette was making his five thousand mile journey through the South and West The picture given by the local press reports throws much light on the social economic and political life of the times H L NOTES Dorothy V Martin is a cataloger ...

by Henry H. Simms. Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 199.
... EDITOR'S NOTE EDITOR'S NOTE The saga of Ohio is replete with factors of strong sentimental appeal and compelling human interest The pioneer triumphant over innumerable obstacles the soldier clothed with the mantle of patriotism and heroism the political leader emotional in his oratorical pleas and the reformer with panaceas for the ills or supposed ills of society-- these have all been fruitful and fascinating themes in the hands of the historian And well they might be since Ohio has such a ...

"NOTES" Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 412.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue DONALD D SHIRA MD Columbus Ohio is Assistant Director of the Ohio Public Health Association FREDERICK C WAITE PhD Dover N H was before his recent retirement Professor of Histologic Anatomy at the Western Reserve University School of Medicine LUCY STONE HERTZOG MD Chardon Ohio is Vice-president of the American Institute of Homeopathy HOWARD D ITTRICK MD Cleveland Ohio is Curator of the Museum of Historical and Cultural Medicine and Editor of Current ...

"NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS," Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 200.
... NOTES NOTES Edward Noyes is Professor of History at Jamestown College Jamestown North Dakota Josephine E Phillips of Marietta is the author of W agons Away New York 1941 and contributions to historical periodicals Russel B Nye is in the Department of English Michigan State College East Lansing Michigan Captain Eugene O Porter PhD Ohio State University was on active duty in the Pacific Theater of Operations in the late war W H Van Fossan of Lisbon Ohio is the author of The Story of Ohio ...

"William Trimble McClintick," Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 125.
... Editorialana Editorialana 125 WILLIAM TRIMBLE McCLINTICK Hon William Trimble McClintick a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society a cultivated gentleman and one of the most distinguished citizens of Ohio died at his residence Chillicothe on October 28 1903 at the unusual age of eightyfour Mr McClintick was a man far above the average in ability and intellectual achievement His long life spanned almost the first century of Ohio's statehood history and he had the ...

"In Memoriam," Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 133.
... In Memoriam In Memoriam Ohio History suffered the loss of one of its most esteemed editorial advisors last December with the death of Elliott M Rudwick of Kent State University Professor Rudwick was born in Philadelphia in 1927 and took his AB at Temple University and his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania A sociologist by training he was throughout his career interested in social history and his most important contributions were in the history of the black experience although much of his ...

"Wilson L. Gill," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 158.
... 158 Ohio Arch 158 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications WILSON L GILL Wilson Lindsley Gill younger by one year than Emilius O Randall with whom he was associated in 1866 in the editorship of Whip-poor-will was born in Columbus Ohio September 1 2 1851 His biographer states that he was a member of the first kindergarten class in America taught by Caroline Louise Frankenberg who had been for a number of years an associate of Froebel Mr Gill was educated in the schools of Columbus at Dartmouth ...