... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 73 three tremendous cheers The day was a glorious one for the cause of freedom This of course foreshadows the civil war Who used Old Betsy last asks the Journal of January 23 1857 It has been standing in the street for several weeks now Captain Parrish should see to this old servant In a long article on the celebration of August 2 1 860 the Journal says At 6 o'clock Captain Parrish brought out 'Old Betsy' and fired a salute of thirteen rounds ...
... OHIO'S BIRTH STRUGGLE OHIO'S BIRTH STRUGGLE BY WM T M'CLINTOCK CHILLICOTHE O The story of the controversy between General Arthur St Clair the Governor of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio and the young Jeffersonian Republicans of that Territory in 1799-1803 which resulted in the birth of a new state to the Federal Union There is no part of the history of the U S Territory northwest of the Ohio River more interesting than the story of the controversy between its ...
... 256 Ohio Arch 256 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications ADDRESS OF HON SAMUEL H DOYLE DELIVERED AT GREENVILLE OHIO AUGUST 3 1895 Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you from the adjoining State to join with you in this celebration We have a common interest in this historic event with you I will detain you but a few minutes We have been together and associated together in four of the great important events that have touched the Northwest When Wolfe met the French at Quebec this territory was ...
... Franklinton-An Historical Address Franklinton -A n Historical Address 59 FRANKLINTON--AN HISTORICAL ADDRESS By GENERAL JOHN BEATTY A few rods from where we are assembled to-day the waters of the Olentangy unite with those of the Scioto and together flow down to the Ohio thence to the Mississippi and so onward to a gulf of the Atlantic ocean Southwardly from the place where the two streams meet there was at the time to which we propose to refer a broad handsome stretch of valley land where good ...
... RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO A LITTLE JOURNEY TO THE HOME OF RUFUS PUTNAM E O RANDALL It was in the bright and cheery days of September 1 90 8 that the Editor left the palatial Pullman car at Worcester and boarded a trolley that bore him along a rambling route amid tiny lakes and quiet hills to the little burg of Jefferson Here the trolley was exchanged for a motor bus the electric wings of which fluttered with intermittent and uncertain rapidity till the passengers ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA FORT STEPHENSON CELEBRATON August 2d 1906 was the ninety-third anniversary of the gallant defense of Fort Stephenson the site of which is now the center of the attractive and enterprising city of Fremont The heroic and unparalleled holding of the little stockade fort by Major George Croghan on August 2d 1813 against some two thousand British troops under General Proctor and an equal number of Indian braves under Chief Tecumseh is one of the most memorable events not ...
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications EAGLE EFFIGY Largest Indian mound of its type in Wisconsin Body 131 feet Wing spread 624 feet Marked by the Wisconsin Archaeological Society July 30 1910 ADDRESS OF REV F A GILMORE Archaeology and theology have sometimes been grouped together since both are said to deal with subjects of no interest to modern men As a theologian I should be glad to refute this idea but though I know you are all eager to hear me discourse on theology you ...
... JAMES GALLOWAY SR JAMES GALLOWAY SR In the January issue of the Q UARTERLY in the contribution entitled Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Clark County Ohio there is on pages 95-96 a sketch of James Galloway Sr which contains a number of errors These are due evidently for the most part to errors in previous sketches in county histories and to a confusion of the name of James Galloway Sr with other Galloways by the name of James The following sketch is by Dr W A Galloway of Xenia and is ...
... 174 Ohio Arch 174 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications of Ohio had ever received He pointed out that the convention allowed two weeks discussion on the proposition of a bond issue for good roads and permitted without limitation a discussion for nearly three weeks of the liquor question 18 In spite of this appeal for fairness the convention gave less than two days to the question which most delegates considered the most important one before them19 Lastly most of the delegates were of the ...
... SIGNIFICANCE OF PERRY'S VICTORY SIGNIFICANCE OF PERRY'S VICTORY BY ISAAC J COX On the evening of February 23d 1910 the Ohio Perry's Victory Commission appointed by the Governor of Ohio to make suitable arrangements for the celebration of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie September 10 1913 had a hearing before a special joint meeting of both houses of the Ohio Assembly On this occasion Dr Isaac J Cox professor of American History in the Cincinnati University and President of the Ohio Valley ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE C ROGHAN CELEBRATION LUCY ELLIOT KEELER It was not bad usage of the old Romans to bring down from its niche the waxen image of an eminent ancestor on the anniversary of his natal day to recall his features and achievements to their own minds and impress them upon the younger generation A like tribute the patriotic citizens of Fremont Ohio pay from time to time to their local hero Major George Croghan on the anniversary of that notable ...
... JAMES BACKUS CITIZEN OF MARIETTA 1788-1791 JAMES BACKUS CITIZEN OF MARIETTA 1788-1791 By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS There are about 150 Horses Sixty Cows amp Seven Yoak of Oxen here The Emigrants that pass down the river for Kentucky amp other parts of the Western Country are amazing We have a militia formed who assemble every Sunday amp are fined for not attending We have preaching or service read regularly once a week likewise a school Thus wrote James Backus1 from Marietta to his parents in ...
... Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits 381 MOUND BUILDERS' FORT WITHIN TOLEDO'S LIMITS BY S S KNABENSHUE TOLEDO OHIO It will probably surprise most of the readers of the Quarterly to be told that there once existed an ancient defensive earthwork on the banks of the Maumee within the present city limits The writer was unaware of the fact until some time ago when he found a reference to it in a somewhat rare book-the first volume of the ...
... Winthrop Sargent 273 Winthrop Sargent 273 became adopted amongst them his head shaved painted etc as is their custom upon such occasions and has since by his own account been much in favor with them He relates that he has been with them to the British posts Michilmackinac particularly That they are there equipped with all the necessaries to come to war against the United States--march out upon these occasions under English colors and are received when they return with scalps with military ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS WASHINGTON'S CAMP SITES ON THE OHIO RIVER BY GUY-HAROLD SMITH Ohio State University In the autumn of 1770 George Washington made a journey into the interior of North America in the interest of the Virginia soldiers who had fought in the Indian wars and had been promised western lands as reward for their services Also Washington had personal reasons for making this reconnaissance of the lands along the Ohio River He had the foresight to ...
... 432 Ohio Arch 432 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FIFTH SESSION At the Saturday afternoon session under the direction of Professor A E Morse of Marietta College the following papers were read and at the conclusion the members of the Association extended a most hearty vote of thanks to the President and officers of instruction of Marietta College where the meetings were held and to the people of the city of Marietta whose thoughtful care and attention had resulted in so successful a ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA MEETING OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION In the historic and picturesque city of New Orleans on the days of Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday December 29 30 and 31 1903 was held the nineteenth annual meeting of the American Historical Association It proved to be an event of unusual interest and enjoyment The American Historical Association was organized at Saratoga New York September 10 1884 and now numbers some twenty-five hundred members comprising the leading ...
... JOSEPH E JOSEPH E WEINLAND REBUILDER OF SCHOENBRUNN BY ROBERT M WILKIN Our meeting tonight is occasioned by the departure of our president from our community and his resignation as president of this Association and chairman of the Schoenbrunn Committee The purpose of the meeting is to take account of his services and express our gratitude for what he has done and what he has been We meet as historians and retrospection is the business of historians Historians look back through the years put ...
... Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 339 who were following us in the retreating continental Ice Sheet in Ohio as the Eskimo are still doing in Alaska and Greenland Thus geology and archaeology join hands in our state to shed light on the earliest conditions under which man struggled to maintain his existence in this world of thorns and thistles of earthquakes and volcanoes and of waxing and waning ice sheets The contrast between those conditions and those in which ...
... PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION SEPTEMBER 27-29 1940 EDITORIAL By HARLOW LINDLEY Because of the uniqueness of the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention organized to commemorate the place of the Maumee Valley in American history it seems eminently proper that its records should be permanently preserved and since the heart of the valley is within the limits of the State of Ohio it is logical that the Ohio State Archaeological ...