... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 4 A DESCRIPTION OF FORT ANCIENT WARREN KING MOOREHEAD The members of the Society and also the readers of THE ARCHAEOLOGIST have a special interest in the earthworks and enclosures of the Mississippi Valley The former are proud to be possessers and preservers in company with the State of Ohio of the most extensive prehistoric fortification of the United States The latter as students of antiquities are interested in facts obtained ...
... NINTH ANNUAL REPORT NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Ohio State Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY TO THE GOVERNOR From February 19 1893 to February 19 1894 To th e HON WILLIAM MCKINLEY Governor of Ohio SIR-The eighth annual report of this Society was a resume of the work to that time chiefly along lines connected with the department of American Archaeology and History at the World's Fair Since the date of that report our labors have been principally directed toward completing in the best manner ...
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS 241 A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS 241 BAIRD Clarke B Pataskala Memories Ohio Archaeologist XI 1961 123-124 The author's recollections of archaeological finds in the 1890's Cache of 280 Blades Discovered by D E Baker Ohio Archaeologist XII 1962 7-9 Found in Defiance County along the banks of the Auglaize River GOSLIN Robert M Projectile Point in Elk Skeleton Ohio Archaeologist XI 1961 85 The skeleton was found in Lake Mac-O-Chee Logan County PRUFER Olaf H The Paleo-Indian ...
... THE ZOAR SOCIETY APPLICANTS THE ZOAR SOCIETY APPLICANTS FOR MEMBERSHIP By EDGAR B NIXON The Society of Separatists of Zoar Ohio was one of the more successful of the many cooperative communities which appeared in this country during the last century Zoar was founded by German peasants and artisans who emigrated from Wurtemburg in 1817 to escape the civil and ecclesiastical persecution to which they had been subjected as members of the Separatist faith The Separatists were dissentients from the ...
... CATHERINE GOUGAR CATHERINE GOUGAR Probably the Earliest Pioneer Resident of Ohio Who Has Descendants Living Upon the Original Place of Settlement BY FRANK WARNER M D D SC COLUMBUS OHIO On the farm of Alfred Immell situated on the pike from Columbus to Chillicothe some ten miles north of the latter city lies buried Catherine Gougar Her remains have lain here since 1801 when she died at the age of sixty-nine years She died within two years of the establishment of Ohio as a State and within view ...
... EDUCATION IN TERRITORIAL OHIO EDUCATION IN TERRITORIAL OHIO BY W ROSS DUNN In tracing the beginnings of education in that part of the old Northwest that later became Ohio the historian naturally turns to that much noted work of the decadent Congress of the Articles of Confederation the Northwest Ordinance or the Ordinance of 1787 His efforts are not unrewarded for Article Three contains the oft quoted declaration that schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged However this ...
... THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED By permission of The Ohio Teacher The school histories have always said much about the Mecklenburg Resolutions being the prelude to the Declaration of Independence Indeed some histories make so much of it that you doubt if Thomas Jefferson would ever have mustered up courage sufficient to pen the immortal lines beginning When in the course of human events etc had he not had this brave precedent ...
... THE MOUND BUILDERS OF CINCINNATI THE MOUND BUILDERS OF CINCINNATI MARIE PAULA DICKORE' A M History's tales have inspired the great artist to his magnificent pictures the bard to lofty epics the composer to stirring national hymns Her illustrious name calls forth a brilliant array nation follows upon nation--Assyrian and Egyptian Greek and Roman Celt and Gaul Teuton and AngloSaxon We hear of primitive peoples and the highest civilizations of the rise and the fall of nations History has set her ...
... ISRAEL PUTNAM ISRAEL PUTNAM READ BY MRS II G EDGERTON BEFORE THE COLONEL GEORGE CROGHAN CHAPTER D A R In the days when forests covered most of New England when the Indian war-whoop still echoed on its borders when children ate corn-meal porridge from pewter porringers and their elders stirred their hot drinks with a poker heated in the fireplace -- in those good old days two centuries ago there was born one of the great heroes of our Nation To be more exact on January 7 1718 in an old ...
... SOME HISTORY FROM AN UN-HISTORICAL REGION SOME HISTORY FROM AN UN-HISTORICAL REGION BY A B GILLILAND The title may sound somewhat paradoxical but there are regions which owing to their geographical location have had so very little to do with the making of history that they are spoken of as of no historical importance yet may not be devoid of historical occurrences that may be of some interest Such Van Wert County may be said to be situated in the northwest part of Ohio away from the regions ...
... HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL BY GEN ROBT P KENNEDY In the early times the roads or passages cut through the heavy timber of the country were called traces or trails and thus we read about Zane's trace the roadway cut by Ebenezer Zane his brother Jonathan and his son-in-law John McIntyre from Wheeling on the Ohio River in Virginia to the Limestone on the Ohio River in Kentucky the first trace roadway or passage from the East to this section of the great northwest The trace which ...
... EARLY CINCINNATI EARLY CINCINNATI JOSEPH WILBY CINCINNATI The following article was written by Mr Joseph Wilby and read before The Optimist Club Cincinnati March 1st 1902 Mr Wilby is at present the president of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio -EDITOR The first council meeting of the town of Cincinnati is said to have been held on the 5th of March 1 80 2 The present occasion lacks a few days of being the one hundredth anniversary of that date but affords a fitting opportunity ...
... PROCEEDINGS 375 PROCEEDINGS 375 Mr Sherman a musical program of three numbers was given by Mr Franklin Price of Circleville He sang Until by Sanderson Lift Thine Eyes by Logan and To Horse to Horse by Stephens Following the musical program Mr John F Carlisle gave the following address appropriate to the occasion his subject being The Society--a Half Century of Progress There are doubtless persons in this audience who have gathered here as to their father's house They salute their Society on ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATINOS BUCKEYE STATION BUILT BY NATHANIEL MASSIE IN 1797 BY MORTEN CARLISLE Shrouded in the mists of obscurity and but little known except to a few of the older generation in and about Manchester Ohio this old house built by the famous surveyor General Nathaniel Massie stands today mute evidence of the excellence of his work and a link between the throbbing life of the present day and those hardy pioneers whose toil and suffering made possible the ...
... 480 Ohio Arch 480 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications a brief description of the service of each and a roster of officers and men We are told that Fairfield County is credited with a service enrollment of 1821 in the World War There is a complete list of these alphabetically arranged This is followed by a brief account of Women in the Service The concluding chapter After Armistice Day details the return of the soldiers who survived the perils of camp and field the organization of the ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Preliminary Inventory Record Group 10 Indian Affairs Compiled by Manuscript Division Public Archives of Canada Ottawa King's Printer and Controller of Stationery 1951 14xiiip appendices and index The manuscript division of the Public Archives of Canada has launched a series of inventories to describe in some detail all its collections Each of the publications will be concerned with a particular section of the manuscripts in the public archives Record Groups are ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA LAND BILL ALLEN We have been asked for the facts concerning Land Bill Allen The facts are sparse and soon stated The fiction is ample and almost unprecedented The myths and popularly accepted beliefs concerning Allen's career were sufficient to place him in the distinguished category of Homer William Tell and the Man in the Iron Mask The curious individual known as Land Bill Allen was George Wheaton Allen He was born in Windham Conn May 17 1809 and died at Columbus ...
... IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY OF ARCHAEOLOGY IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY OF ARCHAEOLOGY IN OHIO IN no State of the Union are there more objects of archaeological interest than in Ohio and never before were we so well prepared to study them successfully as at the present time Pre-eminently is it the case with such objects as our earthworks that they need to be studied by comparison with other such works the world over Their treasures of knowledge cannot be rendered by themselves nor even with all the ...
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITIONISM 150 Aboriginal inhabitants of Ohio 101-130 passim Abuse and neglect of orphans 18 19 Adam Robert 132 Adams County Ohio 104 Adams John Quincy 54 Adena Mound 109 illustrations 11 Adjutant General OM 148 149 Adjutant General's Annual Report OM 149 163 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 124 Agassiz Louis Congregationalists and Evolution Asa Gray and Lolis Agassiz by C George Fry and Jon Paul Fry 96 Agricultural Distress in the Midwest Past ...
... SKETCHES OF LIFE MEMBERS SKETCHES OF LIFE MEMBERS ANDERSON JAMES HOUSE-Born March 16 1833 at Marion O Son of Judge Thomas Jefferson Anderson and Nancy Dunlevy Educated in public schools and the Marion Academy and Ohio Wesleyan University Graduated from law department of the Cincinnati College in 1854 immediately began practice Elected Mayor of Marion in 1855 and later Prosecuting Attorney of the county Married in 1856 to Princess A Miller Appointed March 1865 by President Lincoln United States ...