Ohio History Journal

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"Grave of Zeisberger," by J. W. Yeagley. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 173-174.
... David Zeisberger Centennial David Zeisberger Centennial 17 3 signified his great satisfaction and comfort when his Indian brethren who watched with the dying saint sang some of the Delaware hymns for the dying which he had rendered into their vernacular years ago And thus on the afternoon of November 17th he fell asleep amid the prayers of his brethren and the singing of his converts after the benediction had been spoken in the name of the church On the following Sunday at noon after funeral ...

"Who Were the Mound Builders?," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 91-96.
... WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS J P MACLEAN PH D An ancient and unknown race of people possessing a welldeveloped type of civilization once inhabited the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi This race has left no written history but the testimony of its existence and advancement in the arts and sciences is attested in the stupendous structures consisting of mounds walled enclosures and domestic implements which have long attracted the attention of observers scientists ...

"Mobbing the Shakers of Union Village," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 108-131.
... array preceded and array some with Vol XI-8 114 Ohio Arch 114 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications guns and swords some with bayonets fixed on poles or sticks of various lengths and other with staves hatchets knives and clubs These formed a motley multitude of every description from ragged boys to hoary-headed men exhibiting altogether a hideous and grotesque appearance This ruthless ...

"The Removal of the Wyandots from Ohio," by Carl G. Klopfenstein. Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 119-136.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 66 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1957 The Removal of the Wyandots from Ohio By CARL G KLOPFENSTEIN The history of the removal of the Woodland Indians of the eastern half of the United States to new homes in the West in the 1830's and 1840's under the auspices of the United States government was a significant phase of the westward movement of the white man across the continent--if only for the fact that it was one solution employed in ...

"The First Church Organization in the Oldest Settlement in the North-West Territory," by C. E. Dickinson. Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 280-308.
... 280 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 28 0 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly present war in such manner that the said lands be sold out or otherwise disposed of for the common benefit of all the states and that the money arising from the sale of those lands or the quit rents reserved thereon may be deemed and taken as part of the monies belonging to the United States and as such be appropriated by congress towards defraying the expences of the war and the payment of ...

"Address of Judson Harmon" (Jamestown Exposition) Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 180-185.
... 180 Ohio Arch 180 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dience wherein were many of our martyred President's intimate friends the full significance of the rendition of his loved hymn The orator of the day was the Hon Judson Harmon of Cincinnati whose address is herewith given ADDRESS OF JUDSON HARMON There are no States at whose celebrations Ohio is not a fitting guest From those older than herself came the men and women who opened her soil to the sunshine and replaced the shifting wigwams ...

"Colonel Benjamin Wilson," by Mrs. Orson Dryer. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 374-379.
... 374 Ohio Arch 374 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Upon whose bosom snow has lain Who intimately lives with rain Poems are made by fools like me But only God can make a tree' After the formal reading of Logan's Speech by John R Horst from McGuffey's Fourth Reader edition of 1853 informal addresses were made by J W Johnson of Circleville editor of the Democrat and Watchman Professor C C Miller of Lancaster and Mrs Orson D Dryer of Shepard Ohio Mrs Dryer's contribution to the day's ...

"Western Opinion and the War of 1812," by John F. Cady. Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 427-476.
... WESTERN OPINION AND THE WAR OF 1812 WESTERN OPINION AND THE WAR OF 1812 BY JOHN F CADY M A I The determining factor in any situation is the active positive element involved in it In the realm of physics for example force is measured by the product of mass and velocity but the direction of movement is determined by the positive active velocity not by the passive mass acted upon So it is in historical and political movements The desires and convictions of the positive progressive group are of ...

"Judge Thomas J. Anderson and Wife," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 293-294.
... Editorialana Editorialana 293 reliable history only can be produced This book is especially interesting at this time owing to the revival of interest in the achievements of George Rogers Clark in the Northwest Territory and the voyages of research and exploration by William Clark a younger brother of George Rogers who with Meriwether Lewis led the expedition across the continent from 1803 to 1806 by which the extent and resources of the Louisiana Purchase were first made known to the American ...

"Notes-Geographical," by R. W. McFarland. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 486-488.
... 486 Ohio Arch 486 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications NOTES - GEOGRAPHICAL BY R W MCFARLAND LL D These notes are intended to draw attention to errors or slips which manage sometimes to get into print and which may mislead the unwary Attention is called to four such points FIRST It has been stated in the OHIO STATE AR CH A E OLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY that the United States military tract extended to the Ohio river This is an error See Vol 2 U S Laws page 565 act of June 1 1796 The ...

"Statement by the Editor of the Quarterly," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 375-380.
... Old Fort Sandoski of 1745 and The Sandusky Forts Old Fort Sandoski of 1745 and The Sandusky Forts 375 hoga River is a mere assertion without any foundation in fact Neither Colonel Whittlesey Mr A T Goodman nor Judge Baldwin long officers of the Western Reserve Historical Society at Cleveland on the Cuyahoga River and all extremely anxious to prove the importance of their own locality ever thought of claiming the Cuyahoga River for the White River From the foregoing it appears that Mr Hanna's ...

"The Early Judiciary, Early Laws and Bar of Ohio," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 141-160.
... The Early Judiciary of Ohio The Early Judiciary of Ohio 141 THE EARLY JUDICIARY EARLY LAWS AND BAR OF OHIO A proper study of the early judicial system and early laws of our State carries us to a period when as a part of the great Northwest Territory we were under control of the Federal Government On the 13th day of July 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the ordinance for The Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Relative to the judiciary the ...

"Hull's Trace or Trail," by Robert P. Kennedy. Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 583-587.
... HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL BY GEN ROBT P KENNEDY In the early times the roads or passages cut through the heavy timber of the country were called traces or trails and thus we read about Zane's trace the roadway cut by Ebenezer Zane his brother Jonathan and his son-in-law John McIntyre from Wheeling on the Ohio River in Virginia to the Limestone on the Ohio River in Kentucky the first trace roadway or passage from the East to this section of the great northwest The trace which ...

"William Allen Trimble: United States Senator from Ohio," by Mary McArthur Thompson Tuttle. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 225-246.
... WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM OHIO MARY MCARTHUR THOMPSON TUTTLE A woman's way of writing History differs essentially from the conventional style and methods approved by great historians It is well that this is so for the student of history obtains thus now and then a lighter more transparent atmosphere a more sympathetic view of a life than could be presented by the massive outlines of the great scholars who strive for the philosophy of life as well as ...

"An Indian Captivity," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 584-589.
... 584 Ohio 584 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Tymochtee remains the 'Bend' remains the 'High Bank' remains and these monuments retain their relative positions substantially as they have existed for the last 150 years The actors in the tragedy have long since joined the silent majority but the early undisputed tradition yet lives in the memory of living witnesses and under the walnut trees in the bend of the creek just across from the High Bank is the 'exact spot' where the great ...

"The Ancestry of the Ohioan," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 73-79.
... THE ANCESTRY OF THE OHIOAN THE ANCESTRY OF THE OHIOAN A M COURTENAY D D The following is a portion of an address delivered in Zanesville by Rev Courtenay who for many years has been an enthusiastic student of Ohio history upon which subject he has delivered many admirable addresses He has written frequently in prose and in verse for current reviews magazines and journals He wrote for and read at the Ohio Centennial Celebration the poem entitled The Ohio Century-EDITOR At a recent notable ...

"Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795, A," edited by Richard C. Knopf. Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 57-86.
... A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews For the Year 1795 Edited by R I CHARD C KNOPF On May 4 1792 Joseph Gardner Andrews enlisted in the army of the United States as a surgeon's mate His qualifications for the position were considered adequate by the standards of his day he had graduated from Harvard College in 1785 and since that time had been employed as a schoolmaster at Dorchester Massachusetts Perhaps partly from a spirit ...

"Banquet in Commemoration of General Anthony Wayne and the Battle of Fallen Timbers," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 19-34.
... Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne 19 Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne 19 of governing the world So long as force may be invoked in behalf of injustice and wrong so long must force be ready to meet and crush force when thus employed as Washington said We must keep ourselves in a reasonable posture of defense Applause After more than one hundred and fifty years of nationality the sword of Washington and Wayne was never drawn except in defense of American rights or human rights and ...

"Powder Magazine at Fort Hamilton," by William C. Miller. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 404-407.
... POWDER MAGAZINE AT FORT HAMILTON POWDER MAGAZINE AT FORT HAMILTON DR WILLIAM C MILLER It is generally understood that the Revolutionary War ended with the surrender of Cornwallis October 19 1781 and a treaty of peace was signed at Ghent acknowledging the independence of the colonies and by this treaty the United States were to have and hold as part of its domain the territory from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River and south of the Great Lakes except Florida which was ceded to Spain But did ...

"The Early French Settlements on the Great Lakes," by John M. Bulkley. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 341-348.
... arrayed in the rough though not unpicturesque garb of their tribes the wrought skin of the elk the deer and the buffalo with the cincture of the war eagle only worn by warriors of eminence crowning their heads with necklaces of bear claws and other trophies while richly embroidered moccasins covered their feet and they gazed with awe mingled with dread and suspicion at the strange scenes before them or listened to the chant of the mass or ...