... BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN-1779 BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN-1779 BY HENRY HALL A Survivor Bourbon Co Ky From the Draper MSS in the Archives of the Wisconsin Historical Society Notes taken in April 1844 From Henry Hall of Bourbon Co Ky born near Phila 24th May 1760-Apr 1844 Mr Hall was in Wm Harrod's company of about 60 men from the Falls of Ohio Edward Bulger who was subsequently killed at the Blue Licks was ensign of Harrod's company Mr Hall does not think James Harrod nor John Haggin were out-recollects but ...
... ECONOMIC BASIS OF OHIO POLITICS 1820-1840 ECONOMIC BASIS OF OHIO POLITICS 1820-1840 By HAROLD E DAVIS The Geographic Basis Ohio was destined by her geographic characteristics to be the scene of conflicting economic interests and hence of conflicting political interests The land has in some respects a natural unity but in many respects that unity is lacking By far the greater part of the area of the state lies in the valley of the Ohio River so that geographically economically and politically ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS JOSEPH BADGER THE FIRST MISSIONARY TO THE WESTERN RESERVE BY BYRON R LONG A preliminary word to the writing of this document is not unlike that which I wrote to the last article furnished for publication in this historical record In the sketch of Isaac N Walter printed in the April number of 1915 I dwelt at some length on the story of the Christian denomination with which he labored for many years as a minister My own personal connection ...
... THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1864 THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1864 IN OHIO BY ELIZABETH F YAGER M A B A B S IN EDUCATION INTRODUCTION A brief resume of early Ohio politics serves to show that the state had been for the most part Democratic 30 far as national politics were concerned The Democrats who drew up the first constitution controlled the electoral vote until 1836 in 1836 and in 1840 William Henry Harrison carried the state and Henry Clay secured the electoral vote in 1844 Ohio went ...
... FAREWELL SONG OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS FAREWELL SONG OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS JAMES RANKINS UPPER SANDUSKY Mr Emil Schlup President of the Wyandot County Pioneer Association is authority for the statement that Rev James Wheeler the resident missionary preached the farewell sermon at the Old Mission Church Upper Sandusky in the forepart of July 1843 to the assembled Wyandot Indians Squire John Greyeyes a converted Wyandot Indian preached the sermon in the Wyandot language which sermon was ...
... OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 G FREDERICK WRIGHT President Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Mr Charles A Hanna's criticism of the inscription on the tablets placed on the site of Old Fort Sandusky and of the addresses made at the unveiling of these tablets are too serious to be permitted to pass without correction First-Mr Hanna's loose habit of observation may be inferred from his first statement that the bronze tablet on the West Face was erected under ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS SETH ADAMS A PIONEER OHIO SHEPHERD By Charles Sumner Plumb Among the pioneers of the Northwest Territory along the Ohio border on the east were many men of sterling worth and rather unusual administrative ability Notably among these men in Ohio history was Seth Adams The following pages will briefly discuss his ancestry review his movements as a citizen and pioneer and set forth his relationship to early day American sheep husbandry The ...
... LEONARD ERICKSON LEONARD ERICKSON Politics and Repeal of Ohio's Black Laws 1837-1849 During the campaign of 1846 the Cincinnati Gazette reported that Democratic and Liberty men viewed the National Road 40th parallel as a Mason and Dixon line across Ohio as far as the Black Laws were concerned' That same year a related proposition that a person's attitude towards these laws varied according to how many Negroes he had as neighbors was voiced by a Whig Representative T R Stanley from Scioto and ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 123 that ordinance and especially the non-slavery clause was not the work of Nathan Dane of Massachusetts but of Thomas Jefferson of Virginia It is not our purpose to enter into this discussion which has been the theme of many a writer Our impression is that Mr Jefferson has not been duly accredited with the share due his ordinance as a basis for the one of 1787 Jefferson must says Curtis M Geer in his volume on the Louisiana Purchase be credited with the effort of ...
... OHIO'S BIRTH STRUGGLE OHIO'S BIRTH STRUGGLE BY WM T M'CLINTOCK CHILLICOTHE O The story of the controversy between General Arthur St Clair the Governor of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio and the young Jeffersonian Republicans of that Territory in 1799-1803 which resulted in the birth of a new state to the Federal Union There is no part of the history of the U S Territory northwest of the Ohio River more interesting than the story of the controversy between its ...
... LUCAS SULLIVANT--HIS PERSONALITY AND LUCAS SULLIVANT--HIS PERSONALITY AND ADVENTURES BY MISS JANE D SULLIVANT Aside from court records and a few lingering oral traditions the principal source of information concerning the life and personality of Lucas Sullivant is to be found in the Family Memorial written and published for private distribution by his youngest son Mr Joseph Sullivant in 1873 Upon this source all subsequent histories of Franklinton and even of Columbus and Franklin County have ...
... FORT MIAMIS THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND FORT MIAMIS THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND by RICHARD C KNOPF Historian Anthony Wayne Parkway Board The Paris peace treaty of 1783 which officially ended the war between the kingdom of Great Britain and her rebellious American colonies and which established what were supposedly internationally recognized boundary lines between British Canada and the newly independent American states was considered at the very beginning by the British as but a tenuous ...
... II II BRIEF HISTORY OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY BY T H E EDITOR The Pioneers of Territorial Ohio seem to have been conscious of the fact that they were making history Intimations of this are found in the addresses and letters of St Clair and his associates and on the printed pages of William Maxwell's Centinel of the NorthWestern Territory The first definite movement of an organization to collect the materials of this early history appears to have been consummated ...
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 225-238 Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page INDEX Volume 109 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ ABISAAB Rula J 93 Accounting for Growth Information Systems and the Large Corporation by Margaret Levenstein rev 114-115 Adams Edward 175-176 AFF See Army Field ...
... THE BIRTHPLACE OF LITTLE TURTLE THE BIRTHPLACE OF LITTLE TURTLE BY CALVIN YOUNG It may not be improper to acquaint the reader with what is to be found in the following pages -the design of which is to add some new facts to the history of Little Turtle a distinguished Chieftain of the Miami tribe to portray some new historical sidelights that have heretofore never been published and to revise and enlarge on a former article written by myself on the birthplace of the above named chieftain ...
... OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 FIRST NEWSPAPER IN THE WEST RESERVE The first newspaper published in the Western Reserve was the TRUMP OF FAME edited by Thomas D Webb It was a weekly published at Warren Trumbull County the first issue being dated June 16 1812--The date of the declaration of war by Congress David Fleming was the printer As the first volume covers the year 1812 the first half year of the war it is doubly interesting as giving information at first hand concerning ...
... BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF OHIO PREPARED BY MRS CYRUS THOMAS FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Continued from page 200 ANY observers in the State who have facts concerning the earthworks of Ohio in addition to those here stated will confer a favor upon the world by forwarding such information to Professor G F Wright Oberlin 0 the member of the Editorial Committee in charge of this department by whom the facts will be classified and published in a future ...
... THE TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON CENTENARY IN FRANKTHE TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON CENTENARY IN FRANKLIN COUNTY On the 9th day of June 1904 a reception was given by Mr and Mrs Henry C Taylor at their country place Westcrest situated on the National Road west bank of Big Walnut creek in Truro township to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the family history in Franklin County The invitation issued to the guests on this occasion was in the following form 1804 TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON 1904 MR AND MRS HENRY C ...
... THE EVOLUTION OF THE OHIO-ERIE BOUNDARY THE EVOLUTION OF THE OHIO-ERIE BOUNDARY BY REGINALD C M'GRANE D A R Fellow University of Cincinnati The question of boundaries has always been a source of trouble Nations have been arrayed against each other wars have been fought diplomats have argued and demagogues have harrangued over such disputed points Sometimes Providence in its unaccountable way has helped to solve the question by placing natural limits between race and race or between nation and ...
... AN ANCESTOR OF OHIO MEDICINE AN ANCESTOR OF OHIO MEDICINE FAIRFIELD MEDICAL SCHOOL 1812-1840 by HOWARD DITTRICK Over the scenic terrain of northern Pennsylvania along the Allegheny and Susquehanna rivers through picturesque Wyalusing and historic Azilium we turned northward toward the Mohawk Valley of central New York The purpose of our pilgrimage was to visit the historic village of Fairfield and so we proceeded through the Royal Grants along West Canada Creek as it came tumbling down from ...