Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shaker medicines

"Ohio in McGuffey's Time," Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 115-129.
... OHIO IN McGUFFEY'S TIME OHIO IN McGUFFEY'S TIME By GEORGE W RIGHTMIRE Indians--Wayne's Treaty 1795 The Ohio of McGuffey's time was very new it began in 1788 at Marietta and the next year at Cincinnati but little progress was possible until Territorial issues were settled with the Indians--not only the Indians but the British who held many posts long after the Treaty of 1783 in violation thereof and exerted a strong influence over the northwest country After suffering two severe defeats from ...

"The Beginning of the Ohio Company and the Scioto Purchase," by E. C. Dawes. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 1-29.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE BEGINNING OF THE OHIO COMPANY AND THE SCIOTO PURCHASE BY MAJOR E C DAWES The beginning of the year 1783 saw the Revolutionary war virtually at an end although the final treaty of peace was not signed until September third The colonies had achieved their independence at the price of the lives of many and the fortunes of all of their defenders The Continental currency despite the fiat of the government had long since ceased to be of value ...

"Colonel John O'Bannon," by Nelson W. Evans. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 319-327.
... COLONEL JOHN O'BANNON COLONEL JOHN O'BANNON NELSON W EVANS It is and has been utterly impossible to fix with absolute certainty the date or place of the birth of Colonel John O'Bannon It was not later than the year 1756 and may have been several years previous The place as near as can be determined was called Neville Virginia John Presley and Morgan Neville prominent officers in the Revolutionary War were her kinsmen and likely brothers We are not certain as to her father's name From the best ...

"The Western Reserve Historical Society," by Elbert J. Benton. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 96-103.
... THE WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY By ELBERT J BENTON As the Western Reserve Historical Society has passed the three score and ten commonly allotted as the span of human life having recently celebrated its seventy-fifth birthday it would seem to have attained a respectable age The record however shows that there are twenty-two historical societies in the United States which were founded more than one hundred years ago One who is familiar with the ...

Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 181-192.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ADDRESS to the People of the Western Country An by Daniel Drake 10 Adena 143-144 illustration 145 African Colonization Society 151 Albrecht Carl W bk notes 93 Allen William 149 Aller Kenneth P 135 Allison Col C W B 38 41 42 43 America Enters the World A People's History of the Progressive Era volume seven by Page Smith rev 77-79 American Academy of Arts and Sciences 105 American Art Its Awful Attitude by John Frankenstein 8 16 23 American Philosophical ...

"Tours into Kentucky and the Northwest Territory: Three Journals by the Rev. James Smith of Powhatan County, Va., 1783-1794-1797," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 348-401.
... medicines none of which had the effect of removing my ague I was confident it was a foul stomach that was the cause of all my disorders and did not expect to be perfectly well till I could get it cleansed In consequence of which I desired Bro George to get me a large dose of tartar he accordingly got me 5 grains which I immediately took and which worked me tolerable well This phisick I think by the blessing of God was the means of carrying off ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Proceedings for the Year 1887, with Abstracts of Addresses and Papers Presented Before the Society," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 376-394.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTOROHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1887 WITH ABSTRACTS OF ADDRESSES AND PAPERS PRESENTED BEFORE THE SOCIETY COLUMBUS January 14th 1887 The Society met in the Senate Chamber in the State House F C Sessions First Vice President in the chair The Secretary reported that four active members had been received since the last meeting and that several donations had been made to the museum Among the donations were a surveyor's ...

"Zoar Society: Applicants for Membership, The," by Edgar B. Nixon. Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 341-350.
... THE ZOAR SOCIETY APPLICANTS THE ZOAR SOCIETY APPLICANTS FOR MEMBERSHIP By EDGAR B NIXON The Society of Separatists of Zoar Ohio was one of the more successful of the many cooperative communities which appeared in this country during the last century Zoar was founded by German peasants and artisans who emigrated from Wurtemburg in 1817 to escape the civil and ecclesiastical persecution to which they had been subjected as members of the Separatist faith The Separatists were dissentients from the ...

"Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, May 31, 1911," Volume 20, Number 3, July, 1911, pp. 335-349.
... TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 31 1911 The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Hunter Society Room Page Hall Ohio State University Columbus Ohio at two o'clock P M Wednesday May 31 1911 The following members were present Prof M R Andrews Marietta Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Mr A J Baughman Mansfield Mr H E Buck Delaware Mr C H ...

"Pittsburgh A Key to the West During the American Revolution," by James Alton James. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 64-79.
... 64 Ohio Arch 64 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and of course there is a constant demand for new vessels Further along after traversing a portion of the Ohio river the same author writes The boats which float upon the Ohio river are various--from the ship of several hundred tons burden to the mere skiff Very few if any very large vessels however are now built at Pittsburgh and Marietta but the difficulties incident to getting them to the ocean have rendered such undertakings infrequent ...

"Diary of the Rev. James-Hanmer Francis, 1837-1838," Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 1942, pp. 41-61.
... DIARY OF THE REV DIARY OF THE REV JAMES-HANMER FRANCIS 1837-1838 EDITED BY WINIFRED LOVERING HOLMAN1 James-Hanmer Francis son of James and Pamela Welles Francis born in Wethersfield Connecticut 2 8 May 1796 died in Middletown Conn II July 1863 aged 67 and was buried in Wethersfield He was a graduate of Yale University class of 1826 supplied in various parishes in Connecticut was the minister at Dudley Massachusetts from June 1 831 to June 1837 then went on the western trip described in his ...

"The Wyandot Chief, Leather Lips," by William L. Curry. Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 30-36.
... THE WYANDOT CHIEF LEATHER LIPS THE WYANDOT CHIEF LEATHER LIPS HIS TRIAL AND EXECUTION BY WM L CURRY Away back in the thirties of the 19th century a literary magazine of high order called The Hesperian of the West was published in Columbus Ohio In fact it is the only literary periodical that ever was published in the Capital City of Ohio In the publication of this magazine William D Gallagher and Otway Curry both men of high literary attainments were associated together as editors Poems from ...

"Secondary Education in Ohio Previous to the Year 1840," by W. W. Boyd. Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 118-134.
... SECONDARY EDUCATION IN OHIO PREVIOUS TO SECONDARY EDUCATION IN OHIO PREVIOUS TO THE YEAR 1840 BY W W BOYD In the report of the United States Commissioner of Education for the year 1899 Rev A D Mayo shows Ohio's peculiar position in regard to education Each of the thirteen original colonies of our country nourished its own class of people differing from each other in creeds languages manners and original national ideals Kentucky and Tennessee were reproductions of Virginia and North Carolina ...

"Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795-III, A," edited by Richard C. Knopf. Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 238-268.
... medicines amp conveniences medicines lotions amp unguents almost equal to the contents of my Chest like a person who has dabbled sufficiently in medicine to render it a dangerous tool he seemed determined to try a little of each of his articles expecting that in so large a number he could not fail in finding the proper remedy for his complaint without considering the ill effects that would ...

"Role of the 'District' as a Unit in Organized Medicine in Ohio, The," by Robert G. Paterson. Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 367-377.
... THE ROLE OF THE DISTRICT AS A UNIT IN ORTHE ROLE OF THE DISTRICT AS A UNIT IN ORGANIZED MEDICINE IN OHIO1 By ROBERT G PATERSON PHD Use of the district as a basic unit of medical organization and administration is historically the oldest in the State It antedates the county city and state medical societies A district in the sense in which it is used here includes within its area two or more counties From 1811 to 1 90 2 the history of medical organization in Ohio is full of the trial and error ...

Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 544-559.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXV INDEX TO VOLUME XXV A Academies - Female - Concluded Academies - Williams' Mrs School E Canonsburg 54 Williams' Mrs chool 6 Co-educational 21irt ins choo 6 Columbia Female Institute 21 First in Ohio 129 Curricula in 1 126 130 Gallia 23 Davidson 54 Greenfield 127 Dayton 127 Growth of idea of 119 Discipline at 128 Johnson's Choctaw 88 East Liberty 133 Lancaster at 126 Lancastrian system in 127 Female - List of in Ohio before 1840 120 Beatty's at Steubenville 13 Medina County ...

"Scioto Valley, The," by Daniel J. Ryan. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 357-367.
... The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 357 The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 357 3 Speech of Logan reading by John R Horst of the McGuffey Society from McGuffey's Fourth Reader Edition of 1853 4 Singing of Songs from the McGuffey Readers by members of the Society 5 Short talks by residents of vicinity 6 Picnic dinner followed by toasts and responses from the McGuffey readers Mr John F Carlisle the president of the McGuffey Society in an appropriate address explained the purpose of the ...

"The Puritanic Influence in the Northwest Territory 1788-1803," by Winfred B. Langhorst. Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 409-445.
... THE PURITANIC INFLUENCE IN THE THE PURITANIC INFLUENCE IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY 1788-1803 BY WINFRED B LANGHORST After the close of the Revolutionary War the rapid movement of settlers over the Appalachian range brought the frontier to eastern Tennessee and Kentucky and to the Monongahela and the Ohio Rivers East of this ever-shifting frontier land values were rising and land speculators and emigrants were searching the West for cheap and fertile lands1 The reports of the Indian traders had ...

"General Joseph Kerr," by William E. Gilmore. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 164-166.
... GENERAL JOSEPH KERR GENERAL JOSEPH KERR BY WM E GILMORE CHILLICOTHE OHIO The following article from the pen of Mr Gilmore appeared in the columns of The Daily Scioto Gazette of March 21 1903 As this article presents the history of Senator Kerr no where else to be found it is thought sufficiently valuable to deserve permanent preservation and is therefore herewith republishedE O R At length my inquiries and correspondence begun in 1886 for the purpose of recovering something of the personal ...

"Anne Bailey," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 44-47.
... ANNE BAILEY ANNE BAILEY VIRGIL A LEWIS Mr Lewis is the State Historian of West Virginia the author of The History of West Virginia and many valuable publications concerning the early historical events in the Ohio Valley All that was earthly of Anne Bailey the Pioneer Heroine of the Great Kanawha Valley that has not crumbled to dust has been removed to Point Pleasant and re-interred in Tu-EndieWei Park It is therefore now time to eliminate from the story of her wonderful career and life of ...