Ohio History Journal

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"Keeping the Buckeye in the Buckeye Division: Major General Robert S. Beightler and the 37th Infantry Division, 1940-1945," by William M. Donnelly. Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 42-58.
... WILLIAM M WILLIAM M DONNELLY Keeping the Buckeye in the Buckeye Division Major General Robert S Beightler and the 37th Infantry Division 1940-1945 On 15 October 1940 Major General Robert S Beightler and the 37th Infantry Division of the Ohio National Guard reported for what was supposed to be a one-year tour of Federal service Five years later Beightler and the Buckeye Division returned to Ohio Its original mission had been to expand to full wartime strength and train draftees from Ohio at ...

"Fort Laurens: The Story of the Acquisition of its Site by the State of Ohio," Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 480-486.
... 480 Ohio Arch 480 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications a brief description of the service of each and a roster of officers and men We are told that Fairfield County is credited with a service enrollment of 1821 in the World War There is a complete list of these alphabetically arranged This is followed by a brief account of Women in the Service The concluding chapter After Armistice Day details the return of the soldiers who survived the perils of camp and field the organization of the ...

"The Hoskinsville Rebellion," Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 319-354.
... THE HOSKINSVILLE REBELLION THE HOSKINSVILLE REBELLION By WAYNE JORDAN1 A corporal four privates from the Union Army and a deputy United States marshal sloshed through mud all day and neared Hoskinsville Ohio on the evening of March 11 1863 They did not enter the village immediately but stopped at a house about a mile away The posse had come to get two Noble County boys who were in bad with the Government The deputy marshal Samuel Colby had a warrant for the arrest of Tertullus W Brown who was ...

"Memorial Building (Dedication of Hayes Memorial), The," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 475-484.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 475 THE MEMORIAL BUILDING The Memorial Building a beautiful structure of classic architecture stands among the great trees to the north of the Hayes Residence facing the entrance from Hayes Avenue It is of light grey Ohio sandstone from the Amherst quarries and of ample proportions Broad steps between bronze pedestals bearing ornamental lights lead up to the pillared portico and great bronze doors Upon entering the building the ...

"The Journal of a Vermont Man in Ohio, 1836-1842," edited by LeRoy P. Graf. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 175-199.
... THE JOURNAL OF A VERMONT MAN IN OHIO 1836-18421 THE JOURNAL OF A VERMONT MAN IN OHIO 1836-18421 edited by LEROY P G RA F Professor of History University of Tennessee In 1836 when he was thirty-one Oren Wiley left his family and friends in Saxtons River Vermont to accept employment in a tin shop in Ohio City Ohio a new settlement located along Lake Erie on the west side of the Cuyahoga River opposite Cleveland Three years later he moved to Dayton Ohio where he lived until his return to New ...

"Burials, Admissions to the Holy Communion and Marriages at Schoenbrunn," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 590-596.
... BURIALS ADMISSIONS TO THE HOLY COMMUNBURIALS ADMISSIONS TO THE HOLY COMMUNION AND MARRIAGES AT SCHOENBRUNN We are indebted to Rev J E einland of Dover Ohio for the following list of burials admission to the Holy Communion and marriages at Schoenbrunn 17721777 BURIALS AT SCHOENBRUNN 1772 CA THARINA -- Samuel's little daughter Baptized December 17th by David Zeisberger Went home December 28th 1772 aged 3 yrs 11 mo Buried in Schoenbrunn 1773 SA LOME - - Isaac Glikhican's daughter's child born ...

"The Autobiography of Benjamin Tappan," edited by Donald J. Ratcliffe. Volume 85, Number 2, Spring, 1976, pp. 109-157.
... edited by edited by DONALD J RATCLIFFE The Autobiography of Benjamin Tappan There are few more fascinating characters in the early history of Ohio than Benjamin Tappan A sharp and audacious man always pungent and always ready he was formidable in argument and few people who openly disagreed with him ever forgot his cutting sarcastic wit Besides tending to talk through his nose in a whining sing-song sort of style he was also slightly cross-eyed which gave him a somewhat malevolent look He made ...

"'Burthened in Defense of our Rights': Opposition to Military Service in Ohio During the War of 1812," by Mark Pitcavage. Volume 104, , Summer-Autumn, 1995, pp. 142-162.
... MARK PITCAVAGE MARK PITCAVAGE Burthened in Defence of our Rights Opposition to Military Service in Ohio During the War of 1812 The War of 1812 has long been famous as a war to which substantial opposition existed in the United States The nearness of the Congressional vote over the declaration of war the refusal of several New England states to provide militia for the invasion of Canada and the Hartford Convention in 1814 are all notable examples of the degree to which the nation divided over ...

"Early Steamboat Travel on the Ohio River," by Leslie S. Henshaw. Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 378-402.
... EARLY STEAMBOAT TRAVEL ON THE OHIO RIVER EARLY STEAMBOAT TRAVEL ON THE OHIO RIVER BY LESLIE S HENSHAW CINCINNATI OHIO October 1911 marks a centennial of considerable importance to the Western country for it was in that month in 1811 that the first steamboat on Western waters passed down the Ohio River The boat a side-wheeler1 was built at Pittsburgh under the direction of Nicholas J Roosevelt of New York an agent of Fulton the inventor and Livingston the financial aid and was called the New ...

"Travels of President Rutherford B. Hayes," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 60-72.
... KENNETH E KENNETH E DAVISON Travels of President Rutherford B Hayes In a predominantly newspaper age long before the advent of radio and television Ohio's President Rutherford B Hayes spent much of his four-year term traveling throughout the United States Beset by critics in both the political arena and the press he strove to put his cause and himself directly before the American people While many of his trips were avowedly nonpolitical they definitely helped to project a favorable image of ...

"Origin, Rise, Progress and Decline of the Whitewater Community of Shakers Located in Hamilton County, Ohio," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 401-443.
... ORIGIN RISE PROGRESS AND DECLINE OF THE ORIGIN RISE PROGRESS AND DECLINE OF THE WHITEWATER COMMUNITY OF SHAKERS LOCATED IN HAMILTON COUNTY OHIO BY J P MAC LEAN While engaged in collecting the material for the article on West Union I engaged in a correspondence with Elder Charles H Sturr general manager of the Whitewater community He invited me to make him a visit and I should have the freedom of all the archives of the society I determined at once to accept the invitation and although the ...

"Address of Hon. Walling (Centennial of Perry's Victory)," Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 72-78.
... 72 Ohio Arch 72 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications vindication of national honor and the only certain protection of vital interests is in respecting the nationality of others and in trusting for justice to the growing conscience of the race codified in international law and expressing itself through international arbitration On that as on a sure foundation rests the hope of the world's peace Once men dreamed of peace through the world sovereignty of some master mind like Alexander or some ...

"A Quaker Section of the Underground Railroad in Northern Ohio," by Wilbur H. Siebert. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 479-502.
... A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN NORTHERN OHIO BY PROFESSOR WILBUR H SIEBERT of the Ohio State University One of the main lines of the Underground Railroad which traversed Ohio from south to north began at Ripley in Brown County on the Ohio River and ran through Highland Fayette Madison Franklin Delaware Marion Morrow and Richland counties to Greenwich in Huron whence branches ran to the lake north through Erie County and northeast through ...

"Early Days in Ohio: From Letters and Diaries of Dr. I. A. Lapham," Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 43-53.
... EARLY DAYS IN OHIO EARLY DAYS IN OHIO FROM LETTERS AND DIARIES OF DR I A LAPHAM Increase Allen Lapham at the time of his death regarded as the most distinguished scholar of his state Wisconsin was for many years a citizen and state official of Ohio He was born in Palmyra N Y in 1811 and while as a boy laborer working on the construction of the Erie Canal became interested in the study of nature and her various phases The subsequent results of his studies were embodied in fortyfive different ...

"The Rev. John Heckewelder, Born at Bedford, Eng., March 12, 1743; Died at Bethlehem, Pa., January 21, 1823, Aged 80 Years, Less 50 Days," Volume 7, Number 3, April, 1899, pp. 314-348.
... 314 Ohio Arch 314 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE REV JOHN HECKEWELDER BORN AT BEDFORD ENG MARCH 12 1743 DIED AT BETHLEHEM PA JANUARY 2 1 1823 AGED 80 YEARS LESS 50 DAYS BY THE REV WM H RICE VICE PRESIDENT MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIFE MEMBER OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND LIFE MEMBER OF THE OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY One hundred years ago to-day September 29 1898 Rev John Heckewelder then a man about fifty-five years old moved into the First House of ...

"Autobiography of Adam Lowry Rankin," Volume 79, Number 1, Winter, 1970, pp. 18-55.
... edited by edited by MICHAEL SPEER Autobiography of Adam Lowry Rankin At a time when American historians are turning more toward quantitative techniques and psychological analyses of individuals the autobiography of Adam Lowry Rankin provides a refreshing first-person account from a man who partook of some of the most important activities of his day1 This work is an interesting commentary on nineteenth century America and provides insight into the motives activities and methods of those ...

"General Simon Perkins," Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 284-290.
... GENERAL SIMON PERKINS GENERAL SIMON PERKINS BY WALTER W SPOONER From advance proofs of the sixth volume of Randall and Ryan's History of Ohio By permission of the publishers the Century History Company New York Simon Perkins of Warren was one of the earliest and most influential promoters of settlement and progress in northeastern Ohio and a citizen of distinguished reputation and usefulness in varied activities and affairs A native of Connecticut he first came to Ohio in the summer of 1798 on ...

Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 103-110.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Beginnings of the U S Army 1783-1812 By James Ripley Jacobs Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press 1947 497p including bibliography and index 500 This handsomely bound beautifully printed and heavily footnoted volume relates in considerable detail and in extremely readable form the military history of the United States from the end of hostilities with Britain in 1783 to their outbreak again in 1812 It is the first of several volumes that will carry the ...

"First Battle of the American Revolution," by W. H. Hunter. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 93-102.
... FIRST BATTLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION FIRST BATTLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BY W H HUNTER CHILLICOTHE This article was prepared for and read by author at the Banquet of the Ohio Society of the Sons of the American Revolution held at the Neil House Columbus April 19 1902 It is herewith published at the request of the editor of the Quarterly-E 0 R At the time the dreadful battle of Point Pleasant was fought at the mouth of the Kanawha river on October 10 1774 the American colonies were in ...

"Some Errors Corrected," by Charles E. Slocum. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 480-485.
... 480 Ohio Arch 480 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications SOME ERRORS CORRECTED BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO The following regarding several historic places in north western Ohio is submitted as a plea for greater care by writers and speakers that errors in historical data may lessen rather than increase FORT MIAMI THE STILL-EXISTING EARTHWORKS OF WHICH ARE WITHIN THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF MAUMEE OHIO The pamphlet containing the Appeal of the Maumee Valley Monumental ...