Ohio History Journal

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"Ohio in the War of 1812" First Newspaper in the West Reserve," Volume 28, Number 3, July, 1919, pp. 286-368.
... OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 FIRST NEWSPAPER IN THE WEST RESERVE The first newspaper published in the Western Reserve was the TRUMP OF FAME edited by Thomas D Webb It was a weekly published at Warren Trumbull County the first issue being dated June 16 1812--The date of the declaration of war by Congress David Fleming was the printer As the first volume covers the year 1812 the first half year of the war it is doubly interesting as giving information at first hand concerning ...

"An Unsuccessful Negotiation for Removal of the Wyandot Indians from Ohio, 1834," edited by Dwight L. Smith. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 305-331.
... DOCUMENTS DOCUMENTS AN UNSUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION FOR REMOVAL OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS FROM OHIO 1834 edited by DWIGHT L SMITH Instructor in History Ohio State University It did not take long for the frontiersman and his government to realize the impossibility of his pushing westward into new lands for purposes of hunting trapping and settling without reckoning with the Indian who inhabited the lands in which he desired to hunt trap and settle According to the white man's concepts of ownership and ...

"Young Woman in the Midwest: The Journal of Mary Sears, 1859-1860, A," edited by Daryl E. Jones and James W. Pickering. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 215-234.
... Edited by Edited by DARYL E JONES JAMES H PICKERING A Young Woman in the Midwest The Journal of Mary Sears 1859-1860 Born in Greenwich Massachusetts on March 31 1838 and trained as a music teacher Mary E Sears was twenty years old in the winter of 1859 when she began keeping a journal of her daily thoughts and activities while emigrating West to join family members in Ohio and Illinois During the following two years she recorded a multitude of experiences which span both distance and social ...

"Fort Laurens Purchased," Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 293-297.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XXVI No 2 APRIL 1917 FORT LAURENS PURCHASED It will be recalled that the autumn winter and spring of 1777-8 was the period of the low ebb of the cause of the Colonial Revolutionists In the late spring of 1778 while Washington was just emerging from Valley Forge George Rogers Clark entered upon the daring expedition to save the Northwest to the Colonies The British-Canadian authorities were planning not only to circumvent Clark but to carry the war into Africa by ...

"Zane's Trace," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 297-331.
... ZANE'S TRACE ZANE'S TRACE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF The first road maker in our country was the buffalo His successor was the Indian Instinct told the buffalo where to make his path Nature which is another name for instinct prompted the red man in marking his trail The white man came and reason told him that the red man and the buffalo had selected the driest shortest and most practicable routes of migration This is only another way of saying that the geography of any country determines its history ...

"Four Buckeye Argonauts in California," by Schuyler C. Marshall. Volume 62, Number 4, October, 1953, pp. 368-377.
... FOUR BUCKEYE ARGONAUTS IN CALIFORNIA FOUR BUCKEYE ARGONAUTS IN CALIFORNIA by SCHUYLER C MARSHALL President Polk's message to congress in December 1848 set of the gold mania in the East The following year thousands of young men left their farms to follow one of the overland trails or perhap go round the Horn or across the isthmus of Panama to the dig gings While we often speak of those who went to California a Forty-Niners the Gold Rush was by no means limited to tha year Early in 1850 many ...

"The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 355-379.
... THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT THE LOGAN ELM THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT THE LOGAN ELM The McGuffey Society of Columbus was organized to perpetuate the memory of Dr William H McGuffey He was one of Ohio's greatest educators but his place in history and in the affections of thousands is fixed by his famous series of Readers familiar to the present and last two generations The officers of this Society conceived the original and unique idea of a gathering of its members and guests beneath the shadowing ...

"Big Bottom and its History," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 1-38.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS BIG BOTTOM AND IT S HISTORY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF The history of Big Bottom has no claim on being unique unless the recent action of Mr Obadiah Brokaw in erecting a monument at his own expense to mark the site of the blockhouse can demand such distinction The events connected with this historic ground are decidedly type studies Its early history is but representative of and part of that general conflict between the Indian and the white man Its ...

"Statement by the Editor of the Quarterly," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 375-380.
... Old Fort Sandoski of 1745 and The Sandusky Forts Old Fort Sandoski of 1745 and The Sandusky Forts 375 hoga River is a mere assertion without any foundation in fact Neither Colonel Whittlesey Mr A T Goodman nor Judge Baldwin long officers of the Western Reserve Historical Society at Cleveland on the Cuyahoga River and all extremely anxious to prove the importance of their own locality ever thought of claiming the Cuyahoga River for the White River From the foregoing it appears that Mr Hanna's ...

"Gallipolis as Travelers Saw It, 1792-1811," Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 283-303.
... GALLIPOLIS AS TRAVELERS SAW IT 1792-1811 GALLIPOLIS AS TRAVELERS SAW IT 1792-1811 By JOHN FRANCIS MCDERMOTT On the fourth of June 1790 Major John Burnham then at Marietta was instructed by General Rufus Putnam to proceed with the people engaged in the service of the trustees of the Scioto proprietors to a place on the Ohio next Chickamaga creek which will be shown to you by Col Meigs where you will begin operations The letter of instructions specified that the object is to erect four block ...

"Ohio's Part in the American Revolution," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 102-107.
... 102 Ohio Arch 102 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications war for independence would have been greatly at variance with the desires of the American people Authorities for the above article are John J Jacob's Biography of Michael Cresap Olden Time-Monthly historical paper printed by Nevin B Craig at Pittsburg 1847 Statement of George Rogers Clark Washington-Crawford Correspondence-Butterfield Doddridge's Notes Narrative of Capt John Stewart Pennsylvania Archives McKiernan's Border History-W H H ...

"Outline of Facts Related to the Burial Place of John Chapman," Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 276-284.
... OUTLINE OF FACTS RELATED TO THE BURIAL OUTLINE OF FACTS RELATED TO THE BURIAL PLACE OF JOHN CHAPMAN By WESLEY S ROEBUCK February 15 1942 revised July 3 19431 1 Location of Henry Cassel's land the burial place of John Chapman and others Description of land The N 12 of SE 14 Section 19 T 31 N of R 13 E and the S 12 NE 14 Section 1 9 T 31 N of R 13 E east of the St Joseph River Allen County Indiana 165 acres three miles up the St Joseph River from the confluence of the St Mary's River on the east ...

"Consul Wilshire Butterfield-Historian," by W. H. Hunter. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 177-188.
... CONSUL WILSHIRE BUTTERFIELD-HISTORIAN CONSUL WILSHIRE BUTTERFIELD-HISTORIAN BY W H HUNTER Consul Wilshire Butterfield the famous Historian was born near the village of Colosse Oswego County New York July 28 1824 He was of Knickerbocker stock his father's people coming to America in 1634 His parents Amroy Butterfield and Mary Lamb Butterfield immigrated from Brattleboro Vermont to the State of New York Consul Wilshire Butterfield died at his home in South Omaha Nebraska onMonday September 25 ...

"Remarks of R. D. Marshall, Esq." (Gallipolis Centennial) Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 172-174.
... 172 Ohio Arch 172 Ohio Arch and His Society Pub li ca ti ons VoL 3 REMARKS OF R D MARSHALL ESQ Your presiding officer has called on me owing to some delay in the arrival of trains which has delayed the forming and moving of the procession to address you for a few minutes and has charged me with being a speaker of some note and as he has placed me on trial before you on that charge I feel pretty certain that when you have heard me you will promptly acquit me of the charge as it was not my ...

"Spiegel Grove: The Home of Rutherford B. Hayes," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 345-370.
... SPIEGEL GROVE SPIEGEL GROVE THE HOME OF RUTHERFORD B HAYES LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Memorials take many forms and the gift to the State of Ohio for the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society of that portion of Spiegel Grove the beautiful homestead of President Hayes through which runs for a half mile the old Harrison Trail of the War of 1812 is one of the most interesting commendable and generous gifts of recent years The deed from Colonel Webb C Hayes to the State of Ohio for the Harrison Trail ...

"Sermon by Rev. John Moncure, Rector of St. Peter's Church," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 221-226.
... Sermon by Rev Sermon by Rev John Moncure 221 SERMON BY REV JOHN MONCURE RECTOR OF ST PETER'S CHURCH TEXTRemember the days of old consider the years of many generationsDeuteronomy 32 7 A hundred years in the history of a place affords a fruitful subject for study When we gaze through the vistas of past events and consider the whys and the wherefores and when we thus are brought into realization of the fact that the things which once appeared to men as through a glass darkly by the light of a ...

"Western Reserve. How it Has Played an Important Part in the History of Ohio and of the Nation, The," by F. E. Hutchins. Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 259-273.
... The Western Reserve The Western Reserve 259 THE WESTERN RESERVE H OW IT HAS PLAYED AN IMPORTANT PART IN THE HISTORY OF OHIO AND OF THE NATION BY F E HUTCHINS ESQ The Connecticut Western Reserve or as it is commonly called The Western Reserve has from the beginning played an important part not only in the affairs of the State of Ohio but also in those of the United States While there is a very good general idea of what this Reserve now is especially among its own people and those of the State ...

"Our Patriotic Forefathers," by W. L. Curry. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 547-548.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 547 Reviews Notes and Comments 547 Senator Fess then delivered an eloquent address on the origin and achievements of the government of the United States He paid a glowing tribute to the Revolutionary fathers and the framers of our institutions This he followed with a survey of the progress under our republican form of government His address was received with frequent applause by the attentive and appreciative audience Mr Henry Williams recited the famous message of ...

"Rev. L. B. Gurley, D. D., Pioneer, Poet and Preacher," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 21-37.
... Rev Rev L B Gurley D D 21 REV L B GURLEY D D Pioneer Poet and Preacher BY N B C LOVE D D Rev L B Gurley was born in Norwich Conn He lived there seven and a half years and learned his A B C's in the school house where Lydia Sigourney the poetess conned her earliest lessons His father was a silversmith and a Methodist local preacher He worked in his fathear's shop and on the farm until he entered the ministry During this time he had the advantages of winter schools and a comprehensive library of ...

"Ohio Declaration of Independence, The," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 404-410.
... THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED By permission of The Ohio Teacher The school histories have always said much about the Mecklenburg Resolutions being the prelude to the Declaration of Independence Indeed some histories make so much of it that you doubt if Thomas Jefferson would ever have mustered up courage sufficient to pen the immortal lines beginning When in the course of human events etc had he not had this brave precedent ...