Ohio History Journal

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"Pontiac's Conspiracy," Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 410-437.
... PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY BY E 0 RANDALL For a century and a half 1600-1750 France and England had been rivals for the possession of the fairest part of the North American continent Each nation had acquired a fixed tenancy but the extent of those respective holdings was unequal France by her discoveries and occupancies had preempted Canada the region of the Great Lakes and the Ohio and Mississippi valleys England through her colonies the New England Coast from near the Gulf of ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1962-July 1963," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 72, Number 4, October, 1963, pp. 303-319.
... span p --- tr AGRICULTURE Heigh-Ho Come to the Fair Ohio Historical Society Echoes I No 9 September 1962 1 Brief discussion of agricultural fairs in Ohio and the founding of the state fair PORTER Thomas E A Letter Concerning the Early Maple Sugar Industry of Paint Creek Valley Paint Creek Valley Folk Publications No 14 Chillicothe Ohio Paint Creek Valley Folk Research Project 1963 6p Mimeographed ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT ABER Mina E The Rankin House Stop on Underground Railroad Negro History ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1961-July 1962," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 240-253.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS 241 A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS 241 BAIRD Clarke B Pataskala Memories Ohio Archaeologist XI 1961 123-124 The author's recollections of archaeological finds in the 1890's Cache of 280 Blades Discovered by D E Baker Ohio Archaeologist XII 1962 7-9 Found in Defiance County along the banks of the Auglaize River GOSLIN Robert M Projectile Point in Elk Skeleton Ohio Archaeologist XI 1961 85 The skeleton was found in Lake Mac-O-Chee Logan County PRUFER Olaf H The Paleo-Indian ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1955-July 1956," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 403-414.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1955 -- July 1956 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE BOGUE Donald J Metropolitan Growth and the Conversion of Land to Agricultural Uses Oxford Ohio Miami University 1956 33p JONES Robert Leslie Ohio Agriculture in History Ohio Historical Quarterly LXV 1956 227-258 RUMMELL L L Ohio Agriculture Today Ohio Historical Quarterly LXV 1956 259-271 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT BOASE Paul H Slavery and the Ohio ...

"Benjamin C. Howard and the 'Toledo War': Some Letters of a Federal Commissioner," edited by William D. Hoyt, Jr.. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 297-307.
... BENJAMIN C BENJAMIN C HOWARD AND THE TOLEDO WAR SOME LETTERS OF A FEDERAL COMMISSIONER by WILLIAM D HOYT JR Associate Professor of History Loyola College Baltimore The Toledo War-a dispute between the state of Ohio and the territory of Michigan over their joint boundary-was reaching its climax and threatening to break out in active hostilities when President Andrew Jackson decided to intervene The area in question was not large a strip of land five miles wide at its western end and eight miles ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1946-July 1947," compiled by James H. Rodabaugh and S. Winifred Smith. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 404-441.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1946--JULY 1947 Compiled by JAMES H RODABAUGH and S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE ALEY Howard C First Hundred Years the Centennial History of the Mahoning County Agricultural Society Youngstown Ohio the Author 1946 113p BEACH F H The First 100 Years for the Ohio Horticultural Society in Ohio Farmer CXCIX No 6 March 15 1947 22-23 BROMFIELD Louis The Farm New York Harper Brothers c1946 382p ...

"Professor H. B. Lathrop's Address (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910)" Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 337-340.
... The Wisconsin Archaeological Society The Wisconsin Archaeological Society 3 37 PROFESSOR H B LATHROP'S ADDRESS The mound of earth at our feet is the work of hands long quiet a memorial the meaning of which by the time our race came to this region had been forgotten by the very aborigines themselves whose ancestors it is believed here built it On some summer's day how many ages ago we know not there labored here a band of dark-skinned men and women bearing with them in sacks and baskets the ...

"An Adventure with the Indians: August 4th and 5th, 1875," by W. H. Holmes. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 513-517.
... Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 513 Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 513 Holmes to the log and skin the bear The only note regarding the adventure found in my report of the day's doing was my bear skin is a beauty AN ADVENTURE WITH THE INDIANS AUGUST 4TH AND 5TH 1 875 BY W H HOLMES August 4th Moved 14 miles down the San Juan Valley in south-western Colorado within a few miles of our western line -- 109 30' Passed by the mouth of the Montezuma a deep valley with a dry bed but ...

"A Salvation Army Prelude: The Christian Mission in Cleveland, Ohio," Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 77-81.
... A Salvation Army Prelude The Christian A Salvation Army Prelude The Christian Mission in Cleveland Ohio By HERBERT A WISBEY JR At the corner of North Fourth and Oxford streets in Philadelphia a small inconspicuous plaque in the sidewalk declares Here on Sunday October 5 1879 was begun the work of the Salvation Army in the United States Although Philadelphia may be credited as the birthplace of the Salvation Army in America Salvation Army work actually was introduced in the United States at ...

"Friends and the Shawnee Indians at Wapakoneta," by Harlow Lindley. Volume 54, Number 1, January-March, 1945, pp. 33-39.
... FRIENDS AND THE SHAWNEE INDIANS AT FRIENDS AND THE SHAWNEE INDIANS AT WAPAKONETA By HARLOW LINDLEY About the beginning of the last century two bands of Shawnee Indians are known to have been settled on lands in the vicinity of the present town of Wapakoneta Ohio In the year 1809 these Indians began to receive attention from the Friends of Ohio Yearly Meeting In order to assist them in adopting civilized modes of living they built for them a saw and grist mill on their lands and some of the ...

"Worthington, Ohio: James Kilbourn's Episcopal Haven on the Western Frontier," by Paul C. Bowers, Jr., and Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr.. Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 247-262.
... PAUL C PAUL C BOWERS JR GOODWIN F BERQUIST JR Worthington Ohio James Kilbourn's Episcopal Haven on the Western Frontier One of the most significant developments to occur in this country in the aftermath of the American Revolution was the settlement of the old Northwest Territory beyond the Ohio River Families from the Atlantic states streamed west in ever-increasing droves establishing countless new communities in the region now occupied by the states of Ohio Michigan Indiana and Illinois ...

"Fort McArthur," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 321-327.
... FORT McARTHUR FORT McARTHUR The following address delivered by the late Dr A W Munson on Memorial day of 1895 at Shingle Grove near Ft McArthur burying ground was read at a recent D A R meeting in Kenton and will be especially interesting to our readers now as this year 1912 marks the centennial of the founding of the old fort Comrades and FriendsWe have met here on this pleasant afternoon of May 30 1895 in this beautiful grove beneath these grand forest trees around these graves to do honor ...

"Last Survivor of Fort Stephenson" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 80-86.
... 80 Ohio Arch 80 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications arrive at its position till the first assault was nearly over After a volley or two in which the British sustained some slight loss the troops at this point also were ordered to retire The loss amounted to 26 killed 29 wounded and missing and 41 wounded most of them slightly and brought away total 96 The Americans state their loss at one killed and seven wounded Considering the way in which they were sheltered and the circumstances of the ...

"Major George Adams," by George A. Katzenberger. Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 522-542.
... MAJOR GEORGE ADAMS MAJOR GEORGE ADAMS GEO A KATZENBERGER GREENVILLE OHIO This section of Ohio is replete with historical events many of which have been chronicled while some have come down to us in the guise of legends In the early days of the pioneers many soul-stirring events occurred with but few participants who realized that the recording of the same would be of value and of great interest to later generations One of the men very prominent in the early history of this section of Ohio was ...

"Rufus Putnam Memorial Association," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 123-133.
... Editorialana Editorialana 123 that ordinance and especially the non-slavery clause was not the work of Nathan Dane of Massachusetts but of Thomas Jefferson of Virginia It is not our purpose to enter into this discussion which has been the theme of many a writer Our impression is that Mr Jefferson has not been duly accredited with the share due his ordinance as a basis for the one of 1787 Jefferson must says Curtis M Geer in his volume on the Louisiana Purchase be credited with the effort of ...

"A British View of the Ohio Backwoods: The Letters of James Martin, 1821-1836," by Brian P. Birch. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 139-157.
... BRIAN P BRIAN P BIRCH A British View of the Ohio Backwoods The Letters of James Martin 1821-1836 Although the British formed a sizeable minority of the early farm settlers in Ohio very little is known about them1 A few accounts exist of particular British notably Welsh and Scots colonies but with no language barrier to separate them from the broad tide of American settlers moving across the Appalachians in the early nineteenth century the British were largely absorbed into that stream and left ...

"Correspondence of Guy M. Bryan and Rutherford B. Hayes: Additional Letters," Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 349-377.
... CORRESPONDENCE OF GUY M CORRESPONDENCE OF GUY M BRYAN AND RUTHERFORD B HAYES ADDITIONAL LETTERS edited by ROBERT C COTNER and WATT P MARCHMAN A number of years ago Ernest William Winkler who was then reference librarian and curator of Texas books at the University of Texas and an associate editor of the Southwestern Historical Quarterly began the publication in that periodical of all available correspondence exchanged between the Honorable Guy M Bryan of Texas and President Rutherford B Hayes ...

Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 162-172.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITIONIST movement 8 23 85-100 Adult education Newton D Baker and the Adult Education Movement by Rae Wahl Rohfeld 119-32 AEF See American Expeditionary Force University Albrecht Carl W book rev 157-58 Alexander Charles C book rev 64-65 Alexander Roberta Sue North Carolina Faces the Freedmen Race Relations During Presidential Reconstruction 1865-67 134 Alice Hamilton A Life in Letters by Barbara Sicherman rev 57-58 Allen Florence Ellinwood First Lady of ...

"General Anthony Wayne and the Battle of 'Fallen Timbers': Centennial Oration," by Samuel F. Hunt. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 214-237.

"Wayne's Strategic Advance From Fort Greenville to Grand Glaize," by O. W. Priddy. Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 42-76.
... WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT GREENVILLE TO GRAND GLAIZE BY O W PRIDDY The government of the United States went into effect in 1789 and General George Washington was its first president While the new republic was busily engaged in adjusting its domestic affairs an Indian confederation was formed in the region of the Miami of the lakes Maumee River that seriously challenged the sovereign power of the national government in the Northwest Territory In a ...