... Reviews Notes and Comments 349 Reviews Notes and Comments 349 his voluntary service and the assistance of the regular employees of theSociety a mass of valuable material was collected This consists chiefly of local newspapers from which clippings have been made indexed and bound When the General Assembly finally acted it made only meager appropriations for the work At its last session no provision was made for the Commission but the work has been continued by the Society It should collect ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF WOMEN IN THE OHIO VALLEY PREVIOUS TO 1840 BY JANE SHERZER The section of country investigated in this paper under the name of The Ohio Valley includes Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia Southern Ohio Indiana and Illinois and Kentucky and Tennessee In West Virginia in Southern Indiana and Illinois there were no schools for the higher education of women up to 184 0 It is true early in 1840 in Indiana there were two ...
... LUCY E LUCY E KEELER Death came to Miss Lucy E Keeler at the Memorial Hospital in Fremont on Tuesday morning March 11 1930 She had been ill since October and had sought relief in a number of hospitals but finally returned to Frement where she gradually grew weaker until her death Funeral services were conducted in the Presbyterian Church of Fremont on the following Thursday Some years before her death a newspaper friend had requested that she prepare a brief sketch of her life and activities ...
... LETTERS FROM DR LETTERS FROM DR JOSEPH STRONG TO CAPTAIN JOHN PRATT Edited b y LOCKWOOD BARR The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine Vol XIII No 4 March 1941 published extracts from the biography of Doctor Joseph Strong Yale 1788 written by one of his descendants Lockwood Barr Yale 1905 Since that publication there have been found in the Connecticut State Library fourteen heretofore unknown letters written by Dr Strong during 17931 795 while serving in the Legion of General Anthony Wayne in ...
... DAVID TOD AND THE GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN DAVID TOD AND THE GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1844 by DELMER J TRESTER Historian Wright Air Development Center The sound of twenty-six cannon shots rolled across Columbus on the morning of January 8 1844 noisily signaling the beginning of a lively day in the capital At 9 o'clock the Columbus Guards met the Dayton Artillery east of the Scioto river just as the most splendidly beautiful brass piece of the Dayton Artillery sent forth several rounds In half ...
... 314 Ohio Arch 314 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE REV JOHN HECKEWELDER BORN AT BEDFORD ENG MARCH 12 1743 DIED AT BETHLEHEM PA JANUARY 2 1 1823 AGED 80 YEARS LESS 50 DAYS BY THE REV WM H RICE VICE PRESIDENT MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIFE MEMBER OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND LIFE MEMBER OF THE OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY One hundred years ago to-day September 29 1898 Rev John Heckewelder then a man about fifty-five years old moved into the First House of ...
... Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument 435 we see emblazoned daring and unselfish deeds of heroes who have scaled the walls of duty and gained the parapets of the City beyond And too what a lesson it conveys Its white teaches purity of purpose its red typifies the blood which has been so freely shed in its defense and its blue with its constellations reminds us of fidelity fidelity to our God fidelity to ourselves fidelity to The Star Spangled Banner Oh long ...
... THE RISE OF THE DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGE THE RISE OF THE DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGE BY RUSSELL M STOREY Of all the groups that had their part in the early educational life of the Ohio Valley none more completely ran the gamut of pioneer experiences than the founders and builders of the denominational colleges They were hewers of wood and drawers of water in their persons they combined the functions of builder janitor teacher business manager and president together with whatever other odds and ends ...
... COLONEL JAMES KILBOURNE COLONEL JAMES KILBOURNE BY C B GALBREATH Colonel James Kilbourne one of the founders of Bucyrus was a prominent pioneer of Ohio He was born at New Britain Connecticut October 19 1770 He was descended from an ancient Scottish family but his ancestors for many years had lived in England before emigrating to America His father who was a farmer encouraged his son to make his home with Mr Griswold the father of Bishop Griswold of the Protestant Episcopal Church in order that ...
... THE WORTHINGTON MEDICAL COLLEGE THE WORTHINGTON MEDICAL COLLEGE By JONATHAN FORMAN M D Those of you who drove in to this meeting may have noted as you approached Columbus the remnants of our pioneer days which still set forth clearly the identity of our original settlers Those of you who came from the west or southwest along highways 3 40 or 42 should have been impressed with the large farms with the original masters' houses set way back from the road reminiscent of Virginia from where came ...
... PIONEER LIFE IN ASHTABULA COUNTY PIONEER LIFE IN ASHTABULA COUNTY BY JOSEPH A HOWELLS The days of the pioneers are past We may move into and settle a new country -- or a new part of our country -- but with the settler or immediately following him come the telegraph the railroad the printing office telephone electric lights water works churches and long before the first child born in the settlement is of age the place is an old town or city with all the modern improvements comforts and vices No ...
... THE RISE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO THE RISE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO by OPHIA D SMITH By 1832 there were enough Newchurchmen scattered throughout the West to demand a general organization to synchronize their efforts to spread the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg Since they were too remote from the eastern cities to attend the annual General Convention they wanted a general convention of their own in order to manage western affairs in a western way This need was met by the ...
... GENERAL JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE-- GENERAL JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE-- The Canadian Governor Who Attempted to Make Ohio a Part of Canada Annual Paper by JAMES A GREEN Historian of the Club American visitors to Canada are always struck with the beauty and charm of Lake Simcoe which is situated fifty miles north of Toronto in the midst of one of the most fertile regions of Ontario It is a lovely lake blue as Como Joined to it by a short and narrow strait is Lake Couchicing equally lovely In the city park of ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA ARCHAELOGICAL AGITATION Elsewhere in this Quarterly we publish quite a snappy symposium concerning Fowke's Book The Archaeological History of Ohio published by our Society in April last Mr Fowke's volume is well calculated to stir the bones of the Mound Builders and their modern investigators It is of course distinctly understood that the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society does not stand sponsor for Mr Fowke's archaeological views much less for his ...
... JOHN STEWART JOHN STEWART PIONEER MISSIONARY OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH N B C LOVE DD The Methodist Episcopal Church from its organization in 1773 was missionary in its spirit It made continuous efforts towards the conversion of the w hites and blacks but the red men of the forest were passed by The minutes of the annual conferences at the beginning of the last century reported in separate columns the numbers of whites and blacks in each society but no figures for the Indians The ...
... WATER HIGHWAYS AND CARRYING PLACES WATER HIGHWAYS AND CARRYING PLACES E L TAYLOR COLUMBUS The 2d day of May 1497 was one of the most eventful for great results for good of any in human history On that day John Cabot a Venetian by birth but who was then living at the old sea-faring town of Bristol on the west coast of England with eighteen hardy British sailors weighed anchor on the small but good ship Matthew and passed out upon the broad and turbulent waters of the Atlantic on a voyage of ...
... WASHINGTON AND OHIO WASHINGTON AND OHIO E O RANDALL LL M The many-sidedness of Washington presents an unfailing field of study in his character and career His varied accomplishments in each of which he was facile prince ps again and again quicken our interest in and increase our admiration for the foremost figure in American annals So glorious was he in the pomp and circumstance of the War of Independence and so wise and potent was he in the arena of our national awakening that we are apt to ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA NEW TRUSTEES On February 28 1907 Governor Harris appointed Hon Myron T Herrick Trustee of the Society to serve for three years This appointment will certainly meet the hearty approval of the members of the Society as few governors have taken the active interest in the progress and welfare of our Society that Governor Herrick did during his encumbency The readers of the QUARTERLY will doubtless be interested in a brief sketch of Mr Herrick as his career is an ...
... WASHINGTON'S OHIO LANDS WASHINGTON'S OHIO LANDS BY E O RANDALL Secretary Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society On June 15 1775 the Continental Congress passed the enactment establishing the Continental army and after fixing the pay of the commander-in-chief at five hundred dollars a month proceeded by ballot to elect that officer Washington was unanimously chosen and this result was formally announced to him on the next day when the newly elected general had taken his seat Rising in ...
... The Scioto Company and its Purchase The Scioto Company and its Purchase 109 THE SCIOTO COMPANY AND ITS PURCHASE The history of the founding of Gallipolis now turning in its career into its second century is one of the most interesting and at the same time one of the saddest studies in American annals It is the story of a disappointing and impracticable scheme and were it not for the fact that the blood of its founders mingling with the American stock of their day and generation has given ...