Ohio History Journal

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"Washington's First Battle Ground," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 385-390.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XVIII No 3 JULY 190 9 WASHINGTON'S FIRST BATTLE GROUND For many years it had been the ardent desire of the Editor to traverse the country of the Monongahela and the Youghiogheny where the youthful Washington began his diplomatic career entered his military life received his baptism of fire won his spurs in battle met his first defeat and succumbed to his only surrender experiences that taught him his preparatory lessons in the science of statesmanship and the art ...

"Touring Ohio in 1811: The Journal of Charity Rotch," edited by Ethel Conrad. Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 135-165.
... edited by edited by ETHEL CONRAD Touring Ohio in 1811 The Journal of Charity Rotch Charity Rodman Rotch the author of this journal was born in Newport Rhode Island on October 31 17661 Her father was lost at sea when she was less than a month old leaving his widow with seven children to bring up Charity is said to have received her education entirely from her older brother At the age of twenty-three Charity Rodman married Thomas Rotch the youngest son of a Nantucket family prominent in the ...

Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 143-152.
... INDEX INDEX COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ACE of Roosevelt The 74 Ahlstrom Sydney E 66 Albacete MJ Architecture in Canton 87 with D'Arti and Reeves Ohio Quilts A Living Tradition 87 Alexander Charles C Here the Country Lies Nationalism and the Arts in Twentieth-Century America rev 135-37 American City 21 American Institute of Architects 7 29 Angel William D Jr book rev 121-22 Athony Wayne Trail 33 Anti-Saloon League of Cleveland 71 Annual Meeting Non-Partisan WCTU 1875 70 1889 72 Annual Report ...

"Monument to Samuel Brady," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 578-582.
... 578 Ohio 578 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications stead it is now believed they are the remains of sacred places half temples where the dead were prepared for burial which was by cremation Inside this enclosure were divisions corresponding in a way to the family burying lot and in these the ashes and the trinkets of the dead were deposited When these were full the enclosure was filled up and the mound thus erected became a sort of monument not to one person or one family but to the dead of ...

"General Simon Kenton," (with introduction by Orton G. Rust) Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 46-67.
... GENERAL SIMON KENTON GENERAL SIMON KENTON By ALBERT L SLAGER Introduction By ORTON G RUST There are Homeric men in every age men filled with the spring of life superabundant a perpetually flowing fountain of youth men whose every action attracts the attention of their fellow men and whose lives count for human progress Simon Kenton was such a man Tradition as well as history has placed him among the strong the swift the brave an explorer of hitherto unexplored regions and a pathfinder for the ...

Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 188-203.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The French in the Mississippi Valley 17 401750 By Norman Ward Caldwell Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences Vol XXVI No 3 Urbana University of Illinois Press 1941 113p Map bibliography The author has used for this study the rich photostatic collection of documents relating to French and Indian affairs in the Illinois country made by the Illinois Historical Survey Most notable perhaps is his use of the expense bills of the western posts from the colonial records in ...

"Lucas Sullivant-His Personality and Adventures," by Jane D. Sullivant. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 177-189.
... LUCAS SULLIVANT--HIS PERSONALITY AND LUCAS SULLIVANT--HIS PERSONALITY AND ADVENTURES BY MISS JANE D SULLIVANT Aside from court records and a few lingering oral traditions the principal source of information concerning the life and personality of Lucas Sullivant is to be found in the Family Memorial written and published for private distribution by his youngest son Mr Joseph Sullivant in 1873 Upon this source all subsequent histories of Franklinton and even of Columbus and Franklin County have ...

"An Ancestor of Ohio Medicine: Fairfield Medical School (1812-1840)," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 365-370.
... AN ANCESTOR OF OHIO MEDICINE AN ANCESTOR OF OHIO MEDICINE FAIRFIELD MEDICAL SCHOOL 1812-1840 by HOWARD DITTRICK Over the scenic terrain of northern Pennsylvania along the Allegheny and Susquehanna rivers through picturesque Wyalusing and historic Azilium we turned northward toward the Mohawk Valley of central New York The purpose of our pilgrimage was to visit the historic village of Fairfield and so we proceeded through the Royal Grants along West Canada Creek as it came tumbling down from ...

"Antoine Francois Saugrain (De Vigni): "The First Scientist of the Mississippi Valley," by N. P. Dandridge. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 192-206.
... ANTOINE FRANCOIS SAUGRAIN DE VIGNI ANTOINE FRANCOIS SAUGRAIN DE VIGNI THE FIRST SCIENTIST OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY N P DANDRIDGE M D In presenting my address which custom has made one of the duties of the presiding officer I shall depart somewhat from the practice of my predecessors and instead of bringing before you some medical question based on my own work or attempting a discussion of some topic now of active interest I shall take you to the backwoods and try and interest you in the life ...

"Tecumseh and His Descendants," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 143-153.
... TECUMSEH AND HIS DESCENDANTS TECUMSEH AND HIS DESCENDANTS BY C B GALBREATH Much has been written of the famous Shawnee Indian chief Tecumseh who was born in Clark County Ohio in a village near the site of Springfield and who died leading his braves in the battle of the Thames Canada where the Americans under William Henry Harrison signally defeated the combined forces of the British and their Indian allies Nothing remains to be said of this natural born leader of his race but those who have ...

"Letters from Dr. Joseph Strong to Captain John Pratt," edited by Lockwood Barr. Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 236-242.
... LETTERS FROM DR LETTERS FROM DR JOSEPH STRONG TO CAPTAIN JOHN PRATT Edited b y LOCKWOOD BARR The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine Vol XIII No 4 March 1941 published extracts from the biography of Doctor Joseph Strong Yale 1788 written by one of his descendants Lockwood Barr Yale 1905 Since that publication there have been found in the Connecticut State Library fourteen heretofore unknown letters written by Dr Strong during 17931 795 while serving in the Legion of General Anthony Wayne in ...

"Bowman's Expedition Against Chillicothe: May-June 1779," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 446-459.
... BOWMAN'S EXPEDITION AGAINST CHILLICOTHE BOWMAN'S EXPEDITION AGAINST CHILLICOTHE May-June 1779 Draper MSS Border Forays 5 D chap 27 pp 1-20 The following account of Captain Bowman's expedition against Chillicothe on the Little Miami in 1779 is from the original manuscript of the Draper collection in the archive department of the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin During the past summer 1910 through the courtesy of Dr Reuben Gold Thwaites Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society ...

"The Early French Settlements on the Great Lakes," by John M. Bulkley. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 341-348.
... THE EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS ON THE GREAT THE EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS ON THE GREAT LAKES JOHN M BULKLEY The French emigrants scattered along the northwestern frontier previous to the year 176 0 were chiefly from the provinces of Picardy and Normandy in France Without aspiring to the aristocratic rank of the noblesse who had congregated in the region of Quebec and Montreal they were accustomed to reverence the authority which had before been exercised over them under the French monarchy in ...

Volume 27, Number 4, October, 1918, pp. 553-558.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXVII INDEX TO VOLUME XXVII EXPLANATORY NOTE With the exception of a few pages Volume Twenty-six is made up of two articles History of Educational Legislation in Ohio by Prof Miller and The Indians in Ohio by H C Shetrone These articles are so foreign to each other that few of the subjects treated are identical hence an index covering both would possess no special advantage Besides these articles are of such value in themselves that there will be undoubtedly a demand for their ...

"An Outing on the Congo. A Visit to the Site of Dunmore's Treaty with the Shawnees 1774," by William H. Safford. Volume 7, Number 3, April, 1899, pp. 349-366.
... An Outing on the Congo An Outing on the Congo 3 49 AN OUTING ON THE CONGO A VISIT TO THE SITE OF DUNMORE'S TREATY WITH THE SHAWNEES 1774 BY WILLIAM H SAFFORD Many of your readers are doubtless familiar with Stanley's expeditions in Africa tracing the wendings of that hitherto unknown river of her western deserts called the Congo His first exploration was in search of Livingston and the second of his voyages was for the purpose of locating that eminent and eccentric traveler Emin Pasha and thus ...

"Indian Attack on Fort Dunlap," by Stephen Decater Cone. Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 64-72.
... INDIAN ATTACK ON FORT DUNLAP INDIAN ATTACK ON FORT DUNLAP STEPHEN DECATER CONE Mr Cone is a resident of Hamilton Ohio During a long life he has been a student of Ohio history has written many articles for publication and with Mr Bert S Bartlow was one of the co-editors of the Centennial History of Butler County-- EDITOR In the far-famed Miami valley nine miles below Hamilton on the banks of the Miami river more than one hundred and fourteen years ago there occurred an incident of our pioneer ...

Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 103-110.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Beginnings of the U S Army 1783-1812 By James Ripley Jacobs Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press 1947 497p including bibliography and index 500 This handsomely bound beautifully printed and heavily footnoted volume relates in considerable detail and in extremely readable form the military history of the United States from the end of hostilities with Britain in 1783 to their outbreak again in 1812 It is the first of several volumes that will carry the ...

"Notes on the Ohio History Day Association Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Meeting," Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 74-77.
... NOTES ON THE OHIO HISTORY DAY ASSOCIATION NOTES ON THE OHIO HISTORY DAY ASSOCIATION TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY MEETING The Twenty-fifth Anniversary Meeting of the Ohio History Day Association was held at Park Place the home of Dr and Mrs Howard Jones Circleville Ohio Sunday October 3 1937 Ohio History Day is usually held at Logan Elm State Park but because of rain the first in the history of the celebration the 1937 meeting was moved into Circleville The feature of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary ...

"Business Meeting of the Ohio Valley Historical Association," Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 258-259.
... 258 Ohio Arch 258 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Bishop Memoirs of Rev David Rice and History of the Church in Kentucky 118-140 Hoffman The Story of a Country Church 36-59 8 McNemar The Kentucky Revival with a Brief Sketch of Shakerism 1808 73-105 Morrow History of Warren County Ohio 267-274 Otterbein Home Annual 9 Centennial History of the Sugar Creek United Presbyterian Church History of Greene County Ohio 10 The Articles of Faith Constitution and History of the Congregational ...

"Address of Frazer E. Wilson" (Fort Jefferson Dedication) Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 113-116.
... Monument at Fort Jefferson Monument at Fort Jefferson 113 5 PRESENTATION Geo A Katzenberger 6 UNVEILING Elizabeth D Robeson 7 MILITARY SALUTE Gun Squad Co M 3rd Regt 8 STAR SPANGLED BANNER Drum Corps 9 ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLICProf J T Martz 10 HISTORIC ADDRESS Judge J I Allread 11 YANKEE DOODLE Drum Corps 12 A WORD FROM THE RED MEN L E Wills 13 BENEDICTION Rev G W Berry ADDRESS OF FRAZER E WILSON SECRETARY GREENVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY One hundred and sixteen years ago to-day a ...