... The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 357 The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 357 3 Speech of Logan reading by John R Horst of the McGuffey Society from McGuffey's Fourth Reader Edition of 1853 4 Singing of Songs from the McGuffey Readers by members of the Society 5 Short talks by residents of vicinity 6 Picnic dinner followed by toasts and responses from the McGuffey readers Mr John F Carlisle the president of the McGuffey Society in an appropriate address explained the purpose of the ...
... 576 Ohio Arch 576 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FORT MEIGS FORT AMANDA FORT MIAMI AND THE BATTLEFIELD OF FALLEN TIMBERS The Chairman of the Committee Mr W J Sherman read the report as follows FORT MEIGS The Fort Meigs Commission has continued improvements at this historic spot during the past year devoting particular attention to the landscaping and planting of the grounds where the Pittsburg Blues are buried and where the Pennsylvania Historical Society has recently erected a ...
... THE ADMISSION OF OHIO TO THE UNION THE ADMISSION OF OHIO TO THE UNION by BENJAMIN H PERSHING BRUTAL TRUTH DISCOVERED NEAR 150TH BIRTHDAY OHIO ASKS STATEHOOD With this alarming headline a metropolitan Ohio newspaper on January 14 1953 announced the most unique episode in the history of the admission of territories into the federal Union The article stated that congress had taken no action on the constitution prepared at Chillicothe in 1802 Consequently Ohio had legally been a territory and ...
... OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION NINTH ANNUAL MEETING The ninth annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Historical Association was held in Columbus Ohio Oct 2 1 and 22 1 915 in the beautiful new building of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The general topic for papers and discussions was the Early Religious Development in the Ohio Valley The first meeting was a joint session of the Historical Association and the Ohio History Teachers' ...
... JAMES GALLOWAY SR JAMES GALLOWAY SR In the January issue of the Q UARTERLY in the contribution entitled Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Clark County Ohio there is on pages 95-96 a sketch of James Galloway Sr which contains a number of errors These are due evidently for the most part to errors in previous sketches in county histories and to a confusion of the name of James Galloway Sr with other Galloways by the name of James The following sketch is by Dr W A Galloway of Xenia and is ...
... SUMMARY OF THE MANUSCRIPT RECOLLECTIONS SUMMARY OF THE MANUSCRIPT RECOLLECTIONS OF MILO G WILLIAMS 1804-1880 By FLORENCE MURDOCH Interesting glimpses of early Cincinnati are to be found in the manuscript recollections by Milo G Williams written in 1877-79 They show not only some historical background to his activities in educational scientific and religious circles of the city of more than a century ago but also note the changes which occurred during his lifetime and are illuminated by his ...
... 280 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 28 0 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly present war in such manner that the said lands be sold out or otherwise disposed of for the common benefit of all the states and that the money arising from the sale of those lands or the quit rents reserved thereon may be deemed and taken as part of the monies belonging to the United States and as such be appropriated by congress towards defraying the expences of the war and the payment of ...
... ROBERT E ROBERT E SMITH The Clash of Leadership at the Grand Reserve The Wyandot Subagency and the Methodist Mission 1820-1824 The War of 1812 ended in 1815 with the Indian tribes of the Old Northwest divided and demoralized Officials of the United States government soon attempted to stabilize relations between the federal government and its native American inhabitants in Ohio where numerous treaties were negotiated between United States commissioners and chiefs representing the Ohio tribes ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR OHIO HISTORY IN THE SCHOOLS History and Geography of Ohio by William M Gregory Head of the Geography Department Cleveland School of Education and William B Guitteau Director of Schools Toledo Ohio Ginn and Company Publishers New York and Columbus 1922 It is to be regretted that in the educational system of our State there is no legal mandate to teach Ohio history ...
... HARRISON'S GREAT SPEECH HARRISON'S GREAT SPEECH At the Wonderful Log Cabin Campaign Meeting at Ft Meigs in 1840 Closely intertwined with the coming dedication of the Fort Meigs monument at Perrysburg is the history of a gathering which rivaled numerically the meeting which will take place there when the monument is dedicated in September The occasion was a speech by General Harrison in 1840 then a candidate for the presidency and 40000 persons assembled to hear his address When modes of travel ...
... 486 Ohio Arch 486 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications where they fell at the hands of the Indians This I think should be one of the first things to be done by the Commissioners The pioneer history of Ohio is filled with soul-stirring events and I know our posterity will read with grateful hearts the story of the builders of the great foundation on which now stands in high esteem in all lands of the world our great State of Ohio Good-night COLONEL WILLIAM LEONTES CURRY Colonel William ...
... LLOYD SPONHOLTZ LLOYD SPONHOLTZ The 1912 Constitutional Convention in Ohio The Call-up and Nonpartisan Selection of Delegates Until recently little scholarly interest has been shown in the nonpartisan system and its place in the American election process neither advocates of the reform nor students of politics have examined the actual effect of elimination of partisanship from the ballot in Ohio1 In the 1910-1911 period an opportunity for an analysis of the nonpartisan system and the resulting ...
... 164 Ohio Arch 164 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications C L McIlvaine representing the New Philadelphia Board of Trade The announcement was made of the organization under the auspices of the Board of Trade of the Schoen-Brunn Monument Association and the names of the Board of Officers were announced as printed on the program President Wm A Wagner President Board of Trade Vice-President Rev Dr Wm H Rice Gnadenhutten O Financial Secretary Professor George C Maurer Treasurer James F Kildenbaugh ...
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 29 we consider that but for this custom and the preservation of these monuments and tablets much that we now recognize and accept as historic truths would have been lost to us and all future generations it is matter of earnest congratulation upon our part that this monument which we are met here to-day to dedicate has been donated to and has been formally accepted by the Archaeological and Historical Society of Ohio For we feel and know ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS BUCYRUS CENTENNIAL The centennial of the city of Bucyrus Ohio was most appropriately celebrated in a program of exercises extending from October 2 to 5 1921 There were addresses by Honorable Harry L Davis Governor of Ohio Honorable Hugh L Nichols former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio Honorable Benson W Hough Judge of the Supreme Court Mrs Frank H Alfred great-granddaughter of Samuel Norton one of the founders of Bucyrus Nevin O ...
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 14 5 LAST CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE The following contribution was the last written by Mr Randall for publication It appeared in the issues of The Ohio Newspaper for November and December 1919 NEWSPAPERS READ BY THE OHIO PIONEERS Maxwell's Centinel of the Northwestern Territory its Contemporaries and Immediate Successors -Journals Now More Than a Century Old BY EMILIUS 0 RANDALL LL D Journalism led the van of literary culture in its advance into the ...
... TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MARCH 22 1907 The Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Library and Museum Room of the Society Page Hall Ohio State University at 2 00 P M March 22 1 907 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Mr A J Baughman Mansfield General R Brinkerhoff ...
... THE CENTENNIAL OF MIAMI UNIVERSITY THE CENTENNIAL OF MIAMI UNIVERSITY A H UPHAM PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH MIAMI UNIVERSITY The third week of June was marked by a highly significant and somewhat unusual occasion down in the southwest corner of Ohio Miami University old mother Miami was celebrating the completion of her first centenary of corporate existence and he r children unto the third and f o u r t h generation came from the corners of the earth bringing t r i b u t e of congratulation a n d g ...
... 432 Ohio Arch 432 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FIFTH SESSION At the Saturday afternoon session under the direction of Professor A E Morse of Marietta College the following papers were read and at the conclusion the members of the Association extended a most hearty vote of thanks to the President and officers of instruction of Marietta College where the meetings were held and to the people of the city of Marietta whose thoughtful care and attention had resulted in so successful a ...
... RELIGION AND THE WESTWARD MARCH RELIGION AND THE WESTWARD MARCH By WILLIAM W SWEET When the Treaty of Peace was signed with Great Britain in the year 1783 which gave independence to the United States of America the Congregational Church was the largest and most influential religious body in the land Though confined almost exclusively to New England the Congregationalists were at the same time nationally important because of their cultural and educational leadership They had come through the ...