Ohio History Journal

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"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1956-July 1957," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 407-417.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1956 - July 1957 Compiled by S WINIF RE D SMITH AGRICULTURE HENLEIN Paul C Journal of F and W Renick on an Exploring Tour to the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers in the Year 1819 Agricultural History XXX 1956 174-186 The Renicks were from Chillicothe Ohio HENLEIN Paul C Shifting Range-Feeder Patterns in the Ohio Valley Agricultural History XXXI 1957 1-12 WALLACE Henry A Corn and the Midwestern Farmer ...

"Fort Morrow Soldiers, of the War of 1812, Honored," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 572-577.
... FORT MORROW SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812 FORT MORROW SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812 HONORED According to an early historian of Marion County Ohio Nathaniel Wyatt Sr exchanged 80 acres of military land in Pickaway County for a tract of 200 acres in Section 3 Waldo Township Marion County On this tract he built the Wyatt Brick Tavern and on it was also built Fort Morrow in the year 1812 Wyatt's Hotel was comprised in the enclosure of the pickets made from split slats around the old fort The old ...

"Major John Burnham and His Company," by E. C. Dawes. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 40-44.
... 40 Ohio Arch 40 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 MAJOR JOHN BURNHAM AND HIS COMPANY Mr Barlow had written Colonel Duer early in December 1789 that huts must be built on land opposite the mouth of the Great Kanawha to accommodate at least one hundred persons The cost of these huts was to be paid by the agent of the immigrants upon their arrival In March 1790 General Rufus Putnam as agent for the Trustees for the Scioto Associates employed John Burnham of Essex Massachusetts to ...

"The Roush Family in America: The Contribution to the 'New Country,'" by L. L. Roush. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 116-144.
... THE ROUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA THE ROUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA Their Contribution to the New Country BY REV L L ROUSH In these days when almost every one is writing and when so many details of history are brought out of their hiding-places by some historian especially equipped for that purpose and whose chief business is to bring to the public eye such discoveries one hesitates before he sets himself to the task of adding anything to this voluminous collection However no student dares venture far ...

by Bertha E. Josephson. Volume 54, Number 1, January-March, 1945, pp. 56-62.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA By BERTHA E JOSEPHSON During the past months researchers and scholars have made considerable use of the manuscripts maps and state archives under the custody of this department Not only have the various departments of State individuals and legal firms availed themselves of reference service by telephone letter or personal visit but there have been a succession of out-of-city and out-of-state visitors who spent extended periods examining collections here Among ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 98-104.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR HISTORY OF THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTYSECOND FIELD ARTILLERY AND SKETCH OF ITS COLONEL History of the 322nd Field Artillery Yale University Press New Haven The Society is under obligations to Colonel A B Warfield who commanded the 322nd Field Artillery of the National Army in the World War made up almost entirely of Ohio troops The frontispiece of this interesting and ...

"Unveiling of the Cresap Tablet," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 123-145.
... UNVEILING OF THE CRESAP TABLET UNVEILING OF THE CRESAP TABLET LOGAN ELM PARK-OCTOBER 1916 On Saturday October 21 1916 an interesting ceremony was held at Logan Elm Park under the auspices of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The program arranged by Mr Frank Tallmadge comprised the erection of a flag staff and the unfurling of the stars and stripes the dedication of a log cabin not a modern imitation but a well preserved relic of the real thing a left over of the pioneer days ...

"Fort Greenville Traditions," by James Oliver Arnold. Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 60-63.
... FORT GREEVILLE TRADITIONS FORT GREEVILLE TRADITIONS JAMES OLIVER ARNOLD Four walls of wood growth of hickory walnut oak ash and elm mingled with maples and undergrowth so dense that a horseman could not pass so tall that its shade cast a gloom about and between these walls a clearing and military fort Beyond another clearing and a cabin built of logs lighted by a little window The heavy oaken door swung on wooden hinges the curling smoke from the chimney made of lath grass and clay and the ...

"Glimpses into Cincinnati's Past: The Gest Letters, 1834-1842," edited by Charles Schultz. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 157-179, notes 200-203.
... Glimpses Into Cincinnati's Past THE GEST LETTERS 1834-1842 edited by CHARLES SCHULTZ Erasmus Gest was fourteen years old in November 1834 when he left home family and friends in Cincinnati to attend school first a manual training school in Dayton Ohio and then a Springfield Ohio high school of which Milo G Williams a Cincinnatian was successively and respectively general supervisor and principal1 After two years of study he obtained his first job that of a rod man on the Cincinnati and ...

"John Henri Kagi: Biographical Sketch," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 263-291.
... JOHN HENRI KAGI JOHN HENRI KAGI BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH BY C B GALBREATH A traveler northward bound on a Pennsylvania local passenger train if he is interested in the smaller stations between Warren and Ashtabula will hear the conductor call out Bristolville To the ninety and nine who hear this call the name will suggest nothing To possibly one out of a thousand it will start a train of thought that will carry him back to the eventful years before the Civil War when hostility to the institution of ...

"The Hayes Memorial," Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 507-544.
... THE HAYES MEMORIAL THE HAYES MEMORIAL FREMENT OHIO The Memorial building a beautiful structure of classic architecture built of gray Ohio sandstone is located among the great trees north of the Hayes residence facing Hayes Avenue Broad steps lead up to the bronze doors of the pillared portico On entering the great square hall or atrium flanked with eight massive columns one passes under the flags of the countries which claimed ownership of this region from the discovery of America until the ...

"Rare Manuscripts Added," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 542-548.
... 542 Ohio Arch 542 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Mr Simpson has had three able assistants physically strong and industrious who have done much of the heavy work involved in moving the newspaper files and keeping them in order with no expense to the Society except that in furnishing to each of these workers one meal a day He has gotten along harmoniously and pleasantly with these assistants and from this source has succeeded in getting a service that would have cost the Society ...

"Mound Builders' Fort Within Toldeo's Limits," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 381-384.
... Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's Limits 381 MOUND BUILDERS' FORT WITHIN TOLEDO'S LIMITS BY S S KNABENSHUE TOLEDO OHIO It will probably surprise most of the readers of the Quarterly to be told that there once existed an ancient defensive earthwork on the banks of the Maumee within the present city limits The writer was unaware of the fact until some time ago when he found a reference to it in a somewhat rare book-the first volume of the ...

"Colonel Harry Parker Ward," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 149-150.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 149 The calendaring of Letters Received in the War Department files was approved Dr Mereness was given an extension of leave to September 30 with the understanding that he would continue to exercise general supervision over the work and that it would be carried forward by Mr Smith SOLON J BUCK Secretary COLONEL HARRY PARKER WARD Colonel Harry Parker Ward a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society died at his home ...

"Monument to Samuel Brady," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 578-582.
... 578 Ohio 578 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications stead it is now believed they are the remains of sacred places half temples where the dead were prepared for burial which was by cremation Inside this enclosure were divisions corresponding in a way to the family burying lot and in these the ashes and the trinkets of the dead were deposited When these were full the enclosure was filled up and the mound thus erected became a sort of monument not to one person or one family but to the dead of ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1955-July 1956," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 403-414.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1955 -- July 1956 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE BOGUE Donald J Metropolitan Growth and the Conversion of Land to Agricultural Uses Oxford Ohio Miami University 1956 33p JONES Robert Leslie Ohio Agriculture in History Ohio Historical Quarterly LXV 1956 227-258 RUMMELL L L Ohio Agriculture Today Ohio Historical Quarterly LXV 1956 259-271 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT BOASE Paul H Slavery and the Ohio ...

"Commodore Abraham Whipple" (Marietta Centennial) by David Fisher. Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 180-186.
... COMMODORE ABRAHAM WHIPPLE COMMODORE ABRAHAM WHIPPLE A PAPER BY HIS GREAT-GRANDSON DAVID FISHER MR PRESIDENT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - From the printed circular I hold in my hand I read the seventh of April 1888 is a day in which the immediate descendants of the first settlers of Marietta principally have an interest As a descendant of Commodore Whipple it is with emotions of reverence pleasure and pride that I am permitted to be present at the Centennial Celebration of Marietta and pay respect to ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1957-July 1958," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 369-379.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1957 - July 1958 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT BUCKMASTER Henrietta Flight to Freedom The Story of the Underground Railroad New York Thomas Y Crowell Company 1958 217p For ages twelve and older JELLISON Charles A The Martyrdom of John Brown West Virginia History XVIII 1957 243-255 LOTTICK Kenneth V The Connecticut Reserve and the Civil War History of Education Journal VIII No 3 Spring ...

"Celoron's Journal," edited by A. A. Lambing. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 335-396.
... CELORON'S JOURNAL CELORON'S J O URNAL 1 EDITED BY REV A A LAMBING INTRODUCTORY NOTE It is now almost two years since I read a paper before the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania on Celoron's expedition down the Allegheny and Ohio rivers in the latter part of the summer of 1749 The subject attracted considerable attention at the time and between those who culled from me and those who cudgeled me the local public have become pretty well acquainted with the movements of the French in this ...

"Pontiac's Conspiracy," Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 410-437.
... PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY BY E 0 RANDALL For a century and a half 1600-1750 France and England had been rivals for the possession of the fairest part of the North American continent Each nation had acquired a fixed tenancy but the extent of those respective holdings was unequal France by her discoveries and occupancies had preempted Canada the region of the Great Lakes and the Ohio and Mississippi valleys England through her colonies the New England Coast from near the Gulf of ...