Ohio History Journal

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Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 411-418.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII A Banks - Concluded Agriculture Ideal pioneer plantation 250 Exchange 320 Possibilities of Ohio 232-256 Franklin of Columbus 319 Akron Founder of 284 287 Legislation regulating 314 Algonquins 107 Mechanics' Savings Institute 320 Allen Gov William 35 Notes issued by 313 315 American-British Peace Treaty 28 Ohio State 316 Americanists Visit of 381 Pioneer bankers 318 American State Papers Extracts from Private 321 relating to Dohrman 227 Thompson's ...

"The Indian in Ohio: With a Map of the Ohio Country," Volume 27, Number 3, July, 1918, pp. 274-510.
... THE INDIAN IN OHIO THE INDIAN IN OHIO With a Map of the Ohio Country BY H C SHETRONE ASSISTANT CURATOR Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society FOREWORD The accompanying narrative is offered in response to an apparent demand for a briefly comprehensive account of the aboriginal inhabitants of the territory comprised within the State of Ohio The need of such an addition to the already extensive literature on the subject is suggested by frequent inquiry on the part of visitors to the ...

"The Siege of Fort Meigs," by Earl A. Saliers. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 520-541.
... THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS EARL A SALIERS Ohio State University The War of 1812 furnishes perhaps a fewer number of notable achievements accomplished on land than any other of our wars The lack of a regular army and the consequent dependence upon militia would have made it difficult for an efficient general to execute a prolonged campaign while the position which a section of the country took against the war rendered success still more difficult Despite ill preparation and ...

"The Centennial of Croghan's Victory," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 1-33.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE CENTENNIAL OF CROGHAN'S VICTORY BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER The historic and picturesque little city of Fremont Ohio celebrated on the second of August the centenary of Croghan's Victory the one successful land battle on American soil of the War of 1812 Fort Stephenson on the banks of Sandusky River at the village then known as Lower Sandusky was garrisoned by Major George Croghan a youth of twenty-one with a hundred and sixty men and a single ...

Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 193-218.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Thomas Worthington Father of Ohio Statehood By Alfred Byron Sears Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1958 viii260p end-paper illustrations bibliography and index 550 Jeffersonian republicanism or Jeffersonian democracy as many prefer to call it is one of the great inheritances of the American people but it is a difficult one to approach From one direction it appears to be monumental symbolized in the eloquence of the Declaration of ...

"William Allen Trimble: United States Senator from Ohio," by Mary McArthur Thompson Tuttle. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 225-246.
... WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM OHIO MARY MCARTHUR THOMPSON TUTTLE A woman's way of writing History differs essentially from the conventional style and methods approved by great historians It is well that this is so for the student of history obtains thus now and then a lighter more transparent atmosphere a more sympathetic view of a life than could be presented by the massive outlines of the great scholars who strive for the philosophy of life as well as ...

"The Problem of the Historic Indian in the Ohio Valley: The Historian's View," Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 172-180.
... THE PROBLEM OF THE PROBLEM OF THE HISTORIC INDIAN IN THE OHIO VALLEY THE HISTORIAN'S VIEW by DWIGHT L SMITH Sometime early in the morning of October 12 land having been sighted a party debarked for shore Presently they descried people who were naked Possession of the island was taken in the presence of witnesses from the ship and a number of the people of the island who had collected there1 As I saw that they were very friendly to us and perceived that they could be much more easily converted ...

"Travel in the 1830's," by Robert Price. Volume 54, Number 1, January-March, 1945, pp. 40-45.
... TRAVEL IN THE 1830's TRAVEL IN THE 1830's By ROBERT PRICE Leisurely trips of today have too much hurry--hurried trips of a past century had too much leisure If Mr William Fitch of Schodack Rensselaer County New York on a business expedition to Licking County Ohio in May and June 1836 could have had access to automobile and macadam he might have made the journey and back in four days with time to spare Instead being forced to utilize canal boat lake steamer stage carriage horse and wagon packet ...

"Presentation of Portraits of American Indians," by General Edward Orton, Jr.. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 132-137.
... PRESENTATION OF PORTRAITS OF PRESENTATION OF PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN INDIANS BY GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR During the spring of 1924 an exhibit of the work of a rising young American artist Mr W Langdon Kihn of New York was shown in this city and was found to consist wholly of original portraits of American Indians made from life in their own homes under conditions which reduced their natural embarrassment timidity or superstitious fear of portraiture to a minimum thus greatly favoring truthful and ...

"The Battle of Forty Foot Pitch," by Esther E. Nichols. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 526-529.
... 526 Ohio Arch 526 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and accoutrements Wayne could not safely go directly down and thereupon he dug an oblique shelf-road in the breast of the declivity downward -- eastward a distance of about one hundred feet and thereby the army descended to the floor of the valley and crossed the stream The shelf-road is not the pitch It is the expedient made in breast of the pitch or declivity It is a very interesting well-preserved remnant of Wayne's Preble Trail It ...

"Address of Joseph F. Tuttle, D.D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 132-137.
... ADDRESS OF JOSEPH F ADDRESS OF JOSEPH F TUTTLE DD PRESIDENT CHAPIN represents Wisconsin and the Congregational Church He brings a commission from Governor Rusk I don't know whom I represent One of the chief elements of success in Manasseh Cutler as a negotiator was not mentioned yesterday in the very beautiful and exhaustive discussion which was given by the gentleman who made the address He was spoken of as a brave man as a man of learning a man of courtesy but I think that one great element ...

"The Pioneer Physicians of the Muskingum Valley," by Edmund Cone Brush. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 241-259.
... Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting 241 THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF THE MUSKINGUM VALLEY BY EDMUND CONE BRUSH A M M D A Paper Read at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society in the Hall of the House of Representatives at Columbus March 6 1890 Generation after generation of pioneers have gradually carried the star of empire westward until it would seem as if the work of the pioneer was nearly done As these hardy and adventurous men and women have gradually opened up ...

"Ohioan's Letter from the California Gold Fields in 1850, An," edited by Robert Ralph Davis, Jr.. Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 159-163, notes 179-180.
... An Ohioan's Letter from the California GOLD Fields in 1850 The discovery of gold at Sutter's mill in California's lower Sacramento Valley in 1848 precipitated one of the most massive and spontaneous westward migrations in American history Responding to the avalanche of propaganda emanating from the California gold fields and spurred on by numerous exaggerated newspaper and magazine accounts of the alleged untapped and unlimited yellow treasure of the Far West thousands of easterners left ...

"The 'Divide.' The Water-Shed of Richland County, Ohio," by A. J. Baughman. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 160-163.
... THE DIVIDE THE DIVIDE The Water-Shed of Richland County Ohio BY A J BAUGHMAN The far-famed barn from the eaves of which the rain-falls flow from one side into Lake Erie and from the other to the Ohio river is situate near Five Corners in Springfield township seven miles west of Mansfield Richland County on the West Fourth street or Leesville road That this barn is not a myth but an actual reality can be verified by a visit to the locality The farm upon which the building stands is owned by C ...

"Americans Before Columbus," by Gerard Fowke. Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 689-711.
... AMERICANS BEFORE COLUMBUS AMERICANS BEFORE COLUMBUS BY GERARD FOWKE We have become so accustomed to thinking of Columbus as the original and only discoverer of America the western continent that we quite overlook several important points which should be considered in this connection The principal item is one which we know so well that we often fail to remember it at all and this is that when Columbus made his landing he found not a desert not a wilderness but a well-inhabited country Then as ...

"Were the Mounds Used for Dwellings," by I. N. Smith. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 111-113.
... Editorialana Editorialana 111 living authorities He informed me at that time that he had been trying to induce Professor Wright to visit Wadsworth for that purpose Every one who is acquainted with Capt T D Wolbach knows that it is utterly impossible for him to deceive Habit makes character and his word alone is worth most men's bond WERE THE MOUNDS USED FOR DWELLINGS As a sample of the various curious theories advanced by different writers concerning the purposes of the mounds we give the ...

"'Affairs in Holmes County, Ohio': Report of Col. Wm. Wallace, 15th Ohio Infantry, Commanding United States Forces in Ohio, Columbus, June 1863," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 49-51.
... Fort Fizzle 49 Fort Fizzle 49 He made them a neat speech telling them of the obligations they owed to themselves and to their children and their country deprecating the necessity of bringing armed soldiers into the county and winding up by assuring them that he would not leave until the guilty were delivered into his hands and they promise to make no more resistance to the laws of the county We are under many obligations to Mr and Mrs Bowers and Mr Thomas Fetterman of Napoleon and Mr and Mrs ...

"David Kellogg Cartter," by Ruth Gertrude Curran. Volume 42, Number 1, January, 1933, pp. 105-115.
... DAVID KELLOGG CARTTER DAVID KELLOGG CARTTER BY RUTH GERTRUDE CURRAN Naming the oldest son David Kellogg has been a custom of the Cartter family for five generations The second David Kellogg Cartter was born in Jefferson County New York June 22 1812 four days after the declaration of war on the part of the United States against England He was the son of David K Cartter a prominent and well-to-do carpenter and Elizabeth Hollister Cartter The father died when David was ten years old and in ...

"St. Clair's Defeat: As Told by an Eye-Witness-From Original Mss.," Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 378-380.
... 378 Ohio Arch 378 Ohio Arch and His Society Pu bli cations ST CLAIR'S DEFEAT AS TOLD BY AN EYE-WITNESS--FROM ORIGINAL MSS BY FRAZER E WILSON GREENVILLE O It is refreshing to read an original account of any important battle especially when the field of action is near at hand Of the 600 survivors of St Clair's unfortunate army probably quite a number wrote narratives which have been lost or destroyed in the wreck of time The General's own report and the description of Benjamin Van Cleve have ...

"'Forty Foot Pitch,'" by A. C. Risinger. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 519-526.
... Fort St Fort St Clair 519 attack that Lieutenant Hale was killed and Madison was wounded The Indians were forced to retreat some distance where they then took a stand and in turn forced the militia back This zigzag method of fighting was carried on for some time until the Indians and all but six of the horses were lost sight of at about the place where Eaton is now located The exact number of Indians killed in this battle is not definitely known though two were left and are buried at the fort ...