Ohio History Journal

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"Editorialana," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 98-122.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA LAND BILL ALLEN We have been asked for the facts concerning Land Bill Allen The facts are sparse and soon stated The fiction is ample and almost unprecedented The myths and popularly accepted beliefs concerning Allen's career were sufficient to place him in the distinguished category of Homer William Tell and the Man in the Iron Mask The curious individual known as Land Bill Allen was George Wheaton Allen He was born in Windham Conn May 17 1809 and died at Columbus ...

"Overland to California: Letter from an Ohio 'Argonaut,'" Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 567-571.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA LETTER FROM AN OHIO ARGONAUT We are indebted to Professor E F Warner of Bellevue long the superintendent of schools of that city and later with the State Department of Public Instruction for an interesting letter written by his uncle in 1853 when the exodus to California was still at its height It is here published for the first time ...

"The Problem of the Historic Indian in the Ohio Valley: The Historian's View," Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 172-180.
... THE PROBLEM OF THE PROBLEM OF THE HISTORIC INDIAN IN THE OHIO VALLEY THE HISTORIAN'S VIEW by DWIGHT L SMITH Sometime early in the morning of October 12 land having been sighted a party debarked for shore Presently they descried people who were naked Possession of the island was taken in the presence of witnesses from the ship and a number of the people of the island who had collected there1 As I saw that they were very friendly to us and perceived that they could be much more easily converted ...

"Western Reserve. How it Has Played an Important Part in the History of Ohio and of the Nation, The," by F. E. Hutchins. Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 259-273.
... The Western Reserve The Western Reserve 259 THE WESTERN RESERVE H OW IT HAS PLAYED AN IMPORTANT PART IN THE HISTORY OF OHIO AND OF THE NATION BY F E HUTCHINS ESQ The Connecticut Western Reserve or as it is commonly called The Western Reserve has from the beginning played an important part not only in the affairs of the State of Ohio but also in those of the United States While there is a very good general idea of what this Reserve now is especially among its own people and those of the State ...

Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 341-345.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Tree of Liberty By Elizabeth Page Farrar amp Rinehart Inc 1939 985p 300 On the best seller list since its publication in the spring this historic novel offers an unusual combination of entertainment and enlightenment The story is that of Matthew Howard and Jane Peyton the former a frontiersman from the Shenandoah Valley the latter the daughter of a tidewater planter In their married life is dramatized the bitter conflict of the two main traditions which underlie ...

"Fort Miamis: The International Background," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 146-166.
... FORT MIAMIS THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND FORT MIAMIS THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND by RICHARD C KNOPF Historian Anthony Wayne Parkway Board The Paris peace treaty of 1783 which officially ended the war between the kingdom of Great Britain and her rebellious American colonies and which established what were supposedly internationally recognized boundary lines between British Canada and the newly independent American states was considered at the very beginning by the British as but a tenuous ...

"Israel Putnam," by Mrs. H. G. Edgerton. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 528-548.
... ISRAEL PUTNAM ISRAEL PUTNAM READ BY MRS II G EDGERTON BEFORE THE COLONEL GEORGE CROGHAN CHAPTER D A R In the days when forests covered most of New England when the Indian war-whoop still echoed on its borders when children ate corn-meal porridge from pewter porringers and their elders stirred their hot drinks with a poker heated in the fireplace -- in those good old days two centuries ago there was born one of the great heroes of our Nation To be more exact on January 7 1718 in an old ...

"The Centennial Churches of the Miami Valley," by J. E. Bradford. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 234-258.
... 234 Ohio Arch 234 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications In the fall of 1816 the state offices were removed from Chillicothe to Columbus and on the first Monday of December of the same year the legislature began its first session in the then new state house in Columbus The proprietors having finished the public buildings and deeded the two ten acre lots to the state agreeably to their proposals at this session they presented their account for the erection of the public buildings and by an act ...

"Zane's Trace," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 297-331.
... ZANE'S TRACE ZANE'S TRACE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF The first road maker in our country was the buffalo His successor was the Indian Instinct told the buffalo where to make his path Nature which is another name for instinct prompted the red man in marking his trail The white man came and reason told him that the red man and the buffalo had selected the driest shortest and most practicable routes of migration This is only another way of saying that the geography of any country determines its history ...

"Four Cycles: A Centennial Ode," by May Lowe. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 109-117.
... FOUR CYCLES A CENTENNIAL ODE FOUR CYCLES A CENTENNIAL ODE Prepared in commemoration of the centennial anniversary of Pickaway County The Poem is descriptive of Circleville the county seat MAY LOWE PRELUDE The grape vine and the sycamore Cast shadows long and deep On the surface of the river Near whose banks the thousands sleepMen of mystery who from silence Of the dim past settled here Wrought their mighty deeds of valor Left a record written clear Of their learning and their prowess In the ...

"Anne Bailey," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 44-47.
... ANNE BAILEY ANNE BAILEY VIRGIL A LEWIS Mr Lewis is the State Historian of West Virginia the author of The History of West Virginia and many valuable publications concerning the early historical events in the Ohio Valley All that was earthly of Anne Bailey the Pioneer Heroine of the Great Kanawha Valley that has not crumbled to dust has been removed to Point Pleasant and re-interred in Tu-EndieWei Park It is therefore now time to eliminate from the story of her wonderful career and life of ...

"Place-Names in Franklin County, Ohio," Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 135-159.
... PLACE-NAMES IN FRANKLIN COUNTY OHIO PLACE-NAMES IN FRANKLIN COUNTY OHIO BY W EDSON RICHMON D Introduction For at least three centuries it has been manifestly impossible for any one man to take all knowledge as his province The specialization brought about by the widening strain of human knowledge is most easily seen in the fields of modern science Especially among the younger and smaller sciences there is no self-sufficiency however and each finds it necessary to rely upon its sisters So it is ...

"Unveiling of the Cresap Tablet," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 123-145.
... UNVEILING OF THE CRESAP TABLET UNVEILING OF THE CRESAP TABLET LOGAN ELM PARK-OCTOBER 1916 On Saturday October 21 1916 an interesting ceremony was held at Logan Elm Park under the auspices of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The program arranged by Mr Frank Tallmadge comprised the erection of a flag staff and the unfurling of the stars and stripes the dedication of a log cabin not a modern imitation but a well preserved relic of the real thing a left over of the pioneer days ...

"Welsh Settlements in Ohio," by Wm. Harvey Jones. Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 194-227.
... WELSH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO WELSH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO WM HARVEY JONES This article is not sufficiently broad in its scope to include the history of every settlement in Ohio wherein the Welsh people may have largely resided and must therefore be confined to those communities which were originally settled by Welsh people Classified in this manner the leading Welsh settlements in Ohio are Paddy's Run Butler County Radnor Delaware County Welsh Hills Licking County of Gallia and Jackson Counties and ...

"The Roush Family in America: The Contribution to the 'New Country,'" by L. L. Roush. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 116-144.
... THE ROUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA THE ROUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA Their Contribution to the New Country BY REV L L ROUSH In these days when almost every one is writing and when so many details of history are brought out of their hiding-places by some historian especially equipped for that purpose and whose chief business is to bring to the public eye such discoveries one hesitates before he sets himself to the task of adding anything to this voluminous collection However no student dares venture far ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1953-July 1954," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 388-406.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1953-JULY 1954 compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE KAATZ Martin R The Settlement of the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio Pioneer Days Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXV 1953 134-156 KAATZ Martin R The Settlement of the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio Later Days Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXV 1953 201-217 LIPP Frederick J The Home Place Being 150 Years of Ohio Farming Inside ...

"Fremont in History," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 49-66.
... Fremont in History Fremont in History 49 FREMONT IN HISTORY BY JULIA M HAYNES The Sandusky country in aboriginal history possesses a peculiar charm and fascinating interest During that period of years which fills western annals with the story of intrigue and bloody conflict the plains and prairies of the Sandusky valley were the home of the most powerful and most generous of the savage nations Less than a century ago these plains now covered by a thriving city presented an interesting variety ...

"First Battle of the American Revolution," by W. H. Hunter. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 93-102.
... FIRST BATTLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION FIRST BATTLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BY W H HUNTER CHILLICOTHE This article was prepared for and read by author at the Banquet of the Ohio Society of the Sons of the American Revolution held at the Neil House Columbus April 19 1902 It is herewith published at the request of the editor of the Quarterly-E 0 R At the time the dreadful battle of Point Pleasant was fought at the mouth of the Kanawha river on October 10 1774 the American colonies were in ...

"Unveiling of Tablet at Fort Gower," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 87-94.
... UNVEILING OF TABLET AT FORT GOWER UNVEILING OF TABLET AT FORT GOWER Appropriate and interesting exercises marked the unveiling of a tablet by the Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution on the site of old Fort Gower at Hockingport Athens County Ohio The exercises preliminary to the dedication were held in the city of Athens Friday evening November 9 The formal dedication and unveiling of the tablet occurred on the day following at Hockingport The granite monument bears two tablets one ...

"Gallipolis as Travelers Saw It, 1792-1811," Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 283-303.
... GALLIPOLIS AS TRAVELERS SAW IT 1792-1811 GALLIPOLIS AS TRAVELERS SAW IT 1792-1811 By JOHN FRANCIS MCDERMOTT On the fourth of June 1790 Major John Burnham then at Marietta was instructed by General Rufus Putnam to proceed with the people engaged in the service of the trustees of the Scioto proprietors to a place on the Ohio next Chickamaga creek which will be shown to you by Col Meigs where you will begin operations The letter of instructions specified that the object is to erect four block ...