... ADDRESS AT THE GRAVE OF JOHNNY APPLESEED ADDRESS AT THE GRAVE OF JOHNNY APPLESEED By ROBERT C HARRIS Here in the Archer graveyard at the north edge of Fort Wayne Indiana is the grave of Johnny Appleseed whose real name was John Chapman born September 26 1774 died March 18 1845 Johnny Appleseed won renown by a few simple and helpful acts 1 He was a peacemaker between the Indians and white settlers 2 He was a missionary for the church of New Jerusalem founded by Emanuel Swedenborg 3 Perhaps the ...
... CALEB ATWATER VERSATILE PIONEER CALEB ATWATER VERSATILE PIONEER A RE-APPRAISAL By HENRY C SHETRONE BACK EAST Educator minister lawyer and antiquarian advocate of internal improvements co-founder of Ohio's school system Ohio's first historian intellectual and social pioneer of the Middle West Such was Caleb Atwater of Massachusetts New York--and Ohio Without an understanding of the times in which Caleb Atwater lived particularly of his years in the East before coming to Ohio one might well ...
... THE OHIO-COLUMBUS CENTENNIAL THE OHIO-COLUMBUS CENTENNIAL August 26-September 1 1912 BY OSMAN C HOOPER On February 14 1 912 Columbus had been for a hundred years a habitation and a name and the capital of Ohio prospective or actual It was on St Valentine's day 1 812 that the legislature sitting at Zanesville the second of the temporary capitals of the young State took the final action locating the permanent capital on a site which was described as the highbanks of the Scioto opposite ...
... 286 Ohio Arch 286 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The program began at 2 o'clock Hon E O Randall presided and after a very brief preliminary address introduced Mrs Jones who read the following paper PRESENTATION SPEECH OF MRS HOWARD JONES One hundred and thirty-eight years ago this October momentous events were happening in this beautiful valley of the Scioto and history was being made in this fertile Pickaway plain-land East of us about seven miles at Camp Charlotte were about fifteen ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS MONUMENTS TO HISTORICAL INDIAN CHIEFS BY EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR This is the second contribution of Mr Taylor upon the subject The first will be found on page 1 Volume IX O A and H Society Publication-E 0 R In the July number of the Archaeological and Historical Quarterly for the year 1 900 I gave some account of the history of the monuments that have been erected by white men to commemorate the memories of noted men of the Indian or Red ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS OHIO'S MONUMENT TO GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE UNVEILED ADDRESS OF HONORABLE JAMES W GOOD SECRETARY OF WAR IN HOTEL COMMODORE OLIVER HAZARD PERRY TOLEDO OHIO SEPTEMBER 14 1929 In introducing the Secretary of War Toastmaster Mr Grove Patterson spoke as follows Now ladies and gentlemen I am sure that I speak for the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society under the auspices of which this monument was constructed and these exercises ...
... 442 Ohio Arch 442 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General Braddock did not live to realize all the evil consequences which his defeat brought upon the frontiers The road which he had opened from the Potomac to within seven miles of Fort Duquesne became again an Indian warpath In the three years following this battle it was used by a few small parties of French and many bands of Indians as an open road to the Potomac whence they ravaged the English settlements in Virginia Maryland and ...
... The OhioMichigan Boundary Line Dispute a The Ohio - Michigan Boundary Line Dispute 199 THE OHIO-MICHIGAN BOUNDARY LINE DISPUTE TOD B GALLOWAY Sing 0 Goddess Muse From whence arose so fierce a strife In the examination of the questions involved in the OhioMichigan boundary dispute I find myself very much in the position of the Justice of the Peace who after hearing the plaintiff's side of the case was ready to decide in his favor but upon the defendant having presented his argument he exclaimed ...
... REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER EDITED BY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED The following reminiscences are from the pen of a Highland county pioneer one Thomas Rogers who as the recital reveals was born a Virginian and at the close of the American Revolution moved with his family to Kentucky and thence in 1795 with the Massie party journeyed to Paint Creek vicinity of Chillicothe and there abided This recital of the scenes of early times in Ohio is worthy of preservation and ...
... MAJOR-GENERAL ARTHUR ST MAJOR-GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR HON ALBERT DOUGLAS M C A brief synopsis of this address was delivered by Mr Douglas at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Page Hall O S U March 22 1907 - EDITOR At the centennial celebration of Ohio statehood held at Chillicothe in May 1 90 3 I had the pleasure of offering the following preamble and resolution Recognizing that the people of Ohio have for one hundred years done injustice to the name ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY JUNE 1887 THE BEGINNINGS OF THE COLONIAL SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES1 THE formation of this society comes at an opportune moment In a little more than three years a century will have elapsed since the first permanent white settlement was made within the limits of the great region Northwest of the River Ohio That settlement was the beginning not only of this good State of Ohio but also of Indiana Illinois Michigan and Wisconsin which have all ...
... FIRST CATHOLIC CHURCH IN OHIO FIRST CATHOLIC CHURCH IN OHIO The question is often asked When did the Catholic Church first make a permanent settlement in Ohio We have diligently sought the desired information From Hon W B Archer member of the Senate of the 81st General Assembly we recently received the following communication which seems to settle the question of the first Ohio Catholic Church - EDITOR In compliance with your request I give a brief statement of what is known as the East Fork ...
... DENTAL EDUCATION IN OHIO DENTAL EDUCATION IN OHIO 1838-1858 By EDWARD C MI LLS DDS With the unprecedented tide of immigration to Ohio during the early decades of the nineteenth century came the physician as a necessary adjunct to the widely scattered communities for the preservation of health and the consequent prosperity of those sturdy pioneers His praises have been largely unsung because in addition to his administrations to the medical needs of the community his attention was necessarily ...
... TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 9 1 90 6 The Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the lecture room of the V M C A Building Columbus at 1 30 P M June 9 19 06 The following members were present Rev J W Atwood Columbus Judge J H Anderson Columbus Prof M R Andrews Marietta Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 473 hours are spent with his family at home where his large library is a notable attraction His appointment as Trustee is regarded by the people who know him well as an eminently appropriate one Albert Douglas of Chillicothe was elected by the Board of Trustees to serve as one of their number for the term of three years from May 23 1913 He was born in Chillicothe Ohio on April 25 1852 He is descended from patriotic New Englanders his great-grandfather having served in ...
... 160 Ohio Arch 160 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HEMISPHERE - EXTRA COLUMBUS OHIO SEPT 17TH 1834 BIOGRAPHY OF GOV ROBERT LUCAS BY A CITIZEN OF COLUMBUS THE life and services of all public men holding high official stations in the government of the country are a species of public property and it is right and proper that the body of the people who are subject to be called upon to act directly upon the merits and fitness of candidates for popular favor should be made acquainted with ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society will be held in the Museum and Library Building Saturday September 9 1922 The forenoon session which opens at nine o'clock will be devoted chiefly to reports of officers and the various committees of the Society Matters of more than ordinary importance will be ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PRELIMINARY ANNUAL MEETING On May 14 1912 the following circular was issued to the members of the Society According to the provisions of the Constitution of the Society the Annual Meeting of the Society should be held not later than the last day of May It is earnestly desired that the Annual Meeting this year be deferred until after the bids have been received and if possible the contracts made with the builders for the erection of the building for the Society at ...
... edited by edited by DONALD J RATCLIFFE The Autobiography of Benjamin Tappan There are few more fascinating characters in the early history of Ohio than Benjamin Tappan A sharp and audacious man always pungent and always ready he was formidable in argument and few people who openly disagreed with him ever forgot his cutting sarcastic wit Besides tending to talk through his nose in a whining sing-song sort of style he was also slightly cross-eyed which gave him a somewhat malevolent look He made ...
... JEFFREY P JEFFREY P BROWN Chillicothe's Elite Leadership in a Frontier Community The Northwest Territory was dominated by its small urban communities even though most settlers were farmers The towns became crucial regional centers for business politics and cultural affairs They served as headquarters for wealthy and powerful merchants provided a base for lawyer-politicians and often contained the homes of prominent rural landowners A few of the Northwest's towns eventually grew into great ...