Ohio History Journal

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"Pipe's Cliff," by A. J. Baughman. Volume 20, Number 2, April, 1911, pp. 253-254.
... PIPE'S CLIFF PIPE'S CLIFF A J BAUGHMAN MANSFIELD Pipe's Cliff is the highest point of a ledge of fragmentary rocks that for a mile or more skirt Pleasant Run Valley on the north nine miles southeast of Mansfield Richland county Ohio The cliff is named for Captain Pipe a chief of the Monsey branch of the Delaware Indian tribe Captain Pipe's home was at Jeromeville on the Jerome Fork of the Mohican from 1795 to 1812the period between the signing of the treaty of Greenville and the war of 1812 He ...

"Navigation on the Muskingum," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 408-424.
... NAVIGATION ON THE MUSKINGUM NAVIGATION ON THE MUSKINGUM IRVEN TRAVIS MCCONNELSVILLE Mr Irven Travis the writer of this article was born near Roxbury Windsor Township Morgan County August 17 1849 His father John Travis lived in McConnelsville where he was employed in building flat-boats in the summer and taking them to New Orleans in the winter Mr Irven Travis became a pilot on the river boats at the age of twenty serving in that capacity on the steamers Carrie Brooks Perry Smith Oella Gen H F ...

"The Pioneer Poet Lawyer," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 305-314.
... The Pioneer Poet Lawyer The Pioneer Poet Lawyer 3 05 THE PIONEER POET LAWYER BY N B C LOVE D D A volume lies before me the property of the Way Library Perrysburg Ohio It is called THE FOREST RANGERS It is a tale of the northwest wilderness of 1794 Wayne's March and battles are a prominent feature with possible incidents connected therewith both of fact and fiction The author was Andrew Coffinberry Wright and Leg were the publishers Columbus Ohio 1842 I do not know how large the edition or the ...

"Legislature of the Northwestern Territory, 1795," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 13-53.
... LEGISLATURE OF THE NORTHWESTERN LEGISLATURE OF THE NORTHWESTERN TERRITORY 1795 The legislative authority in the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio was vested in the governor and judges of that territory by the Ordinance of 1787 The minutes of the meeting of the Legislature held in Cincinnati in the summer of 1795 have been preserved in the Centinel of the Northwestern Territory where they were published in that year Only one copy of the file of this paper containing these ...

"Dedication of Monument to George Rogers Clark," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 492-499.
... DEDICATION OF MONUMENT TO GEORGE DEDICATION OF MONUMENT TO GEORGE ROGERS CLARK Enthusiastic interest was manifest at the dedication of the monument to George Rogers Clark August 8 on the site of the battle of Piqua near Springfield Ohio It was here on August 8 1780 that George Rogers Clark and his little army of Kentucky frontiersmen vanquished the Shawnee Indians and burned their village This was a punitive expedition provoked by the incursions of the Indians into the territory south of the ...

"The Diary of John Beatty, January-June 1884: Part III," Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 58-91.
... THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 Part III edited by HARVEY S FORD Head Librarian Toledo Blade Wednesday March 26 1884 The newspaper correspondents have for the last month been urging me to give them an interview on the political situation What they mean by an interview is a carefully prepared dialogue between the correspondent who asks the questions or is represented as asking them and the interviewed person so called who writes both ...

"Groping Toward Victory: Ohio's Administration of the Civil War," by Noel Fisher. Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 25-45.
... NOEL FISHER NOEL FISHER Groping Toward Victory Ohio's Administration of the Civil War The American Civil War posed a vast challenge to the limited administrative capacities of the national and state governments both North and South As the chaos of 1861 painfully revealed recruiting large numbers of men supplying them with weapons uniforms and equipment and transporting them to the field were tasks initially beyond the ability of any American government to perform efficiently To sustain a long ...

"Historical Display in Lasalle & Koch's Windows, Toledo, Ohio: Arranged by Nevin O. Winters," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 37-41.
... Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne 37 Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne 37 the cabinet of President Hoover in Honorable Walter F Brown Postmaster-General Had he been present he would have been accorded a most generous welcome Naturally unusual interest centered in the distinguished guest William Wayne of Paoli Pennsylvania He is a lineal descendant of General Anthony Wayne a successful business man and a former member of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania Asked if he had held ...

"Women on the Ohio Frontier: The Marietta Area," by Mildred Covey Fry. Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 55-73.
... MILDRED COVEY FRY MILDRED COVEY FRY Women on the Ohio Frontier The Marietta Area It is difficult for the present-day American woman living in a modern suburb to comprehend the physical rigors the loneliness and the mental anguish suffered by those pioneer women who left comfortable New England homes journeyed eight hundred miles to the wooded savage Northwest Territory and then settled in crude log cabins or houses A better understanding of that period in history can be gained by learning ...

"A Buckeye Boarding-School in 1821," by Alice McGuffey Ruggles. Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 251-268.
... A BUCKEYE BOARDING-SCHOOL IN 1821 A BUCKEYE BOARDING-SCHOOL IN 1821 BY ALICE MCGUFFEY RUGGLES The early free schools of the West have been described many times often sentimentally But of the pioneer private schools little has been written In the unpublished autobiography of Charles Daniel Drake only son of Dr Daniel Drake there is an account of the author's experiences at a boarding-school for boys at Worthington Ohio conducted by the Right Reverend Philander Chase first Episcopal Bishop of ...

"Diary of Manasseh Cutler," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 221-224.
... Editorialana Editorialana 221 manding why Rogers and his men had come thither without his permission and what was their errand Up to this time the shrewd and ambitious chieftain had been the firm ally of the French but when Rogers informed him that Canada had been surrendered to the English and that he was on his way to take possession of Detroit the calumet was smoked and harmony seemed established Then follow the details of the Pontiac conspiracy Pontiac the great Ottawa Chief may be ...

"Sargent Genealogy," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 318-321.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR SARGENT GENEALOGY Epes Sargent of Gloucester and His Descendants by Emma Worcester Sargent and Charles Sprague Sargent Houghton Mifflin Company publishers Boston and New York 1923 One of the most valuable and finely wrought books that has been added to the library of the Society is the sumptuous volume entitled Epes Sargent of Gloucester and His Descendants ...

"An Indian Captivity," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 584-589.
... 584 Ohio 584 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Tymochtee remains the 'Bend' remains the 'High Bank' remains and these monuments retain their relative positions substantially as they have existed for the last 150 years The actors in the tragedy have long since joined the silent majority but the early undisputed tradition yet lives in the memory of living witnesses and under the walnut trees in the bend of the creek just across from the High Bank is the 'exact spot' where the great ...

"The First Newspaper of the Northwest Territory: The Editor and His Wife," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 332-349.
... THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE NORTHWEST THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY THE EDITOR AND HIS WIFE C B GALBREATH The first newspaper published northwest of the Ohio River was edited by William Maxwell a Revolutionary soldier After the recognition of our national independence he set out for the great west to seek fortune in the new field that called many worthy brave and adventurous spirits He crossed the Alleghanies proceeded to Pittsburg came down the Ohio and took up his abode in ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1965-1967," Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 247-263.
... ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT CHASE Helen Richland County and Underground Railroad Ohio Genealogical Society Report V No 4 August 1965 2 4 GARA Larry ed Brilliant Thoughts and Important Truths A Speech of Frederick Douglass Ohio History LXXV 1966 3-9 HOWARD Victor B The Slavery Controversy and a Seminary for the Northwest Journal of Presbyterian History XLIII 1965 227-253 Shelby Quaker Served Underground Railroad Ohio Genealogical Society Report V No 4 August 1965 3 Concerns Stephen Blanchard ...

"Relief for Soldier's Families in Ohio During the Civil War," by Joseph E. Holliday. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 97-112, notes 194-196.
... AN ACT AN ACT For the r e li e f of the families of volunteers in the State or United States service SE CTION 1 Be it enacted by t h e General Assembly of the State of Tax levied Ohio That for the reli ef of the necessities of the families of volunthree-fifths of a teers who now are or hereafte r may be in the service of this st at e mill on the or the United S tates there be and hereby is levied and assessed for dollar valuathe ye a r 1862 three-fifths of one mill on the dollar v aluation on ...

"Mr. Mathew's Address" (Ohio-Columbus Centennial) Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 452-461.
... 452 Ohio Arch 452 Ohio Arch and H ist Society Publications For God shall dwell among us and men shall say The former bitter things are passed away Gone are our strifes and banished all our fears For here is love that wipes away all tears Here is the rest for which our souls have striven This is the city that came down from heaven WHY OHIO IS GREAT At the dinner participated in on Tuesday August 27 at the Southern Hotel by the Descendants of Ohio Governors the following address was made by Prof ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1949-July 1950," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 419-437.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1949-JULY 1950 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE HAYTER Earl W Mechanical Humbuggery Among the Western Farmers 1860-90 Michigan History XXXIV 1950 1-18 Numerous Ohio examples KOESTER Leonard ed and trans Latin Farmers in Northwestern Ohio from the Autobiography of Mrs Karl Tafel Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXI 1948-49 113-119 ANTISLAVERY ASHLEY James M John Brown's ...

"Annual Report of the Society for 1960," Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 247-253.
... Annual Report of the Society for 1960 Annual Report of the Society for 1960 AFTER LAST YEAR ' S extensive report of the Society's development through its seventy-five years we shall offer but a simple review of the activities for 1960 At the end of each year the heads of the divisions and the departments prepare annual reports which are submitted to the director These statements supply most of the information from which the Society's annual report is compiled The work of the Society is after ...

"Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837, A," edited by Merton L. Dillon. Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 69-72.
... A Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837 A Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837 Edited by MERTON L DILLON ONE OF THE MANY SOCIAL PROBLEMS that demanded solution in the early nineteenth century was how best to deal with convicted criminals The answer provided by the system inaugurated in 1823 at the state prison at Auburn New York enjoyed great vogue among penal reformers and set the fashion in American prison administration for the next half century The Auburn system required the isolation ...