Ohio History Journal

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"Orson Brainard: a soldier in the ranks," edited by Wilfred W. Black. Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 54-72, notes 95-100.
... edited by WILFRED W BLACK The Fifty-First Ohio Volunteer Infantry a Tuscarawas County regiment was organized in September and October of 1861 at Camp Meigs near Canal Dover More than one-half of its members were citizens of the county and Companies A B C E G and K were composed almost exclusively of Tuscarawas County men The Fifty-First had re-enlisted on January 1 18641 and following a furlough it returned to the front at Blue Springs near Cleveland Tennessee where on April 10 it was ...

"European Influence on Early Western Education," Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 23-35.
... EUROPEAN INFLUENCE ON EARLY WESTERN EUROPEAN INFLUENCE ON EARLY WESTERN EDUCATION BY WILLIS L GARD To-day we look upon education as a process by means of which the individual acquires experiences that tend to modify conduct and that aid in meeting new situations in life These experiences are acquired through tradition and the school Often the most effective part of an individual's education comes as the result or incidental experiences in an effort to subjugate his environment These ...

"Maumee Valley Travel Tour," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 91-98.
... MAUMEE VALLEY TRAVEL TOUR MAUMEE VALLEY TRAVEL TOUR By MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION From From Toledo Fort Wayne Miles Miles 000 Commodore Perry Hotel Toledo 1069 Superior Street entrance South 12 block to Monroe Street Turn right W 2 blocks to Erie Street Turn left S on Erie Street 5 blocks across Swan Creek to Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail 09 Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail 1060 Turn right on Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail which is a new super-highway constructed upon the bed ...

"Bucyrus Centennial," Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 1-4.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS BUCYRUS CENTENNIAL The centennial of the city of Bucyrus Ohio was most appropriately celebrated in a program of exercises extending from October 2 to 5 1921 There were addresses by Honorable Harry L Davis Governor of Ohio Honorable Hugh L Nichols former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio Honorable Benson W Hough Judge of the Supreme Court Mrs Frank H Alfred great-granddaughter of Samuel Norton one of the founders of Bucyrus Nevin O ...

"Address of Hon. Walling (Centennial of Perry's Victory)," Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 72-78.
... 72 Ohio Arch 72 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications vindication of national honor and the only certain protection of vital interests is in respecting the nationality of others and in trusting for justice to the growing conscience of the race codified in international law and expressing itself through international arbitration On that as on a sure foundation rests the hope of the world's peace Once men dreamed of peace through the world sovereignty of some master mind like Alexander or some ...

"Proposed Town of Cornish, Ohio, The," by Donald W. Ferguson. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 245-249.
... THE PROPOSED TOWN OF CORNISH OHIO THE PROPOSED TOWN OF CORNISH OHIO By DONALD W FERGUSON As a part of the study of westward expansion of the United States the story of paper towns--towns which never survived their founders or which existed only in the imagination of their promoters--fills an interesting chapter The plan of Lystra Kentucky reproduced in Charles O Paullin's Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States New York 1932 is a very good example of the definiteness with which ...

"Local History-Foundation of Our Faith in Democracy," Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 221-232.
... LOCAL HISTORY-FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH IN LOCAL HISTORY-FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH IN DEMOCRACY by S K STEVENS State Historian Commonwealth of Pennsylvania It is not merely a pleasure but a genuine honor to be with you this evening at the capital of the first great state to be carved out of the Northwest Territory with its government framed in accordance with the principles of that outstanding charter of liberties-the Northwest Ordinance Ohio has come a long way since 1803 when its state ...

"Site of Fort Gower," Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 467-470.
... Editorialana Editorialana 467 stimulation of his firm assurance that all is well here below and all will be better in the world beyond His life was above reproach his career an inspiration None knew him but to love him none named him but to praise No organization with which he was connected seemed to give him greater pleasure than the Archaeological and Historical Society Its field of investigation its province of collecting and preserving the records of the past and its work of storing the ...

"Joseph Hough, An Early Miami Merchant," by R. Pierce Beaver. Volume 45, Number 1, Janaury, 1936, pp. 37-45.
... JOSEPH HOUGH AN EARLY MIAMI MERCHANT JOSEPH HOUGH AN EARLY MIAMI MERCHANT By R PIERCE BEAVER There were many forces which bound the Miami country to the South--the political dominance of men of southern birth family ties ecclesiastical relations the attitude towards the negro and above all commercial relations The last influenced all the other forces and brought with economic dependence on the South a common way of thinking with it especially in matters of economics and politics This ...

"Fort Miamis: The International Background," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 146-166.
... FORT MIAMIS THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND FORT MIAMIS THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND by RICHARD C KNOPF Historian Anthony Wayne Parkway Board The Paris peace treaty of 1783 which officially ended the war between the kingdom of Great Britain and her rebellious American colonies and which established what were supposedly internationally recognized boundary lines between British Canada and the newly independent American states was considered at the very beginning by the British as but a tenuous ...

"Women on the Ohio Frontier: The Marietta Area," by Mildred Covey Fry. Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 55-73.
... MILDRED COVEY FRY MILDRED COVEY FRY Women on the Ohio Frontier The Marietta Area It is difficult for the present-day American woman living in a modern suburb to comprehend the physical rigors the loneliness and the mental anguish suffered by those pioneer women who left comfortable New England homes journeyed eight hundred miles to the wooded savage Northwest Territory and then settled in crude log cabins or houses A better understanding of that period in history can be gained by learning ...

"Ulysses A. Plyley," Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 200-205.
... ULYSSES A ULYSSES A PLYLEY BY FRANK WARNER M D COLUMBUS OHIO On the 19th of May 1930 Ulysses A Plyley died at the age of 85 years He was born in the house in which he died This house is located on Plyley's Ridge a few miles west of Chillicothe Ohio on the pike leading to Greenfield He was the last child to occupy this old homestead of his father William Plyley who had lived there through his entire married life and had raised eight children The eldest child Clinton was born there June 20 1827 ...

"Women in Ohio," Volume 23, Number 2, April, 1914, pp. 223-225.
... Editorialana Editorialana 223 injustices combined with the unfair and oppressive policy of Governor Berkeley and his failure to quell the Indian uprisings led at last to the rebellion of the downtrodden planters under the leadership of Nathaniel Bacon a descendant of Lord Bacon Bacon led the planters successfully against the Indians and protected the frontiers then drove out Berkeley and remained master of Virginia until his death a few months later when Berkeley once more assumed control Then ...

"Anthony Wayne His Indian Campaigns," by Kathleen Mierka. Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 386-391.
... THE ANTHONY WAYNE ESSAY CONTEST THE ANTHONY WAYNE ESSAY CONTEST The Anthony Wayne Memorial Legislative Committee during the winter of 1944-45 in cooperation with the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Ohio State Department of Education sponsored a contest among the public parochial and private schools in Ohio on the subject of Anthony Wayne and the Indian Wars in Ohio 1790-1795 Several thousand students from all over the State entered the contest Winning essays in the ...

"Winthrop Sargent's Diary While with General Arthur St. Clair's Expedition Against the Indians," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 237-273.
... Winthrop Sargent 237 Winthrop Sargent 237 WINTHROP SARGENT'S DIARY WHILE WITH GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR'S EXPEDITION AGAINST THE INDIANS Much has been written of the ill-fated expedition of Arthur St Clair against the Indians in 1791 While serving as Governor of the Northwest Territory he was appointed Major General in the United States army on March 4 of that year An expedition against the Indians was assembled and organized at Fort Wash ington Considerable difficulty was experienced in fitting ...

The Kentucky Revival and its Influence on the Miami Valley," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 242-286.
... THE KENTUCKY REVIVAL AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE KENTUCKY REVIVAL AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE MIAMI VALLEY BY J P MAC LEAN The Miami Valley properly embraces all the country north of the Ohio that is drained by the Great and Little Miami rivers and their tributaries In this paper it is used to designate the southwestern quarter of the State of Ohio or that territory lying west of a line drawn due south from Columbus to the Ohio river and south of another line drawn due west from Columbus to the ...

"Richland County Historical Society," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 471-473.
... Editorialana Editorialana 471 July sixth was known as Military Day A large section of the state militia under the command of Brigadier General William V McMaken paraded the streets of the city headed by the Eighth Regiment Band and the Marietta Guards Governor Herrick and his military staff reviewed the movements of the troops This was followed by a gathering at the fair grounds where speeches were made by Col W R Warnock Governor Myron T Herrick and Senator C W Dick In the evening there was ...

"Indian vs. Aborigine," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 473-474.
... Editorialana Editorialana 473 terest which was greatly heightened by the information gained of the geological and historical features of the section as related by Mr A J Baughman than whom few in the state are better qualified to speak upon matters pertaining to its geology and history INDIAN VS ABORIGINE The following communication is self explanatory It is from the pen of Prof R W McFarland Oxford Ohio who has contributed many articles of value to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical ...

"The Roush Family in America: The Contribution to the 'New Country,'" by L. L. Roush. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 116-144.
... THE ROUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA THE ROUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA Their Contribution to the New Country BY REV L L ROUSH In these days when almost every one is writing and when so many details of history are brought out of their hiding-places by some historian especially equipped for that purpose and whose chief business is to bring to the public eye such discoveries one hesitates before he sets himself to the task of adding anything to this voluminous collection However no student dares venture far ...

"Address of Mrs. Mack (The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield)," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 363-365.
... The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield 363 No other county in the state is so rich in early history as Sandusky A British post was established here during the Revolutionary War Here the first permanent white settlers located and the first marriage between whites was performed Especially during the War of 1812 was it a famous battleground In marking one by one these historical places we as an organization are not only showing patriotism in ...