Ohio History Journal

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"Address of Hon. Henry J. Booth (Cresap Tablet)," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 128-140.
... 128 Ohio Arch 128 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Hurrah for our Country May she ever be free Hurrah for our Patriots On land or on sea Who gave this Liberty to you and to me We will hold their deeds and memory bright While the Sun and the Moon give us this light To their principles we boys will be true And we will live and die for the Red White and Blue The speaker of the day was Hon Henry J Booth who delivered the following address ADDRESS OF HON HENRY J BOOTH In the midst of the ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1947-July 1948," compiled by James H. Rodabaugh and S. Winifred Smith. Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 398-430.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1947-JULY 1948 Compiled by JAMES H RODA B AU GH and S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE BARDOLPH Richard Agricultural Literature and the Early Illinois Farmer Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences XXIX No 1-2 Urbana University of Illinois Press 1948 Comparative general material and some specific Ohio data BROMFIELD Louis Malabar Farm New York Harper amp Brothers 1948 vii 405p COMIN Donald Onion ...

"The Father of the McGuffeys," Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 104-122.
... THE FATHER OF THE McGUFFEYS THE FATHER OF THE McGUFFEYS By ALICE McGUFFEY MORRILL RUGGLES The McGuffey Readers are becoming classics and their authors William Holmes and Alexander Hamilton McGuffey legendary figures But as yet little has been told about the father of the two sedate gentlemen who first dispensed literature to the American masses This was Alexander Sandy McGuffey in his youth one of the most famous scouts on the western frontier He was born in Wigtownshire Scotland November 22 ...

"An Unsuccessful Negotiation for Removal of the Wyandot Indians from Ohio, 1834," edited by Dwight L. Smith. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 305-331.
... DOCUMENTS DOCUMENTS AN UNSUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION FOR REMOVAL OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS FROM OHIO 1834 edited by DWIGHT L SMITH Instructor in History Ohio State University It did not take long for the frontiersman and his government to realize the impossibility of his pushing westward into new lands for purposes of hunting trapping and settling without reckoning with the Indian who inhabited the lands in which he desired to hunt trap and settle According to the white man's concepts of ownership and ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1965-1967," Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 247-263.
... ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT CHASE Helen Richland County and Underground Railroad Ohio Genealogical Society Report V No 4 August 1965 2 4 GARA Larry ed Brilliant Thoughts and Important Truths A Speech of Frederick Douglass Ohio History LXXV 1966 3-9 HOWARD Victor B The Slavery Controversy and a Seminary for the Northwest Journal of Presbyterian History XLIII 1965 227-253 Shelby Quaker Served Underground Railroad Ohio Genealogical Society Report V No 4 August 1965 3 Concerns Stephen Blanchard ...

"The Chillicothes," Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 230-231.
... THE CHILLICOTHES THE CHILLICOTHES BY R W MCFARLAND LL D In any pioneer history of Ohio or of the West in general the word Chillicothe is found as the Indian name of a town As there were several of these it may be well to mention some points so as to identify the one intended 1 Chillicothe-Howe's Ohio and other histories speak of a town of this name on the Great Miami river It was on the site of the present city of Piqua 2 ChillicotheOften called Old Chillicothe This was about three miles north ...

"The Miami Purchase of John Cleves Symmes," by R. Pierce Beaver. Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 284-342.
... THE MIAMI PURCHASE OF JOHN CLEVES THE MIAMI PURCHASE OF JOHN CLEVES SYMMES BY R PIERCE BEAVER I INTRODUCTION The Miami Country1 includes about five thousand square miles in southwestern Ohio with a small adjoining portion of Indiana2 in the main the basins and valleys of the two Miami rivers extending more than a hundred miles inland from a fifty-mile base on the Ohio The region holds a most important place in the history of Ohio and the Northwest In the days before the settlement of Ohio it ...

"A Visit in 1929 to the Sites, in Western Ohio, of Forts Built by Generals Arthur St. Clair, Anthony Wayne and William Henry Harrison," by James A. Green. Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 601-626.
... A VISIT IN 1929 A VISIT IN 1929 TO THE SITES IN WESTERN OHIO OF FORTS BUILT BY GENERALS ARTHUR ST CLAIR ANTHONY WAYNE AND WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON BY JAMES A GREEN CHAPTER I On the Fourth of July 1929 I made a patriotic pilgrimage visiting the sites of some of the forts erected in western Ohio in St Clair's and Wayne's Indian Campaigns and by Harrison in the War of 1812 As showing the immeasurable difference between the slow and laborious progress of our early armies and the speed of the modern ...

"Old Fort Sandoski of 1745," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 371-375.
... OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 G FREDERICK WRIGHT President Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Mr Charles A Hanna's criticism of the inscription on the tablets placed on the site of Old Fort Sandusky and of the addresses made at the unveiling of these tablets are too serious to be permitted to pass without correction First-Mr Hanna's loose habit of observation may be inferred from his first statement that the bronze tablet on the West Face was erected under ...

"A Grave in the Wilderness," by Byron R. Long. Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 81-104.
... A GRAVE IN THE WILDERNESS A GRAVE IN THE WILDERNESS BY BYRON R LONG When one considers the amount of material collected and published having to do with the story of Ohio and the Northwest Territory he is apt to hesitate before he sets himself the task of adding to that collection So many details of that history have been published already that one fears he may be traversing the same grounds when he attempts to narrate a detail that has grown familiar to him through personal and intimate ...

"A Rock with a History," by Basil Meek. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 328-329.
... A ROCK WITH A HISTORY A ROCK WITH A HISTORY BASIL MEEK FREMONT The accompanying cut represents a large granitic boulder believed to be the largest in Sandusky County and which possesses local historic associations worthy to be published for preservation with other interesting facts connected with the early history of the Sandusky river region It is located in the north and south road on the line dividing Sections 14 and 15 between the farms of W J Havens and Hugh Havens in Jackson township 7 ...

"Celebration of the Surrender of General John H. Morgan: An Account by Morgan's Captor, Major George W. Rue," Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 368-377.
... CELEBRATION OF THE SURRENDER CELEBRATION OF THE SURRENDER OF GENERAL JOHN H MORGAN AN ACCOUNT BY MORGAN'S CAPTOR MAJOR GEORGE W RUE On September 2 1 1910 there was celebrated on the Crubaugh Farm South of Lisbon Columbiana county near the historic spot where the event occurred the 47th Anniversary of the Surrender of the Confederate Raider General Morgan Concerning the celebration the East Liverpool Tribune of September 22 1 91 O made the following comment Romance and intrigue combined to make ...

"The Significance of the Treaty of Greene Ville," Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 1-11.
... THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TREATY OF THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TREATY OF GREENE VILLE BY PRESTON SLOSSON To Voltaire is ascribed the remark that Penn's Treaty with the Indians was the only treaty not sworn to and the only one not broken No doubt he did not intend his epigram to be taken too seriously but it is tragic truth that most treaties whether signed in European palaces or in rough frontier forts with great civilized nations or with primitive savage tribes have been broken But if Voltaire had ...

"Mobbing the Shakers of Union Village," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 108-131.
... MOBBING THE SHAKERS OF UNION VILLAGE MOBBING THE SHAKERS OF UNION VILLAGE J P MACLEAN PH D It may be affirmed that of all the Christian sects of America not one is less aggressive or lives more within itself than that known as The Shakers or more properly speaking The Millennial Church It is true that in its early history it possessed a little missionary zeal but this was not of the offensive kind In common with all the sects it placed its own doctrines to the front proclaiming them to be the ...

"Bicentennial Celebration-George Washington's Voyage on the Ohio River in 1770," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 42, Number 1, January, 1933, pp. 3-56.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION -- GEORGE WASHINGTON'S VOYAGE ON THE OHIO RIVER IN 1770 BY C B GALBREATH When public announcement was made of the approach of the bicentennial of the birth of George Washington and the Congress of the United States provided for an elaborate celebration of this event many states appropriated money and appointed commissions in order that the period designated by the National Government might be properly observed The ...

"Richland County Historical Society," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 471-473.
... Editorialana Editorialana 471 July sixth was known as Military Day A large section of the state militia under the command of Brigadier General William V McMaken paraded the streets of the city headed by the Eighth Regiment Band and the Marietta Guards Governor Herrick and his military staff reviewed the movements of the troops This was followed by a gathering at the fair grounds where speeches were made by Col W R Warnock Governor Myron T Herrick and Senator C W Dick In the evening there was ...

"Western Land Policy of the British Government from 1763 to 1775, The," by B. A. Hinsdale. Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 207-229.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY DECEMBER 1887 THE WESTERN LAND POLICY OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT FROM 1763 TO 1775 THE ink with which the treaty of Paris was written was hardly dry when Great Britain took a very important step in the line of a new land policy Just how much this step meant at the time is a matter of dispute but the consequences flowing from it were such as to mark it a distinct new departure Previous to the French and Indian war England had virtually affirmed ...

"Thomas Worthington," by Frank Theodore Cole. Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 339-374.
... THOMAS WORTHINGTON THOMAS WORTHINGTON BY FRANK THEODORE COLE Secretary of The Old Northwest Genealogical Society About the middle of the seventeenth century two brothers of the ancient Lancashire family of Worthington1 arrived in Philadelphia bringing with them some fair amount of property After some time one of them went to New England and the other Robert with his son Robert a mere lad went to Maryland where he bought land in the neighborhood of Baltimore and established iron works which in ...

"Gerard Fowke," Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 201-218.
... GERARD FOWKE GERARD FOWKE Gerard Fowke was born June 25 1855 in Charleston Bottom Mason County Kentucky six miles below Maysville His father John D Smith was a native of Wexford County Ireland son of Luke Smyth whose mother was a Murphy she was niece to Father Murphy who was killed while leading the Wexford Insurgents at the Battle of Arklow in 1798 Luke Smyth's wife was Judith Ann Cleary whose mother was a Macauley of County Down John D Smith who substituted the i for the y in his name came ...

"Scioto Valley, The," by Daniel J. Ryan. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 357-367.
... The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 357 The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 357 3 Speech of Logan reading by John R Horst of the McGuffey Society from McGuffey's Fourth Reader Edition of 1853 4 Singing of Songs from the McGuffey Readers by members of the Society 5 Short talks by residents of vicinity 6 Picnic dinner followed by toasts and responses from the McGuffey readers Mr John F Carlisle the president of the McGuffey Society in an appropriate address explained the purpose of the ...