Ohio History Journal

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"Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795-III, A," edited by Richard C. Knopf. Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 238-268.
... A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews For the Year 1795--III Edited by R I CHARD C KNOPF This is the third and last installment of the Andrews journal The ague which Andrews noted on August 21 had commenced among the soldiery of the Garrison now in September attacks in force By October 1 two-thirds of the ninety-four persons on the post including Andrews are affected with it Then it withdraws though on October 29 twenty-three ...

"George Will and George Will, Jr.: Pioneers Who Served Their Country Well," by Grace Reah Johnson. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 615-622.
... GEORGE WILL AND GEORGE WILL JR GEORGE WILL AND GEORGE WILL JR HE following address was delivered by Grace Reah Johnson on October 26 1 93 0 dedicating a bronze memorial which marks the final resting place of George Will and George Will Junior in the cemetery at McArthur Ohio George Will was a soldier of the American Revolution and George Will Junior served with Anthony Wayne in the campaign of 1794 and also in the second war with Great Britain 181 2-14 They had lain buried in a neglected ...

"Lucy Backus Woodbridge, Pioneer Mother: January 31, 1757-October 6, 1817," by Louise Rau. Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 405-442.
... LUCY BACKUS WOODBRIDGE PIONEER MOTHER LUCY BACKUS WOODBRIDGE PIONEER MOTHER January 31 1757--October 6 1817 By LOUISE RAU Distant secluded still the little village of Grand-Pre Lay in the fruitful valley At the confluence of the Ohio and the Muskingum Rivers hidden beneath its giant elms and maples Marietta named for the fascinating Marie Antoinette takes one back to bygone days when Ohio was a wilderness peopled by red men Here in the foothills New England made her first outpost during the ...

"Address of Prof. B. F. Prince (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 427-428.
... Laying Corner Stone of the Society's Building Laying Corner Stone of the Society's Building 427 that shall be carried on in this building and outside of the buildding and that it will in the years to come add very greatly to the distinction of our commonwealth I congratulate the people of Ohio I congratulate the University I congratulate the State upon this happy hour and the prospect of this building MR RANDALL Prof B F Prince of Wittenberg University Springfield Ohio and one of our most ...

"Address of Tod B. Galloway" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 33-34.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 3 3 ADDRESS OF TOD B GALLOWAY If I were to ask you what I should talk about I suppose you would answer me as the small boy did in Sunday School one day when a man got up and said Now children what shall I talk about and the bright boy said about one minute I am somewhat like an old Scotch preacher I once heard of A man went to church one day and he noticed that the preacher was crying a great deal during the delivery of his sermon Finally ...

"Maumee Valley International Historical Convention, September 27-29, 1940: Proceedings," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 1-98.
... PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION SEPTEMBER 27-29 1940 EDITORIAL By HARLOW LINDLEY Because of the uniqueness of the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention organized to commemorate the place of the Maumee Valley in American history it seems eminently proper that its records should be permanently preserved and since the heart of the valley is within the limits of the State of Ohio it is logical that the Ohio State Archaeological ...

"Catherine Cougar: Probaby the Earliest Pioneer Resident of Ohio Who Has Descendants Living Upon the Original Place of Settlement," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 295-303.
... CATHERINE GOUGAR CATHERINE GOUGAR Probably the Earliest Pioneer Resident of Ohio Who Has Descendants Living Upon the Original Place of Settlement BY FRANK WARNER M D D SC COLUMBUS OHIO On the farm of Alfred Immell situated on the pike from Columbus to Chillicothe some ten miles north of the latter city lies buried Catherine Gougar Her remains have lain here since 1801 when she died at the age of sixty-nine years She died within two years of the establishment of Ohio as a State and within view ...

"Touring Ohio in 1811: The Journal of Charity Rotch," edited by Ethel Conrad. Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 135-165.
... edited by edited by ETHEL CONRAD Touring Ohio in 1811 The Journal of Charity Rotch Charity Rodman Rotch the author of this journal was born in Newport Rhode Island on October 31 17661 Her father was lost at sea when she was less than a month old leaving his widow with seven children to bring up Charity is said to have received her education entirely from her older brother At the age of twenty-three Charity Rodman married Thomas Rotch the youngest son of a Nantucket family prominent in the ...

"The Origin, Description and Service of Fort Winchester, with Mention of Some of the Persons and Events Connected With It," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 253-277.
... THE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION AND SERVICE OF FORT THE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION AND SERVICE OF FORT WINCHESTER WITH MENTION OF SOME OF THE PERSONS AND EVENTS CONNECTED WITH IT BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE O From the earliest record until the building of the Miami and Erie and the Wabash and Erie Canals along its course the Maumee River was known to be a great thoroughfare and we have good right to infer that the Aborigines from their first appearance in this region until the historic times made its ...

"A Journey from Baltimore to Louisville in 1816: Diary of William Newton Mercer," edited by Edwin Adams Davis and John C. L. Andreassen. Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 351-364.
... A JOURNEY FROM BALTIMORE TO LOUISVILLE IN A JOURNEY FROM BALTIMORE TO LOUISVILLE IN 1816 DIARY OF WILLIAM NEWTON MERCER Edited by EDWIN ADAMS DAVIS and JOHN C L ANDREASSEN Introduction William Newton Mercer surgeon and planter banker and philanthropist Unionist and Confederate was one of the most noted citizens of middle nineteenth century New Orleans He was born in Cecil County Maryland in 1792 scion of a well known family and after being educated in medicine under Dr Benjamin Rush at the ...

"Mythologies of Our Aborigines," by Henry Roe Cloud. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 561-567.
... Minutes of the Annual Meeting 561 Minutes of the Annual Meeting 561 listened to some arguments I made there and now he will get even by forcing me to listen to him He holds a policy in the same life insurance company in which I hold a policy but I will not give the name of the company myself but I will say that this man has a great gift of getting into good company and I want to congratulate him this afternoon on getting into this company here He belongs to a race that is a hundred per cent ...

"George Croghan," Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 375-409.
... GEORGE CROGHAN GEORGE CROGHAN BY CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS PH D LL D Address delivered at Spiegel Grove Fremont O August 1 1903 before the George Croghan Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution on the occasion of the celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of the battle of Ft Stephenson Mr Williams is editor of The Indianapolis NewsE O R I Happy the country that has no history is an old old saying It falls trippingly on the tongue It passes current at unquestioned value in the ...

"Mr. Mathew's Address" (Ohio-Columbus Centennial) Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 452-461.
... 452 Ohio Arch 452 Ohio Arch and H ist Society Publications For God shall dwell among us and men shall say The former bitter things are passed away Gone are our strifes and banished all our fears For here is love that wipes away all tears Here is the rest for which our souls have striven This is the city that came down from heaven WHY OHIO IS GREAT At the dinner participated in on Tuesday August 27 at the Southern Hotel by the Descendants of Ohio Governors the following address was made by Prof ...

"Under the Aged Logan Elm" (A Poem) by Rachel E. Hughes. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 548-549.
... 548 Ohio Arch 548 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The little band in homespun suits To whom our ancestry we trace With pride were Freedom's first recruits -- The heroes of a noble race They heard the call of Paul Revere -- His rousing cry To arms to arms And eager flocked from far and near The stalwart yeomen of the farms Hail to the men that made us free Hail to the stainless swords they drew A thousand years will never see Forgetfulness of men so true Their deeds will live while ...

"Samuel Furman Hunt," by Charles W. Hoffman. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 238-242.
... SAMUEL FURMAN HUNT SAMUEL FURMAN HUNT CHARLES W HOFFMAN Under the dome of the church of St Paul in London lies its builder the great Christopher Wren on his tomb is the modest inscription Reader if you seek his monument look around The memory of Hunt will not be perpetuated like that of Wren in magnificent buildings beautiful in architecture and symmetrical in their proportions but it will endure for generations in that temple of respect and affection intangible yet real that he erected in the ...

"The Role of Women in the Settlement of the Western Reserve, 1796-1815," by Hermina Sugar. Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 51-67.
... THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE SETTLEMENT OF THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE SETTLEMENT OF THE WESTERN RESERVE 1796 - 1815 By HERMINA SUGAR The writer asked Can you tell me of some exceptional woman of the early time that I may mention her His eye sparkled more than usual as he replied All of them ma'am1 Introduction A true history of the Western Reserve is in a large measure the history of its women there were no famous women in its early history but it is rather the commonplace lives that were well and ...

"Flatboating Down the Ohio and Mississippi, 1867-1873: Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta, Ohio, Part II," edited by Robert Leslie Jones. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 385-418.
... FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI 1867-1873 Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta Ohio PART II edited by ROBERT LESLIE JONES Professor of History Marietta College V More material remains from William Dudley Devol's fourth flatboating expedition than from the other three put together In addition to the letters which passed back and forth it includes two diaries covering the first six weeks of his trip printed ...

"The First Steamboat on the Ohio," by Nelson W. Evans. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 310-315.
... THE FIRST STEAMBOAT ON THE OHIO THE FIRST STEAMBOAT ON THE OHIO NELSON W EVANS How many of the intelligent reading people of the state know when the first steamboat plowed the waters of the Ohio Where was it built its dimensions and cut the name of the owner and of the boat and the particulars of its first voyage To Nicholas J Roosevelt belongs the honor of first building a steamboat and with it navigating the Ohio But before telling the story it would be well to observe the condition of ...

"Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society: March 2, 1909," Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 227-247.
... TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MARCH 2 1909 The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Hunter Law Society Room Page Hall Ohio State University Columbus Ohio at two p m March 2 1909 The following members were present Prof Martin R Andrews Marietta Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr George F Bareis Canal Winchester Mr A J Baughman Mansfield Mr Martin B ...

"Commodore Abraham Whipple" (Marietta Centennial) by David Fisher. Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 180-186.
... COMMODORE ABRAHAM WHIPPLE COMMODORE ABRAHAM WHIPPLE A PAPER BY HIS GREAT-GRANDSON DAVID FISHER MR PRESIDENT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - From the printed circular I hold in my hand I read the seventh of April 1888 is a day in which the immediate descendants of the first settlers of Marietta principally have an interest As a descendant of Commodore Whipple it is with emotions of reverence pleasure and pride that I am permitted to be present at the Centennial Celebration of Marietta and pay respect to ...