Ohio History Journal

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"St. Clair's Defeat," by Samuel F. Hunt. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 373-396.
... ST ST CLAIR'S DEFEAT AN ORATION DELIVERED BY JUDGE SAMUEL F HUNT ON THE CENTENNIAL OF THE DEFEAT OF GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR AND ON THE OCCASION OF THE RE-INTERMENT OF THE DEAD WHO FELL IN THE ENGAGEMENT ON THE BATTLEFIELD FT RECOVERY O OCT 16 1891 It is said that for more than six hundred years after the battle of Morgarten the Swiss peasantry gathered on the field of battle to commemorate those who had fallen for freedom We have assembled to-day in the same spirit to do honor to the gallant ...

"Captain Hyatt: Being the Letters Written during the Years 1863-1864, to His Wife, Mary, by Captain T. J. Hyatt, 126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry," edited by Hudson Hyatt. Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 166-183.
... CAPTAIN HYATT CAPTAIN HYATT Being the Letters Written During the Years 1863-1864 to His Wife Mary By Captain T J Hyatt 126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry1 Edited by Hudson Hyatt Here are the letters written by an officer at the front during the War Between the States to his wife Though only one side of the correspondence has been preserved through the ensuing years it is sufficient for us to learn the vicissitudes of his love for his wife and their two small boys of the problems of debts and new ...

"The Dairy Industry in Ohio Prior to the Civil War," Volume 56, Number 1, Janaury, 1947, pp. 46-69.
... THE DAIRY INDUSTRY IN OHIO PRIOR TO THE THE DAIRY INDUSTRY IN OHIO PRIOR TO THE CIVIL WAR by ROBERT LESLIE JONES Professor of History Marietta College The beginnings of the dairy industry in what is now Ohio date from the third quarter of the eighteenth century By the period of the French and Indian War Indians like the Shawnee the Wyandots and the Mingoes had cattle which they came into possession of in some cases perhaps by purchase or gift in the Detroit settlement but which they ordinarily ...

"Address by Edward Livingston Taylor, Sr." (Taylor-Livingston Centenary) Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 492-503.
... 492 Ohio Arch 492 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications From the ruins of this first estate we have the smiling landscape the green grass the fertile fields of waving grain We have the advantages ease comfort conveniences luxuries of modern civilization For the generation that first came to this goodly land and rough-hewed the way there is lasting remembrance and perpetual honor In their lives there was a seriousness of purpose that is not characteristic of the later generation In the midst ...

"The Beginnings of the New Jerusalem Church in Ohio," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 235-261.
... THE BEGINNINGS OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH THE BEGINNINGS OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO by OPHIA D SMITH The doctrines of Emanuel Swedenborg were introduced in America near the close of the eighteenth century twelve years after Swedenborg's death In 1784 James Glen a Scottish Newchurchman came to Philadelphia to deliver the first Swedenborgian lectures ever heard in this country This was three years before Robert Hindmarsh in London organized the first New Jerusalem society in the world ...

"Proctor's Report of the Battle of Fort Stephenson" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 75-80.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 75 I greet thee Thou art just in time To tell of victory most sublime Though told in unconnected rhyme Thou art welcome in Ohio But since thou canst thyself speak well Now let thy thundering voice tell What bloody carnage then befell The foes of great Ohio And then she thundered loud PROCTOR'S REPORT OF THE BATTLE OF FORT STEPHENSON The following letter recently unearthed by Col Webb C Hayes in the Canadian Archives at Ottawa is most interesting ...

"Bowman's Campaign of 1779," Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 502-514.
... BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN OF 1779 BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN OF 1779 Copied and published by permission of the Wisconsin Historical Society from the Draper MSS Bedinger Papers A-Vol I pp 19-31 inclu-EDITOR Started about 1st of June-and continued about 4 weeksvide page - for bear killing Holder commanded a company-not over 20 or 25 belonged to Boonesboro-the remainder in neighboring Stations if any then settled marched to Lexington thence on to the mouth of Licking When near the mouth here one of the party ...

"Ohio in the War of 1812" First Newspaper in the West Reserve," Volume 28, Number 3, July, 1919, pp. 286-368.
... OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 FIRST NEWSPAPER IN THE WEST RESERVE The first newspaper published in the Western Reserve was the TRUMP OF FAME edited by Thomas D Webb It was a weekly published at Warren Trumbull County the first issue being dated June 16 1812--The date of the declaration of war by Congress David Fleming was the printer As the first volume covers the year 1812 the first half year of the war it is doubly interesting as giving information at first hand concerning ...

"Isaac Newton Walter: Pioneer Preacher of Ohio," by Byron R. Long. Volume 24, Number 2, April, 1915, pp. 187-225.
... ISAAC NEWTON WALTER ISAAC NEWTON WALTER PIONEER PREACHER OF OHIO BYRON R LONG The writer while yet a small boy rummaging among the books in an old library came across a volume of thrilling interest The title of the book was The Pioneer Preacher written by a blind man who served his country in conspicuous places first as a pastor and then over a period of about twenty years as chaplain of the Senate and House of Representatives in the Congress of the United States This versatile man's name was ...

"Josiah Harmar and His Indian Expedition," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 227-241.
... JOSIAH HARMAR AND HIS INDIAN EXPEDITION JOSIAH HARMAR AND HIS INDIAN EXPEDITION By HOWARD H PECKHAM When the Revolutionary War ended the new United States of America faced a problem that is acutely familiar to us today Nobody wanted to remain in the Army or Navy At the conclusion of the Revolution there were probably 20000 to 30000 men under arms The single unifying aim of the war -- independence from Great Britain - - appeared to have been won at least on the battlefield Acknowledgement of ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 578-583.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR THE CAPTURE OF OLD VINCENNES This is the title of a timely and most interesting volume edited by Dr Milo M Quaife Managing Editor of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review It includes the original narratives of George Rogers Clark the leader of the American expedition and Sir Henry Hamilton Lieutenant Governor of Detroit The special occasion for the appearance of ...

"Vanishing Race, A," by Jennie C. Morton. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 48-56.
... A VANISHING RACE A VANISHING RACE MRS JENNIE C MORTON Frankfort Ky Read by the author before the Ohio Valley Historical Association at their meeting with the Kentucky State Historical Society in the New Capitol October 16th 1909 Whether we call the Indian North American or South American we know the Indian race historically as a peculiar and distinctly marked people-disappearing gradually into oblivion An authentic history of the race has not been written but the traditions concerning it ...

"Journal of Ensign William Schillinger: A Soldier of the War of 1812," introduced by James A. Green. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 51-85.
... Journal of Ensign William Schillinger 51 Journal of Ensign William Schillinger 51 EDITOR'S NOTE The original manuscript of this Journal was brought to the attention of the Editor by Mr James A Green a life member of the Society whose contributions have appeared in previous issues of the Quarterly Mr Green has for years been deeply interested in the history of Ohio and the Northwest Territory He has made a special study of the career of William Henry Harrison who was born in Virginia but who ...

Volume 52, Number 4, October-December, 1943, pp. 373-384.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The History of the State of Ohio Edited by Carl Wittke Vol I The Foundations of Ohio By Beverley W Bond Jr Vol II The Frontier State 1803-1825 By William T Utter Vol III The Passing of the Frontier 1825-185 0 By Francis P Weisenburger Columbus The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1941-2 Vol I xx507p Illustrations and maps Vol II xiv454p Illustrations maps and tables Vol III xiv524p Illustrations and maps 2500 per set of 6 volumes For the early history ...

"Three Civil War Letters of James A. Garfield," edited by James D. Norris and James K. Martin. Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 247-252, notes 279-280.
... Three Civil War Letters of James A Garfield edited by JAMES D NORRIS and JAMES K MARTIN I know of no man in the army whose death would crush me so terribly as his Brigadier General James A Garfield wrote to his wife on May 12 1862 concerning Major Frederick Augustus Williams He is a true man and one of my dearest friends1 The young major had contracted typhoid fever during the later stages of the Sandy Valley campaign in the eastern Kentucky mountains On March 19 Garfield who commanded the ...

"Unpublished Letters of Dr. Daniel Drake," by Alice McGuffey Ruggles. Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 191-212.
... UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DR UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DR DANIEL DRAKE By ALICE MCGUFFEY RUGGLES In the winter of 1847-48 Dr Daniel Drake then professor at the Louisville Medical Institute dashed off late at night after strenuous days of teaching and research the Reminiscential Letters to His Children published in 1879 in the Ohio Valley Historical Series under the title Pioneer Life in Kentucky This little book is the most vivid first-hand account of a pioneer boyhood in that region ever written ...

"Remarks of J. P. Moore" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 52-55.
... 52 Ohio Arch 52 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The name Croghansville for the village was probably first suggested by Josiah Meigs Commissioner of the General Land Office in a letter from Washington City April 12 1816 in which among other words are these If it were left to me to name the town at Lower Sandusky I should name it in honor of the gallant youth Col Croghan -and should say it should be Croghansville The name is still preserved in that of the school on the hill on the East ...

"Fort Greenville Traditions," by James Oliver Arnold. Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 60-63.
... FORT GREEVILLE TRADITIONS FORT GREEVILLE TRADITIONS JAMES OLIVER ARNOLD Four walls of wood growth of hickory walnut oak ash and elm mingled with maples and undergrowth so dense that a horseman could not pass so tall that its shade cast a gloom about and between these walls a clearing and military fort Beyond another clearing and a cabin built of logs lighted by a little window The heavy oaken door swung on wooden hinges the curling smoke from the chimney made of lath grass and clay and the ...

"St. Clair's Defeat," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 30-43.
... ST ST CLAIR'S DEFEAT FRAZER ELLS WILSON GREENVILLE OHIO Author of the valuable little volume entitled The Treaty of Greenville published 1894-E 0 R Probably the most disastrous defeat ever suffered by the Americans at the hands of the Red Men was that of the army of Gen Arthur St Clair on the east branch of the Wabash near the present western boundary of Ohio November 4th 1 791 Both for the number of men killed and the blighting effect on the frontier settlements was this disaster noted and ...

"Flatboating Down the Ohio and Mississippi, 1867-1873: Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta, Ohio," edited by Robert Leslie Jones. Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 287-309.
... FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI 1867-1873 Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta Ohio PART I edited by ROBERT LESLIE JONES Professor of History Marietta College I The phrase flatboating down the Ohio is apt to evoke a mental picture of an immigrant family setting off from Pittsburgh aboard a broadhorn or of a group of backwoodsmen from almost any tributary taking advantage of the spring freshets to get their ...