Ohio History Journal

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"Unpublished Letters of Dr. Daniel Drake," by Alice McGuffey Ruggles. Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 191-212.
... UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DR UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DR DANIEL DRAKE By ALICE MCGUFFEY RUGGLES In the winter of 1847-48 Dr Daniel Drake then professor at the Louisville Medical Institute dashed off late at night after strenuous days of teaching and research the Reminiscential Letters to His Children published in 1879 in the Ohio Valley Historical Series under the title Pioneer Life in Kentucky This little book is the most vivid first-hand account of a pioneer boyhood in that region ever written ...

"Matthias Loy, Leader of Ohio's Lutherans," by C. George Fry. Volume 76, Number 4, Autumn, 1967, pp. 183-201, notes 267-270.
... MATTHIAS LOY MATTHIAS LOY Leader Of Ohio's Lutherans by C GEORGE FRY Among the names of the pioneers who labored to establish a strong Lutheran Church in Ohio that of Matthias Loy deserves a prominent place At the time of his death in 1915 he was regarded as one of the most distinguished theologians of the Lutheran faith in the United States1 and in his long and productive life he had been a Churchman of varied attainments and wide usefulness pastor professor editor author and church leader2 ...

"Edwin Coppoc," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 396-451.
... 396 EDWIN COPPOC EDWIN COPPOC BY C B GALBREATH Among many villages of our state that pursue the even tenor of their way so peacefully and quietly that they earn their way to honorable obscurity is Winona Columbiana County This name was chosen from Longfellow's Hiawatha for the citizens of this place find time to read enjoy what we dignify as literature and are in a very useful and unpretentious way cultured The church and the school are liberally patronized The moral standard of the ...

Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 221-239.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLTIONISTS amp the South 1831-1861 The by Stanley Harrold rev 195-196 Act to Organize and Discipline the Militia An 37 Adjutant General Ohio office of 26 28 37 African-American soldiers 34-35 149n 14 Agnew Margaret Mrs Harman Blennerhassett 137-138 Agriculture 80-81 Aides-de-Camp Ohio office of 26 29 Akron Beacon Journal 10-11 Alcoholic camphor 180 Alexander Charles C book rev 205207 Allen Howard W book rev 112-113 Allopathic medicine 177 Ambassadors and ...

"Fruit of the Restless Spirit: Ohio's Confederate Generals," by Charles M. Cummings. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 144-156, notes 197-200.
... FRUIT OF THE FRUIT OF THE RESTLESS SPIRIT OHIO'S CONFEDERATE GENERALS by CHARLES M CUMMINGS The restlessness and constant mobility of the American have impressed a legion of students before and since de Tocqueville1 and to these factors much has been attributed in the story of the nation's development Generally interpreters have turned their inquiries westward in the direction taken by the bulk of the emigrants Less attention has been given to an offshoot the strong North-to-South movement of ...

"The Pioneer Physicians of the Muskingum Valley," by Edmund Cone Brush. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 241-259.
... Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting 241 THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF THE MUSKINGUM VALLEY BY EDMUND CONE BRUSH A M M D A Paper Read at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society in the Hall of the House of Representatives at Columbus March 6 1890 Generation after generation of pioneers have gradually carried the star of empire westward until it would seem as if the work of the pioneer was nearly done As these hardy and adventurous men and women have gradually opened up ...

"Early Journeys to Ohio," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 54-70.
... EARLY JOURNEYS TO OHIO EARLY JOURNEYS TO OHIO BY B F PRINCE Professor in Wittenberg College The contest for the lands west of the Ohio river began centuries ago It was a goodly land in the eyes of the savages as well as those of the white man A short survey of the Indian occupation will help us to understand the fierce contest between the French and English for domination in this region There is a conflict of opinion as to conditions in that territory from about 1650 to 1740 A great war of ...

"What We Owe to the Past," Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 31-37.
... WHAT WE OWE TO THE PAST WHAT WE OWE TO THE PAST BY NEVIN 0 WINTER The student of history is generally attracted by events which occurred at some remote place It is another illustration of distance lending enchantment In Europe I have seen Americans tramping over the scenes of battles which had no significance in the world's history They were simply scenes of conflicts between rival factions in local disturbances Some of these same Americans have passed by battlefields near their own homes ...

"The Development of the Miami Country," by Frank P. Goodwin. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 484-503.
... THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MIAMI COUNTRY THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MIAMI COUNTRY FRANK P GOODWIN Professor American History Woodward High School Cincinnati O The Treaty of Greenville by a lasting peace with the Indians in so far as the eastern part of the Northwest Territory was concerned removed that influence which for six years had prevented the development of the colony planted in the Miami Country and for the first time since the beginning of the movement started in 1788 was it possible to ...

"Thomas Kirkby: Pioneer Aeronaut in Ohio," by Tom D. Crouch. Volume 79, Number 1, Winter, 1970, pp. 56-61.
... TOM D TOM D CROUCH Thomas Kirkby Pioneer Aeronaut in Ohio The decade of the 1830's marked the dawn of American aeronautical history Although the first American balloon ascent had been made on June 24 1784 when Edward Warren a thirteen year old Baltimore lad made a captive flight in a homemade balloon the citizens of the young republic remained aloof from so impractical an enterprise as free ballooning1 The American tour of Jean Pierre Blanchard in 1793 demonstrated that even a highly ...

"The Construction of the Ohio Canals," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 460-482.
... THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE OHIO CANALS THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE OHIO CANALS GEORGE WHITE DIAL LOCKLAND OHIO The observant passenger on the Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton railway between Cincinnati and Troy Ohio will catch short glimpses of a broad ditch filled with sluggish water Winding its way through the beautiful Miami and Maumee valleys it follows the railroad for miles now on this side of the tracks now on that ofttimes close beside the river hidden by the foliage of the willows and the ...

"Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly. Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 47-70.
... WILLIAM M WILLIAM M DONNELLY Disappointments and Distresses The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War The Ohio National Guard's 37th Buckeye Infantry Division had a short and unhappy Korean War A division with a proud record in two world wars it did not enter Federal service until early 1952 and it never deployed overseas Indeed by the end of the war in July 1953 the 37th had ceased to exist both as an Ohio National Guard division and as a tactical unit To provide individual ...

"Documentary Data: Manuscript Catalog, ABB-Camp," by Bertha E. Josephson. Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 44-67.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA BY BERTHA E JOSEPHSON The effort to catalog the manuscript collections in this department thoroughly according to the unit card method has proceeded slowly with the following collections now completed MANUSCRIPT CATALOG ABB TO CAMP 1 Abbott Mary--Scrapbook Mechanicsburg O--1889 Miscellaneous collection of short stories and poems from newspapers and magazines 1914--4 2 Abstractor's Records--Property Titles Columbus O-- 1840's to 1870's Will of Henry Patch etc ...

"William Eves Moore, 1823-1899," Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 474-478.
... WILLIAM EVES MOORE WILLIAM EVES MOORE 1823-1899 William Eves Moore D D LL D was born in Strasburg Pa April 1st 1 823 His parents Jacob Moore M D University of Pennsylvania 1818 and Sarah Faris Moore came of Scotch-Irish ancestors who after the siege of Derry migrated to the northern part of Newcastle county Delaware and for generations held office in the same Presbyterian church and owned the original farm land given by grant of Wm Penn Returning from Strasburg to Delaware Dr Moore's father ...

"NEWS AND NOTES" Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 150-154.
... 150 OHIO HISTORY 150 OHIO HISTORY NEWS and NOTES AN EARLY PHOTOGRAPH o f the Ohio State Capitol has been received through the kindness of Dr Wilcomb E Washburn curator of the division of political history of the Smithsonian Institution Washington DC The glass negative was acquired recently by the Smithsonian from the archives of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad It is shown on the opposite page The picture was probably taken in the early 1870's The Columbus City Hall completed in 1872 is shown ...

"Welsh Settlements in Ohio," by Wm. Harvey Jones. Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 194-227.
... WELSH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO WELSH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO WM HARVEY JONES This article is not sufficiently broad in its scope to include the history of every settlement in Ohio wherein the Welsh people may have largely resided and must therefore be confined to those communities which were originally settled by Welsh people Classified in this manner the leading Welsh settlements in Ohio are Paddy's Run Butler County Radnor Delaware County Welsh Hills Licking County of Gallia and Jackson Counties and ...

"The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 360-369.
... THE HARRISON TABLE ROCK AND BALL'S THE HARRISON TABLE ROCK AND BALL'S BATTLEFIELD On Saturday September 10 1910 the anniversary of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie 1813 two of the most important historical sites on the route of the Harrison Trail through Sandusky County were marked with bronze tablets and appropriate unveiling exercises by the ladies of the Colonel George Croghan Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution We publish the report of the proceedings as appeared in The Fremont Daily ...

"NEWS AND NOTES" Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 61-68.
... NEWS and NOTES ONE OF THE BETTER results of the effort to recognize the centennial of the Civil War has been the establishment of a project to collect and publish the correspondence and other papers of Ulysses S Grant supreme commander of the Union armies and eighteenth president of the United States To accomplish this end the Ulysses S Grant Association was created through the efforts of the Civil War centennial commissions of Ohio where Grant was born and lived his early years Illinois which ...

"Sidelights on the Last Days of General U.S. Grant," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 321-323.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 321 Reviews Notes and Comments 321 setts He has a national and international reputation for his contributions to botany and horticulture From 1888 to 1897 he was editor of Garden and Forest He has contributed extensively to publications of the Smithsonian Institution and is author of numerous monographs Winthrop Sargent VII is complimented on page 91 of the volume as follows Winthrop Sargent of the seventh generation the eleventh of that name will always be ...

"Ohio and the Dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg," by Frank L. Klement. Volume 79, Number 2, Spring, 1970, pp. 76-100.
... FRANK L FRANK L KLEMENT Ohio and the Dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg Ohioans had more than a passing interest in the dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg on November 19 1863 A decisive three-day battle fought in the surrounding countryside on July 1-3 1863 had claimed the lives of many of the state's soldiers some of whom were hurriedly buried in shallow graves or merely covered with spadefuls of dirt where they had fallen No other governor not even ...