Ohio History Journal

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"Fort Malden Today," Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 683-688.
... FORT MALDEN TODAY FORT MALDEN TODAY BY JAMES A GREEN In his correspondence with Washington William Henry Harrison while Governor of Indiana Territory frequently reported that the Indians had gone to Maiden for arms and ammunition That British Fort at the mouth of the Detroit River was a menace to the men of Ohio and Indiana in the early days It profoundly affected our relations with the Indians If they disliked our policy they could go to Malden where the British received them with open arms ...

"Rutland-'The Cradle of Ohio': A Little Journey to the Home of Rufus Putnam," by E. O. Randall. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 54-78.
... RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO A LITTLE JOURNEY TO THE HOME OF RUFUS PUTNAM E O RANDALL It was in the bright and cheery days of September 1 90 8 that the Editor left the palatial Pullman car at Worcester and boarded a trolley that bore him along a rambling route amid tiny lakes and quiet hills to the little burg of Jefferson Here the trolley was exchanged for a motor bus the electric wings of which fluttered with intermittent and uncertain rapidity till the passengers ...

"St. John's Parish, Worthington, and the Beginnings of the Episcopal Church in Ohio," by Richard G. Salomon. Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 55-76.
... St St John's Parish Worthington and the Beginnings of the Episcopal Church in Ohio By RICHARD G SALOMON There are I trust a few among the oldest members of this parish who still remember the day fifty years ago when the then dean of Bexley Hall the Very Reverend Hosea Jones delivered the sermon at the centenary of St John's Dr Jones was closely connected with Worthington he had been rector of your parish in the 1870's But there are many other ties between Worthington and Bexley if we go over ...

"Ohio and the Western Reserve," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 101-104.
... Editorialana Editorialana 101 under discussion the tide was against the enactment on the ground that the Society did not merit the State's aid Mr Griffin hastily summoned the writer to the cloak-room of the House and asked a full explanation of the situation It was given Mr Griffin returned to the floor and in a most vigorous argument and enthusiastic plea changed the prevailing sentiment and carried the bill through He was the friend of the Society and deserves the kindliest thought and most ...

"Major David Ziegler," by George A. Katzenberger. Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 127-174.
... MAJOR DAVID ZIEGLER MAJOR DAVID Z I EGLER BY GEORGE A KATZENBERGER A custom has grown up of commemorating the Centennial anniversary of the birth or death of prominent men as well as of other important events and as it is a hundred years since the death of the subject of this sketch and I fail to find David Ziegler's name in any of the indices of the nineteen volumes of the publications of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society I have gathered a number of items concerning the ...

"The Taylor-Livingston Centenary in Franklin County," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 486-503.
... THE TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON CENTENARY IN FRANKTHE TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON CENTENARY IN FRANKLIN COUNTY On the 9th day of June 1904 a reception was given by Mr and Mrs Henry C Taylor at their country place Westcrest situated on the National Road west bank of Big Walnut creek in Truro township to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the family history in Franklin County The invitation issued to the guests on this occasion was in the following form 1804 TAYLOR-LIVINGSTON 1904 MR AND MRS HENRY C ...

"The Beginnings of the New Jerusalem Church in Ohio," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 235-261.
... THE BEGINNINGS OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH THE BEGINNINGS OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH IN OHIO by OPHIA D SMITH The doctrines of Emanuel Swedenborg were introduced in America near the close of the eighteenth century twelve years after Swedenborg's death In 1784 James Glen a Scottish Newchurchman came to Philadelphia to deliver the first Swedenborgian lectures ever heard in this country This was three years before Robert Hindmarsh in London organized the first New Jerusalem society in the world ...

"The Centennial Churches of the Miami Valley," by J. E. Bradford. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 234-258.
... 234 Ohio Arch 234 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications In the fall of 1816 the state offices were removed from Chillicothe to Columbus and on the first Monday of December of the same year the legislature began its first session in the then new state house in Columbus The proprietors having finished the public buildings and deeded the two ten acre lots to the state agreeably to their proposals at this session they presented their account for the erection of the public buildings and by an act ...

"Itinerary of the Secretary," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 474-475.
... 474 Ohio 474 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications would be to detract from the estimate in which the work might be held The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society cannot of course agree to sanction such vagaries Respectfully R W MCFARLAND ITINERARY OF THE SECRETARY On August 18th Secretary Randall made a trip to Chillicothe and procuring conveyance drove out some seven miles to the location of the Harness Mounds where Prof W C Mills Curator of the Society's Museum was conducting his ...

"The First Church Organization in the Oldest Settlement in the North-West Territory," by C. E. Dickinson. Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 280-308.
... 280 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 28 0 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly present war in such manner that the said lands be sold out or otherwise disposed of for the common benefit of all the states and that the money arising from the sale of those lands or the quit rents reserved thereon may be deemed and taken as part of the monies belonging to the United States and as such be appropriated by congress towards defraying the expences of the war and the payment of ...

"A Buckeye Boarding-School in 1821," by Alice McGuffey Ruggles. Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 251-268.
... A BUCKEYE BOARDING-SCHOOL IN 1821 A BUCKEYE BOARDING-SCHOOL IN 1821 BY ALICE MCGUFFEY RUGGLES The early free schools of the West have been described many times often sentimentally But of the pioneer private schools little has been written In the unpublished autobiography of Charles Daniel Drake only son of Dr Daniel Drake there is an account of the author's experiences at a boarding-school for boys at Worthington Ohio conducted by the Right Reverend Philander Chase first Episcopal Bishop of ...

"The French Settlement and Settlers of Gallipolis," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 45-81.
... The French Settlement and Settlers of Gallipolis The French Settlement and Settlers of Galli p olis 45 THE FRENCH SETTLEMENT AND SETTLERS OF GALLIPOLIS Preceding addresses and other papers have given the story of the Scioto Company under whose auspices the French settlers came to America I shall not attempt to repeat any part of this history but begin my narrative with the sailing of the first party of emigrants to their new homes in the unknown West which had been described to them in such ...

"Assassination of Abraham Lincoln," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 1-5.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN BY HONORABLE JAMES R MORRIS Some years ago Judge James R Morris at the request of Honorable M B Archer now serving his second term in the Ohio State Senate wrote on parchment his recollections of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln This manuscript appropriately framed Senator Archer later presented to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in whose museum and library building it is now on ...

"A Quaker Section of the Underground Railroad in Northern Ohio," by Wilbur H. Siebert. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 479-502.
... A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN NORTHERN OHIO BY PROFESSOR WILBUR H SIEBERT of the Ohio State University One of the main lines of the Underground Railroad which traversed Ohio from south to north began at Ripley in Brown County on the Ohio River and ran through Highland Fayette Madison Franklin Delaware Marion Morrow and Richland counties to Greenwich in Huron whence branches ran to the lake north through Erie County and northeast through ...

"Address of Mrs. Truesdall (The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield)," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 362-363.
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dedicatory exercises in honor of the battle which occurred near this spot on July 30 1813 when Major Ball's squadron Second Light Dragoons U S Army while escorting Colonel Wells of the Seventeenth U S Infantry from Major General Harrison's headquarters at Fort Seneca to relieve Major Croghan of the command of Fort Stephenson for alleged insubordination in refusing to evacuate the fort was ambushed by Indians but gallantly charged them ...

"The Mingo Captive and the Wyandot Maiden and the Neutral Ground," by H. C. Cochran. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 453-455.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 453 tablet that was as a guide to their faith and then put the hand on the rock pointing to the place of his burial THE MINGO CAPTIVE AND THE WYANDOT MAIDEN AND THE NEUTRAL GROUND H C COCHRAN An Indian sat at the door of a settler's cabin and told this story Many years ago the red men in the eastern part of the state were at war with those in the middle and northwestern part Chief among the former were the Mingos and among the latter the Wyandots In one of the ...

"Diary of Amos Glover," edited by Harry J. Carman. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 258-272.
... DIARY OF AMOS GLOVER DIARY OF AMOS GLOVER Edited by HARRY J CARMAN Foreword Amos Glover whose diary is here reproduced was born in 1832 near Centreville Belmont County Ohio where his father Samuel Glover had a general store He attended Allegheny College Meadville Pennsylvania for three years 1853-1857 without taking a degree Upon his departure from college he returned to aid his father who had acquired a 300-acre farm near Powhatan Point and a couple of mills on Capatina Creek Observation ...

"Diary of Jacob Adams, Private in Company F, 21st O.V.V.I.," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 627-721.
... DIARY OF JACOB ADAMS PRIVATE IN COMDIARY OF JACOB ADAMS PRIVATE IN COMPANY F 21st O V V I FOREWORD This diary presented is from the pen of Jacob Adams a private in Co F 21st O V V I and covers the period of his service in the American Civil War of 1861-1865 The account was compiled in 1924 from letters written home and from a diary kept day by day during most of the time of service The intention of the author was to preserve for his children an account of his services Knowing the value placed ...

"Franklinton at the Time of the Death of Lucas Sullivant," by Andrew Denny Rodgers, III. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 167-174.
... FRANKLINTON AT THE TIME OF THE DEATH FRANKLINTON AT THE TIME OF THE DEATH OF LUCAS SULLIVANT BY ANDRE W DENNY RODGERS III Dedication ceremonies of the monument erected to Lucas Sullivant and the pioneers of Franklin County in the Franklinton Cemetery Our mood this afternoon is one of retrospect This afternoon we lift away the gray mists of more than a century to move among the valiant pioneer spirits of the borough of Franklinton Today this is Franklinton and the time is the ninth day of ...

"Barclay Coppoc," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 459-481.
... BARCLAY COPPOC BARCLAY COPPOC BY C B GALBREATH Barclay Coppoc according to the family genealogist was born in Butler Township Columbiana County Ohio January 4 1839 At the age of eleven years he went with the family to Springdale Iowa He grew up into a delicate looking slender youth but wiry venturesome and fearless as the story of his life will show Soon after the family reached Iowa a younger sister Lydia died of consumption the oldest brother Levi and another sister Maria became invalids ...