Ohio History Journal

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"The Ohio State University in the World War," by Wilbur H. Siebert. Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 142-162.
... THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY IN THE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY IN THE WORLD WAR BY PROFESSOR WILBUR H SIEBERT THE UNIVERSITY'S CONNECTION WITH THE NATIONAL DEFENSE ACT In 1920 the War Records Committee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published a large and handsomely illustrated volume of nearly 750 pages entitled Technology's War Record In March 1922 the Harvard University Press issued the second volume of Memoirs of the Harvard Dead in the War Against Germany which covers the period ...

"Rescue Case of 1857, The," by Benj. F. Prince. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 292-309.
... THE RESCUE CASE OF 1857 THE RESCUE CASE OF 1857 BENJ F PRINCE Trustee Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society President Clark County Historical Society and Professor of History and Political Science Wittenberg College Springfield Ohio The years between 1830 and 1860 brought great strain to the people of the United States The long border line between the slave and free states stretching from the Atlantic on the east to a great distance beyond the Mississippi River was crossed by many ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1963-July 1964," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 73, Number 4, Autumn, 1964, pp. 239-253.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY AUGUST 1963 -- JULY 1964 compiled by s WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE DURAND Loyal Jr The Major Milksheds of the Northeastern Quarter of the United States Economic Geography XL 1964 9-33 Ohio areas shown in twenty milksheds STOVER Stephen L Ohio's Sheep Year 1868 Agricultural History XXXVIII 1964 102-107 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT McPHERSON James M The Fight Against the Gag Rule Joshua Leavitt and Antislavery Insurgency in the Whig Party 1839-1842 ...

"De Celoron's Expedition to the Ohio in 1749," by O. H. Marshall. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 424-450.
... DE CELORON'S EXPEDITION TO THE OHIO IN 1749 DE CELORON'S EXPEDITION TO THE OHIO IN 1749 BY 0 H MARSHALL The extensive territory lying between the Ohio River and Lake Erie has been the theatre of many remarkable historical changes Its earliest inhabitants left no record of their origin or history save in the numerous tumuli which are scattered over its surface bearing trees of the largest growth not distinguishable from the adjacent forest Measured by the extent and character of those vast ...

"Outline of Facts Related to the Burial Place of John Chapman," Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 276-284.
... OUTLINE OF FACTS RELATED TO THE BURIAL OUTLINE OF FACTS RELATED TO THE BURIAL PLACE OF JOHN CHAPMAN By WESLEY S ROEBUCK February 15 1942 revised July 3 19431 1 Location of Henry Cassel's land the burial place of John Chapman and others Description of land The N 12 of SE 14 Section 19 T 31 N of R 13 E and the S 12 NE 14 Section 1 9 T 31 N of R 13 E east of the St Joseph River Allen County Indiana 165 acres three miles up the St Joseph River from the confluence of the St Mary's River on the east ...

"Tarhe-The Crane," by Basil Meek. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 64-73.
... TARHE-THE CRANE TARHE-THE CRANE The Editor of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly has often received inquiries as to sources of information concerning Tarhe the famous Wyandot chief and also the Half King Pomoacan Mr Basil Meek the historical writer and a frequent contributor to the columns of the Quarterly has had occasion to gather these sources and we herewith publish them for the benefit of any student desiring to avail himself of these valuable references - EDITOR ...

"The Mobilization of the Ohio Militia in the Civil War," Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 147-174.
... MATTHEW OYOS MATTHEW OYOS The Mobilization of the Ohio Militia in the Civil War Fort Sumter's fall in April 1861 broke like a thunderclap over Ohio Overnight fervent patriotism replaced months of indecision regarding Southern secession When President Abraham Lincoln called for 75000 militia on April 15 thousands of enthusiastic Ohioans rushed forward Among this mass the state's militia played an important role in the first weeks of mobilization At the heights of state government officials ...

"Union Army Medical Inspector: Norton Townshend, A," by Robert W. McCormick. Volume 103, , Winter-Spring, 1994, pp. 57-70.
... ROBERT W ROBERT W McCORMICK A Union Army Medical Inspector Norton Townshend Over 350000 Union soldiers lost their lives in the Civil War but only one-third of these deaths were combat related The remaining 225000 soldier deaths resulted from six million cases of illness from disease and accidents As shocking as these figures are they represent a marked improvement over the Mexican War where seven men died of disease for every man killed by the enemy Before the fighting began the Medical ...

"Mobbing the Shakers of Union Village," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 108-131.
... MOBBING THE SHAKERS OF UNION VILLAGE MOBBING THE SHAKERS OF UNION VILLAGE J P MACLEAN PH D It may be affirmed that of all the Christian sects of America not one is less aggressive or lives more within itself than that known as The Shakers or more properly speaking The Millennial Church It is true that in its early history it possessed a little missionary zeal but this was not of the offensive kind In common with all the sects it placed its own doctrines to the front proclaiming them to be the ...

Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 181-192.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ADDRESS to the People of the Western Country An by Daniel Drake 10 Adena 143-144 illustration 145 African Colonization Society 151 Albrecht Carl W bk notes 93 Allen William 149 Aller Kenneth P 135 Allison Col C W B 38 41 42 43 America Enters the World A People's History of the Progressive Era volume seven by Page Smith rev 77-79 American Academy of Arts and Sciences 105 American Art Its Awful Attitude by John Frankenstein 8 16 23 American Philosophical ...

"Press Notices of Governor Clinton's Visit to Ohio," Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 100-108.
... PRESS NOTICES OF GOVERNOR CLINTON'S PRESS NOTICES OF GOVERNOR CLINTON'S VISIT TO OHIO COLUMBUS GAZETTE JULY 14 1825 Governor Clinton left here on Friday morning last accompanied by Governor Morrow several of the canal commissioners ex-Governor Brown and a number of our fellow citizens and arrived at Springfield in the evening He dined at Dayton on Saturday where he would remain until Monday From thence he would proceed to Cincinnati by way of Hamilton and etc where he would arrive on Tuesday ...

"The Medical Training of Matthew Simpson, 1830-1833," by Robert D. Clark. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 371-379.
... THE MEDICAL TRAINING OF MATTHEW SIMPSON THE MEDICAL TRAINING OF MATTHEW SIMPSON 1830-1833 by ROBERT D CLARK Assistant Dean College of Liberal Arts University of Oregon Among the sources which give some insight into the medical and general education of the early Ohio physician are the papers of Matthew Simpson Simpson after a brief period as a physician became in the middle of the nineteenth century a bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church and one of the most eloquent pulpit and platform ...

"National Old Trails Road in Ohio," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 143-147.
... NATIONAL OLD TRAILS ROAD IN OHIO NATIONAL OLD TRAILS ROAD IN OHIO The Old Trails Chapter Daughters of the American Colonists Columbus Ohio unveiled a bronze tablet on the West Broad Street bridge in Columbus on October 5 1927 Mrs W C Moore Regent of the Chapter presided and Mayor James J Thomas made introductory remarks Mrs Lewis C Laylin of Columbus State Historian of the Daughters of American Colonists gave a short history of the road in Ohio and Mrs Frank C Martin State Regent unveiled the ...

"Religion in the Western Reserve, 1800-1825: Distinctive Character of Western Reserve Religion," by Harold E. Davis. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 475-501.
... RELIGION IN THE WESTERN RESERVE RELIGION IN THE WESTERN RESERVE 1800-1825 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTER OF WESTERN RESERVE RELIGION BY HAROLD E DAVIS In the years following the Revolution the frontiersman fighting with Nature for the first-fruits of the virgin soil was not primarily religious That this is so students of the American frontier are constantly asserting Only when Nature and the Indian gave surcease from terror and labor did the frontiersman find need for the milder excitement-religion ...

"Minutes of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society, Held in Columbus, March 6 and 7, 1890," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 237-259.
... MINUTES MINUTES Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society HELD IN COLUMBUS MARCH 6 AND 7 189 0 The Society convened in the hall of the House of Representatives at 730 p m and was called to order by the President F C Sessions Esq The usual annual address of the President was omitted as the reports of the committees and officers would cover all essential points Dr Edmund Cone Brush of Zanesville was introduced and read an address upon The Pioneer Physicians of the Muskingum Valley The address is ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1948-July 1949," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 442-462.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1948--JULY 1949 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE GATES Paul Wallace Cattle Kings in the Prairies Mississippi Valley Historical Review XXXV 1948-49 379-412 Ohio source and market for cattle HAYTER Earl W Seed Humbuggery among the Western Farmers 18501888 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly LVIII 1949 52-68 JONES Robert Leslie The Introduction of Farm ...

"The Beginning of the Ohio Company and the Scioto Purchase," by E. C. Dawes. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 1-29.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE BEGINNING OF THE OHIO COMPANY AND THE SCIOTO PURCHASE BY MAJOR E C DAWES The beginning of the year 1783 saw the Revolutionary war virtually at an end although the final treaty of peace was not signed until September third The colonies had achieved their independence at the price of the lives of many and the fortunes of all of their defenders The Continental currency despite the fiat of the government had long since ceased to be of value ...

"Etna and Kirkersville," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 276-283.
... 276 Ohio Arch 276 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications his pedantry King James little understood the hidden meaning of the sea-to-sea extension Under this charter of 1609 modified by that of 1612 Virginia held until the formation of the federal constitution in 1788 In reading of Mr Avery's work we are tempted to halt and linger at particularly important and interesting events The reader reluctantly leaves his story which we again commend to both the general reader and the close student Both ...

"Introduction of Methodism in Ohio," by I. F. King. Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 165-219.
... Introduction of Methodism in Ohio Introduction of Methodism in Ohio 165 INTRODUCTION OF METHODISM IN OHIO BY REV I F KING D D Dr King is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University in the class of 1858 He received the degree of D D from Miami University For forty-three years he has served in the ministry of his church and for fourteen years was a presiding elder in the Ohio ConferenceEDITOR The recent celebration at Delaware Ohio of the one hundredth anniversary of the introduction of Methodism in ...

"Letters of Thomas Buchanan Read," Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 68-80.
... LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ Edited by ALICE E SMITH Thomas Buchanan Read was less than twenty years old when he wrote the letters printed below yet he had experienced many and strange adventures At the age of fourteen he had rebelled at the life of a tailor's apprentice and escaped to Philadelphia Here for a time he had clerked in a cellar grocery then served as apprentice to a cigar maker and finally made his way on a flatboat to Cincinnati For three years ...