Ohio History Journal

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"Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country, 1816-1818," Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 189-220.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER JULY 1958 Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country 1816 - 1818 Edited by DWIGHT L SMIT H IN JUNE OF 1816 a young prospective lawyer set out from Haverhill Massachusetts to seek his fortune in the West As was not unusual then for one who traveled a long distance he wrote home letters of considerable length to describe his journey and the new land to which he came But in this instance the traveler was a ...

"Delaware in the Days of 1812," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 61-63.
... DELAWARE IN THE DAYS OF 1812 DELAWARE IN THE DAYS OF 1812 ALICE HILLS Miss Hills is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution Delaware Ohio Chapter for which she prepared the following bit of local history In the war of 1812 Ohio or a part of it was the scene of much military action in which our own country and town played no small part Delaware situated so nearly in the centre of the state about half way between Chillicothe the capital and the scene of operations around Sandusky ...

"The Centennial Celebration of the Siege of Fort Meigs: Perrysburg, July 27, 1913," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 34-48.
... THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE SIEGE OF THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS PERRYSBURG JULY 27 1913 BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Hadst thou my three kingdoms to range in said James the First to a fly and yet must thou needs get into my eye Which homely speech might be paraphrased for the present purpose of introduction to this subject to read Had Great Britain and America their vast extent of territory and all the ocean between to range in and must they needs select the shores of ...

"Education in Territorial Ohio," by W. Ross Dunn. Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 322-379.
... EDUCATION IN TERRITORIAL OHIO EDUCATION IN TERRITORIAL OHIO BY W ROSS DUNN In tracing the beginnings of education in that part of the old Northwest that later became Ohio the historian naturally turns to that much noted work of the decadent Congress of the Articles of Confederation the Northwest Ordinance or the Ordinance of 1787 His efforts are not unrewarded for Article Three contains the oft quoted declaration that schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged However this ...

"Editorialana," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 465-475.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA BIG BOTTOM MASSACRE DEDICATION It is one hundred and fifteen years since the little band of pioneers were massacred in their fort at Big Bottom on the Muskingum This settlement was an off-shoot of the one at Marietta It was the remotest outpost of the Ohio Company Scarcely had Marietta been settled when there pushed out from the protecting walls of Fort Harmar small bands of settlers to build homes and clear the fields in other favorable locations Belpre on the Ohio ...

"A Civil War Diary of Albion W. Tourgee," edited by Dean H. Keller. Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 99-131, notes 146-148.
... A CIVIL WAR DIARY OF ALBION W TOURGEE edited by DEAN H KELLER Albion W Tourgee's Civil War diary which covers a period of six months in 1863 is an important document in the author's biography and in the literature of the Civil War It reveals Tourgee in many lights -- from the thoughtful loving husband to the stern high-minded Unionist and from the dedicated military man to the impatient individualist All of these traits were present to some extent in Tourgee's character and evidence of them ...

"The Black Hand," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 444-459.
... THE BLACK HAND THE BLACK HAND JOHN D II M KINLEY The Licking river the Pataskala of the Indians as it draws near the eastern boundary of Licking county Ohio flows in a winding course for a distance of about two miles through a narrow and picturesque sandstone gorge known as the Licking Narrows High hills border upon both banks their rocky sides exposed in many places to a height of fifty to sixty feet almost continuously on the north bank and often rising out of the bed of the stream Just at ...

"Fort Miami and Fort Industry. With Mention of Other Forts in and Near the Maumee River Basin," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 120-125.
... FORTS MIAMI AND FORT INDUSTRY FORTS MIAMI AND FORT INDUSTRY With Mention of Other Forts in and Near the Maumee River Basin BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO There were at least five forts or stockades of defense in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio River in its earlier history that were called Fort Miami namely 1 The first one was built in November 1679 by ReneRobert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle by the River St Joseph of Lake Michigan on rising ground near its mouth Parkman's La Salle ...

"Ohio History Day at the Logan Elm," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 104-105.
... 104 Ohio Arch 104 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications OHIO HISTORY DAY AT THE LOGAN ELM A large and appreciative audience assembled in Logan Elm Park near the grand old tree which gives it its name to celebrate Ohio History Day on October 7 1923 The local papers gave generous space to this notable event The Union Herald prefaces an extended account as follows The celebration of History day at Logan Elm Park Sunday was attended by from 1500 to 1800 people from all over central Ohio and the ...

"Fort St. Clair: Celebration of St. Clair Day," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 506-529.
... FORT ST FORT ST CLAIR CELEBRATION OF ST CLAIR DAY No history of the Northwest Territory would be complete without conspicuous reference to what is now Preble County Ohio Through its primeval forests General Arthur St Clair in the autumn of 1791 marched on his ill-fated expedition to disastrous defeat by the Indians near the present site of Fort Recovery to return later in disorderly retreat Over the same route General Anthony Wayne advanced with his legions by careful stages in October 1793 to ...

"Taking the Breaks and Working the Boats: An English Family's Impressions of Ohio in the 1830s," by Brian P. Birch. Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 101-118.
... BRIAN P BRIAN P BIRCH Taking the Breaks and Working the Boats An English Family's Impressions of Ohio in the 1830s While the frontier was a great leveler of people in putting them back into log cabins and deerskins it was also a zone of increasingly varied economic opportunities as the new settlements created a demand for services and communications Not only was there a need as the frontier moved across an area for farmfolk to occupy land to clear the forests and to till the soil Opportunities ...

"Geographic Influences in the History of Milan, Ohio," Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 291-305.
... GEOGRAPHIC INFLUENCES IN THE HISTORY OF GEOGRAPHIC INFLUENCES IN THE HISTORY OF MILAN OHIO BY CHARLES G SHATZER Professor of Geology Wittenberg College Springfield Ohio Any one who seeks to glean the facts of the local history of northwestern Ohio for the period of the '40's and '50's from conversation with the men whose experience reaches into that period will hear repeated frequently the name Milan If interest prompts the question Where and what was Milan he will be told in terms of marked ...

"Worthington, Ohio: James Kilbourn's Episcopal Haven on the Western Frontier," by Paul C. Bowers, Jr., and Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr.. Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 247-262.
... PAUL C PAUL C BOWERS JR GOODWIN F BERQUIST JR Worthington Ohio James Kilbourn's Episcopal Haven on the Western Frontier One of the most significant developments to occur in this country in the aftermath of the American Revolution was the settlement of the old Northwest Territory beyond the Ohio River Families from the Atlantic states streamed west in ever-increasing droves establishing countless new communities in the region now occupied by the states of Ohio Michigan Indiana and Illinois ...

"Memoir of Antoine Laforge: A Gallipolis Manuscript (1790)," translated by Laurence J. Kenny. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 43-51.
... MEMOIR OF ANTOINE LAFORGE MEMOIR OF ANTOINE LAFORGE A Gallipolis Manuscript 1790 Translated from the original French by Laurence J Kenny S J St Louis University The accompanying document is a copy of a manuscript heirloom that has been cherished for more than a century among the descendents of Pierre Antoine Laforge one of the early French settlers of Gallipolis It brought them into possession of the modest inheritance referred to at its close and it has given substance and vraisemblance to ...

"Welsh Settlements in Ohio," by Wm. Harvey Jones. Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 194-227.
... WELSH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO WELSH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO WM HARVEY JONES This article is not sufficiently broad in its scope to include the history of every settlement in Ohio wherein the Welsh people may have largely resided and must therefore be confined to those communities which were originally settled by Welsh people Classified in this manner the leading Welsh settlements in Ohio are Paddy's Run Butler County Radnor Delaware County Welsh Hills Licking County of Gallia and Jackson Counties and ...

Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 476-490.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIV INDEX TO VOLUME XIV A NArticles - Concluded Robert White McFarland 170 Aborigine use of word 474 Song Writers of Ohio 62 180 291 Adams J Q Cincinnati in 464 428 Agassiz Louis 83 Tarhe the Crane 132 American Historical Association 219 Tarhe the Wyandot Chief 313 Account of 219 The campaigns of the Revolution in Society at 94 Ohio Valley 39 Andrews M R Big Bottom at 467 The conquest of the Indian 139 Antioch College - The Indian Mound Miamisburg Building of 17 Ohio 496 Code ...

"Buckeye Station: Built by Nathaniel Massie in 1797," by Morten Carlisle. Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 1-22.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATINOS BUCKEYE STATION BUILT BY NATHANIEL MASSIE IN 1797 BY MORTEN CARLISLE Shrouded in the mists of obscurity and but little known except to a few of the older generation in and about Manchester Ohio this old house built by the famous surveyor General Nathaniel Massie stands today mute evidence of the excellence of his work and a link between the throbbing life of the present day and those hardy pioneers whose toil and suffering made possible the ...

"Where Did Eliza Cross the Ohio?," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 588-590.
... WHERE DID ELIZA CROSS THE OHIO WHERE DID ELIZA CROSS THE OHIO BY FELIX J KOCH Obviously each side in the controversy has good grounds upon which to rest its claim Cincinnati and Ripley both claim the site With the one--it cannot be denied that a fugitive slave woman did cross the stream on the ice at the very heart of the city's water-front At the other - the place was a village at the time when Mrs Stowe wrote her book as it states and there lived a man who made a point of helping run-away ...

"Powder Magazine at Fort Hamilton," by William C. Miller. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 404-407.
... POWDER MAGAZINE AT FORT HAMILTON POWDER MAGAZINE AT FORT HAMILTON DR WILLIAM C MILLER It is generally understood that the Revolutionary War ended with the surrender of Cornwallis October 19 1781 and a treaty of peace was signed at Ghent acknowledging the independence of the colonies and by this treaty the United States were to have and hold as part of its domain the territory from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River and south of the Great Lakes except Florida which was ceded to Spain But did ...

Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 413-419.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLIX For Index of Authors see Contents page iii PAGE ALLEE M H--Runaway Linda Book review by L R Hiestand 217-218 ALLEN CO O--GENEALOGY Gratz Delbert L Historical and Genealogical Sketch of the Swiss Mennonites of Allen and Putnam Counties Ohio 282-288 ALTROCCHI J C--Wolves Against the Moon Book review by E S Ballis 408-409 America in Midpassage by C A Beard and M R Beard--Book review by John O Marsh 307-308 American Industrial ...