... THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 THE DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY JANUARY-JUNE 1884 Part III edited by HARVEY S FORD Head Librarian Toledo Blade Wednesday March 26 1884 The newspaper correspondents have for the last month been urging me to give them an interview on the political situation What they mean by an interview is a carefully prepared dialogue between the correspondent who asks the questions or is represented as asking them and the interviewed person so called who writes both ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS A convention of the International Society of Archaeologists was held at Cincinnati on September 29th 1912 The meeting had been called as a semi-official gathering but the large attendance and enthusiastic sessions resulted in its being voted an official convention - the first of the organization The sessions were held at Art Museum arrangements for this privilege having been made by Mr Philip Hinkle curator of that institution ...
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA BY BERTHA E JOSEPHSON The effort to catalog the manuscript collections in this department thoroughly according to the unit card method has proceeded slowly with the following collections now completed MANUSCRIPT CATALOG ABB TO CAMP 1 Abbott Mary--Scrapbook Mechanicsburg O--1889 Miscellaneous collection of short stories and poems from newspapers and magazines 1914--4 2 Abstractor's Records--Property Titles Columbus O-- 1840's to 1870's Will of Henry Patch etc ...
... THE DEBT OF THE WEST TO WASHINGTON THE DEBT OF THE WEST TO WASHINGTON BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT To us of the central west the memory of Washington and his dearest ambitions must be precious beyond that of any other American whether statesman general or seer Under strange providential guidance the mind and heart of that first American was turned toward the territories lying between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi and it is to be doubted if any other portion of his country received so much of ...
... THE PEASE MAP OF THE CONNECTICUT THE PEASE MAP OF THE CONNECTICUT WESTERN RESERVE by RUSSELL H ANDERSON The Connecticut Western Reserve in northeastern Ohio is of such special importance in the history of the Old Northwest that the early maps of the area are of particular value and interest The first printed map of the Reserve the Pease map of 1798 and its subsequent revision of 1807-8 as the Pease and Tappen map was published in such a way as to cause some confusion It is the purpose of this ...
... MINUTES MINUTES Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society HELD IN COLUMBUS MARCH 6 AND 7 189 0 The Society convened in the hall of the House of Representatives at 730 p m and was called to order by the President F C Sessions Esq The usual annual address of the President was omitted as the reports of the committees and officers would cover all essential points Dr Edmund Cone Brush of Zanesville was introduced and read an address upon The Pioneer Physicians of the Muskingum Valley The address is ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XXVIII No 2 APRIL 1919 TEMPERANCE AND CHURCH-BUILDING IN PIONEER DAYS ON THE WESTERN RESERVE By JUSTUS NEWTON BROWN OBERLIN OHIO In the fall of 1826 my mother's father Rev Joseph Edwards removed from Manlius New York where he had been pastor of the Presbyterian church to Greenfield Huron County Ohio The next year he preached the first sermon ever preached by an ordained minister in the township of Ripley in the same county to a congregation consisting of seven ...
... PRINTING IN GAMBIER OHIO 1829-1884 PRINTING IN GAMBIER OHIO 1829-1884 by WYMAN W PARKER University Librarian University of Cincinnati Printing in Gambier Ohio extended for a little more than fifty years during the mid-nineteenth century Its history forms a neat and fairly typical illustration of the work of the ecclesiastical press of that century Projected as early as 1823 by Philander Chase first Protestant Episcopal bishop of Ohio the press began in 1830 to issue the first Episcopal ...
... LITERARY PERIODICALS OF THE OHIO VALLEY LITERARY PERIODICALS OF THE OHIO VALLEY IN a course of investigations concerning Western literary undertakings the writer has given some attention to the history of periodical publications particularly those devoted to literature There have been many such publications in the valley of the Ohio River some of great merit others of little or no value Comparatively few of our Western magazines have been well supported by the public or have lived longer than ...
... JOHNSON'S ISLAND JOHNSON'S ISLAND BY HEWSON L PEEKE This island lies three miles north of Sandusky in the bay It is nearly a mile long half a mile wide and contains about three hundred acres rising gradually in the center to a height of fifty feet It was originally covered with heavy timber and was a favorite resort of the Indians who came there to fish feast and torture their captives Its first owner was E W Bull and it was originally called Bull's Island until 1852 when it was called ...
... History of Archaeological Society 571 History of Archaeological Society 571 long I shall honor his grave with a better tombstone and write an inscription upon it that will inform the passerby who occupies that lonely spot Give my respects to old Uncle Dan Allman tell him I should be glad to hear from him Accept of these lines and remember a Son a Brother and his little family Goodbye Mother and Friends WILLIAM WARNER SARAH WARNER ALI C E WARNER the babe PROSPECTIVE ENDOWMENT OF THE HAYES ...
... Organizing a National Convention Organizing a National Convention A Lesson from Senator Dick E dited by THOMAS E FELT FROM THE CIVIL WAR to the present the engineers and operators of Ohio's major party machinery have been obliged by circumstances to learn their trade thoroughly The state's strategic geographic position its coveted electoral votes and its diverse economic interests have made it not only a home of presidents and would-be presidents but a school for party managers as well In this ...
... THE ORDINANCE OF 1787 THE ORDINANCE OF 1787 SOME INVESTIGATIONS AS TO THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE FAMOUS SIXTH ARTICLE COL W E GILMORE CHILLICOTHE Senator Roberts of Pennsylvania in the great debate over the bill for the admission of Missouri to the Union in 1820 characterized the Ordinance of 1787 as that immortal Ordinance which with its elder sister the Declaration of American Independence will shed eternal and inextinguishable lustre over the annals of our country Daniel Webster in a speech upon ...
... EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 5 1903 The eighteenth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the rooms of the Society Page Hall Ohio State University Columbus Ohio at 230 p m June 5 1903 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Mr G F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R Brinkerhoff Mansfield Mr A B Coover Roxabell Col J W Harper Cincinnati Mr ...
... 458 Ohio Arch 458 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Inscription on tablet placed by U S D 1 812 on the Ross County Court House Chillicothe Ohio May 17 1933 CHILLICOTHE CAPITAL OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY AND FIRST CAPITAL OF OHIO The State of Ohio was made possible by the Treaty of Paris 1783 which made the Great Lakes the northern boundary of the new United States In 1787 Congress established the Northwest Territory dedicated to freedom and public education with General Arthur St Clair ...
... THE CENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH THE CENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES AT SPIEGEL GROVE FREMONT OHIO BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Of which I was a great part is the classic motto which for almost twenty centuries hero after hero has proudly taken to himself President Hayes would smilingly have passed it by Perhaps no other phrase exists however which so effectively describes the pervasion of his personality through all the commemorative events and the scene in ...
... THE WYANDOT'S BRIDE THE WYANDO T' S BRIDE N B C LOVE D D The poem The Wyandot's Bride written by Rev L B Gurley about seventy years ago is an epic of over two hundred lines It is in blank verse It describes The Sandusky River rolling outward into the Lake 'Mid leafy groves and prairies bright with flowers On this River the Wyandots A remnant of an ancient nation dwelt Which in its waning glory Was proud of its old name 'Wyandot' When the poem was written many old chieftains lived To tell of ...
... Samuel Finley Vinton Samuel Finley Vinton 231 SAMUEL FINLEY VINTON BY MADELENE VINTON DAHLGREN It was peculiarly characteristic of the patriotic unselfishness that was the dominating principle of the public career of Samuel F Vinton that he never paused while laboring with unremitting zeal for his country to prepare any journal or written notes of any kind that might assist the biographer to give the story of his own life Unaided therefore by that light which he himself could best have thrown ...
... NULLIFICATION IN OHIO NULLIFICATION IN OHIO TWELVE years before the famous resistance of South Carolina to Federal authority the State of Ohio through the solemn acts of her Legislature attempted and succeeded for a time to nullify the laws of the United States and to disobey the decisions of her courts It was not merely a legislative nullification but it wa s a complete destruction of Federal standing within the State The United States Courts and the United States Banks were denied the ...
... THE COMING AND GOING OF OHIO DROVING THE COMING AND GOING OF OHIO DROVING REV I F KING D D Mr King about the year 1850 took three droves two of cattle and one of sheep across the Allegheny mountains In doing this he walked from Zanesville Ohio to eastern Pennsylvania five times On one trip he came home by public conveyance In 1851 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was only finished to Clarksburg West Virginia This article is an interesting description of a phase of the business life in the early ...