Ohio History Journal

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"Fort Hill, Ohio," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 260-264.
... FORT HILL OHIO FORT HILL OHIO FORT HILL is situated in the southeastern corner of Highland county Ohio one and a half miles west of Pike county line and three miles north of the village of Sinking Springs The base of the hill is bounded on the north and west by the East Fork of Ohio Brush Creek Its elevation is about five hundred feet above the bed of the stream and thirteen hundred feet above the level of the sea The base of the hill rests upon one hundred and fifty feet of Niagara limestone ...

"Rufus Putnam Memorial Association," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 123-133.
... Editorialana Editorialana 123 that ordinance and especially the non-slavery clause was not the work of Nathan Dane of Massachusetts but of Thomas Jefferson of Virginia It is not our purpose to enter into this discussion which has been the theme of many a writer Our impression is that Mr Jefferson has not been duly accredited with the share due his ordinance as a basis for the one of 1787 Jefferson must says Curtis M Geer in his volume on the Louisiana Purchase be credited with the effort of ...

"Bibliography of the Earthworks of Ohio," Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 69-78.
... BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF OHIO THE following bibliography was prepared by Mrs Cyrus Thomas under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution and is published by permission from the manuscript copy Its publication will serve two ends In the first place to impart information already obtained and in the second place to solicit information supplementary to what is here contained Any observers in the State who have facts concerning the earthworks of Ohio in ...

"Note-Historical," by R. W. McFarland. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 153-154.
... NOTEHISTORICAL NOTEHISTORICAL R W M'FARLAND OXFORD OHIO People familiar with the early annals of the West know something of Simon Kenton They know also of the rivalry between him and Leitchman for the hand of a young lady-that Kenton was unsuccessful in his suite-that there was a fight in consequence and that in the first encounter Kenton again lost but in the second by wrapping Leitchman's long hair about a sapling Kenton won and so severely beat his opponent that thinking him fatally injured ...

"Maumee Valley International Historical Convention, September 27-29, 1940: Proceedings," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 1-98.
... PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION SEPTEMBER 27-29 1940 EDITORIAL By HARLOW LINDLEY Because of the uniqueness of the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention organized to commemorate the place of the Maumee Valley in American history it seems eminently proper that its records should be permanently preserved and since the heart of the valley is within the limits of the State of Ohio it is logical that the Ohio State Archaeological ...

"Fine Timber," by Josephine E. Phillips. Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 16-24.
... FINE TIMBER FINE TIMBER By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS I went to woork a tuseday morning for Mr Gilman at 12 Shilings pr day he is a bulding 2 Ships and thare top timbers are all red seder and lokes I have worked wales 68 feet long fine timber in this Countery and as good land as Ever lay out adors I dont think I shall Stay in the Sittey maney months Ales is the wellest she has bin this five years but dont like Meriette thank God i am well and hartey But Alles is Cros as yousyell Thus wrote a settler ...

"Legislation in the Northwest Territory," by A. A. Graham. Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 303-318.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY MARCH 1888LEGISLATION IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY APRIL 2 1788 a band of forty-eight pioneers left the mouth of the Voughiogheny in the Mayflower of the West Floating out into the Monongahela they emerged on the broad bosom of the Ohio and began an easier journey down that beautiful river to their chosen homes in the valley below Five days after they landed on the bank of the Muskingum river at its confluence with the Ohio and the first ...

"The Father of the McGuffeys," Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 104-122.
... THE FATHER OF THE McGUFFEYS THE FATHER OF THE McGUFFEYS By ALICE McGUFFEY MORRILL RUGGLES The McGuffey Readers are becoming classics and their authors William Holmes and Alexander Hamilton McGuffey legendary figures But as yet little has been told about the father of the two sedate gentlemen who first dispensed literature to the American masses This was Alexander Sandy McGuffey in his youth one of the most famous scouts on the western frontier He was born in Wigtownshire Scotland November 22 ...

"Editorialana," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 118-136.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XX No 1 JANUARY 1911 JEFFERSON'S ORDINANCE OF 1784 Frequent inquiries have come to the Editor of the Quarterly concerning the nature of Jefferson's Ordinance of 1784 for the organization of the Northwest Territory and its bearing upon the later Ordinance of 1787 In reply to such inquiries we submit the following As early as the fall of 1776 and at various times later up to the final peace agreement of 1783 Congress by resolution pledged bounty lands to those ...

"NEWS AND NOTES" Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 262-266.
... NEWS and NOTES SEVERAL LANDMARKS in American history which are of importance to Ohio historiography and which were published many years ago have been reprinted in a series called American Classics in Political Economic and Literary History being issued by Frederick Ungar Publishing Co Inc of New York They are My Autobiography by S S McClure The Acquisition of Political Social and Industrial Rights of Man in America by John Bach McMaster The Literature of the Middle Western Frontier by Ralph ...

Volume 74, Number 3, Summer, 1965, pp. 203-207.
... BOOK REVIEWS HAYES OF THE TWENTY-THIRD THE CIVIL WAR VOLUNTEER OFFICER By T Harry Williams New York Alfred A Knopf 1965 xviii324vip illustrations maps and index 595 I have a subjective judgment on this book and I may as well make it now as later the first two chapters I liked very much the other fourteen I found tedious In Chapter I The Golden Years Williams deals in a general way with the background of Rutherford B Hayes and offers some very shrewd insights on his Civil War career Chapter II ...

"Historic Worthington," by Mira Clarke Parsons. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 71-82.
... HISTORIC WORTHINGTON HISTORIC WORTHINGTON MIRA CLARKE PARSONS One hundred years ago in the month of October the quiet of the wilderness where Worthington now stands was broken by the arrival of forty families under the leadership of James Kilbourne The journey had occupied more than six weeks They came from Granby and Simsbury Conn representing many trades and occupations and bringing the hope and courage needed in founding a new home in a strange land The previous year their leader and Nathan ...

"Boundary Line Between Ohio and Indiana, and Between Ohio and Michigan," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 127-198.
... Boundary Line Between Ohio and Indiana Etc Boundary Line Between Ohio and Indiana Etc 127 BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN OHIO AND INDIANA AND BETWEEN OHIO AND MICHIGAN SPECIAL REPORTS OF T C MENDENHALL SUPERINTENDENT OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND A A GRAHAM SECRETARY OF THE OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Sixty-ninth General Assembly of Ohio authorized the Governor to cause an examination of the boundary lines between Ohio and Indiana and Ohio and Michigan to be made It has for some time ...

"Old Betsey" (Croghan Celebration) by Thomas L. Hawkins. Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 73-75.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 73 three tremendous cheers The day was a glorious one for the cause of freedom This of course foreshadows the civil war Who used Old Betsy last asks the Journal of January 23 1857 It has been standing in the street for several weeks now Captain Parrish should see to this old servant In a long article on the celebration of August 2 1 860 the Journal says At 6 o'clock Captain Parrish brought out 'Old Betsy' and fired a salute of thirteen rounds ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1951-July 1952," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 410-430.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1951-JULY 1952 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE CUNNINGHAM John F John H Klippart Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture 1856-1878 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly LXI 1952 51-63 McNELL Bill Northwestern Ohio Has a Pioneer Sugar Camp Ohio Farmer CCIX No 7 April 5 1952 20 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT FARRISON W Edward A Flight Across Ohio The ...

"Buffalo Child Long Lance Visits Ohio," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 516-526.
... BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE VISITS OHIO BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE VISITS OHIO The visit of Buffalo Child Long Lance to Ohio and his address before the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society will long be remembered by those who were so fortunate as to hear and greet him He had been invited to speak on Ohio History Day at Logan Elm Park It was found however that by coming a few days earlier he could be present at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to ...

"Daniel Joseph Ryan," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 571-589.
... DANIEL JOSEPH RYAN DANIEL JOSEPH RYAN BY C B GALBREATH As announced in the last isue of the QUARTERLY Honorable Daniel J Ryan long an active life member of this Society and the oldest in term of service on the Board of Trustees passed from our midst in the early morning of June 15 1923 It thus becomes our sad duty for the third time within a little more than three years to record the death of one of our fellow members who from almost the beginning of our Society was prominently identified in ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1953-July 1954," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 388-406.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1953-JULY 1954 compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE KAATZ Martin R The Settlement of the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio Pioneer Days Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXV 1953 134-156 KAATZ Martin R The Settlement of the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio Later Days Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXV 1953 201-217 LIPP Frederick J The Home Place Being 150 Years of Ohio Farming Inside ...

"The Hayes Centenary," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 338-344.
... 338 Ohio Arch 338 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General J Warren Keifer recently appointed Trustee of the Society and the only living Major General of the Civil War will favor the Society with some very interesting and unrecorded history in an address at this meeting A detailed program will be mailed to the members of the Society THE HAYES CENTENARY The tentative program for the Centenary celebration of the birth of Rutherford B Hayes 1822-1893 the nineteenth President of the United ...

"Sketches of Life Members," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 452-481.
... SKETCHES OF LIFE MEMBERS SKETCHES OF LIFE MEMBERS ANDERSON JAMES HOUSE-Born March 16 1833 at Marion O Son of Judge Thomas Jefferson Anderson and Nancy Dunlevy Educated in public schools and the Marion Academy and Ohio Wesleyan University Graduated from law department of the Cincinnati College in 1854 immediately began practice Elected Mayor of Marion in 1855 and later Prosecuting Attorney of the county Married in 1856 to Princess A Miller Appointed March 1865 by President Lincoln United States ...