Ohio History Journal

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"Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship," by George W. Lasher. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 227-233.
... Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship 227 REJOICING IN DIVINE WORKMANSHIP Abstract of a sermon preached by the Rev George W Lasher D D editor of the Journal and Messenger Cincinnati Ohio in the First Baptist Church Text Psalm CXLIX 2 Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him let the children of Zion be joyful in their King There are two ways of writing history the one to refer every event to some over-ruling power superior to man and to human agency the other to find ...

"Etna and Kirkersville," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 276-283.
... 276 Ohio Arch 276 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications his pedantry King James little understood the hidden meaning of the sea-to-sea extension Under this charter of 1609 modified by that of 1612 Virginia held until the formation of the federal constitution in 1788 In reading of Mr Avery's work we are tempted to halt and linger at particularly important and interesting events The reader reluctantly leaves his story which we again commend to both the general reader and the close student Both ...

"Major John Burnham and His Company," by E. C. Dawes. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 40-44.
... 40 Ohio Arch 40 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 MAJOR JOHN BURNHAM AND HIS COMPANY Mr Barlow had written Colonel Duer early in December 1789 that huts must be built on land opposite the mouth of the Great Kanawha to accommodate at least one hundred persons The cost of these huts was to be paid by the agent of the immigrants upon their arrival In March 1790 General Rufus Putnam as agent for the Trustees for the Scioto Associates employed John Burnham of Essex Massachusetts to ...

"Minutes of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society, Held in Columbus, March 6 and 7, 1890," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 237-259.
... MINUTES MINUTES Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society HELD IN COLUMBUS MARCH 6 AND 7 189 0 The Society convened in the hall of the House of Representatives at 730 p m and was called to order by the President F C Sessions Esq The usual annual address of the President was omitted as the reports of the committees and officers would cover all essential points Dr Edmund Cone Brush of Zanesville was introduced and read an address upon The Pioneer Physicians of the Muskingum Valley The address is ...

"Augustus Newton Whiting," by Frank Theodore Cole. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 392-394.
... AUGUSTUS NEWTON WHITING AUGUSTUS NEWTON WHITING FRANK THEODORE COLE Mr Whiting was of the Massachusetts family of that name his grandfather's home being in Westford near Lowell Only two children of this grandfather William Whiting had families These were Augustus Whiting who married a daughter of Judge Gustavus Swan of Columbus 0 and lived in New York City and Isaac Newton Whiting who was a book-seller and publisher in Columbus for many years He married September 7 1835 Orrel daughter of Col ...

"Society of Shakers. Rise, Progress and Extinction of the Society at Cleveland, O., The," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 32-116.
... THE SOCIETY OF SHAKERS THE SOCIETY OF SHAKERS RISE PROGRESS AND EXTINCTION OF THE SOCIETY AT CLEVELAND O BY J P MACLEAN PH D I PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS The communistic societies of the United States continue to elicit more or less attention and receive profound consideration from those engaged in sociological philosophy Whatever religious or sociological problem these communities seek to solve their progress or failure is carefully noted even by those who have not come in immediate contact ...

"Dedication of the James E. Campbell Elm," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 80-86.
... DEDICATION OF THE JAMES E DEDICATION OF THE JAMES E CAMPBELL ELM On October 20 1923 very interesting exercises were held in the State House Grounds at Columbus on the occasion of the dedication of the James E Campbell Elm a seedling from the famous Logan Elm in Pickaway County under which the speech or message of the Indian chief Logan was dictated and sent to Lord Dunmore who was holding a peace conference with the Indians at Camp Charlotte seven miles distant October 1774 These exercises ...

"Invocation," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 63-64.
... INVOCATION INVOCATION BY REV W H SHEPFER GRACIOUS GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER acknowledging our weakness and our sinfulness we invoke thy divine blessing upon us as we have come together to recall the heroic lives and sacrifices of our forefathers in this section of our great country Through the Spirit of Truth give us O God wisdom and understanding We acknowledge Thee Dear Father as the Giver of every good and perfect gift Thou art the Source from whom all our blessings flow We acknowledge Thee ...

Volume 12, Binding Supplement, , 1903, pp. 446-478.
... IN DEX IN DEX A PAGE Abolition Achilles Pugh publishes paper on 305 Scotch-Irish sentiment on 297 A Century of Statehood Address Nash 25 Acolhuans The Review of 104 Adams John Q Jeremy Bentham's works presented to Ohio by 365 On W orthington Thomas 357 Addresses - A Century of Statehood Nash 25 George Croghan Williams 375 Greatness of Ohio W atson 310 Kossuth before Ohio Legislature 114 Manly at Centennial Celebration 1 McClintick at Centennial Celebration 6 The First Constitution Ryan 11 ...

"Ohio, the Site of the Garden of Eden. The Serpent Mound, the Home of Adam and Eve," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 225-231.
... Ohio the Site of the Garden of Eden Ohio the Site of the Garden of Eden 225 OHIO THE SITE OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN THE SERPENT MOUND THE HOME OF ADAM AND EVE THE THEORY OF REV LANDON WEST The following article is not exactly archaeology nor history though it contains something of each It is however so unique and entertaining that we reproduce it as it has been given to the public in the daily press-EDITOR Here is food for the higher critics the Egyptologists archaeologists and the Biblical ...

"Serpent Mound Park," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 633-634.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 633 Forty-First Annual Meeting 633 President Johnson stated that the reports of the Committees on the various Parks should be given great attention On last Sunday he attended the Ohio History Day celebration at Logan Elm Park and was absolutely amazed by the number -- literally thousands -- in attendance The celebration lasted practically all afternoon and great interest was displayed by those present The American people are turning to outdoor life -- picnics camping ...

"Genealogy: A Study for Young People," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 138-145.
... 138 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 138 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY the intriguing thing about Grant's career being that his fame rested largely on his military achievements though Grant himself was a man who neither liked war nor on the technical side at least knew very much about it Speaking in a pleasing staccato manner Patterson captivated his audience with his fund of seldom-heard stories the interesting sidelights he threw on well-known historic events and ...

"Lucas Sullivant Tablet Dedicated," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 161-176.
... LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED On Saturday December 9 1927 the Franklin County Pioneer Association founded in 1866 met in the southwest room of the Franklinton Public School Building for the purpose of unveiling and presenting to the city a bronze tablet marking the home of Lucas Sullivant founder of Franklinton The house that Lucas Sullivant built or a part of it is now incorporated in the larger buildings of the House of the Good Shepherd and it was by the ...

"'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald F. Durnbaugh. Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 71-92.
... DONALD F DONALD F DURNBAUGH Strangers and Exiles Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818 The Religious Society of Friends popularly known as Quakers has rarely been ranked among the leading denominations when measured by membershipl Despite their lack of numbers Friends have enjoyed notable recognition and exerted influence out of proportion to their size Several reasons can be given for this For one thing from their inception in ...

"Just a Little Bit of the Civil War, As Seen by W. J. Smith, Company M, 2nd O. V. Cavalry-Conclusion," edited by Robert W. Hatton. Volume 84, Number 4, Autumn, 1975, pp. 222-242.
... edited by edited by ROBERT W HATTON Just a Little Bit of the Civil War As Seen by W J Smith Company M 2nd 0 V Cavalry Conclusion This is the second of two articles based upon the Civil War memoirs of Private William James Smith Company M Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry In the first article which appeared in the Summer issue of Ohio History Smith provides some information about his pre-war life and enlistment at the age of seventeen in the Dennison Guards prior to transferring to the 2nd OVC on ...

"State's Function in Promoting the Cultivation of its History, The," by Alexander C. Flick. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 445-463.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 445 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 445 closer relationships they can now be put aside The spirit of the times has changed The suggestion is offered stripped of details but in its larger aspect it carries no thought of physical or financial consolidations no thought of interference no abandonment of individual activities May we not hope that in the very spirit of this meeting here today there will be shown the seed of united unselfish wellordered ...

"Logan Monument, A," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 149-150.
... Editorialana Editorialana 149 His grandfather Isaac Zane had been buried in 1813 - and of course he attended the funeral He gave me the family history of Isaac Zane and his wife - whom of course he distinctly remembered and told me of the marriage of Isaac Zane to the daughter of Tarhe who he said was his great-grandfather At the time he left for Canada they were just cutting the brush out of the main street of Bellefontaine the new village There died here lately Mrs Garwood a grand-daughter ...

"The McGuffey Society at Fort Hill," by John R. Horst. Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 605-610.
... THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT FORT HILL THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT FORT HILL BY JOHN R HORST The McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio met at Fort Hill in Highland county on Saturday September 12th 1925 as previously announced in the newspapers Fort Hill is the name of a hill located about three miles north of Sinking Spring Surrounding the crest of the hill is an ancient fortification apparently for defense the building of which is credited to the Mound Builders It contains about forty acres within the ...

"Grave Creek Mound," by Wills De Haas. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 261-264.
... Editorialana Editorialana 261 plained Indeed the annotations themselves have a value second only to the text which they explain They constitute a compendium of information that evidences the faithfulness and enthusiasm with which Mr Connelley has performed his work We cite only one instance especially interesting to Ohio readers It is Mr Connelley's note on the meaning of the word Ohio He says Ohio is derived from the Iroquois The original is variously spoken in the different dialects In ...

"Hudson Centennial Celebration: Hudson, Ohio, June 5, 1900," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 318-365.
... HUDSON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION HUDSON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION HUDSON OHIO JUNE 5 1900 The city of Hudson Ohio Summit county celebrated the hundredth anniversary of its settlement on the date noted above The following account of that interesting occasion is prepared mainly from the record of the proceedings furnished us by the courtesy of Prof W I Chamberlain We are indebted to Mrs Edwin P Gregory of Hudson for a copy of the portrait of her grandfather David Hudson and to Prof H W Woodward for a ...