Ohio History Journal

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"Young Woman in the Midwest: The Journal of Mary Sears, 1859-1860, A," edited by Daryl E. Jones and James W. Pickering. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 215-234.
... Edited by Edited by DARYL E JONES JAMES H PICKERING A Young Woman in the Midwest The Journal of Mary Sears 1859-1860 Born in Greenwich Massachusetts on March 31 1838 and trained as a music teacher Mary E Sears was twenty years old in the winter of 1859 when she began keeping a journal of her daily thoughts and activities while emigrating West to join family members in Ohio and Illinois During the following two years she recorded a multitude of experiences which span both distance and social ...

"A Settlement That Failed: The French in Early Gallipolis, an Enlightening Letter, and an Explanation," Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 46-67.
... LEE AND MARGARET SOLTOW LEE AND MARGARET SOLTOW A Settlement That Failed The French in Early Gallipolis an Enlightening Letter and an Explanation Settlement by the French in Gallipolis Ohio began in 1790 with great hope and optimism but ended in relative failure not more than a decade later By 1792 the 400 to 500 settlers had experienced disease famine harsh weather and assaults by Indians a more particular problem for them was their inability to obtain titles to the land on which they had ...

"Report of Field Work," by W. C. Mills. Volume 8, Number 3, January, 1900, pp. 309-344.
... REPORT OF FIELD WORK REPORT OF FIELD WORK BY W C MILLS CURATOR PREFACE It is the purpose of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to visit different sections of the State each year for explorations upon the mounds and village sites It is apparent to all that the mounds and earthworks are fast being leveled by the encroachment of agriculture and the relic hunter who under the stimulus of commercial enterprise tears the mounds down and forever blots out evidence which would ...

"Washington and Ohio," by E. O. Randall. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 477-501.
... WASHINGTON AND OHIO WASHINGTON AND OHIO E O RANDALL LL M The many-sidedness of Washington presents an unfailing field of study in his character and career His varied accomplishments in each of which he was facile prince ps again and again quicken our interest in and increase our admiration for the foremost figure in American annals So glorious was he in the pomp and circumstance of the War of Independence and so wise and potent was he in the arena of our national awakening that we are apt to ...

"Prehistoric Musical Instruments in Ohio," by Mary H. Osburn. Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 12-20.
... PREHISTORIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN OHIO PREHISTORIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN OHIO BY MARY HUBBELL OSBURN The prehistoric era of the Indians in North America is an episode in the chronology of man in which Ohio and other portions of the Mississippi Valley play an important role It is in these regions that some of the finest examples of Indian cultures of that period are found Among the many thousands of other art objects found in the Ohio area the remnants of prehistoric musical instruments are ...

"George F. Bareis," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 325-336.
... GEORGE F GEORGE F BAREIS In his home town in the capital of the State and beyond its borders a large circle of friends and associates heard with deep regret the news of the death of George F Bareis He had been in failing health for a portion of the past year but had been seriously ill only a short time He passed away at Grant Hospital Columbus at 240 P M on Thursday January 7 1932 325 326 Ohio Arch 326 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Especially was his loss felt in the Ohio State ...

"The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910," by Charles E. Brown. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 333-359.
... THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY STATE FIELD ASSEMBLY July 29-30 1910 REPORT BY CHARLES E BROWN CURATOR Several years ago the Wisconsin Archaeological Society adopted the plan of holding summer field meetings of its members in various sections of Wisconsin which were known to be rich in prehistoric Indian remains The purpose of these annual gatherings was doubly that of extending their acquaintance with the features of the local archaeological field and ...

"Building a Commercial System," by Frank P. Goodwin. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 316-339.
... BUILDING A COMMERCIAL SYSTEM BUILDING A COMMERCIAL SYSTEM FRANK P GOODWIN It is the purpose of this paper to trace the commercial development of the Miami Country1 from the date of settlement to the beginning of the steamboat era in 1817 It is presented as a representative study of commercial growth under economic conditions that were colonial in character The history of the locality has been used to illustrate principles of early commercial development common to the Ohio Valley Within that ...

"The Pioneer Physicians of the Muskingum Valley," by Edmund Cone Brush. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 241-259.
... Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting 241 THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF THE MUSKINGUM VALLEY BY EDMUND CONE BRUSH A M M D A Paper Read at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society in the Hall of the House of Representatives at Columbus March 6 1890 Generation after generation of pioneers have gradually carried the star of empire westward until it would seem as if the work of the pioneer was nearly done As these hardy and adventurous men and women have gradually opened up ...

"The Mound Builder and the Indian: According to the Book of Mormon," by C. W. Clark. Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 267-292.
... THE MOUND BUILDER AND THE INDIAN THE MOUND BUILDER AND THE INDIAN ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF MORMON BY C W CLARK Official of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints In relating the story of Prehistoric America as outlined in the Book of Mormon it is the purpose of the writer to avoid religious issues and controversies as far as possible and to present simply the statements and portray the record in a way that will bring out only such parts as will be of interest to student of ...

"Old Betsey" (Croghan Celebration) by Thomas L. Hawkins. Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 73-75.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 73 three tremendous cheers The day was a glorious one for the cause of freedom This of course foreshadows the civil war Who used Old Betsy last asks the Journal of January 23 1857 It has been standing in the street for several weeks now Captain Parrish should see to this old servant In a long article on the celebration of August 2 1 860 the Journal says At 6 o'clock Captain Parrish brought out 'Old Betsy' and fired a salute of thirteen rounds ...

"William Oxley Thompson," by Joseph V. Denney. Volume 43, Number 1, January, 1934, pp. 103-109 .
... William Oxley Thompson 103 Wil li am Oxley Tho m pson 103 ber of men and women of the state than any other person he has by personal example set the impress of his own character and ideals To no one of his generation is the commonwealth under greater obligations to no one does it accord higher respect A power for civic righteousness a lover of his fellow-men a broadminded generous courteous Christian gentleman Truly he has had The heart to conceive The understanding to direct And the hand to ...

"A 'Backwoods Utopia': The Berea Community of 1836-1837," by David Lindsey. Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 272-296.
... A Backwoods Utopia A Backwoods Utopia The Berea Community of 1836-1837 By DAVID LINDSEY In April 1836 three remarkable men--a farmer-turned-circuit rider a farmer-turned-evangelist and a teacher-turned-farmer--met on the banks of the Rocky River in northeastern Ohio Each man had come a devious route to that spot James Gilruth born of Scotch immigrant parents in western Virginia in 1793 fought briefly in the War of 1812 before taking up a farm in Ohio's Scioto River valley Undergoing a deep ...

"Sermon by Rev. John Moncure, Rector of St. Peter's Church," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 221-226.
... Sermon by Rev Sermon by Rev John Moncure 221 SERMON BY REV JOHN MONCURE RECTOR OF ST PETER'S CHURCH TEXTRemember the days of old consider the years of many generationsDeuteronomy 32 7 A hundred years in the history of a place affords a fruitful subject for study When we gaze through the vistas of past events and consider the whys and the wherefores and when we thus are brought into realization of the fact that the things which once appeared to men as through a glass darkly by the light of a ...

"William Allen Trimble: United States Senator from Ohio," by Mary McArthur Thompson Tuttle. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 225-246.
... WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM OHIO MARY MCARTHUR THOMPSON TUTTLE A woman's way of writing History differs essentially from the conventional style and methods approved by great historians It is well that this is so for the student of history obtains thus now and then a lighter more transparent atmosphere a more sympathetic view of a life than could be presented by the massive outlines of the great scholars who strive for the philosophy of life as well as ...

"Diary of Amos Glover," edited by Harry J. Carman. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 258-272.
... DIARY OF AMOS GLOVER DIARY OF AMOS GLOVER Edited by HARRY J CARMAN Foreword Amos Glover whose diary is here reproduced was born in 1832 near Centreville Belmont County Ohio where his father Samuel Glover had a general store He attended Allegheny College Meadville Pennsylvania for three years 1853-1857 without taking a degree Upon his departure from college he returned to aid his father who had acquired a 300-acre farm near Powhatan Point and a couple of mills on Capatina Creek Observation ...

"Ohioan's Letter from the California Gold Fields in 1850, An," edited by Robert Ralph Davis, Jr.. Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 159-163, notes 179-180.
... An Ohioan's Letter from the California GOLD Fields in 1850 The discovery of gold at Sutter's mill in California's lower Sacramento Valley in 1848 precipitated one of the most massive and spontaneous westward migrations in American history Responding to the avalanche of propaganda emanating from the California gold fields and spurred on by numerous exaggerated newspaper and magazine accounts of the alleged untapped and unlimited yellow treasure of the Far West thousands of easterners left ...

"Marking the Old 'Abolition Holes,'" by Felix J. Koch. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 308-318.
... MARKING THE OLD ABOLITION HOLES MARKING THE OLD ABOLITION HOLES BY FELIX J KOCH CINCINNATI A quadroon girl in Sunday best strolled down the quiet little main street of Ripley in southern Ohio not long since and coming to the crest of the bluff whence the long descent begins to the river she rested her arms on an immaculately white monument set to the famous old abolitionists of Ripley-the place where Eliza crossed the ice in the story-and waved a handkerchief in signal to some dusky paramour ...

"Editorialana," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 160-166.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA ARCHAELOGICAL AGITATION Elsewhere in this Quarterly we publish quite a snappy symposium concerning Fowke's Book The Archaeological History of Ohio published by our Society in April last Mr Fowke's volume is well calculated to stir the bones of the Mound Builders and their modern investigators It is of course distinctly understood that the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society does not stand sponsor for Mr Fowke's archaeological views much less for his ...

"Fortunes of a Circuit Rider, The," by Paul H. Boase. Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 91-115, notes 167-170.
... by PAUL H BOASE The itinerancy the traveling ministry of the Methodist Church distinguished the Methodist plan of church government from all other ecclesiastical systems on the American frontier While most denominations employed mounted missionaries as evangelical emissaries to the West only the Wesleyans geared their entire program to an intricately developed circuit system virtually compelling Methodist preachers to ride abreast of the westward bound pioneers In sparsely settled regions ...