Ohio History Journal

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"First Catholic Church in Ohio," by M. B. Archer. Volume 24, Number 2, April, 1915, pp. 226-230.
... FIRST CATHOLIC CHURCH IN OHIO FIRST CATHOLIC CHURCH IN OHIO The question is often asked When did the Catholic Church first make a permanent settlement in Ohio We have diligently sought the desired information From Hon W B Archer member of the Senate of the 81st General Assembly we recently received the following communication which seems to settle the question of the first Ohio Catholic Church - EDITOR In compliance with your request I give a brief statement of what is known as the East Fork ...

Volume 17, Number 4, October, 1908, pp. 500-510.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XVII INDEX TO VOLUME XVII A Twenty-third annual meeting of O Adena 185 189 A amp I S 132 Description of 191 Washington's Tour of the Ohio Distinguished visitors to 191 and articles of The Mississippi Allread James I Address of 120 Company 431 Amos J O Sketch of Loramie village Atwater Caleb mention of 254 by 9 B ArchaeologyBacon David - Collection in 144 Cabin site of 289 Mound Builders and the Lost Tribes Death of 292 208 Discomfiture of 290 Some Ohio Investigations in 94 ...

"Seth Adams: A Pioneer Ohio Shepherd," by Charles Sumner Plumb. Volume 43, Number 1, January, 1934, pp. 1-34.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS SETH ADAMS A PIONEER OHIO SHEPHERD By Charles Sumner Plumb Among the pioneers of the Northwest Territory along the Ohio border on the east were many men of sterling worth and rather unusual administrative ability Notably among these men in Ohio history was Seth Adams The following pages will briefly discuss his ancestry review his movements as a citizen and pioneer and set forth his relationship to early day American sheep husbandry The ...

"Address of Mrs. Mack (The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield)," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 363-365.
... The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield 363 No other county in the state is so rich in early history as Sandusky A British post was established here during the Revolutionary War Here the first permanent white settlers located and the first marriage between whites was performed Especially during the War of 1812 was it a famous battleground In marking one by one these historical places we as an organization are not only showing patriotism in ...

"Three Centuries of the Maumee Valley," by M. M. Quaife. Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 3-5.
... THREE CENTURIES OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY THREE CENTURIES OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY By M M QUAIFE The name Maumee is a variant of Miami and comes from the Miami Indian tribe When the French first came into the Northwest they found the Miami living in eastern Wisconsin Following LaSalle's advent in the Illinois country they moved southward around Lake Michigan and for many years c 16901702 one of their important towns was located in the presentday Chicago Loop Eventually they journeyed eastward to the ...

"The British Indian Department and the Abortive Treaty of Lower Sandusky, 1793," by Reginald Horsman. Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 189-213.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 3 JULY 1961 The British Indian Department and The Abortive Treaty of Lower Sandusky 1793 By REGINALD HORSMAN IN THE EARLY FALL of 1792 a general council of the Indian nations of the Old Northwest was held at the junction of the Maumee and the Auglaize rivers in what is now northwestern Ohio The Indians who gathered there were jubilant for their attempts to resist the American advance into the Old Northwest had met ...

"Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 3-41.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS OHIO'S MONUMENT TO GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE UNVEILED ADDRESS OF HONORABLE JAMES W GOOD SECRETARY OF WAR IN HOTEL COMMODORE OLIVER HAZARD PERRY TOLEDO OHIO SEPTEMBER 14 1929 In introducing the Secretary of War Toastmaster Mr Grove Patterson spoke as follows Now ladies and gentlemen I am sure that I speak for the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society under the auspices of which this monument was constructed and these exercises ...

"Banquet in Commemoration of General Anthony Wayne and the Battle of Fallen Timbers," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 19-34.
... Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne 19 Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne 19 of governing the world So long as force may be invoked in behalf of injustice and wrong so long must force be ready to meet and crush force when thus employed as Washington said We must keep ourselves in a reasonable posture of defense Applause After more than one hundred and fifty years of nationality the sword of Washington and Wayne was never drawn except in defense of American rights or human rights and ...

The Kentucky Revival and its Influence on the Miami Valley," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 242-286.
... THE KENTUCKY REVIVAL AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE KENTUCKY REVIVAL AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE MIAMI VALLEY BY J P MAC LEAN The Miami Valley properly embraces all the country north of the Ohio that is drained by the Great and Little Miami rivers and their tributaries In this paper it is used to designate the southwestern quarter of the State of Ohio or that territory lying west of a line drawn due south from Columbus to the Ohio river and south of another line drawn due west from Columbus to the ...

"Logan-The Mingo Chief, 1710-1780," Volume 20, Number 2, April, 1911, pp. 137-175.
... LOGAN -THE MINGO CHIEF LOGAN -THE MINGO CHIEF 1710-1780 The Ohio tribes of Indians produced an extraordinary number of illustrious chiefs who figured large in the history of their race Among these were Pontiac Tecumseh Cornstalk Little Turtle Blue Jacket and a score of others who left distinguished records as warriors orators and tribal leaders Among these perhaps no one gained a fame so wide as that acquired by Logan the Mingo chief who refused to attend the Treaty of Camp Charlotte and at ...

"Early Ohio Camp Meetings, 1801-1816," by Charles A. Johnson. Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 32-50.
... EARLY OHIO CAMP MEETINGS 1801-1816 EARLY OHIO CAMP MEETINGS 1801-1816 by CHARLES A JOHNSON Instructor in American History University of Maryland On Military Leave As soon as we came upon the ground Mechanicsburg Ohio I felt that God was with the meeting Give us a chimney that we may have fire it was done God was with us and souls were converted--BISHOP FRANCIS ASBURY1 In challenging the lawlessness and immorality of the frontier the western churches forged new religious weapons Among the most ...

"Trustee Meeting at Spiegel Grove," Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 319-322.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA TRUSTEE MEETING AT SPIEGEL GROVE On Thursday June 30th the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society held a regular meeting at the residence of Colonel Webb C Hayes Spiegel Grove Fremont Ohio It was a most interesting and memorable occasion Colonel Hayes had invited the Trustees to be his guests the day named above and day before and on Wednesday noon the the 29th several of the Trustees upon their arrival at Bellevue enroute to Fremont were met ...

"Contemporary Description of Ohio in 1788," by . Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 82-108.
... 82 Ohio Arch 82 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 CONTEMPORARY DESCRIPTION OF OHIO IN 1788 In 1888 Mr John H James of Urbana Ohio whose collection of historical works is hardly excelled published a translation of a French pamphlet used by Mr Barlow and his associates in Paris when engaged in the sale of lands in the Ohio country The pamphlet says Mr James in his introduction was published in French and English the French copy being a translation of the English copy first published ...

"Washington and Ohio," by E. O. Randall. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 477-501.
... WASHINGTON AND OHIO WASHINGTON AND OHIO E O RANDALL LL M The many-sidedness of Washington presents an unfailing field of study in his character and career His varied accomplishments in each of which he was facile prince ps again and again quicken our interest in and increase our admiration for the foremost figure in American annals So glorious was he in the pomp and circumstance of the War of Independence and so wise and potent was he in the arena of our national awakening that we are apt to ...

"An Early Abolition Colony, and its Founder," by A. A. Graham. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 30-43.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 4 AN EARLY ABOLITION COLONY AND ITS FOUNDER BY A A GRAHAM About nine miles north of the capital of Ohio is a village the foundation of which marks an important epoch in the history of Ohio The conflict between freedom and slavery began before the successful growth of the young republic was assured Thrifty New Englanders were waiting the encroachment of slavery and among them were men not afraid to lift up their voices in loud and ...

"The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 355-379.
... THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT THE LOGAN ELM THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT THE LOGAN ELM The McGuffey Society of Columbus was organized to perpetuate the memory of Dr William H McGuffey He was one of Ohio's greatest educators but his place in history and in the affections of thousands is fixed by his famous series of Readers familiar to the present and last two generations The officers of this Society conceived the original and unique idea of a gathering of its members and guests beneath the shadowing ...

"The Arkansas Traveller," Volume 8, Number 3, January, 1900, pp. 296-308.
... THE ARKANSAS TRAVELLER THE ARKANSAS TRAVELLER By THOMAS WILSON U S NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON D C Some years of my teens were passed in the town of Salem Columbiana county Ohio This was before any railroads passed through that country I remember the first meeting of citizens ever held there under the direction of Mr Zadok Street for the purpose of securing subscriptions of money or right-of-way for the construction of what was then to be the Ohio amp Pennsylvania Railway afterwards the ...

"Old Fort Industry," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 26-127.
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications The largest was Cincinnati with 115 000 and in them all there were less than 2 00000 o f population The following y ear the convention assembled which framed the new constitution for the state of Ohio That convention provided and laid down an ironclad rule that all cities should be governed by a general law and that there should be no special charters That perhaps was not an unreasonable rule at that time for then there were but the nine ...

"Gallipolis as Travelers Saw It, 1792-1811," Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 283-303.
... GALLIPOLIS AS TRAVELERS SAW IT 1792-1811 GALLIPOLIS AS TRAVELERS SAW IT 1792-1811 By JOHN FRANCIS MCDERMOTT On the fourth of June 1790 Major John Burnham then at Marietta was instructed by General Rufus Putnam to proceed with the people engaged in the service of the trustees of the Scioto proprietors to a place on the Ohio next Chickamaga creek which will be shown to you by Col Meigs where you will begin operations The letter of instructions specified that the object is to erect four block ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1950-July 1951," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 60, Number 4, October, 1951, pp. 387-406.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1950-JULY 1951 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE Centennial Souvenir of the Ohio State Fair A Century of Agricultural Progress in Ohio Columbus Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Franklin County Historical Society 1950 11p DODDS Gilbert F Centennial of the First Franklin County Fair Franklin County Historical Society Bulletin III 1950-51 50-52 DODDS Gilbert F The ...