Ohio History Journal

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"Adam Hurdus and the Swedenborgians in Early Cincinnati," Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 106-134.
... ADAM HURDUS AND THE SWEDENBORGIANS IN ADAM HURDUS AND THE SWEDENBORGIANS IN EARLY CINCINNATI By Ophia D Smith Many volumes have been written about the hardships and accomplishments of pioneer preachers in the Western Country Most of these however deal with men of orthodox faith The Swedenborgians equally self-sacrificing but unorthodox and misunderstood have received little attention because they were few in number Yet they were people of influence--they were readers and thinkers and doers In ...

Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 103-116.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS' HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Mrs Eddy Burke Fosnocht President New officers of the association are Mrs Eddy Burke Fosnocht president and treasurer Ernest Green first vice president Mrs Elmer Lewis second vice president Mrs Walter Lister secretary and Harriet Wright curator Trustees are Rev J Chandler Adams Mrs Albert Birdsall Benjamin P Forbes Ernest Green Mrs Elmer Lewis Ray Thayer and Dr Charles K Teter ...

"The Map of Hamilton County," by James A. Green. Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 291-321.
... THE MAP OF HAMILTON COUNTY THE MAP OF HAMILTON COUNTY BY JAMES A GREEN Dr Nevin M Fenneman of the University of Cincinnati and I took a canoe trip last summer for the purpose of accurately mapping an unknown Canadian Lake This was Lake Ogoki with a shore line of seventy-five miles Of course Dr Fenneman did the actual mapping but I shared in the reflected glory of the achievement This map was sent to Ottawa and we duly received the thanks of the Canadian Government So we have added to the sum ...

"The Pillars of Harrison County," by Joseph T. Harrison. Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 120-127.
... THE PILLARS OF HARRISON COUNTY THE PILLARS OF HARRISON COUNTY BY JOSEPH T HARRISON There are three native pillars of stone in Harrison County Ohio which if their age is reckoned from the date when they first reared their heads above the surrounding landscape are older than Rome older than the Pyramids and older than the Sphinx itself They are located in the north central and southern parts of the county the first two on the tops of hills and the third well down from the top of the adjacent ...

"The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio Prior to the Civil War-II," Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 287-319.
... The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio The Beef Cattle Industry in Ohio Prior to the Civil War--II By ROBERT LESLIE JONES v The Cattle Industry Outside the Specialized Grazing and Feeding Regions The grazing industry in Madison County and its neighbors and the feeding industry of the Scioto Valley attracted so much attention that it is difficult to realize that together they comprised only a minor fraction of the beef cattle industry in Ohio before 1850 The 20000 or so cattle driven from Madison ...

"Are the Hopewell Copper Objects Prehistoric?," by Warren K. Moorehead. Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 317-321.
... ARE THE HOPEWELL COPPER OBJECTS PREHISARE THE HOPEWELL COPPER OBJECTS PREHISTORIC BY WARREN K MOOREHEAD At the Washington meeting of the American Anthropological Association held conjointly with Section H of the American Association for the Advancement of Science I read a brief paper on the Hopewell copper objects and it is now my wish to present a more extended communication on the subjest Mr Clarence B Moore whose valuable work in southeastern United States is so favorably known to all who ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 115-134.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT WRITES A 5000 PRIZE BOOK Forty-Niners The Chronicle of the California Trail By Archer Butler Hulbert Boston Little Brown amp Company 1931 pp 340 Price 350 The past six years have witnessed a growing interest in the winning of the far West the overland journeys to the Pacific Coast--to Oregon and California in the days of the ox-team and the Conestoga wagon Perhaps the most colorful of the migrations to ...

"Catherine Cougar: Probaby the Earliest Pioneer Resident of Ohio Who Has Descendants Living Upon the Original Place of Settlement," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 295-303.
... CATHERINE GOUGAR CATHERINE GOUGAR Probably the Earliest Pioneer Resident of Ohio Who Has Descendants Living Upon the Original Place of Settlement BY FRANK WARNER M D D SC COLUMBUS OHIO On the farm of Alfred Immell situated on the pike from Columbus to Chillicothe some ten miles north of the latter city lies buried Catherine Gougar Her remains have lain here since 1801 when she died at the age of sixty-nine years She died within two years of the establishment of Ohio as a State and within view ...

"Vision Fulfilled, A," by Maud Bush Alfred. Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 5-21.
... A VISION FULFILLED A VISION FULFILLED BY MAUD BUSH ALFRED Where there is no vision the people perish When your committee honored me with a request for a place on the program of this celebration which commemorates the founding of Bucyrus I was filled with varying emotions - pride reverence and perhaps awe Pride that I the great-granddaughter of Samuel Norton and Mary Bucklin Norton could have the privilege of honoring their memory reverence that so hardy so brave so God-fearing so kindly so ...

"Travel in the 1830's," by Robert Price. Volume 54, Number 1, January-March, 1945, pp. 40-45.
... TRAVEL IN THE 1830's TRAVEL IN THE 1830's By ROBERT PRICE Leisurely trips of today have too much hurry--hurried trips of a past century had too much leisure If Mr William Fitch of Schodack Rensselaer County New York on a business expedition to Licking County Ohio in May and June 1836 could have had access to automobile and macadam he might have made the journey and back in four days with time to spare Instead being forced to utilize canal boat lake steamer stage carriage horse and wagon packet ...

"A Rebuttal to Mrs. Trollope: Harriet Martineau in Cincinnati," by William R. Seat, Jr.. Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 276-289.
... A Rebuttal to Mrs A Rebuttal to Mrs Trollope Harriet Martineau in Cincinnati By WILLIAM R SEAT JR AMERICA WAS ACQUAINTED with Harriet Martineau before she arrived in this country When she landed at New York City in the fall of 1834 she was already a recognized author a writer of authority who was perhaps the most influential woman in England Her recently published Illustrations of Political Economy had demonstrated to Americans that sympathy with the democratic ideal and concern for the ...

"Ohio in Short Stories, 1824-1839," by Lucille B. Emch. Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 209-250.
... OHIO IN SHORT STORIES 1824-1839 OHIO IN SHORT STORIES 1824-1839 BY LUCILLE B EMCH In the Ohio Valley of the 1820 ' s and 1830's there occurred a stir of literary activity which for the time and character of the events was most unusual The perspective gained by the passing of more than a century adds to rather than detracts from the significance of the movement The publishing center of the West during the twenties and thirties was Cincinnati which with a population of 24831 in 1830 was by far ...

"Ohio, the Site of the Garden of Eden. The Serpent Mound, the Home of Adam and Eve," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 225-231.
... Ohio the Site of the Garden of Eden Ohio the Site of the Garden of Eden 225 OHIO THE SITE OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN THE SERPENT MOUND THE HOME OF ADAM AND EVE THE THEORY OF REV LANDON WEST The following article is not exactly archaeology nor history though it contains something of each It is however so unique and entertaining that we reproduce it as it has been given to the public in the daily press-EDITOR Here is food for the higher critics the Egyptologists archaeologists and the Biblical ...

"Governor Edward Tiffin: Pioneer Doctor," by Linden F. Edwards. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 349-361.
... GOVERNOR EDWARD TIFFIN PIONEER DOCTOR GOVERNOR EDWARD TIFFIN PIONEER DOCTOR by LINDEN F EDWARDS PhD Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University From time to time throughout history there has appeared upon the scene of action an outstanding individual who because of his innate ability and of the richness of the opportunity at hand rose head and shoulders above the common herd Such a man was Edward Tiffin pioneer doctor lay preacher governor parliamentarian statesman His untiring and successful ...

"Lucas Sullivant Tablet Dedicated," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 161-176.
... LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED On Saturday December 9 1927 the Franklin County Pioneer Association founded in 1866 met in the southwest room of the Franklinton Public School Building for the purpose of unveiling and presenting to the city a bronze tablet marking the home of Lucas Sullivant founder of Franklinton The house that Lucas Sullivant built or a part of it is now incorporated in the larger buildings of the House of the Good Shepherd and it was by the ...

"William Cortenus Schenck, Pioneer and Statesman of Ohio," by Fred B. Jones. Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 363-371.
... WILLIAM CORTENUS SCHENCK PIONEER AND WILLIAM CORTENUS SCHENCK PIONEER AND STATESMAN OF OHIO By FRED B JOYNER It is the purpose of this sketch to resurrect from oblivion a pioneer and statesman of early Ohio William Cortenus Schenck For some time I have been studying the life of Robert Cumming Schenck the illustrious son of this early pioneer Through a study of the Schenck papers now in my possession through the courtesy of Mrs J Sprigg McMahon of New York City I have become convinced that the ...

"Archaeological Remains of Jackson County," by William C. Mills. Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 175-214.
... ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS OF JACKSON COUNTY ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS OF JACKSON COUNTY BY WILLIAM C MILLS INTRODUCTION During the summer of 1905 by special request of a number of citizens and local archaeologists of Jackson county the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society sent an expedition into the county under the direction of the writer which examined a few of the many rock shelters mounds and petroglyphs located in Lick Liberty and Jackson townships The object of the examination was ...

"Remarks by Wesley Viets" (Fort Jefferson Dedication) Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 129-131.
... Monument at Fort Jefferson Monument at Fort Jefferson 129 named after the primitive red men of the forest a people that were not much different from what we are to-day As I told you they were a God-fearing people the same as we Their word was as sacred to them as their lives and I am not so sure that that is true of all of us I am proud to say that I belong to an order that was named after a people as proud and noble as they Then you might say why this war I believe and honestly believe that ...

"The Conquest of the Indian," by Benjamin R. Cowen. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 139-147.
... THE CONQUEST OF THE INDIAN THE CONQUEST OF THE INDIAN BENJAMIN R COWEN CINCINNATI Portion of an address delivered by General Cowen on the 28th of June 1904 at the placing of the tablet in commemoration of the Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference We have heard the story of the historic incident this monument is designed to commemorate eloquently told by the Regent of the Columbus Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution That society has rendered a valuable service in the erection of this ...

"Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country, 1816-1818," Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 189-220.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER JULY 1958 Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country 1816 - 1818 Edited by DWIGHT L SMIT H IN JUNE OF 1816 a young prospective lawyer set out from Haverhill Massachusetts to seek his fortune in the West As was not unusual then for one who traveled a long distance he wrote home letters of considerable length to describe his journey and the new land to which he came But in this instance the traveler was a ...