Ohio History Journal

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"The Indian Village of 'Cush-og-wenk,'" by Thomas H. Johnson. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 432-435.
... THE INDIAN VILLAGE OF CUSH-OG-WENK THE INDIAN VILLAGE OF CUSH-OG-WENK BY THOMAS H JOHNSON COSHOCTON The generations who were active participants in the events which constitute the early history of Ohio having passed away it seems to me the imperative duty of those now living whose early life overlapped the survivors of the active participants in the stirring events of that earlier period to place on record any recollections they may have of the stories told by those old survivors tending to ...

"Dress Rehearsal For World War I: The Ohio National Guard Mobilization of 1916," by David A. Niedringhaus. Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 35-56.
... DAVID A DAVID A NIEDRINGHAUS Dress Rehearsal For World War I The Ohio National Guard Mobilization of 1916 The Ohio National Guard like the National Guard of other states has a long history of service to its citizens and to the United States Its heritage is rooted in the militia system that has played such a vital role in the nation's history In times of crisis-natural disasters civil disturbances or wars and rebellions-it has often been called upon to serve until the crisis subsides and either ...

"Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country, 1816-1818," Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 189-220.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER JULY 1958 Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country 1816 - 1818 Edited by DWIGHT L SMIT H IN JUNE OF 1816 a young prospective lawyer set out from Haverhill Massachusetts to seek his fortune in the West As was not unusual then for one who traveled a long distance he wrote home letters of considerable length to describe his journey and the new land to which he came But in this instance the traveler was a ...

"Sergeant Stanley Nagorka," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 294-297.
... 294 Ohio Arch 294 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Captain has given his native town and state wide and honorable publicity His book is a lively modest straightforward statement of his services in the World War as full of thrills as his daring exploits It is written in attractive form and excellent spirit and deserves a place in every American library-especially those of Ohio Captain Rickenbacker's native state In this connection it may be proper to say a number of Captain ...

"Notes on Perry's Victory," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 476-480.
... 476 Ohio Arch 476 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Functions of Museums and the Question of Special Exhibitions by Frederic A Lucas American Museum of Natural History The Museum Point of View in Botany by E L Morris Brooklyn Institute Museum A Celestial Sphere-An Appartus Installed to Promote Interest in Astronomy by Dr W W Atwood Chicago Academy of Sciences The Educational Work of a Natural History Museum by W W Atwood Chicago Academy of Sciences The Deutaches Museum at Munich by ...

"Location of Site of Ohio Capital," by E. O. Randall. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 210-234.
... 210 Ohio Arch 210 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Presbyterianism on Walnut Hills have all aided to make the Church History of the Ohio Valley the record of its civilization and progress And not alone in Cincinnati but throughout the Western Country this influence was felt Upon the Bible's sacred page The gathered beams of ages shine And as it hastens every age But makes its brightness more divine More glorious still as ages roll New regions blessed new powers unfurled Expanding with ...

"Reminiscences of A Surveyor," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 151-160.
... REMINISCENCES OF A SURVEYOR1 REMINISCENCES OF A SURVEYOR1 By JAMES T WEED In November 1888 I was elected county surveyor of Gallia County Ohio and on the first Monday of January 1889 I assumed the duties of the office In the forty-five years since then I have done a great deal of surveying of land and city lots and highways and a little in mines Most of this work has been in Gallia County though I have practiced a little in the adjoining counties of Jackson and Vinton in nearby West Virginia ...

"Original Bridges on the National Road in Eastern Ohio," by Harley J. McKee. Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 131-144.
... HARLEY J HARLEY J McKEE Original Bridges on the National Road in Eastern Ohio The approach to this subject is purely descriptive and is based on observations made during 1971 while the author was inspecting structures which had been recorded by the Historic American Buildings Survey1 Among the records in question were a number of photographs of bridges on the old National Road taken late in 1933 for which the locations had not been as clearly given as HABS standards require A part of the ...

"Ancient Works at Marietta, Ohio," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 37-66.
... ANCIENT WORKS AT MARIETTA OHIO ANCIENT WORKS AT MARIETTA OHIO BY J P MACLEAN PH D The ancient earthworks at Marietta Ohio have received much attention and have been written about more than any of the prehistoric remains of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys These structures were great and ranked high in importance although not so extensive and complicated as certain other remains which have been fully considered At the time of the opening of the great West the Ohio river was the main artery that ...

"The Autobiography of Thomas Ewing," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 126-204.
... THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS EWING THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS EWING EDITED BY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF Through the courtesy of Thomas Ewing Jr of New York City I am permitted to give to the public for the first time the entire autobiography of his distinguished grandfather Thomas Ewing a pioneer the first Alumnus of the first college of the Old Northwest an eminent lawyer a profound statesman an honorable citizen and a Christian gentleman-C L M1 NOTE--I wish to express my gratitude to the following ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "July 1945-July 1946," compiled by James H. Rodabaugh and S. Winifred Smith. Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 374-400.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY JULY 1945 -- JULY 1946 Compile d by J AM ES H RODABAUGH an d S W INIFRED SMITH ANTI-SLAVERY LANDON Fred Over Lake Erie to Freedom in Northwest Ohio Q u arterly XVII 1945 1 32-8 QUARLES Benjamin Sources of Abolitionist Income in Mississippi Valley Historical Review XXXII 1945 63-76 ARTS AND CRAFTS ANDERSON Irma Pilling Ohio Coverlets in Antiques XLIX 1946 56-7 Cleveland Print Club in Hobbies LI No ...

"A Detailed Account of Mound Openings Done During the Months of July and August 1888" by Warren K. Moorehead and Clinton Cowen. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 534-540.
... A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF MOUND OPENING A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF MOUND OPENING Done During the Months of July and August 1888 by Warren K Moorehead and Clinton Cowen IT occurred to me a number of times last year to spend the summer in opening mounds I had done considerable of this work in several counties of our State but had never spent more than one continuous week in the field When the Cincinnati Centennial Exposition opened in July and I was free from my duties having been actively engaged in ...

"Travel to Cincinnati in 1853," by William D. Hoyt, Jr.. Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 1942, pp. 62-64.
... TRAVEL TO CINCINNATI IN 1853 TRAVEL TO CINCINNATI IN 1853 EDITED BY WILLIAM D HOYT JR Writers have described the hardships of travel in the middle of the nineteenth century when railroads were in their infancy but few accounts are as expressive or as vivid as that penned by the Honorable Peter Vivian Daniel Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States while on his way to the Mississippi Valley to hold judicial sessions in his circuit A letter written to his daughter from the ...

"Centennial Celebration of Champaign County," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 470-471.
... 470 Ohio 470 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Baldwin holds that more than two thousand years have elapsed since the Mound Builders lived in the Ohio Valley In conclusion we are not in a position to state whether the Mound Builders were the race that exploited the pre-historic horse on this continent or whether they degenerated into Indians All we know for a certainty is that the pre-historic man had a pre-historic horse and that he both rode and ate him and that the horse in improved ...

"Mr. Meek's Address (The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield)," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 366-369.
... 366 Ohio Arch 366 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications memory of heroic deeds and he urged each citizen to appreciate the value of such a gift and let it be an inspiration to learn more of the history of the county and this locality The singing of the Star Spangled Banner concluded the exercises at the site of Ball's battlefield The children who participated in the program were little Misses Gertrude Hafford Betsy Bell Brown Jessie and Alice Childs Mary Elizabeth Truesdall Jane Phillips and ...

"Fort Miamis: The International Background," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 146-166.
... FORT MIAMIS THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND FORT MIAMIS THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND by RICHARD C KNOPF Historian Anthony Wayne Parkway Board The Paris peace treaty of 1783 which officially ended the war between the kingdom of Great Britain and her rebellious American colonies and which established what were supposedly internationally recognized boundary lines between British Canada and the newly independent American states was considered at the very beginning by the British as but a tenuous ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 147-156.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail By Ezra Meeker in collaboration with Howard R Driggs Professor of Education in English University of Utah Yonkers-on-Hudson New York World Book Co 1925 Pp X 225 This is one of the books of the Pioneer Life Series published by the World Book Company Yonkers-onHudson New York It is extensively and appropriately illustrated by ...

"Unveiling of the Soldiers' Memorial Tablet on the Hayes Memorial Building at Spiegel Grove," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 303-329.
... UNVEILING OF THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TABLET UNVEILING OF THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TABLET ON THE HAYES MEMORIAL BUILDING AT SPIEGEL GROVE BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER The Ninety-eighth Anniversary of the birth of Rutherford B Hayes Nineteenth President of the United States 1877-1881 and at the time of his death January 17 1893 the honored president of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was celebrated with ceremonies of unusual interest on October 4 192 0 at Spiegel Grove Fremont Ohio ...

"The First Steamboat on the Ohio," by Nelson W. Evans. Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 310-315.
... THE FIRST STEAMBOAT ON THE OHIO THE FIRST STEAMBOAT ON THE OHIO NELSON W EVANS How many of the intelligent reading people of the state know when the first steamboat plowed the waters of the Ohio Where was it built its dimensions and cut the name of the owner and of the boat and the particulars of its first voyage To Nicholas J Roosevelt belongs the honor of first building a steamboat and with it navigating the Ohio But before telling the story it would be well to observe the condition of ...

"Some Ohio Bowlders," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 155-162.
... SOME OHIO BOWLDERS SOME OHIO BOWLDERS E L TAYLOR In the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly July 1905 Mr Basil Meek gave an interesting sketch of A Rock With a History This bowlder is found in Sandusky county seven miles southwest of the city of Fremont The article referred to has induced me to give a short account of three large granite bowlders found in Franklin county and near the city of Columbus The first of these is located in the bottom of a ravine or rather the bed of a ...