Ohio History Journal

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"Useful Results of Historical Controversy: An Illustration and Suggestion, The," by William Z. Davis. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 566-571.
... THE USEFUL RESULTS OF HISTORICAL CONTROVERSY THE USEFUL RESULTS OF HISTORICAL CONTROVERSY An Illustration and Suggestion WILLIAM Z DAVIS LL D Judge Ohio Supreme Court The present controversy about the discovery of the North Pole suggests the thought that the truth of history is established by adverse criticism and thorough investigaton and that the truth cannot be hidden forever A striking illustration of this is found in the bibliography of the discussion over the question Who discovered the ...

"Siege of Fort Meigs, The," by H. W. Compton. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 315-330.
... The Siege of Fort Meigs The Siege of Fort Meigs 315 THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS BY H W COMPTON The construction of Fort Meigs by General William Henry Harrison in the early spring of 1813 and its siege by the British general Proctor and the renowned chief Tecumseh in May of that year was one of the important incidents in the war of 1812 But few of those who now look at the ruins of Fort Meigs slumbering upon the high grassy plateau opposite the village of Maumee can realize the fearful struggle ...

"Franklinton-An Historical Address," by John Beatty. Volume 6, Number 1, January, 1898, pp. 59-71.
... Franklinton-An Historical Address Franklinton -A n Historical Address 59 FRANKLINTON--AN HISTORICAL ADDRESS By GENERAL JOHN BEATTY A few rods from where we are assembled to-day the waters of the Olentangy unite with those of the Scioto and together flow down to the Ohio thence to the Mississippi and so onward to a gulf of the Atlantic ocean Southwardly from the place where the two streams meet there was at the time to which we propose to refer a broad handsome stretch of valley land where good ...

"Ancient Work Near Oxford, Ohio," by R. W. McFarland. Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 265-271.
... ANCIENT WORK NEAR OXFORD OHIO ANCIENT WORK NEAR OXFORD OHIO In the first volume of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge Mr McBride gives a cut and description of this work1 But both plat and description vary so widely from the facts that it seems desirable to bring the case up again Mr MacLean in his Mound Builders reproduces the figure and copies the chief points of the general statement They differ as to the locality McBride being entirely right but McLean putting it in the wrong township ...

"Birth Places of Three Ohio Presidents," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 117-122.
... BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BY FELIX J KOCH Ohio has been well-named The Mother of Presidentsand while to give the list of all the Chief Executives who were either born or who grew up -for some years at least - within her confines were tedious -it is an interesting play of the Fates worthy the noting that three Presidential birthplaces are so closely located one to another that a day's motor jaunt out from Cincinnati permits of one visiting them ...

"Ohio Heritage, The," by Walter Havinghurst. Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 211-218.
... THE OHIO HERITAGE THE OHIO HERITAGE by WALTER HAVIGHURST Research Professor of English Miami University The past is a short word with a long meaning Once a tropic ocean covered Ohio and now the limestone ledges of our rivers are crusted with sea shells skeletons of fish and stems of coral from the profuse life of that ancient sea Three times a continental glacier crept over Ohio covering as much as three-fourths of the state with a vast carpet of ice Once a race of men raised burial mounds ...

"The Shaker Community of Warren County: Its Origin, Rise, Progress and Decline," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 251-304.
... The Shaker Community of Warren County The Shaker Community of Warren County 251 THE SHAKER COMMUNITY OF WARREN COUNTY ITS ORIGIN RISE PROGRESS AND DECLINE By J P MACLEAN PH D INTRODUCTION Located three miles west of Lebanon Ohio is the seat of the bishopric of the Shaker communities west of the Allegheny Mountains The tract of land possessed by them is irregular in its boundaries and embraces 4500 acres of as rich soil as may be found in the state Its location meets the approval of the most ...

"The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910," by Charles E. Brown. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 333-359.
... THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY STATE FIELD ASSEMBLY July 29-30 1910 REPORT BY CHARLES E BROWN CURATOR Several years ago the Wisconsin Archaeological Society adopted the plan of holding summer field meetings of its members in various sections of Wisconsin which were known to be rich in prehistoric Indian remains The purpose of these annual gatherings was doubly that of extending their acquaintance with the features of the local archaeological field and ...

"Address of General Brinkerhoff" (John Chapman Monument) Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 304-305.
... 304 Ohio Arch 3 04 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications ADDRESS OF GENERAL BRINKERHOFF General Roeliff Brinkerhoff of the Board of Park Commissioners in his address spoke as follows We have met here today to dedicate a monument to one of the earliest and most unselfish of Ohio benefactors His name was John Chapman but to the pioneers he was everywhere known as Johnny Appleseed The field of his operations in Ohio was mainly the valleys of the Muskingum river and its tributaries and his ...

"Background and Youth of the Seventh Ohio President," by Ray Baker Harris. Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 260-275.
... BACKGROUND AND YOUTH OF THE SEVENTH OHIO BACKGROUND AND YOUTH OF THE SEVENTH OHIO PRESIDENT1 BY RAY BAKER HARRIS News still traveled slowly in the 1860's Although the telegraph was by that time in use between principal cities news to a large degree continued to be transmitted by stagecoach by trains such as they were by boats and by human carriers However belated its appearance in print the news in the public press during the week of October 30 1865 was of considerable historic importance In ...

"Ohio in Short Stories, 1824-1839," by Lucille B. Emch. Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 209-250.
... OHIO IN SHORT STORIES 1824-1839 OHIO IN SHORT STORIES 1824-1839 BY LUCILLE B EMCH In the Ohio Valley of the 1820 ' s and 1830's there occurred a stir of literary activity which for the time and character of the events was most unusual The perspective gained by the passing of more than a century adds to rather than detracts from the significance of the movement The publishing center of the West during the twenties and thirties was Cincinnati which with a population of 24831 in 1830 was by far ...

"Historic Worthington," by Mira Clarke Parsons. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 71-82.
... HISTORIC WORTHINGTON HISTORIC WORTHINGTON MIRA CLARKE PARSONS One hundred years ago in the month of October the quiet of the wilderness where Worthington now stands was broken by the arrival of forty families under the leadership of James Kilbourne The journey had occupied more than six weeks They came from Granby and Simsbury Conn representing many trades and occupations and bringing the hope and courage needed in founding a new home in a strange land The previous year their leader and Nathan ...

"Sorrow of the Nations: In Memoriam of Wm. McKinley, The," by John P. Smith. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 385-387.
... The Sorrow of the Nations The Sorrow of the Nations 385 THE SORROW OF THE NATIONS IN MEMORIAM WM MCKINLEY BY JOHN P SMITH SHARPSBURG MARYLAND Corresponding Member of the Maryland Historical Society and of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society There's darkness over every land - Man takes his fellow by the hand The hearts of men now almost fail For all the earth is one sad wail There's sorrow in the hut and hall Our land's enshrouded with a pall The bells of death do sadly toll ...

"Mr. Richardson's Address (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 371-374.
... Old Fort Sandoski and the De Lery Portage Old Fort Sandoski and the De Lery Portage 37 1 Indians which eventually led to his dismissal from the service His distinguished engineer Montresor was left to rebuild the fort which however was only partially accomplished There is not much more recorded concerning the portage of old Fort Sandoski until the War of 1812 when after the victory of Commodore Perry on September 10 1813 General Harrison with his entire army moved down from his headquarters at ...

Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 103-110.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Beginnings of the U S Army 1783-1812 By James Ripley Jacobs Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press 1947 497p including bibliography and index 500 This handsomely bound beautifully printed and heavily footnoted volume relates in considerable detail and in extremely readable form the military history of the United States from the end of hostilities with Britain in 1783 to their outbreak again in 1812 It is the first of several volumes that will carry the ...

"Town of Tallmadge-The Bacons and Shakespeare, The," by T. C. Mendenhall. Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 590-612.
... THE TOWN OF TALLMADGE--THE BACONS THE TOWN OF TALLMADGE--THE BACONS AND SHAKESPEARE BY T C MENDENHALL The two ends of my topic seem widely separated both in space and in time thousands of miles in space and hundreds of years in time The object of this paper is to bridge this gap to give some information about the one and to show how its story may be of tremendous significance to the other First then the Town of Tallmadge I use the word town in that larger finer sense in which it is generally ...

"Some Errors Corrected," by Charles E. Slocum. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 480-485.
... 480 Ohio Arch 480 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications SOME ERRORS CORRECTED BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO The following regarding several historic places in north western Ohio is submitted as a plea for greater care by writers and speakers that errors in historical data may lessen rather than increase FORT MIAMI THE STILL-EXISTING EARTHWORKS OF WHICH ARE WITHIN THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF MAUMEE OHIO The pamphlet containing the Appeal of the Maumee Valley Monumental ...

"Mount Pleasant and the Early Quakers of Ohio," by James L. Burke and Donald E. Bensch. Volume 83, Number 4, Autumn, 1974, pp. 220-255.
... JAMES L JAMES L BURKE DONALD E BENSCH Mount Pleasant and The Early Quakers of Ohio In the charming old village of Mount Pleasant Jefferson County Ohio stands a monument to one of America's small but influential denominations the Society of Friends or Quakers People of other religious affiliations settled in Mount Pleasant too but the early history of the Mount Pleasant area was strongly influenced by those Friends who were among its first settlers Their monument is the large brick meeting ...

"Fortunes of a Circuit Rider, The," by Paul H. Boase. Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 91-115, notes 167-170.
... by PAUL H BOASE The itinerancy the traveling ministry of the Methodist Church distinguished the Methodist plan of church government from all other ecclesiastical systems on the American frontier While most denominations employed mounted missionaries as evangelical emissaries to the West only the Wesleyans geared their entire program to an intricately developed circuit system virtually compelling Methodist preachers to ride abreast of the westward bound pioneers In sparsely settled regions ...

"Navigation on the Muskingum," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 408-424.
... NAVIGATION ON THE MUSKINGUM NAVIGATION ON THE MUSKINGUM IRVEN TRAVIS MCCONNELSVILLE Mr Irven Travis the writer of this article was born near Roxbury Windsor Township Morgan County August 17 1849 His father John Travis lived in McConnelsville where he was employed in building flat-boats in the summer and taking them to New Orleans in the winter Mr Irven Travis became a pilot on the river boats at the age of twenty serving in that capacity on the steamers Carrie Brooks Perry Smith Oella Gen H F ...